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Activité :
- Gestion et développement du laboratoire d’étude des inclusions magmatiques.
- Analyse sur microsonde, MEB, LA-ICPMS, SIMS, spectrométrie FTIR et RAMAN.
- Expérimentation en fours 1 atmosphère et autoclaves à chauffage externe et interne couplés à un système de décompression.
Responsabilités administratives :
- Représentant du personnel ITA au conseil de laboratoire (2008-2017).
- Assistant de prévention du LMV (2017-)
Enseignement :
- Etablissement : Université Blaise Pascal et Polytech’Clermont
- Discipline : Géologie, pétrologie, terrain.
- Nature : TD et TP
- Niveau : Licence, Master et école d’ingénieur
Publications LMV :
Rang A :
- Aydar E., Çubukçu H.E., Bal C., Cluzel N., Aladağ C.H., Ersoy O., Laporte D. (2024). Volcanic jets to commercial jets: synopsis and diagnosis. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.71, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01759-z -
- Gailler L., Bouligand C., Kauahikaua J., Lénat J.F., Cluzel N. (2024). The Subsurface Structure of the Kīlauea Caldera Before Its 2018 Collapse Inferred From Ground Magnetic, SP, and Temperatures Anomalies. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.129, p.e2023JB028005, - DOI:10.1029/2023JB028005 -
- Boudoire G., Pasdeloup G., Schiavi F., Cluzel N., Rafflin V., Grassa F., Giuffrida G., Liuzzo M., Harris A., Laporte D., Rizzo A.L. (2023). Magma storage and degassing beneath the youngest volcanoes of the Massif Central (France): Lessons for the monitoring of a dormant volcanic province. Chemical Geology vol.634, p.121603, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121603 -
- Buso R., Laporte D., Schiavi F., Cluzel N., Fonquernie C. (2022). High-pressure homogenization of olivine-hosted CO2-rich melt inclusions in a piston cylinder: insight into the volatile content of primary mantle melts. European Journal of Mineralogy vol.34, p.325-349, - DOI:10.5194/ejm-34-325-2022 -
- Feignon J., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Moune S., Roche O., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2022). High CO2 content in magmas of the explosive andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho‑Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.84, p.40, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01550-y -
- Drignon M.J., Albaret L., Cluzel N., Nielsen R.L., Bodnan R.J. (2021). Experimentally induced volumetric re-equilibration of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - DOI:10.1029/2020GC009357 -
- Freitas D., Monteux J., Andrault D., Manthilake G., Mathieu A., Schiavi F., Cluzel N. (2021). Thermal conductivities of solid and molten silicates: Implications for dynamos in mercury-like proto-planets. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.312, p.106655, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106655 -
- Rose-Koga E., Bouvier A., Gaetani G.A., Wallace P.J., Allison C.M., Andrys J.A., Angeles de la Torre C.A., Barth A., Bodnar R.J., Bracco Gartner A.J.J., Butters D., Castillejo A., Chilson-Parks B., Choudhary B.R., Cluzel N., Cole M., Cottrell E., Daly A., Danyushevsky L.V., DeVitre C.L., Drignon M.J., France L., Gaborieau M., Garcia M.O., Gatti E., Genske F.S., Hartley M.E., Hughes E.C., Iveson A.A., Johnson E.R., Jones M., Kagoshima T., Katzir Y., Kawaguchi M., Kawamoto T., Kelley K.A., Koornneef J.M., Kurz M.D., Laubier M., Layne G.D., Lerner A., Lin K.Y., Liu P.P., Lorenzo-Merino A., Luciani N., Magalhães N., Marschall H.R., Michael P.J., Monteleone B.D., Moore L.R., Moussallam Y., Muth M., Myers M.L., Narvaez D., Navon O., Newcombe M.E., Nichols A.R.L., Nielsen R.L., Pamukcu A., Plank T., Rasmussen D.J., Roberge J., Schiavi F., Schwartz D., Shimizu K., Shimizu K., Shimizu N., Thomas J.B., Thompson G.T., Tucker J.M., Ustunisik G., Waelkens C., Zhang Y., Zhou T. (2021). Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation. Chemical Geology vol.570, p.120145, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120145 -
- Schiavi F., Bolfan-Casanova N., Buso R., Laumonier M., Laporte D., Medjoubi K., Venugopal S., Gomez-Ulla A., Cluzel N., Hardiagon M. (2020). Quantifying magmatic volatiles by Raman microtomography of glass inclusion-hosted bubbles. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.16, p.17-24, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.2038 -
- Gailler L., Kauahikaua J., Lénat J.F., Revil A., Gresse M., Ahmed A.S., Cluzel N., Manthilake G., Gurioli L., Johnson T., Finizola A., Delcher E. (2019). 3D electrical conductivity imaging of Halema‘uma‘u lava lake(Kīlauea volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.381, p.185-192, - DOI:10.1016/j.volgeores.2019.06.001.
