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Thèmes de Recherche : - Géochimie des inclusions magmatiques piégées dans les phénocristaux primitifs des laves
- Redox des magmas
- Fusion du manteau, transport et mélange des magmas primaires et différenciation des magmas
- Partage minéraux/liquide silicaté des éléments traces
- Outils : pétrologie expérimentale (piston-cylindre, four 1 atm, autoclave, fours de micro-thermométrie optique), micro-analyse (microsonde, MEB, LA-ICP-MS, SIMS, μXANES), modélisation géochimique, pétrographie.
Parcours professionnel : - Depuis 2013 : Maître de conférences au Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université Blaise Pascal puis Université Clermont Auvergne
- Août 2012 – août 2013 : Associée et Assistante-Enseignante, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, Etats-Unis)
- 2009 – 2012 : Associée de recherche, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, Etats-Unis).
- 2007 – 2009 : Post-Doc, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, Etats-Unis).
- 2003 – 2006 : Monitrice, Université Blaise Pascal, France
Thèse de doctorat en pétrologie – géochimie : “L’apport des inclusions magmatiques primitives à l’origine des basaltes océaniques : Exemples de la zone FAMOUS (ride médio-Atlantique Nord) et du point chaud de la Réunion” ; Dir.: Pierre Schiano and Didier Laporte ; Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives : - Depuis 2021 : Co-responsable de la Licence de Sciences de la Vie Parcours SVT
- Depuis 2019 : Référente pédagogique Relations Internationales pour la composante OPGC
- Depuis 2019 : Membre invitée au Conseil du Laboratoire
- 2017 – 2021 : Responsable de la Licence de Sciences de la Terre de l’OPGC, UCA
- 2018 – 2022 : Membre élue rang B du Conseil de l’OSU OPGC
- 2018 – 2021 : Membre du Conseil pédagogique de l’OPGC
- Encadrement de thèse de doctorat : Marion Gaborieau (2016 – 2019)
Activités d’enseignement : - Etablissement : Université Clermont Auvergne
- Discipline : introduction à la géologie générale, pétrologie magmatique, géodynamique interne, géologie et cartographie de terrain, géochimie, projet personnel professionnel
- Niveau : Licence, Master
Publications LMV depuis 2013 :
Rang A :
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2023). Determination of the oxidation state of primary melts using two proxies. Chemical Geology - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121701 -
- Rose-Koga E., Bouvier A., Gaetani G.A., Wallace P.J., Allison C.M., Andrys J.A., Angeles de la Torre C.A., Barth A., Bodnar R.J., Bracco Gartner A.J.J., Butters D., Castillejo A., Chilson-Parks B., Choudhary B.R., Cluzel N., Cole M., Cottrell E., Daly A., Danyushevsky L.V., DeVitre C.L., Drignon M.J., France L., Gaborieau M., Garcia M.O., Gatti E., Genske F.S., Hartley M.E., Hughes E.C., Iveson A.A., Johnson E.R., Jones M., Kagoshima T., Katzir Y., Kawaguchi M., Kawamoto T., Kelley K.A., Koornneef J.M., Kurz M.D., Laubier M., Layne G.D., Lerner A., Lin K.Y., Liu P.P., Lorenzo-Merino A., Luciani N., Magalhães N., Marschall H.R., Michael P.J., Monteleone B.D., Moore L.R., Moussallam Y., Muth M., Myers M.L., Narvaez D., Navon O., Newcombe M.E., Nichols A.R.L., Nielsen R.L., Pamukcu A., Plank T., Rasmussen D.J., Roberge J., Schiavi F., Schwartz D., Shimizu K., Shimizu K., Shimizu N., Thomas J.B., Thompson G.T., Tucker J.M., Ustunisik G., Waelkens C., Zhang Y., Zhou T. (2021). Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation. Chemical Geology vol.570, p.120145, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120145 -
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., McCammon C.A., Vantelon D., Chumakov A.I., Schiavi F., Neuville D.R., Venugopal S. (2020). Determination of Fe3+/ΣFe of olivine-hosted melt inclusions using Mössbauer and XANES spectroscopy. Chemical Geology vol.547, p.119646, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119646 -
- Laubier M., Grove T.L., Langmuir C.H. (2014). Trace element mineral/melt partitioning for basaltic and basaltic andesitic melts: an experimental and Laser ICP-MS study with application to the oxidation state of mantle source regions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 392, 265-278. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.053.
