Associate professor (Maître de conférences), UCA
Petrology team
Research themes: Regional geologyAndean volcanismEarly Earth
Associate professor
Office: 1.08 – LMV Cézeaux
Phone: +33 473 346 745
Web: click here
  • Research topics :

    • Mantle melting and primary magmas
    • Thermobarometry of volcanic systems
    • Influence of water on phase relations
    • Magmatic differenciation of Mars
    • Siderophile elements geochemistry
    • Tools: experimental petrology (piston-cylinder, externally and internally heated pressure vessels, 1 atm furnace, centrifuge), micro-analysis (SEM, electron microprobe, Raman spectroscopy, SIMS, LA-ICP-MS, XANES), thermodynamic modelling, petrography.


  • Scientific and administrative duties:

    • Graduate studies coordinator, master STPE, UCA (09/2021 – )
    • Graduate studies coordinator, master 3G, UCA (09/2021 – )
    • Elected member of CNU, 35th section (11/2011 – 10/2015)
    • Undergraduate studies coordinator, Licence des Sciences de la Terre, UBP (09/2010 – 08/2014)
    • Vice-chair of the Earth Sciences Department, UBP (01/2011 – 12/2012)


  • Teaching:

    • Université Clermont Auvergne / Clermont Auvergne University
    • Topics: Introduction to Earth sciences – Igneous and metamorphic petrology – Mineralogy – Field geology – Microscopy
    • Level : Earth sciences majors (undergraduates and master students), Biology and Chemistry undergraduates

  • Publications since 2010 :

    International publications:

    [Publications nom= »Médard » prenom= »Etienne » rang= »Rang A »]

    Abstract and national publications:

    [Publications nom= »Médard » prenom= »Etienne » rang= »Rang B-C »]

  • Career :

    • since 2008 Associate Professor, Clermont Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand, France
    • 2016-2017 Visiting Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston TX, USA
    • 2014-2015 Visiting Scientist, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, USA
    • 2007-2008 Postdoctoral Associate, Swiss Polytechnic Institute (ETHZ), Zürich, Switzerland
    • 2004-2007 Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA
    • 2000-2004 PhD student, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France


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