- Bani P., Tamburello G., Rose-Koga E., Liuzzo M., Aiuppa A., Cluzel N., Amat I., Syahbana D.K., Gunawan H., Bitetto M. (2018). Dukono, the predominant source of volcanic degassing in Indonesia, sustained by a depleted Indian-MORB. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.80, 5, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-017-1178-9.
- Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Thivet S., Valer M., Villeneuve N., Boudoire G., Peltier A., Bachèlery P., Ferrazzini V., Métrich N., Benbakkar M., Cluzel N., Constantin C., Devidal J.L., Fonquernie C., Hénot J.M. (2018). Corrigendum to “Integrating field, textural, and geochemical monitoring to track eruption triggers and dynamics: a case study from Piton de la Fournaise” published in Solid Earth, 9, 431–455, 2018. Solid Earth vol.9, p.431-455, - DOI:10.5194/se-9-431-2018-corrigendum.
- Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Thivet S., Valer M., Villeneuve N., Boudoire G., Peltier A., Bachèlery P., Ferrazzini V., Métrich N., Benbakkar M., Cluzel N., Constantin C., Devidal J.L., Fonquernie C., Hénot J.M. (2018). Integrating field, textural, and geochemical monitoring to track eruption triggers and dynamics: a case study from Piton de la Fournaise. Solid Earth vol.9, p.431-455, - DOI:10.5194/se-9-431-2018.
- Revil A., Ghorbani A., Gailler L., Gresse M., Cluzel N., Panwar N., Sharma R. (2018). Electrical conductivity and induced polarization investigations at Kilauea volcano, Hawai'i. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.368, p.31-50, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.10.014.
- Choi H.O., Choi S.H., Schiano P., Cho M., Cluzel N., Devidal J.L., Ha K. (2017). Geochemistry of olivine-hosted melt inclusions in the Baekdusan (Changbaishan) basalts: Implications for recycling of oceanic crustal materials into the mantle source. Lithos vol.284-285, p.194-206, - DOI:10.106/j.lithos.2017.04.006 -
- Colombier M., Gurioli L., Druitt T., Shea T., Boivin P., Miallier D., Cluzel N. (2017). Textural evolution ofmagma during the 9.4-ka trachytic explosive eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.79, p.17, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-017-1099-7.
- Druitt T., Mercier M., Florentin L., Deloule E., Cluzel N., Médard E., Cadoux A. (2016). Magma storage and extraction during plinian and interplinian periods at Santorini caldera (Greece). Journal of Petrology vol.57, p.461-494, - DOI:10.1093/petrology/egw015.
- Schiavi F., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2016). P–V–T–X evolution of olivine-hosted melt inclusions during high-temperature homogenization treatment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.172, p.1-21, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.09.025.
- Boivin P., Miallier D., Cluzel N., Devidal J.L., Dousteyssier B. (2015). Building and ornamental use of trachyte in the center of France during antiquity: Sources and criteria of identification. Journal of Archaeological Science vol.3, p.247-256, - DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.06.017.
- Raimbourg H., Thiéry R., Vacelet M., Ramboz C., Cluzel N., Le Trong E., Yamaguchi A., Kimura G. (2014). A new method of reconstituting the P–T conditions of fluid circulation in an accretionary prism (Shimanto, Japan) from microthermometry of methane-bearing aqueous inclusions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 125, 96-109. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2013.09.025.
- Chen Y., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2013). Magma ascent rate and initial water concentration inferred from diffusive water loss from olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, v. 165, p. 525-541. - DOI:10.1007/s00410-012-0821-x.
- Charlier B., Namur O., Toplis M.J., Schiano P., Cluzel N., Higgins M.D., Vander Auwera J. (2011). Large-scale silicate liquid immiscibility during differentiation of tholeiitic basalt to granite and the origin of the Daly gap: Geology, v. 39, p. 907-910. - DOI:10.1130/G32091.1.
