Federica Schiavi

Ingénieur Recherche
Pôle Technique
Axes: Géologie régionale -
Bureau: 1.11 - LMV Cezeaux
Courriel : Federica.Schiavi@uca.fr

Téléphone (salle de spectroscopie):

  • Thèmes de Recherche :

    • Calibration de la spectrométrie Raman pour la quantification des composants volatils dans 1) les verres silicatés de compositions différentes et contenant eau et CO2 en différentes proportions, et 2) dans les inclusions fluides/bulles de rétraction
    • Etude des volatils dans les inclusions vitreuses piégées dans les phénocristaux pour contraindre les conditions magmatiques pré-éruptives (profondeur de stockage, teneurs initiales en CO2, S et H2O des magmas) et les paramètres syn-éruptifs (vitesses d’ascension magmatique)
    • Caractérisation géochimique et isotopique des inclusions magmatiques pour l’étude des sources magmatiques et des processus évolutifs dans les volcans actifs
    • Genèse des magmas et processus métasomatiques des sources mantelliques en zone de subduction

  • Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :

    2017- : Responsable technique de la plateforme de spectroscopie vibrationnelle (Raman et FTIR), en charge du service d’analyses, de la formation et assistance aux chercheurs et étudiants, et du développement de méthodes pour la quantification des composants volatils dans les verres silicatés et les minéraux.
    2022- : Référent Sécurité Laser

  • Publications LMV :

    Rang A :

    • Maria Lo Forte F., Schiavi F., Rose-Koga E., Rotolo S.G., Verdier-Paoletti M., Aiuppa A., Zanon V. (2024). High CO2 in the mantle source of ocean island basanites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2024.01.016 - lien HAL .
    • Zanon V., D'Auria L., Schiavi F., Cyrzan K., Pankhurst M.J. (2024). Toward a near real-time magma ascent monitoring by combined fluid inclusion barometry and ongoing seismicity. Science Advances vol.10, p.eadi4300, - DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adi4300 - lien HAL .

    • Boudoire G., Pasdeloup G., Schiavi F., Cluzel N., Rafflin V., Grassa F., Giuffrida G., Liuzzo M., Harris A., Laporte D., Rizzo A.L. (2023). Magma storage and degassing beneath the youngest volcanoes of the Massif Central (France): Lessons for the monitoring of a dormant volcanic province. Chemical Geology vol.634, p.121603, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121603 - lien HAL .
    • Burton M., Aiuppa A., Allard P., sensio-Ramos M., Pardo Cofrades A., La Spina A., Nicholson E.J., Zanon V., Barrancos J., Bitetto M., Hartle M., Romero J.E., Waters E., Stewart A., Hernández P.A., Lages J.P., Padrón E., Wood K., Esse B., Hayer C., Cyrzan K., Rose-Koga E., Schiavi F., D’Auria L., Pérez N.M. (2023). Exceptional eruptive CO 2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago. Communications Earth & Environment vol.4, p.467, - DOI:10.1038/s43247-023-01103-x - lien HAL .
    • Falascon A., Cioni R., Bernard B., Samaniego P., Pistolesi M., Schiavi F. (2023). What controls the formation of vulcanian bombs? A case study from the 1 February 2014 eruption of Tungurahua (Ecuador). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107961 - lien HAL .

    • Buso R., Laporte D., Schiavi F., Cluzel N., Fonquernie C. (2022). High-pressure homogenization of olivine-hosted CO2-rich melt inclusions in a piston cylinder: insight into the volatile content of primary mantle melts. European Journal of Mineralogy vol.34, p.325-349, - DOI:10.5194/ejm-34-325-2022 - lien HAL .
    • Cannaò E., Schiavi F., Casiraghi G., Tiepolo M., Fumagalli P. (2022). Effect of chlorine on water incorporation in magmatic amphibole: experimental constraints with a micro-Raman spectroscopy approach. European Journal of Mineralogy vol.34, p.19-34, - DOI:10.5194/ejm-34-19-2022.
    • Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Damby D., Belville C., Schiavi F., Marceau G., Szczepaniaks C., Blavignacs C., Laumonier M., Gardes E., Le Pennec J.L., Nedelec J.-M., Blanchon L., Sapin V. (2022). Spatial distribution and physicochemical properties of respirable volcanic ash from the 16-17 August 2006 Tungurahua eruption (Ecuador), and alveolar epithelium response in-vitro. GeoHealth - DOI:10.1029/2022GH000680 - lien HAL .
    • Feignon J., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Moune S., Roche O., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2022). High CO2 content in magmas of the explosive andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho‑Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.84, p.40, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01550-y - lien HAL .
    • Manzotti P., Schiavi F., Nosenzo F., Pitra P., Ballèvre M. (2022). A journey towards the forbidden zone: a new, cold, UHP unit in the Dora‑Maira Massif (Western Alps). Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.177, p.59, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-022-01923-8.
    • Zuccarello F., Schiavi F., Viccaro M. (2022). The eruption run-up at Mt. Etna volcano: constraining magma decompression rates and their relationships with the final eruptive energy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.597, - DOI:10.1016/j.espl.2022.117821.

