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Thèmes de Recherche :
- Thèmes : Structure, fonctionnement et systèmes hydrothermaux des volcans.
- Objets : La Réunion, Vanuatu, Pérou, Grande Comore, Hawaii.
- Outils : géophysique (magnétisme, gravimétrie, géoélectricité, électromagnétisme), télédétection (imagerie satellite, sonar, MNT), modélisation.
- * Un résumé de ma carrière ici: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xkhib9zEDaigVA1dD45vX79g8T-CVbpZ/view?usp=sharing
- * Quelques photos de terrain ici : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lrLKzbNRzky6at8h7NH7IdFEzJWSbgl6?usp=sharing
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :
- Responsable de l’équipe Volcanologie (22 chercheurs permanents) de l’UMR 6524 (2011-2014)
- Responsable Thème 2 du Labex ClerVolc (Internal structure and deformation of volcanic edifices) (2011-2015)
- Directeur adjoint UMR 6524 « Magmas et Volcans » (2007-2011)
- Directeur adjoint de l’OPGC (1989-98 et 2007-08)
- Chargé de mission à l’INSU (2002- 2006)
Information scientifique, technique et vulgarisation :
- Contributeur et éditeur de livres universitaires sur le volcanisme.
- Interventions sur le volcanisme dans les médias (radio, télévision) et conférences.
Activités d’enseignement :
- Établissement : Université Clermont Auvergne
- -avant retraite en 2015- Discipline : géophysique, télédétection et traitement d’images, volcanologie
- Encadrement de thèses (14 depuis 1988), Master 1 (12 depuis 1997) et Master 2 (12 depuis 1988); Jurys de thèse et HDR (70)
Publications depuis 2010 :
Rang A :
- Gailler L., Bouligand C., Kauahikaua J., Lénat J.F., Cluzel N. (2024). The Subsurface Structure of the Kīlauea Caldera Before Its 2018 Collapse Inferred From Ground Magnetic, SP, and Temperatures Anomalies. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.129, p.e2023JB028005, - DOI:10.1029/2023JB028005 -
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2022). Magnetic Monitoring of Volcanoes. vol.Chap 6, p.265-277, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Donnadieu F. (2022). Gravity Monitoring of Volcanoes. vol.Chap 4, p.217-239, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Labazuy P. (2022). Electrical and Electromagnetic Monitoring of Volcanoes. vol.Chap 5, p.245-262, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). Aléas et surveillance de l'activité volcanique 1 - approches géologiques et historiques.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches. ISTE/WILEY.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches. ISTE/WILEY.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 2 - Seismology, Deformation and Remote Sensing. ISTE/WILEY.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods. ISTE/WILEY.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). Histoire de la surveillance volcanique et développement des méthodes. vol.Chap 4, p.193-223, Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 1 : approches géologiques et historiques (ISBN 978-1-78948-043-6), Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE editions.
- Lénat J.F. (2022). History of Volcanic Monitoring and Development of Methods. vol.Chap 4, p.185-216, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches, ISTE/WILEY.
- Gailler L., Kauahikaua J., Lénat J.F., Revil A., Gresse M., Ahmed A.S., Cluzel N., Manthilake G., Gurioli L., Johnson T., Finizola A., Delcher E. (2019). 3D electrical conductivity imaging of Halema‘uma‘u lava lake(Kīlauea volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.381, p.185-192, - DOI:10.1016/j.volgeores.2019.06.001.
- Portal A., Fargier Y., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F., Boivin P., Miallier D. (2019). 3D electrical imaging of the inner structure of a complex lava dome, Puy de Dôme volcano (French Massif Central, France). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.373, p.97-107, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.01.019 -
- Gailler L., Marti A., Lénat J.F. (2018). Complex structure of Piton de la Fournaise and its underlying lithosphere revealed by magnetotelluric 3D inversion. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.356, p.200-210, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.03.006.
- Chazot G., Lénat J.F., Agranier A., Roche O., Maury R. (2017). Volcanologie. p.368 p., Volcanologie, De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve et Paris.
- Bachèlery P., Lénat J.F., Di Muro A., Michon L. (2016). Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala. Active Volcanoes of the World. Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg (ed.) (ed.).
- Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Chaput M., Gailler L., Finizola A., Dumont S., Peltier A., Bachèlery P., Barde-Cabusson S., Byrdina S., Menny P., Colonge J., Douille G.A., Letort J., Letourneur L., Merle O., Di Gangi F., Nakedau D., Garaebiti E. (2016). Structure and evolution of an active resurgent dome evidenced by geophysical investigations: The Yenkahe dome-Yasur volcano system (Siwi caldera, Vanuatu). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.322, p.241-262, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.08.021.
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Blakely R.J. (2016). Depth to Curie temperature or bottom of the magnetic sources in the volcanic zone of la Réunion hot spot. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.324, p.169-178, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.06.005.
- Lénat J.F. (2016). A brief history of the observation of the Central area of Piton de la Fournaise. p.3-21, Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala. Active Volcanoes of the World, Bachèlery, P., Lénat, J.-F., Di Muro, A., Michon, L. (Editor), doi: 10,1007/978-3-642-31395-0_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg (ed.).
- Lénat J.F. (2016). Construction of La Réunion. p.31-44, Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala. Active Volcanoes of the World, Bachèlery, P., Lénat, J.-F., Di Muro, A., Michon, L. (Editor), doi: 10,1007/978-3-642-31395-0_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg (ed.).
- Lénat J.F. (2016). Geodynamic setting of La Réunion Island. p.23-30, Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala. Active Volcanoes of the World,Bachèlery, P., Lénat, J.-F., Di Muro, A., Michon, L. (Editor), doi: 10,1007/978-3-642-31395-0_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg (ed.).
- Michon L., Lénat J.F., Bachèlery P., Di Muro A. (2016). Geology and morphostructural Evolution of Piton de la Fournaise. p.45-59, Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala. Active Volcanoes of the World, doi: 10,1007/978-3-642-31395-0_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg (ed.).
- Portal A., Gailler L., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F. (2016). Geophysical imaging of the inner structure of a lava dome and its environment through gravimetry and magnetism. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.320, p.88-99, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.04.012.
- Ambrosino F., Anastasio A., Bross A., Béné S., Boivin P., Bonechi L., Cârloganu C., Ciaranfi R., Cimmino L., Combaret Ch., D’Alessandro R., Durand S., Fehr F., Français V., Garufi F., Gailler L., Labazuy P., Laktineh I., Lénat J.F., Masone V., Miallier D., Mirabito L., Morel L., Mori N., Niess V., Noli P., Pla-Dalmau A., Portal A., Rubinov P., Saracino G., Scarlini E., Strolin P., Vulpescu B. (2015). Joint measurement of the atmospheric muon flux through the Puy de Dôme volcano with plastic scintillators and Resistive Plate Chambers detectors. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.120, 7290-7307, - DOI:10.1002/2015JB011969.
- Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Normier A., Bacri C., Peltier A., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Merle O., Finizola A., Garaebiti E. (2015). Insights into the evolution of the Yenkahe resurgent dome (Siwi caldera, Tanna Island, Vanuatu) inferred from aerial high-resolution photogrammetry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.299, p.78-90, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.04.006.
- Froger J.L., Famin V., Cayol V., Augier A., Michon L., Lénat J.F. (2015). Time-dependent displacements during and after the April 2007 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise, revealed by interferometric data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.296, p.55-68, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.02.014.
- Gonzales K., Finizola A., Lénat J.F., Macedo O., Ramos D., Thouret J.C., Fournier N., Cruz V., Pistre K. (2014). Asymmetrical structure, hydrothermal system and edifice stability: The case of Ubinas volcano, Peru, revealed by geophysical surveys. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.276, p.132-144, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.020.
- Kornprobst j., Lénat J.F. (2014). Centenary of the Discovery of Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversals - A monument was erected to commemorate the centenary of Bernard Brunhes’s discovery of Earth’s magnetic field reversals. EOS vol.95, p.44.
- Béné S., Boivin P., Busato E., Cârloganu C., Combaret C., Dupieux P., Fehr F., Gay P., Labazuy P., Laktineth I., Lénat J.F., Miallier D., Mirabito L., Niess V., Portal A., Vulpescu B. (2013). Air shower simulation for background estimation in muon tomography of volcanoes: Geoscientifc Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems, v. 2, p. 11-15, 10.5194/gi-2-11-2013. .