- Chen Y., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2011). The rate of water loss from olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 162, p. 625-636. - DOI:10.1007/s00410-011-0616-5.
- Hamada M., Laporte D., Cluzel N., Koga K., Kawamoto T. (2010). Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: constraints from fast decompression experiments Bulletin of Volcanology, 72, 735-746. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-010-0353-z.
Rang A (avant 2010):
- Cluzel N., Laporte D., Provost A. , Kannewisher I., (2008). Kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation in rhyolitic melts : Implications for the number density of bubbles in volcanic conduits and for pumice texture Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156:745-763, doi:10.1007/s00410-008-0313-1.
Rang B et C :
- Buso R., Laporte D., Schiavi F., Cluzel N., Laumonier M. (2023). CO2-rich basanitic magmas generation in continental intraplate regions : Insight from olivine-hosted melt inclusions in the Bas-Vivarais volcanic province (Ardèche, France). Goldschmidt Conference 2023, France, 9-14 juillet 2023.
- Gallo R., Barreau L., Cluzel N., Shea T., Lerner A., Wallace P., Gansecki C. (2023). Origin and thermal history of the magma that fed the onset of the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption at Kilauea Volcano. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zeland, 30 Janvier-3 Février 2023.
- Paul A., Mordret A., Aubert C., Battaglia J., Boudoire G., Cluzel N., Duchène S., Laporte D., Pauchet H., Scheiblin G., Shapiro N.M., Sylvander M., Vanderhaeghe O., Vergne J. (2023). Maciv: Un nouveau réseau sismique multi-échelle pour étudier le volcanisme du Massif Central. p.14-15, Lettre d'information Rési, 23, -
- Paul A., Mordret A., Aubert C., Battaglia J., Boudoire G., Cluzel N., Duchène S., Laporte D., Pauchet H., Scheiblin G., Shapiro N.M., Sylvander M., Vanderhaeghe O?, Vergne J., ANR MACIV (2022). ANR MACIV : New seismic imaging of the crustal and lithospheric scale structures of the Franch Massif Central. Réunion spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France : Evolution de la chaîne varisque et ressources associées, Paris, France, 29 novembre 2022.
- Rafflin V., Boudoire G., Harris A., Gailler L., Massaro S., Costa A., Stocchi M., Grasa F., Giuffrida G., Liuzzo M., Cluzel N., Gal F., Planche C., Pasdeloup G., Banson S. (2022). Multi-hasard assessment in a quiescent volcanic area: the case study of Lake Pavin (France) and its surroundings. Cities on volcanoes 11, Heraklion (Crête), 12-17 juin 2022.
- Buso R., Laporte D., Laumonier M., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Devidal J.L., Fonquernie C. (2021). The composition of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Bas-Vivarais volcanic province (Ardèche, France): insight into melt generation processes. MEREMA 2nd Edition, International School on Mantle Dynamics, Sestri Levante, Italy, 25-29/10/2021.
- Drignon M.J., Schiavi F., Li W., Cluzel N., Bouvet de Maisonneuve C. (2021). Investigating the role of volatile sources in the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo (Philippines). Goldschmidt, 4-9 July 2021.
- Cluzel N. (2020). Les inclusions magmatiques: fenêtres sur le processus internes des volcans. LAVE p.43-47, 197.
- Degraffenried R., Cluzel N., Sheat T., Hammer J. (2020). Experimental examination of the melt embayment method ofr determining magma decompression rate. Goldschmidt 2020, 21-26 juin 2020.
- Degraffenried R., Cluzel N., Sheat T., Hammer J. (2020). Experimental examination of the melt embayment method ofr determining magma decompression rate. AGU Fall Meeting, 1-17 décembre 2020.
- Feignon J.G., Roche O., Moune S., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2019). High CO2 content in magmas at an arc volcano : the andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho-Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-16065-1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2019.
- Peltier A., Finizola A., Delcher E., Chaput M., Gailler L., Francke J., Froger J.L., Villeneuve N., Cluzel N., Del Manzo G., Soler F., Gusset R., Gonano E. (2019). Imaging the deep interior of Piton de la Fournaise. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-5167, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2019.
