Image result for yves moussallam [EntetePerso nom= »Moussallam » prenom= »Yves » commentaire= » »]
  • Research Themes :

    The goal of my research is to understand the transfer of volatile elements from the mantle to the surface via magma ascent and degassing. This involves a combination of fieldwork at active volcanoes, experimental and analytical petrology, and theoretical modelling:

    • Volcanic gas remote and in-situ sensing; I use a range of spectroscopic and other sensing equipment (OP-FTIR, UV-DOAS, electrochemical sensors, UV camera…) to characterise the gas emissions from volcanoes (e.g. Erebus, Villarrica, Turrialba, Merapi…) and understand the dynamics of active vs. passive degassing.
    • HP-HT ex- and in-situ experiments; I use experimental apparatus (IHPV/ piston cylinders/ controlled atmosphere furnace/ Paris-Edinburgh Press) increasingly in conjunction with synchrotron radiation sources (HP beamline at ESRF and SOLEIL) to study phase equilibria, volatile solubility and physical properties (density, viscosity) of magma at high pressure and temperature.
    • Melt inclusions and glass spectroscopy; I use laboratory and synchrotron-based analytical techniques (XANES/ ion probe/ x-ray micro-tomography/ Raman/ NMR/ FTIR/ LA-ICPMS/ EMP/ SEM) in natural and synthetic products to understand how the composition and structure of the liquid and solid phases behave during degassing.


  • Scientific responsibilities :

    Leader of the Trail by Fire ( project. A five-month scientific expedition to measure volcanic gases at twenty remote and poorly studied volcanoes of Chile, Peru and Ecuador.

  • Publications  :

    Rang A :

    [Publications nom= »Moussallam » prenom= »Yves » rang= »Rang A »]


    Moussallam, Y., Tamburello, G., Peters, N., Apaza, F., Schipper C. I., Curtis, A., Aiuppa, A., Masias, P., Boichu, M., Bauduin, S., Barnie, T., Bani, P., Giudice, G., Moussallam, M. 2017. Volcanic gas emissions and degassing dynamics at Ubinas and Sabancaya volcanoes; implications for the volatile budget of the central volcanic zone. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 343. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.06.027

    Moussallam, Y., Peters, N., Masias, P., Apaza, F., Barnie, T., Schipper C. I., Curtis, A., Tamburello, G., Aiuppa, A., Bani, P., Giudice, G., Pieri, D., Davies, A.G., Oppenheimer, C. 2017. Magmatic gas percolation through the old lava dome of El Misti volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79: 46. doi:10.1007/s00445-017-1129-5

    Schipper, C.I., Moussallam, Y. 2017. Temporal redox variation in basaltic tephra from Surtsey volcano (Iceland). Bulletin of Volcanology 79: 71 doi:10.1007/s00445-017-1156-2

    Schipper, C.I., Moussallam, Y., Curtis, A., Peters, N., Barnie, T., Bani, P., Jost, H.J., Hamilton, D., Aiuppa, A., Tamburello, G., Giudice, G., 2017. Isotopically (δ13C and δ18O) heavy volcanic plumes from Central Andean volcanoes: a field study. Bulletin of Volcanology 79: 65. doi:10.1007/s00445-017-1146-4

    Hartley, M., Shorttle, O., Maclennan, J., Moussallam, Y., Edmonds. 2017. Olivine-hosted melt inclusions as an archive of redox heterogeneity in magmatic systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 479, 192-205 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.09.029

    Aiuppa, A., Bitetto, M., Francofonte, V., Velasquez, G., Bucarey Parra, C., Giudice, G., Liuzzo, M., Moretti, R., Moussallam, Y., Peters, N., Tamburello, G., Valderrama, O., Curtis, A. 2017. A CO2-gas precursor to the March 2015 Villarrica volcano eruption. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. doi:10.1002/2017GC006892


    Moussallam, Y., Philipson, B., Curtis, A., Barnie, T., Moussallam, M., Peters, N., Schipper C. I., Aiuppa, A., Giudice, G., Amigo, A., Velasquez, G., Cardona., C. 2016. Sustaining persistent lava lakes: observations from high-resolution gas measurements at Villarrica volcano, Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.  doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.012

    Moussallam, Y., Edmonds, M., Scaillet, B., Peters, N., Gennaro, E., Sides, I., Oppenheimer, C. 2016. The impact of volatile degassing on the oxidation state of basaltic magmas; a case study at Kīlauea volcano. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450: 317-325 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.06.031

    Moussallam, Y., Morizet, Y., Gaillard, F. 2016. H2O–CO2 solubility in low SiO2-melts and the unique mode of kimberlite degassing and emplacement. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 447: 151-160. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.04.037 (previously in extended review at Nature).