    • Freitas D., Monteux J., Andrault D., Manthilake G., Mathieu A., Schiavi F., Cluzel N. (2021). Thermal conductivities of solid and molten silicates: Implications for dynamos in mercury-like proto-planets. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.312, p.106655, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106655 - lien HAL .
    • Manzotti P., Ballèvre M., Pitra P., Schiavi F. (2021). Missing lawsonite and aragonite found: P–T and fluid composition in meta‑marls from the Combin Zone (Western Alps). Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.176, 60, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-021-01818-0 - lien HAL .
    • Myers M.L., Druitt T., Schiavi F., Gurioli L., Flaherty T. (2021). Evolution of magma decompression and discharge during a Plinian event (Late Bronze-Age eruption, Santorini) from multiple eruption-intensity proxies. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, p.18, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01438-3 - lien HAL .
    • Rose-Koga E., Bouvier A., Gaetani G.A., Wallace P.J., Allison C.M., Andrys J.A., Angeles de la Torre C.A., Barth A., Bodnar R.J., Bracco Gartner A.J.J., Butters D., Castillejo A., Chilson-Parks B., Choudhary B.R., Cluzel N., Cole M., Cottrell E., Daly A., Danyushevsky L.V., DeVitre C.L., Drignon M.J., France L., Gaborieau M., Garcia M.O., Gatti E., Genske F.S., Hartley M.E., Hughes E.C., Iveson A.A., Johnson E.R., Jones M., Kagoshima T., Katzir Y., Kawaguchi M., Kawamoto T., Kelley K.A., Koornneef J.M., Kurz M.D., Laubier M., Layne G.D., Lerner A., Lin K.Y., Liu P.P., Lorenzo-Merino A., Luciani N., Magalhães N., Marschall H.R., Michael P.J., Monteleone B.D., Moore L.R., Moussallam Y., Muth M., Myers M.L., Narvaez D., Navon O., Newcombe M.E., Nichols A.R.L., Nielsen R.L., Pamukcu A., Plank T., Rasmussen D.J., Roberge J., Schiavi F., Schwartz D., Shimizu K., Shimizu K., Shimizu N., Thomas J.B., Thompson G.T., Tucker J.M., Ustunisik G., Waelkens C., Zhang Y., Zhou T. (2021). Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation. Chemical Geology vol.570, p.120145, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120145 - lien HAL .
    • Zuccarello F., Schiavi F., Viccaro M. (2021). Magma dehydration controls the energy of recent eruptions at Mt. Etna volcano. Terra Nova - DOI:10.1111/ter.12527 - lien HAL .

    • Gurioli L., Andronico D., Bachèlery P., Balcone-Boissard H., Battaglia J., Boudon G., Burgisser A., Burton M.R., Cashman K., Cichy S., Cioni R., Di Muro A., Dominguez L., D’Oriano C., Druitt T., Harris A., Hort M., Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Kueppers U., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Paris R., Pioli L., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Pompilio M., Ripepe M., Roche O., Rose-Koga E., Rust A., Schiavi F., Sharff L., Sulpizio R., Taddeucci J., Thordarson T. (2015). MeMoVolc consensual document: a review of cross-disciplinary approaches to characterizing small explosive magmatic eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.49, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0935-x - lien HAL .
    • Schiavi F., Rosciglione A., Kitagawa H., Kobayashi K., Nakamura E., Nuccio P.M., Ottolini L., Paonita A., Vannucci R. (2015). Geochemical heterogeneities in magma beneath Mount Etna recorded by 2001–2006 melt inclusions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.16, - DOI:10.1002/2015GC005786.