- Shea T., Lerner A.H., Powers N., Moore L., Wallace P.J., Degraffenried R., Mourey A., Cluzel N., Konter J.G., Lee R.L., Gansecki C.A. (2019). Storage conditions and longevity of rift zone magmas at Kilauea volcano, Hawai’i: melt incusions insights from 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption. AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, 9-13 décembre 2019.
- Cichy S.B., Botcharnikov R.E., Friese K.I., Cluzel N., Holtz F., Marone F. (2018). Insights on decompression-induced crytallization and degassing processes revealed by 3D rock textures. Goldschmidt Conference 2018, Boston, 12-17 aout 2018.
- Cluzel N. (2018). Introducing the melt inclusions laboratory of Clermont. An application to melt inclusions from Montcineyre, Massif Central, France. The Kumamoto International Symposium on Recent Advancements of Mineralogy and Petrology XI and The Eight Meeting of research Concortium on High-pressure Research, Kumamoto, 2 novembre 2018.
- Cluzel N. (2018). Introducing the melt inclusions laboratory of Clermont. An application to melt inclusions from Montcineyre, Massif Central, France. The Kumamoto International Symposium on Recent Advancements of Mineralogy and Petrology XI and The Eight Meeting of research Concortium on High-pressure Research, Kumamoto, 2 novembre 2018.
- Cluzel N. (2018). Volcans d'Auvergne, 25 Ma d'activité. 17ème journées de formation du RCCM (Réseau des Centres Communs de Microscopie-CNRS), Clermont-Ferrand, 7 juin 2018.
- Cluzel N., Bani P., Tamburello G., Rose-Koga E., Liuzzo M., Aiuppa A., Amats I., Syahbana D.K., Syahbana H., Gunawan Dukono H., Bitteto M. (2018). The predominant source of volcanic degassing in Indonesia, sustained by depleted Indian-MORB. Pre-Conference Workshop Goldschmidt Conference 2018 " Mineral-hosted melt inclusions: How do we read the stories they have to tell?, Woods Hole, 10-12 aout 2018.
- Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Laporte D., Briot D., Deniel C., Boivin P., Chapuis A., Devidal J.L., Hénot J.M., Benbakkar M., Fonquernie C. (2018). Geochemistry of olivine-hosted melt inclusions of the ~ 7 ky basanitic Montcineyre eruption, Massif Central, France. EMPG16, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.
- Peltier A., Fontaine F.J., Finizola A., Richter N., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Froger J.L., Got J.L., Antoine R., Delcher E., Chaput M., Gailler L., Cluzel N., SlideVOLC project team (2018). Volcano destabilizations: From observations to an integrated model of active deformation. AGU Fall meeting, Washington D.C., 10-14 décembre 2018.
- Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Miallier D., Arbaret N., Benbakkar M., Cluzel N., Connier Y., Desmis D., Devidal J.L., Gaime S., Hautavoine J.M., Martin G., Pilleyre T., Pigeron O., Roger J., Roussel E., Vautier F., Voldoire O., Wittmann A. (2016). Le Projet Collectif de Recherche « trachyte ». Les résultats de l’année 2015. p.125-126, Journée Régionale de l'Archéologie. AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES, Clermont-Ferrand, DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
- Cluzel N. (2015). Portraits de microscopistes, La microscopie en Auvergne. p.68-69, Muséum Henri-Lecoq et Ville de Clermont-Ferrand (ed.).
- Montalbano S., Schiano P., Cluzel N., Bolle O., Van der Auwera J. (2015). Two differentiation trends and parent magmas at Calbuco volcano (CSVZ, Chile). Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague, 16-21 aout 2015.
- Jordan S., Colombier M., Gurioli L., Cluzel N., Shea T. (2014). Integration of porosity, connectivity and permeability measurements to quantify syneruptive degassing. Summer school, “Magmatic volatiles: from generation to atmospheric loading” 1 to 5 July 2014, Stóru-Tjarnir, Iceland. .
- Koga K., Laporte D., Rose-Koga E., Cluzel N. (2014). Experimental and numerical simulations of Li isotope fractionation during H2O degassing of rhyolitic magma. AGU Fall meeting, Sacramento. .
- Mercier M., Druitt T., Deloule E., Cluzel N., Cadoux A., Florentin L. (2014). Santorini volcano plumbing system : Constraints from melt inclusion volatile contents, 2014 MeMoVolc Summer school 'Magmatic volatiles : from generation to atmospheric loading, Stóru-Tjarnir, Iceland, 1-5 juillet 2014. .
