Rose-Koga_Estelle [EntetePerso nom= »Rose-Koga » prenom= »Estelle » commentaire= »HDR »]
  • Research Themes:

    – Volatile element compositions of the source of arc magmas, oceanic wrinkles and hot spots.
    – Stable isotopes (B, O, S) and lead isotopes by ion probe in olivine magma inclusions.
    – Fractionation of stable isotopes during magma degassing.
    – Magma ascension rates

    Instruments: Cameca 1270 and 1280 ion probes, electron probe, scanning electron microscope, heating stage, ICP-MS laser ablation.

    Scientific and administrative responsibilities:

    • Leader of the Geochemistry Team, 2020-
    • Member of the Labex ClerVolc Scientific Committee, 2020-
    • Member of the INSU-CNRS Scientific Committee, TelluS-SYSTER, 2018-
    • Treasurer of the European Association of Geochemistry, 2018-
    • Vice-Treasurer of the European Association of Geochemistry, 2017-2018
    • Associate Editor in « Geochemistry » for the journal Frontiers, 2017-2020
    • reviewer of scientific projects:
      • Recurrent for INSU and NSF
      • 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
      • 2016 for the Icelandic Research Fund
      • 2009 for the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
    • Reviewer for international journals: Chemical Geology, