MC-ICPMS Neptune

    Instrumentation ThermoFisher Scientific’s MC-ICPMS Neptune Plus (Multiple Collector – Inductively Coupled Plasma -Mass Spectrometry) was funded by the Clervolc Laboratory of Excellence and FEDER funds. It was installed in the laboratory in June 2013. The mass spectrometer includes a high flow rate pumping at the interface (« Jet interface »), a dual focus (electric sector and

Volcapot Simone Jordan

Volca-pot Jeudi 12 mars  à 14h00 en salle JJ. Simone Jordan nous propose une présentation intitulée : « Small volcanoes being big » Abstract: Basaltic, monogenetic volcanoes are commonly considered to be formed during small, single, short lived eruptions that affect only a small area surrounding the eruption point. Scoria and tuff cones, maars, and small shield

Kelfoun Karim

[EntetePerso nom= »Kelfoun » prenom= »Karim » commentaire= » »] Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches(HDR) obtenue le 22 juin 2012. Mise en place des écoulements granulaires volcaniques. Apport du couplage terrain / modélisation numérique. Jury M. Bursik, T.H. Druitt, C. Jaupart, A. Mangeney, B. van Wyk de Vries