- Miallier D., Boivin P., Cluzel N., Dousteyssier B. (2014). Une carrière antique de grande envergure dans le cratère d’un volcan. In: Dousteyssier, E. P. B. B. (ed.) Éclats Arvernes. Fragments archéologiques (Ier-Ve siècle apr. J.C.). Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 248-249. .
- Montalbano S., Bolle O., Schiano P., Cluzel N., Vander Auwera J. (2014). Bulk rock and melt inclusion analyses indicate bimodal distribution in Calbuco volcano (Chile). EGU general assembly 2014, Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014. .
- Mercier M., Druitt T., Deloule E., Cluzel N. (2013). Santorini Volcano plumbing system: constraints from melt inclusion volatile contents. in IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Kagoshima, Japan. .
- Moune S., Carn S., Cluzel N., Aguilera F. (2013). Volatile budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile) from various and integrated approaches. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 décembre 2013.
- Schiano P., Provost A., Cluzel N. (2013). Constraints from fluid inclusions in mantle minerals on the composition of subduction-zone fluids. in AGU 2013 Fall meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 December. .
- Schiavi F., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2013). Physical evolution of olivine-hosted melt inclusions during high-T homogenization treatments. in Goldschmidt conference, Florence, 25-30 Août. .
- Hardiagon M., Laporte D., Cluzel N. (2012). Simulating magma ascent and degassing in a piston-cylinder apparatus: pressure calibration as a function of decompression rate. Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, EMPG XIV - International Conference, Kiel, Germany, March 4-7.
- Moune S., Carn, S., Cluzel N., Aguilera F., Amigo, A. (2012). Volatile budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile) from various and integrated approaches. Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, 24-29 Juin 2012.
- Sigmarsson O., Laporte D., Marti J., Devouard B., Cluzel N. (2012). Mafic intrusion remobilising silicic magma under El Hierro, Canary Islands. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-12251. EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 22-27 April 2012. .
- Cluzel N. (2011). Microscope polarisant en transmission/réflexion. Microscopie et micro-analyse in-situ à haute température. 1ère Rencontre des microscopistes clermontois, Clermont-Ferrand, 6 Octobre.
- Koga K., Rose-Koga E., Laporte D., Cluzel N., Shimizu N., Deloule E. (2011). Lithium-boron isotope fractionation during degassing of rhyolitic magma: Goldschmidt 2011, 14-19 August, Prague. .
- Miallier D., Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Cluzel N. (2011). L’usage du trachyte dans le centre de la France. Sources potentielles, critères d’identification et exemples d’utilisation durant l’époque gallo-romaine: 18e colloque du GMPCA Archéométrie 2011. Liège 11-15 Avril 2011. .
- Chen Y., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2010). Water content in olivine-hosted melt inclusions measured by Raman spectroscopy and possible effect of water reequilibration during mamga ascent and eruption. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 décembre 2010.
- Chen Y., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2010). Water loss from melt inclusion in olivine and its geological significance. EMPG XIII 2010, Toulouse, 12-14 April.
- Koga K., Rose-Koga E., Laporte D., Cluzel N. (2010). Lithium-boron depletion during degassing of rhyolitic magma. Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. EMPG XIII - International Conference. April 12-14, 2010, Toulouse, France. .
- Miailler D., Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Cluzel N. (2010). Rapport de sondages et d'analyses le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme) - Octobre 2009/mars 2010. .
- Miallier D., Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Cluzel N., avec la collaboration de :, Besson J.C., Couturié J.P., Dando M., Devidal J.L., Dupoux A., Pointud F., Farrié B., Fruquière J.L., Labazuy P., Merle A., Meunier G., Parent D., Petit S., Pruneyrolles L., Verdier P. (2010). Nouvelles données sur l’exploitation antique et médiévale des trachytes de la Chaîne des Puys. Journée Régionale de l'Archéologie. DRAC Auvergne. 15 janvier 2010. Clermont-Ferrand. .
Rang B et C (avant 2010):
- M. Hamada, D. Laporte, N. Cluzel, K.T. Koga and T. Kawamoto, Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: Constraints from fast decompression experiments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 décembre 2009 (poster presentation).
- Y. Chen, A. Provost, P. Schiano and N. Cluzel, Water loss from olivine-hosted melt inclusions, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 décembre 2009 (oral presentation).