- Cârloganu C., Niess V., Béné S., Busato E., Dupieux P., Fehr F., Gay P., Miallier D., Vulpescu B., Boivin P., Combaret C., Labazuy P., Laktineth I., Lénat J.F., Mirabito L., Portal A. (2013). Towards a muon radiography of the Puy de Dôme: Geoscientifc Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems, v. 2, p. 55-60. - DOI:10.5194/gi-2-55-2013.
- Merle O., Brothelande E., Bachèlery P., Lénat J.F., Garabéiti E. (2013). A structural outline of the Yenkahe volcanic resurgent dome (Tanna Island, Vanuatu Arc, South Pacific): Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 268, p. 64-72. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.10.009.
- Portal A., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F., Béné S., Boivin P., Busato E., Cârloganu C., Combaret C., Dupieux P., Fehr F., Gay P., Laktineth I., Miallier D., Mirabito L., Niess V., Vulpescu B. (2013). Inner structure of the Puy de Dˆome volcano: cross-comparison of geophysical models (ERT, gravimetry, muon imaging): Geoscientifc Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems, v. 2, p. 47-54. - DOI:10.5194/gi-2-47-2013.
- Béné S., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Air shower simulation for background estimation in muon tomography of volcanoes. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2, 563-574. - DOI:510.5194/gid-5192-5563-2012.
- Cârloganu C., Niess V., Béné S., Busato E., Dupieux P., Fehr F., Gay P., Miallier D., Vulpescu B., Boivin P., Combaret C., Labazuy P., Laktineh I., Lénat J.F., Mirabito L., Portal A. (2012). Towards a muon radiography of the Puy de Dôme. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. .
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2012). Internal architecture of La Réunion (Indian Ocean) inferred from geophysical data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 221-222, 83-98. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.01.015.
- Lénat J.F., Bachèlery P., Merle O. (2012). Anatomy of Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion, Indian Ocean). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.74, p.1945-1961, 9, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-012-0640-y.
- Lénat J.F., Bachèlery P., Peltier A. (2012). The interplay between collapse structures, hydrothermal systems and magma intrusions: the case of the central area of Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 407-421. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-011-0535-3.
- Portal A., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F., Béné S., Boivin P., Busato E., Cârloganu C., Combaret C., Dupieux P., Fehr F., Gay P., Laktineh I., Miallier D., Mirabito L., Niess V., Vulpescu B. (2012). Inner structure of the Puy de Dôme volcano: cross-comparison of geophysical models (ERT, Gravimetry, Muonic Imagery). Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2, 703-717. - DOI:710.5194/gid-5192-5703-2012.
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2010). Three-dimensional structure of the submarine flanks of La Réunion inferred from geophysical data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B12105. - DOI:10.1029/2009JB007193 -
Rang B et C :
- Kornprobst j., Lénat J.F. (2019). Changing Name for Earth's Changing Poles - The name of one geomagnetic pole reversal, the Laschamps excursion, somehow lost its s as it wandered through the scientific literature. It's time to set the record straight. EOS p.1-5.
- Carloganu C., the TOMUVOL collaboration (2018). Density Imaging of Puy de Dôme Volcano with Atmospheric Muons in French Massif Central as a Case Study for Volcano Muography. Oral, EGU General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20. EGU2018-18420, Vienne (Autriche), 8-13 Avril 2018.
- Gailler L., Martí A., Lénat J.F. (2018). Complex structure of Piton de la Fournaise and its underlying lithosphere revealed by magnetotelluric 3D inversion. EMIW2018, Helsingor (Danemark), 13-20 Août 2018.
- Barnoud A., TOMUVOL (2017). High-resolution muography of volcanoes : Density imaging of puy de Dôme as proof of principle. Workshop RESIF "Instrumentation Géophysique", Brissac (34).
- Bachèlery P., Lénat J.F. (2016). Evolution de la volcanologie au cours des 40 dernières années (de la crise de la Soufrière de Guadeloupe à CLERVOLC). Revue d'Auvergne vol.620-621, p.57-98.