    • Ni H., Keppler H., Walte N., Schiavi F., Chen Y., Masotta M., Li Z. (2014). In situ observation of crystal growth in a basalt melt and the development of crystal size distribution in igneous rocks. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.167, p.1003, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-014-1003-9.

    Publications précédentes de rang A:

    Gutierrez X., Schiavi F., Keppler H. (2016). The adsorption of HCl on volcanic ash. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 438: 66-74, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.01.019.

    Schiavi F., Kobayashi K., Nakamura E., Tiepolo M., Vannucci R. (2012). Trace element and Pb-B-Li isotope systematics of olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Insights into source metasomatism beneath Stromboli (southern Italy). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 163 (6): 1011-1031, doi:  10.1007/s00410-011-0713-5.

    Schiavi F., Walte N., Konschak A., Keppler H. (2010). A moissanite cell apparatus for optical in situ observation of crystallizing melts at high temperature. American Mineralogist, 95 (7): 1069-1079, doi: 10.2138/am.2010.3379.

    Schiavi F., Kobayashi K., Moriguti T., Nakamura E., Pompilio M., Tiepolo M., Vannucci R. (2010). Degassing, crystallization and eruption dynamics at Stromboli: trace element and lithium isotopic evidence from 2003 ashes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159 (4): 541-561, doi: 10.1007/s00410-009-0441-2.

    Schiavi F., Walte N., Keppler H. (2009). First in situ observation of crystallization processes in a basaltic-andesitic melt with the moissanite cell. Geology, 37 (11): 963-966, doi: 10.1130/G30087A.1.

    Schiavi F., Tiepolo M., Pompilio M., Vannucci R. (2006). Tracking magma dynamics by laser ablation (LA)-ICPMS trace element analysis of glass in volcanic ash: the 1995 activity of Mt. Etna. Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (5): 5304, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024789.

    Autres publications:

    Schiavi F., Kobayashi K., Moriguti T., Nakamura E., Pompilio M., Tiepolo M., Vannucci R. (2011) Degassing, crystallization and eruption dynamics at Stromboli volcano. Cnr.it – the C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) Highlights 2009-2010.

    Schiavi F. (2007). Geochemical study of melt inclusions and ashes from the recent activity of Stromboli and Etna volcanoes: inferences for magma origin and evolution. Plinius (supplément italien de European Journal of Mineralogy), 33: 231-238.

    Rang B et C :

    • Aiuppa A., Burton M., Asensio-Ramos M., Allard P., La Spina A., Pardo Cofrades A., Zanon V., Barrancos J., Bitetto M., Hartley M., Hernandez P., Lages J., Padrón González E., Wood K., Haye C., Cyrzan K., Rose-Koga E., Schiavi F., d'Auria L., Perez Rodriguez N., Nicholson E. (2023). Volcanic gas geochemical monitoring of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Island) reveals a CO 2 -rich source for alkaline ocean island volcanism. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, juillet, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.15289 - lien HAL .
    • Buso R., Laporte D., Schiavi F., Cluzel N., Laumonier M. (2023). CO2-rich basanitic magmas generation in continental intraplate regions : Insight from olivine-hosted melt inclusions in the Bas-Vivarais volcanic province (Ardèche, France). Goldschmidt Conference 2023, France, 9-14 juillet 2023.

    • Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Belville C., Schiavi F., Damby D., Marceau G., Szczepaniak C., Blavignac C., Le Pennec J.L., Nedelec J.M., Blanchon L., Sapin V. (2022). Physicochemical properties of respirable volcanic ash from the 2006 Tungurahua eruption (Ecuador) and alveolar epithelium response in-vitro. Cities on Volcanoes 11, Crete.

