Clermont-Ferrand Centre for Volcano Research (ClerVolc), Clermont-Ferrand, France

The ClerVolc consortium consists of five laboratories of Clermont-Auvergne University in Clermont-Ferrand, France (Laboratories of Earth Science ‘Magmas et Volcans’, Physics, Meteorology, Mathematics, Computer Science) and an Earth Physics Observatory. Its objective is to carry out multi-disciplinary research and development related to volcanism. The research themes include eruption processes, products and hazards, dispersion of tephra as plumes and flows, volcano monitoring, volcanic edifices, magmatic volatiles, processes and timescales, magma production at depth, and the origin of volcanism and the Early Earth.

The consortium is seeking candidates for up to three postdoctoral projects. Proposals involving any aspects of volcanic science (geology, petrology, high-P experimentation, geochemistry, mathematics, meteorology, physics, computer science, data science) are of interest, as are developments of new approaches for tackling fundamental questions. Interdisciplinary proposals are not essential, but are encouraged.

Applicants are invited to develop and propose their own projects in association with one or more of the partner laboratories. They are advised to familiarize themselves with the research and instrumental capabilities of the different laboratories (listed under ‘consortium’ at, then to contact the scientific director Prof. T. Druitt ( who will direct them towards appropriate personnel within the laboratories.

Proposals should be written in English and sent as a single pdf file by email to the scientific director by 15 January 2022. They should consist of (1) a CV and publication list (max 3 pages), (2) an account of past research (max 3 pages), (3) pdfs of up to five publications, (4) the research proposal (max 5 pages) with references and a consumables/field budget attached as annexes, and (5) a letter of support from one or more members of the ClerVolc partner laboratories. Candidates should also ask two referees to send letters of recommendation by the deadline to the same email address. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed online in February 2022, with attributions announced immediately after. Contracts can start between May and October according to the wishes of the applicant and her/his collaborators.

Each fellowship is supported for 24 months and includes a research allowance (based on the proposal but modified according to available funds). The gross annual salary is € 30,700-32,800, depending on experience, and includes a benefits package (health insurance plus retirement and unemployment benefits). Candidates must have successfully defended their PhD by the application deadline; they do not need to speak French.

Please note that another postdoctoral call focused on natural disasters and socio-economic vulnerability will be published by the IRC2D at Clermont-Ferrand, and should not be confused with the present one.

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