Thèse 4ème année ou plus, UCA
Équipe de Volcanologie
Autorisation UCA
Bureau: 1.06 - LMV Cezeaux
Courriel :

  • Research:

    « Conciliating volcanic CO2 degassing and hazard assessment: new constraints from numerical modelling. »

    Supervisors:  Guillaume Boudoire  &  Andrew Harris

    I-Site CAP 20-25, Challenge 4: Funding

    Referrer:  Ivan Vlastélic

    LaMP, Clermont-Ferrand & INGV, Bologna & Palermo: Collaborations


    • Explore the role of the volcanic CO2 emissions.
    • Identify and constrain the zones of soil CO2 degassing around the lac Pavin (eg: Escarot) and the Nyiragongo area (eg: Mazukus).
    • Identify the preferential paths for lava flows.
    • Develop scenarios with numerical modelling of local CO2 dispersion in the low atmosphere and the lava flow propagation in case of forthcoming eruptions.
    • Produce realistic hazard maps and contribute to the development of risk mitigation and management strategies.

    Example of CO2 degassing area at Escarot, Puy de Dôme, France


    Lac Pavin area (France)

    Nyiragongo area (Democratic Republic of Congo)

  • Scientific and administrative responsibilities:


  • Teaching :


  • Publications :

    Rang A :

    • Tadini A., Harris A., Morin J., Bevilacqua A., Peltier A., Aspinall W., Ciolli S., Bachèlery P., Bernard B., Biren J., Brum da Silveira A., Cayol V., Chevrel O., Coppola D., Dietterich H., Donovan A., Dorado O., Drenne S., Dupéré O., Gurioli L., Kolzenburg S., Komorowski J.C., Labazuy P., Mangione D., Mannini S., Martel-Asselin F., Médard E., Pailot-Bonnetat S., Rafflin V., Ramsey M., Richter N., Vallejo S., Villeneuve N., Zafrilla S. (2022). Structured elicitation of expert judgement in real-time eruption scenarios: an exercise for Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion island. Volcanica vol.4, p.105-131, 1, - DOI:10.30909/vol.05.01.105131 - lien HAL .

    Rang B et C :

    [Publications nom= »Rafflin » prenom= »Victoria » rang= »Rang B-C »]

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