    • Astudillo Manosalva D., Cannatelli C., Castruccio A., Schiavi F., Samaniego P., Hernández Prat L. (2021). Amphibole dehydration and crustal contamination as volatile oversaturation mechanisms in Calbuco volcano’s “silent” eruption. e-CROFI conference, 28 juin – 2 juillet 2021.
    • Bouhifd A., Delon R., Bolfan-Casanova N., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Bureau H., Khodja H., Andrault D. (2021). Hydrogen in an early magma ocean: Implications for Earth’s core composition. Goldschmidt, 4-9 July 2021.
    • Buso R., Laporte D., Laumonier M., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Devidal J.L., Fonquernie C. (2021). The composition of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Bas-Vivarais volcanic province (Ardèche, France): insight into melt generation processes. MEREMA 2nd Edition, International School on Mantle Dynamics, Sestri Levante, Italy, 25-29/10/2021.
    • Drignon M.J., Schiavi F., Li W., Cluzel N., Bouvet de Maisonneuve C. (2021). Investigating the role of volatile sources in the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo (Philippines). Goldschmidt, 4-9 July 2021.
    • Manzotti P., Ballèvre M., Pitra P., Schiavi F. (2021). Missing lawsonite found ! Resolving paradoxes of the metamorphic structure of the Western Alps. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30 Apr 2021, - DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6160.
    • Zuccarello F., Schiavi F., Viccaro M. (2021). Dehydration induced by magma ascent velocity and hazard implications for explosive eruptions at Mt. Etna volcano. 90° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, 13-17/9/2021.
    • Zuccarello F., Schiavi F., Viccaro M. (2021). Magma volatile loss drives the energy of eruptions at Mt. Etna volcano. 4a Conferenza A. Rittmann giovani ricercatori, 6-9 April 2021.

    • Feignon J.G., Roche O., Moune S., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2019). High CO2 content in magmas at an arc volcano : the andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho-Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-16065-1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2019.
    • Myers M.L., Druitt T., Gurioli L., Schiavi F., Flaherty T. (2019). Evolution of mass discharge and decompression rates during the Plinian phase of the Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini. European Union of Geosciences 2019, Vienna.

    • Astudillo D., Cannatelli C., Castruccio A., Parada M.A., Schiavi F. (2018). Influence of volatiles and crustal contamination on the April 2015 eruption dynamics of Calbuco Volcano (Chile). XV Chilean Geological Congress, 18-23 Novembre 2018.
    • Bolfan-Casanova N., Schiavi F., Novella D., Bureau H., Raepsaet C., Khodja H., Demouchy S. (2018). Water incorporation in transition zone minerals, Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite: a study using ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis). EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.
    • Clesi V., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Raepsaet C., Bureau H., Khodja H., Andrault D. (2018). Low hydrogen contents in the cores of terrestrial planets. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.
    • Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Laporte D., Briot D., Deniel C., Boivin P., Chapuis A., Devidal J.L., Hénot J.M., Benbakkar M., Fonquernie C. (2018). Geochemistry of olivine-hosted melt inclusions of the ~ 7 ky basanitic Montcineyre eruption, Massif Central, France. EMPG16, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.
    • Freitas D., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2018). Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA.
    • Freitas D., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2018). Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA.
    • Freitas D., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2018). Experimental evidence supporting global melt layer at the base of the Earth's upper mantle. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.
    • Freitas D., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2018). Mise en évidence de la présence d'un niveau de magma à la base du Manteau supérieur. Journées scientifiques ClerVolc, Clermont-Ferrand, France, May 2018.
    • Manthilake G., Freitas D., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2018). Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. International Symposium FY2017 Annual General Meeting, Ehime, Japan, Mar 2018.
    • Manthilake G., Freitas D., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2018). Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. International Symposium FY2017 Annual General Meeting, Ehime, Japan.
    • Manzotti P., Bosse V., Pitra P., Robyr M., Schiavi F., Ballèvre (2018). Timing of detachment and rates of exhumation constrained by in in situ U-Th-Pb dating (monazite, allanite, xenotime): the Gran Paradiso case. EUG conference, Wien.
    • Myers M., Druitt T., Gurioli L., Schiavi F., Flaherty T. (2018). Evolution of mass discharge and decompression rates during the Plinian phase of the Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini. Abstract id. V44A-04,American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018.
    • Schiavi F., Gomez-Ulla A., Venugopal S., Hardiagon M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Laporte D. (2018). Assessing the initial volatile content of melt inclusion by 3D Raman imaging of hosted bubbles. Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, EMPG XVI - International Conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 17-21, 2018.
    • Schiavi F., Gomez-Ulla A., Venugopal S., Hardiagon M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Laporte D. (2018). The contribution of bubble-hosted mineral phases to the volatile content of melt inclusions estimated by 3D Raman imaging. Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA, 12-17 August 2018.
    • Schiavi F., Gomez-Ulla A., Venugopal S., Hardiagon M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Laporte D. (2018). The contribution of bubble-hosted mineral phases to the volatile content of melt inclusions estimated by 3D Raman imaging. 15th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium, Ulm, Germany, 24 - 26 September 2018.
    • Venugopal S., Schiavi F., Bolfan-Casanova N., Moune S. (2018). The behaviour of C- and S- bearing species in shrinkage bubbles before and after melt inclusion homogenisation: insight from Raman spectroscopy. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.