- Barnoud A., TOMUVOL (2016). High-resolution muography of volcanoes : Density imaging of puy de Dôme as proof of principle. Workshop "From observations to processes at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano", IPGP, Paris.
- Barnoud A., TOMUVOL (2016). Towards density imaging of volcanoes by joint inversion of muographic and gravimetric data. École d’été "Using Particle Physics to Understand and Image the Earth", GSSI, L’Aquila, Italie.
- Carloganu C., Le Ménédeu E., TOMUVOL, Labazuy P. (2016). Density Imaging of Puy de Dôme Volcano with Atmospheric Muons in French Massif Central as a Case Study for Volcano Muography. EGU 2016 conference, Vienna, 18-22 April 2016.
- Portal A., Fargier Y., Lénat J.F., Labazuy P. (2016). Contribution of 3D inversion of Electrical Resistivity Tomography data applied to volcanic structures. EGU2016-8549, Session SM4.3/GMPV5.16 Geophysical Imaging of Volcanoes.
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Blakely R.J. (2015). Depth to Curie temperature or magnetic sources bottom in the volcanic zone of La Réunion hot spot. vol.17, p.EGU2015-6060, EGU General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts,, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
- Portal A., Fargier Y., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F. (2015). Internal structure of a complex lava dome inferred from geophysical imaging - Part I: 2D and 3D electrical resistivity tomography inversion approaches. vol.17, p.EGU2015-3847, EGU General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna (Austria), 12 - 17 April 2015..
- Portal A., Fargier Y., Lénat J.F., Labazuy P. (2015). Electrical resistivity tomography applied to a complex lava dome: 2D and 3D models comparison. vol.17, p.EGU2015-3862, EGU General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna (Austria), 12 – 17 April 2015.
- Portal A., Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Labazuy P. (2015). Internal structure of a complex lava dome and of its surrounding inferred from gravity and magnetic data. vol.17, p.EGU2015-3847, EGU General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna (Austria), 12 – 17 April 2015.
- Gailler L., Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2014). The Tomuvol Project: Technical evolution and scientific contributions to volcanoes high resolution imaging. Cities on Volcano, September 9- 13, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Blakely R. (2014). Curie Point Depth beneath the Reunion Island volcanic system inferred from spectral analysis of magnetic anomalies. Cities on Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta (Indonésie), 9-13 Septembre 2014.
- Portal A., Lénat J.F., Labazuy P. (2014). Inversion of gravity and electrical resistivity tomography data. Geophysical study of the Puy de Dôme volcano summit part. NEMOH School in Dublin (Ireland), Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology, August 31st – September 5th, 2014. .
- Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Merle O., Peltier A. (2013). Caldera resurgence: new insights from the study of the Siwi-Yenkahe-Yasur system (Vanuatu). in AGU Fall Meeting 2013, abstract session V025. .
- Cârloganu C., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2013). Volcano Radiography with GRPCs. in Muon and Neutrino Radiography 2013 Meeting, Tokyo (Japan), July 25-26. .
- Lénat J.F., Portal A., Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2013). Geophysical study of a volcanic edifice for comparison with muon imagery. in IAVCEI. Session 2-2c: imaging volcanoes and geothermal systems with muon radiography. July 20-24, 2013. Kagoshima. Japan. .
- Miallier D., Boivin P., Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2013). Geology of a volcanic edifice selected as a reference experimental site for muon imagery and geophysics: Puy de Dôme volcano (Chaîne des Puys, France). in IAVCEI. Session 2-2c: imaging volcanoes and geothermal systems with muon radiography. July 20-24, 20.
- Portal A., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2013). Geophysical study of a volcanic edifice for comparison with muon imaging. in IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly - July 20 - 24, Kagoshima, Japan, p 399. .
- Brothelande E., Finizola A., Revil A., Delcher E., Ricci T., Johnson T., Peltier A., Barde-Cabusson S., Chaput M., Douillet G., Letort J., Borgogno G., Trovato C., Passarella M., Byrdina S., Lupi M., Bailly T., Colonge J., Di Gangi F., Lénat J.F., Torres L. (2012). Etude pluridisciplinaire du Stromboli (Italie), de la Soufrière de Guadeloupe et du Yasur (Vanuatu) combinant tomographie de résistivité électrique, polarisation spontanée, température et CO2. Colloque 2012 du Comité National Français de Géodésie et Géoph.
- Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Merle O., Peltier A., a.A.V. team (2012). Active resurgence at Siwi caldera : new insights on the structure and activity of the Yenkahe horst. IAVCEI 4th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, September 23-29, 2012, Vulsini Calderas, Italy. .
- Béné S., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Atmospheric showers simulation for background estimation in muon tomography of volcanoes. Proceeding Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. .
- Cârloganu C., Niess V., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Towards a muon radiography of the Puy de Dôme. Muon and Neutrino Radiography, April 18-20, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
- Fehr F., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Presentation of the muon radiography of Puy de Dôme. Muon and Neutrino Radiography, April 18-20, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2012). Internal architecture of La Réunion (Indian Ocean) inferred from geophysical data. Muon and Neutrino Radiography, April 18-20, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
- Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Development and validation of muon imaging techniques to investigate the internal structure of volcanoes by integrating geophysical and muon tomography methods. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-7484-3, EGU General Assembly 2012. .
- Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Application de la radiographie muonique à la surveillance de l’activité des édifices volcaniques. 3ème Colloque du CNFGG, Mesure et Modélisation en Volcanologie, 10-13 octobre 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
- Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Application de la radiographie muonique à la surveillance de l’activité des édifices volcaniques. Colloque 2012 du Comité National Français de Géodésie et Géophysique : Mesure et Modélisation en Volcanologie, Clermont-Ferrand, 10-12 octobre 2012. .
- Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Development and validation of imaging techniques to investigate the internal structure of volcanoes: the case study of Puy de Dôme. Colloque ISA: Imagerie à haute résolution, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 novembre 2012.
- Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Development and validation of muon imaging techniques to investigate the internal structure of volcanoes by integrating geophysical and muon tomography methods. EGU General Assembly. Vienna. Austria. 22 - 27 April 2012. .
- Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Requirements for a survey system of active volcanoes based on muon radiography. Muon and Neutrino Radiography, April 18-20, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
- Portal A., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Inner structure of the Puy de Dôme volcano: cross-comparison of geophysical models (ERT, Gravimetry, Muonic Imagery). Muon and Neutrino Radiography 2012 workshop, April 18-20 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
- Portal A., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2012). Tomographie muonique du Puy de Dôme (France) : comparaison avec des méthodes géophysiques (ERT et gravimétrie). Colloque 2012 du Comité National Français de Géodésie et Géophysique: Mesure et Modélisation en Volcanologie, Clermont-Ferrand, 10-12 octobre.
- Cârloganu C., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2011). Density Imaging of Volcanos with Atmospheric Muons: The 2011 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics-HEP 2011. July 21-27, 2011 Grenoble, Rhône-Alpes France. Proceedings of Sciences. 5 p. .
- Cârloganu C., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2011). Density Imaging of Volcanoes With Atmospheric Muons using a Glass Resistive Plate Chambers Detector: International Workshop on High Energy Geophysics 2011, Muon and Neutrino Radiography, October 27-28, Tokyo, Japan. .
- Fehr F., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2011). Towards Tomographic Imaging of the Puy de Dôme with GRPCs: EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011. .
- Lénat J.F., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2011). Anatomy of a lava dome using muon radiography and electrical resistivity tomography: AGU Fall Metting, San-Francisco, 3-9 Dec. 2011, V41H-03. .
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2010). Architecture and evolution of La Réunion inferred from geophysical data. in EGU General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-4320. .
- Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2010). Internal structure of a hot spot oceanic volcanic system, La Réunion-Geophysical approaches. ESC, Montpellier (France), 6 Septembre 2010.
- Gailler L., Bouligand C., Kauahikaua J., Lénat J.F., Cluzel N. (2024). The Subsurface Structure of the Kīlauea Caldera Before Its 2018 Collapse Inferred From Ground Magnetic, SP, and Temperatures Anomalies. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.129, p.e2023JB028005, - DOI:10.1029/2023JB028005 -
Distinctions :
- Palmes académiques
- Prix Tissot 2022 de l’Académie des Sciences
- Prix du site Clermont Auvergne pour la recherche 2022