[EntetePerso nom= »Leibrandt » prenom= »Sébastien » commentaire= » »]

  • Research themes:

    • Volcanic ash morphometry applied to explosive event characterization and eruption surveillance
    • Magma-sediment mingling in phreatomagmatic vent-filling deposits
    • Morpho-structural evolution and eruptive history of the Cantal volcano (France): caldera and associated deposits
    • Spatio-temporal evolution of the Auvergne volcanism (France)

    Volcanic ash morphometry :

    Leibrandt S, Le Pennec JL (2015) Towards fast and routine analyses of volcanic ash morphometry for eruption surveillance applications. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 297, 11-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.03.014

  • Compétences :

    • Mapping on volcanic and folded sedimentary fields
    • Geochronological and geochemical sampling
    • Powders preparation, solubilization, magnetic and heavy liquids sorting
    • Mass and atomic absorption spectrometry
    • XRD, SEM, laser granulometry, morpho-granulometry MorphologiG3SE
    • K-Ar and Ar/Ar datings
    • Mountain Hiking Guide and scientific leader


  • Curriculum:

    • Teaching and Research Assistant (2012-2013), Univ. Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne, France)
    • Teaching and Research Assistant (2011-2012), Univ. Paris Sud 11 (Orsay, France)
    • Ph.D. Earth Sciences/Volcanology (2011), Univ. Paris Sud 11 (Orsay, France)
      “Reconstruction of the morpho-structural evolution and the eruptive dynamics of the Cantal massif; relationship with the spatio-temporal evolution of the Massif Central volcanism (France)”
      Jury: G. Boudon (IPGP), R. Gertisser (Keele Univ, UK), F. Lavigne (Univ Paris I), X. Quidelleur (UPS 11), P.-Y. Gillot (directeur, UPS11)
    • Postgraduate volunteer at Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO) (2008) (Lesser Antilles)
      Field data collecting and survey techniques (directed by Nico Fournier, GNS New Zealand)
    • Master’s degree Volcanology (2008) (head of class), Univ. Paris Sud 11 (France)
      « Geochronology and geochemistry of the Nyiragongo (RDC) parasite cones »


  • Communications:

    Conferences and talks:

    Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.-L. (2015) Volcanic ash morphometry for explosive eruptions characterization and surveillance applications. School of Geosciences, University of South Florida (United States)

    Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.-L. (2014) Fast and routine analyses of volcanic ash morpho-granulometry helps monitoring of the eruptive styles at Tungurahua volcano. COV8, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

    Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.-L. (2014) High-resolution ash particle shape characterization applied to tephra dispersal analyses of the 2001 eruption plume of Tungurahua volcano. COV8, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

    Narvaez D., Bernard B., Hidalgo S., Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.-L., Eychenne J., Douillet G. (2014) Eruptive dynamics on ash sequence analysis: the example of March and July 2013 eruptive phases at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. COV8, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

    Leibrandt S., Bénard A., Brigaud B. (2013) Magma-sediment interactions in the Limagne trench (Massif Central, France): distinction between phreatomagmatic and stricto-sensu peperitic processes. EGU (Austria)

    Leibrandt S., Gillot P.-Y., Hildenbrand A. (2011) Emplacement of large volcaniclastic breccia volumes in relationship with the evolution of a central caldera: volcanic history of the Cantal massif (France). EGU (Austria)

    Leibrandt S., Quidelleur X. (2010) Volcanism, climate and mass extinctions: a cause and effect relationship? 11th multidisciplinary meeting, Université Paris Sud (France)

    Public conferences:

    “Montserrat Volcano Observatory – Survey techniques at Soufriere Hills volcano” Volcanological Society of Geneva, Natural History Museum of Geneva (Switzerland), 2009.

    “Volcanic history of the Cantal volcano: a caldera lake eruption 8 Myrs ago” European Volcanological Association General Assembly (LAVE), Cantal (France), 2011.

    “Do supervolcanoes threaten humanity?” Uranoscope conference, Ozoir-la-Ferrière (France), 2012.

    Books and medias:

    “Cantal volcano geological guide book” (Leibrandt S., Portal A.) BRGM/Omnisciences editions (in preparation)

    “The Nevado del Ruiz eruption, Columbia, 1985 – story of a disaster”  TV documentary, Canal Jimmy chanel, 2010.

    “Volcanology research in Universities” Radio, France Inter, 2011.

  • Publications :

    [Publications nom= »Leibrandt » prenom= »Sébastien »]

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