Volcapot avec Saptarshee Mitra

LMV: salle des séminaires

"On the multiscale assessment of porous media using non-destructive 3D X-ray microtomography (μ-CT)" X-ray μ-CT can be used in generating a virtual structure of any complex parts, and then as an input for a detailed characterization of functional geometrical properties. The present topic focusses to demonstrate numerical simulation on X-ray μ-CT volumetric data to assess

Séminaire de Luc Scholtès (LMV)

Discrete Geomechanics: Can we really use springs and balls to simulate the behavior of geomaterials?

Soutenance d’HDR de Siet Van Den Wildenberg

Titre: Complex systems: Wave propagation in granular media  & Mitochondrial DNA maintenance Jury: Patrick Vernet Olivier Roche Thomas Brunet Arnaud Chevrolier Sylvie Vergniolle https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTI1OWIzZDgtMWE4MS00OGFmLTk0MWUtODFmNTQ1NmI3M2Q0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225a16bd04-b475-49ff-b11a-c6c8359db1b1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227ea5eec3-7c8b-41a5-a967-db435fe16268%22%7d  

Séminaire d’Alvaro Aravena (LMV)

Branching energy cone model: a novel formulation to reproduce channelization processes and construct probability maps of PDC inundation