- M. Hamada, D. Laporte, N. Cluzel, K.T. Koga and T. Kawamoto, Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: Constraints from fast decompression experiments, Fall Meeting of the Volcanological Society of Japan, 10-12 Octobre 2009 (oral presentation).
- D. Laporte, A. Provost, N. Cluzel, C. Mourtada-Bonnefoi, M. Hamada, K.T. Koga and E.F. Rose-Koga, Simulating magma ascent in the laboratory: Implications for the physics and the chemistery of magma degassing in volcanic conduits, In « Eruption dynamics and regimes: Integrated techniques of measurement and modelling », European Science Foundation Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, 11-13 Septembre 2009 (oral presentation).
- K.T. Koga, N. Cluzel, E.F. Rose-Koga, D. Laporte and N. Shimizu, Experimental demonstration of lithium-boron depletion during magma degassing, (EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 89 (53) (2008) Falle meeting Supplement, Abstract V31B-2143). AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, 14-18 décembre 2008 (oral presentation).
- K.T. Koga, N. Cluzel, E.F. Rose-Koga, D. Laporte and N. Shimizu, Experimental demonstration of lithium-boron depletion during magma degassing, 6ème Forum de technologie des hautes pressions, Batz-sur-Mer, octobre 2008 (oral presentation).
- D. Laporte, N. Cluzel, M. Hamada and A. Provost, Kinetics of heterogeneous bubble nucleation in rhyolitic melts : Implications for the number and size of bubbles in pumices, EMPG Conference Abstract 2008, Innsbuck, Austria, September 8-10th 2008. (oral presentation).
- M. Hamada, D. Laporte, N. Cluzel, K.T. Koga and T. Kawamoto, Bubble number densities in rhyolitic pumices : Constraints from fast decompression experiments, JGU Meeting 2008, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, 25-30 Mai 2008 (poster presentation).
- N. Cluzel, D. Laporte, A. Provost and I. Kannewischer, An experimental study of heterogeneous bubble nucleation in oxide-bearing rhyolitic magmas, Geophysical Research Abstract, vol. 8, 06111, EGU 2006. (oral presentation).
- B. Devouard, N. Cluzel, D. Laporte, and H. Leroux, Experimental investigation of wetting textures in the Fe-Ni-S system; Application to Bencubbin-like (CB) meteorites. Abstract of the 19th General Meeting of the IMA, Kobe, Japan, July 23-28, 2006. (oral presentation).
- G. Levieux, J. Arnaud, G. Avard, L. Bennati, J.A. Chávez, N. Cluzel, V. Cruz, A. Finizola, N. Fournier, K. Gonzales, M. Lacarin, P. Llerena, O. Macedo, M. Moreau, A. Nave, R. Nave, P.G. Scholl, J. Taco, E. Taipe, J.-C. Thouret, W. Zezenarro, Volcanic risk mitigation and sustainable development. Application to Misti and Ubinas volcanoes in south Peru, Abstract of Cities on volcanoes 4 , International volcanological congress, vol.4, p.131, 2006 – Quito, Ecuador, January 23-27th 2006. (poster presentation).
- N. Cluzel, D. Laporte, I. Kannewischer and A. Provost, Bubble number densities in rhyolitic magmas: Importance for the dynamics of magmas ascent and volatile exsolution, Geophysical Research Abstract, vol. 7, 06428, EGU 2005. (oral presentation).
- D. Laporte, C. Mourtada-Bonnefoi, N. Cluzel, I.Kannewischer, C. de Jonghe and A. Provost, Simulating magma ascent in the laboratory. Implication for the kinetics of bubble nucleation in rhyolitic magmas, Abstract of the International workshop on explosion in KOBE, Japan January 11-13th 2005 (invited).
- N. Cluzel, B. Devouard, D. Laporte and H. Leroux, Wetting textures in partially molten Fe-Ni-S systems: An experimental study with applications to meteorites, Abstracts of the Tenth international symposium on Experimental mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, Lithos, vol. 73, suppl.1-2, p.S19, EMPG 2004. (poster presentation).
- Aydar E., Çubukçu H.E., Bal C., Cluzel N., Aladağ C.H., Ersoy O., Laporte D. (2024). Volcanic jets to commercial jets: synopsis and diagnosis. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.71, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01759-z -