    Moussallam, Y., Florian, P., Corradini, D., Morizet, Y., Sator, N., Vuilleumier, R., Guillot, B., Gaillard, F. 2016. The molecular structure of melts along the carbonatite-kimberlite-basalt compositional joint: CO2 and polymerisation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 434: 129-140. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.11.025

    Schipper, I., Le Voyer, M., Moussallam, Y., White, J.D.L., Thordarson, T., Jackobsson, S.P., Kimura, J.I, Chang, Q. 2016. Degassing and magma mixing during the eruption of Surtsey Volcano (Iceland, 1963–1967): the signatures of a dynamic and discrete rift propagation event. Bulletin of Volcanology, 78, 4. 1-19. doi:10.1007/s00445-016-1025-4


    Aiuppa, A., Bani, P., Moussallam, Y., Di Napoli, R., Allard, P., Gunawan, H., Hendrasto. M., Tamburello, G. First determination of magma-derived gas emissions from Bromo volcano, eastern Java (Indonesia). 2015. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.09.008

    Shorttle, O., Moussallam, Y., Hartley, M., Maclennan, J., Edmonds, M., Murton. B. 2015. Enriched mantle domains reveal the role of recycled oceanic crust in the solid Earth oxygen cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,        doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.017 (previously in extended review at Science)

    Skulski, T., Castonguay, S., Moussallam, Y., McNicoll, V., van Staal, C.R., and Bedard, J., 2015. Geology, Nippers Harbour and parts of Horse Islands, Cape St. John and Little Bay Island, Newfoundland and Labrador,NTS 12-E/13 and parts of NTS 2-E/12, NTS 2-E/14, and NTS 2-L/4. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 160, 1 sheet, doi:10.4095/295866

    Moussallam, Y., Oppenheimer, C., Scaillet, B., Buisman, I., Kimball, C., Dunbar, N., Burgisser, A., Ian Schipper, C., Andújar, J., Kyle, P. 2015. Megacrystals track magma convection between reservoir and surface. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 413, 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.12.022


    Moussallam, Y., Morizet, Y., Laumonier, M., Gaillard, F. 2014. CO2 Solubility in Kimberlite melts.  2014. Chemical Geology. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.11.017

    Moussallam, Y., Oppenheimer, C., Scaillet, B., Gaillard, F., Kyle, P., Peters, N., Hartley, M., Berlo, K., Donovan, A. 2014. Tracking the changing oxidation state of Erebus magmas, from mantle to surface, driven by magma ascent and degassing. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 393. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.02.055

    Moussallam, Y., Peters, N., Ramírez, C., Oppenheimer, C., Aiuppa, A., Giudice, G. 2014. Characterisation of the magmatic signature in gas emissions from Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica. Solid Earth. doi:10.5194/sed-6-2293-2014


    Moussallam, Y., Oppenheimer, C., Scaillet, B.S., Kyle, P. 2013. Experimental Phase-equilibrium Constraints on the Phonolite Magmatic System of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica. Journal of Petrology, 54, 4. doi:10.1093/petrology/egt012

    Moussallam, Y., Oppenheimer, C., Aiuppa, A., Giudice, G., Moussallam, M., Kyle, P. 2012. Hydrogen emissions from Erebus volcano, Antarctica. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74, 9: 2109-2120. doi:10.1007/s00445-012-0649-2

    Moussallam, Y., Schneider, D.A., Janák, M., Thöni, M. & Holm, D.K. 2012. Heterogeneous extrusion and exhumation of deep-crustal Variscan assembly: Geochronology of the Western Tatra Mountains, northern Slovakia. Lithos, 144-145: 88-108. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.03.025

    Skulski, T., Castonguay, S., McNicoll, V., van Staal, C., Kidd, W., Rogers, N., Morris, W., Ugalde, H., Slavinski, H., Spicer, W., Moussallam, Y. and Kerr, I. 2010: Tectonostratigraphy of the Baie Verte Oceanic Tract and its ophiolite cover sequence on the Baie Verte Peninsula. In Current Research. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Canadian Geological Survey, Report 10-1, pages 315-225. Open governmental publication

    Rang B et C :

    [Publications nom= »Moussallam » prenom= »Yves » rang= »Rang B-C »]

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