    • 2. Manzotti P., Bosse V., Pitra P., Robyr M., Schiavi F., Ballèvre M. (2017). Rate of detachment of continental slices from the downgoing slab in a subduction zone. Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, 13-18 Août.
    • Bolfan-Casanova N., Schiavi F., Novella D., Bureau H., Raepsaet C., Khodja H., Demouchy S. (2017). Water incorporation in transition zone minerals, wadsleyite and ringwoodite: a study using ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis). 9th High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar, Saint Malo (France), 24-28 septembre 2017.
    • Manthilake G., Freitas D., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2017). Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. HPMPS, Saint Malo, France, 9, Sep 2017.
    • Manthilake G., Freitas D., Schiavi F., Chantel J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2017). Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. HPMPS, Saint Malo, France, 9, Sep 2017.
    • Manzotti P., Bosse V., Pitra P., Robyr M., Schiavi F., Ballèvre M. (2017). Rate of detachment of continental slices from the downgoing slab in a subduction zone. Goldschmidt conference, Paris.
    • Schiavi F., Bolfan-Casanova N., Médard E. (2017). Universal calibration of Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of volatiles in glasses of variable composition. EGU, Vienna.

    • Schiavi F., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2013). Physical evolution of olivine-hosted melt inclusions during high-T homogenization treatments. in Goldschmidt conference, Florence, 25-30 Août. .

    Schiavi F., A. Provost, P. Schiano, N. Cluzel. (2015) P-V-T-X evolution of Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions and Implications for Interpretation of Homogenization Experiments. Abstract id. V23B-3091, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015.