Rang B et C :
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., McCammon C., Vantelon D., Chumakov A. (2019). Iron speciation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions inferred from Mössbauer spectroscopy. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 1060.
- Le Lay C., Bouvier A-S., Rose-Koga E., Laubier M., Schiano P., Baumgartner L. (2019). Si isotopes and small scale processes in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gaborieau M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Laubier M. (2018). Iron isotopic fractionation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions as an indicator of mantle oxygen fugacity. Goldschmidt Conference 2018, BOSTON, USA.
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., IPNT, Marin-Carbonne J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gannoun A.M., Bosq C. (2018). Iron isotope fractionation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions as an indicator of mantle oxygen fugacity. Pre-Conference Workshop Goldschmidt Conference 2018 "Mineral-hosted melt inclusions: How do we read the stories they have to tell?", Woods Hole, 10-12 Aug 2018.
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., IPNT, Marin-Carbonne J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gannoun A.M., Bosq C. (2018). Iron isotope fractionation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions as an indicator of mantle oxygen fugacity. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 June 2018.
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Ipnt I., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gannoun A.M., Bosq C. (2018). Iron Isotope Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions as an Indicator of Mantle Oxygen Fugacity. Goldschmidt Abstracts 766, Boston.
- Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gaborieau M., McCammon C. (2018). On the use of experimentally derived redox sensors in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2018 1416.
- Laubier M., Gaborieau M., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2018). On the use of experimentally derived redox sensors in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 June 2018.
- Laubier M., Gaborieau M., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2018). Redox sensors applied to olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Pre-Conference Workshop Goldschmidt Conference 2018 "Mineral-hosted melt inclusions: How do we read the stories they have to tell?", Woods Hole, 10-12 Aug 2018.
- Rosenthal A., McCammon C., Crichton W.A., Cerantola V., Chumakov A., Vasilyev P., Laubier M., Andrault D., Jacob D.E., Yaxley G.M., Woodland A.B., Foley S.F., Pearson D.G., Laporte D., Njul R., Schulze H. (2018). Determination of the valence/oxidation state of iron in natural peridotitic and eclogitic garnets by synchrotron Moessbauer spectroscopy. XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Melbourne, Australia, 13-17 August 2018.
- Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Boujibar A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Clesi V., Doucelance R., Hammouda T., Laubier M., Manthilake G., Marin-Carbonne J., Martin H., Moine B., Monteux J., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2017). Environnement de la Terre primitive: Comment construire une planète habitable ? Groupe de Recherche : ''Mécanismes géodynamiques de la Terre primitive''. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.7-40.
- Burton K. W., Parkinson I. J., Schiano P., Gannoun A.M., Laubier M. (2017). The record of mantle heterogeneity preserved in Earth’s oceanic crust. Abstract# V51D-1361, AGU Fall Meeting 2017.
- Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Maurice J. (2017). Linking the redox state of magmas to that of their mantle source. Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, 13-18 August.
- Maurice J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Laubier M., Andrault D. (2017). Experimental investigation of ferric iron partitioning during hydrous melting: Implication for the redox state of arc magmas. Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, 13-18 August.