    Publications précédentes de rang B:
    1. Tiepolo M., G. Sessa, E. Cannaò, E. Ferrari, F. Schiavi, G. Della Ventura, M. Moroni, S. Poli., G. Giazzi, L. Krotz, The potential role of amphibole in fixing carbon at lower crust depths. Congresso congiunto SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI, Pisa, 2017.
    2. Ni H, Keppler H, Walte N, Schiavi F, Chen Y, Masotta M, Li Z, In situ observation of crystal growth in a basaltic melt. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2014. Goldschmidt conference, Sacramento, USA 8-13 juin 2014.
    3. Schiavi F., K. Kobayashi, E. Nakamura, M. Tiepolo, R. Vannucci, Source metasomatism beneath Stromboli: a study of trace elements and Pb-B-Li isotopes in olivine-hosted melt inclusions, Abstract volume 191-192, VIII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra (FIST), Geoitalia, Torino, Italie, 19-23 septembre 2011.
    4. Schiavi F., J. Huber, G. Gollner, H. Keppler, Adsorption of HCl gas onto volcanic ash, Abstract volume 328, VIII Forum italiano di Scienze della Terra (FIST), Geoitalia, Torino, Italie, 19-23 septembre 2011.
    5. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler, In-situ optical observation of crystallizing magmas with the moissanite cell, DMG – Short Course “Kinetics of geological materials”, Vienne, Autriche, 30 août – 03 septembre 2010.
    6. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler, Real-time observation of crystallization and textural evolution in magmatic systems with the moissanite cell,  Abstract V53C-04 en Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14-18 décembre 2009.
    7. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler, The first direct observation of crystallization processes in a basaltic-andesitic melt with the moissanite cell, Astract volume p. 222, VII Forum italiano di Scienze della Terra, Geoitalia (FIST), Rimini, Italie, 09-11 septembre 2009.
    8. Schiavi F., K. Kobayashi, T. Moriguti, E. Nakamura, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, R. Vannucci, Degassing, crystallization and eruption dynamics at Stromboli volcano: trace elements and lithium isotopes evidence from juvenile ashes ejected during the 2003 activity, Abstract volume p. 227, VII Forum italiano di Scienze della Terra (FIST), Geoitalia, Rimini, Italie, 09-11 septembre 2009.
    9. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler. The first direct observation of crystallizing magmas with the moissanite cell, GRC-BGI Workshop de minéralogie de la terre profonde, Bayreuth, Allemagne, 17-19 juin 2009.
    10. Schiavi F., K. Kobayashi, T. Moriguti, E. Nakamura, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, R. Vannucci, Degassing, crystallization and eruption dynamics at Stromboli inferred from trace elements and lithium isotopic composition of juvenile ashes from the 2003 activity, Conferenza A. Rittmann “La vulcanologia italiana: stato dell’arte e prospettive future”, Nicolosi (CT), Italie, 11-13 juin 2009.
    11. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler, First in-situ observation of the crystallization of basalts, abstract n.160, Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG) annual meeting, Berlin, Allemagne, 14-17 septembre 2008.
    12. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler, First in-situ observation of the crystallization of a basaltic magma, Abstract volume p. 87, XII International conference of experimental mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry (EMPG), Innsbruck, Autriche, 7-10 septembre 2008.
    13. Schiavi F., N. Walte, H. Keppler, Optical in-situ observation of crystallization processes in basaltic melt with the moissanite anvil cell, 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norvège, 06-14 août 2008.
    14. Vannucci R., F. Schiavi, K. Kobayashi, T. Moriguti, E. Nakamura, Genesis and evolution of magmas feeding the present-day activity of Stromboli and Etna volcanoes, 3rd International Symposium COE-21, ISEI, Misasa, Japon, 21-23 mars 2008.
    15. Vannucci R., K. Kobayashi, E. Nakamura, M. Tiepolo, F. Schiavi, A. Bertagnini, N. Metrich, Recent Stromboli (Italy): insights into magma sources and processes from melt inclusions, Abstract S6-03, 16th Goldschmidt conference, Melbourne, Australie, 27 août – 1 septembre 2006.
    16. Schiavi F., R. Corsaro, L. Miraglia, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, R. Vannucci, V. Zanon, A laser ablation ICP-SFMS study of glassy juvenile fraction of ash of the 1995 summit activity of Mt. Etna, Abstract olume 7, 04752, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche, 24-29 avril 2005.
    17. Schiavi F., M. Tiepolo, M. Pompilio, R. Vannucci, R. Corsaro, Tracking magma dynamics and forecasting paroxysmal events by in-situ trace elements and isotope analysis of ash: the 1995 summit activity of Mt. Etna, International Symposium COE-21, ISEI, Misasa, Japon, 05-06 Mars 2005.
    18. Schiavi F., C. Bouman, R.A. Corsaro, L. Miraglia, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, R. Vannucci, V. Zanon, Analisi in situ LA-ICP-MS e MIC-ICP-MS delle ceneri dell’Etna: una tecnica innovativa per il monitoraggio petrologico dei vulcani, abstract n. E23, Assemblea annuale GNV-INGV, Naples, Italie, 20-22 décembre 2004.
    19. Schiavi F., C. Bouman, R. Corsaro, L. Miraglia, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, R. Vannucci, V. Zanon, In-situ trace element and boron isotopic composition of glassy juvenile fraction of ash of the 1995 summit activity of Mt. Etna. A laser ablation ICP-SFMS and MIC-ICP-MS study, IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chili, 14-19 novembre 2004.
    20. Schiavi F., R.A. Corsaro, L. Miraglia, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, In-situ element composition of glassy juvenile fraction of ash of the 1995 summit activity of Mt. Etna: a LA-ICP-SFMS study, III Euromelt Meeting, Pavia, Italie, 12-18 septembre 2004.
    21. Schiavi F., R.A. Corsaro, L. Miraglia, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, V. Zanon, Major and trace elements characterization of glassy juvenile fraction of ash. A new monitoring tool tested on the 1995 summit activity of Mt. Etna, 32nd International Geological Congress, Firenze, Italie, 20-28 août 2004.
    22. Schiavi F., R.A. Corsaro, L. Miraglia, M. Pompilio, M. Tiepolo, V. Zanon, Major and trace element composition of glassy juvenile fraction of ash: a new type of monitoring tool. The application to the 1995 summit activity of Mt. Etna, Abstract volume 6, European Geosciences Union – 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 avril 2004.
    23. Schiavi F., R. Tribuzio, R. Braga, L. Dallai, Intrusion of mantle-derived melts in the post-Variscan upper continental crust (Bocca di Tenda gabbroic complex, Northern Corsica), Abstract volume pp. 269-271, IV Forum italiano di Scienze della Terra (FIST), Geoitalia, Bellaria, Italie, 16-18 septembre 2003.