Rang A :
- Rose-Koga E., et al. (2021). Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation. Chemical Geology vol.570, p.120145
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., McCammon C.A., Vantelon D., Chumakov A.I., Schiavi F., Neuville D.R., Venugopal S. (2020). Determination of Fe3+/ΣFe of olivine-hosted melt inclusions using Mössbauer and XANES spectroscopy. Chemical Geology547, p.119646
- Laubier, M., Grove, T.L., Langmuir, C.H.,Trace element mineral/melt partitioning for basaltic and basaltic andesitic melts: an experimental and Laser ICP-MS study with application to the oxidation state of mantle source regions, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 392, 265-278, 2014.
- Gale, A., Laubier, M., Escrig, S., Langmuir, C.H., Constraints on Melting Processes and Plume-Ridge Interaction from Comprehensive Study of the FAMOUS and North Famous Segments, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 365, 209-220, 2013.
Rang B et C :
- Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Boujibar A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Clesi V., Doucelance R., Hammouda T., Laubier M., Manthilake G., Marin-Carbonne J., Martin H., Moine B., Monteux J., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2017). Environnement de la Terre primitive: Comment construire une planète habitable ? Groupe de Recherche : »Mécanismes géodynamiques de la Terre primitive ». Revue d’Auvergne vol.262-263, p.7-40.
- Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova, N., Maurice J. (2017), Linking the redox state of magmas to that of their mantle source. Goldschmidt conference, Paris, August 14-18.
Autres Publications :
- Gaborieau, M. Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., McCammon C., Vantelon D., Chumakov A. (2019). Iron speciation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions inferred from Mössbauer spectroscopy. Goldschmidt Abstracts, Barcelona 2019, 1060.
- Le Lay C., Bouvier A-S., Rose-Koga E., Laubier M., Schiano P., Baumgartner L. (2019). Si isotopes and small scale processes in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gaborieau, M., Laubier M., IPNT, Marin-Carbonne J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gannoun A.M., Bosq C. (2018). Iron isotope fractionation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions as an indicator of mantle oxygen fugacity. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 June 2018.
- Laubier M., Gaborieau, M., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2018). On the use of experimentally derived redox sensors in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 June 2018.
- Gaborieau, M., Laubier M., IPNT, Marin-Carbonne J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gannoun A.M., Bosq C. (2018). Iron isotope fractionation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions as an indicator of mantle oxygen fugacity. Pre-Conference Workshop Goldschmidt Conference 2018 « Mineral-hosted melt inclusions: How do we read the stories they have to tell? », Woods Hole, 10-12 Aug 2018.
- Laubier M., Gaborieau, M., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2018). Redox sensors applied to olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Pre-Conference Workshop Goldschmidt Conference 2018 « Mineral-hosted melt inclusions: How do we read the stories they have to tell? », Woods Hole, 10-12 Aug 2018.
- Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gaborieau, M., McCammon C. (2018). On the use of experimentally derived redox sensors in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2018 1416, Boston.
- Gaborieau, M., Laubier M., Ipnt I., Bolfan-Casanova N., Gannoun A.M., Bosq C. (2018). Iron Isotope Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions as an Indicator of Mantle Oxygen Fugacity. Goldschmidt Abstracts 766, Boston.
- Laubier, M., Gale, A. & Langmuir, C.H., Melting and crustal processes at the FAMOUS segment (Mid-Atlantic ridge): new insights from olivine-hosted melt inclusions from multiple samples, Pet. 53, 665-692, 2012.
- Le Voyer, M., Rose-Koga, E. F., Laubier, M. & Schiano, P., Petrogenesis of arc lavas from the Rucu Pichincha and Pan de Azucar volcanoes (Ecuadorian arc): Major, trace element, and boron isotope evidences from olivine-hosted melt inclusions, Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q12027, 2008.
- Laubier, M., Schiano, P., Doucelance, R., Ottolini, L. & Laporte, D., Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions and Melting Processes beneath the FAMOUS Zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), Chem. Geol., vol. 240, p. 129-150, 2007.
- Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2023). Determination of the oxidation state of primary melts using two proxies. Chemical Geology - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121701 -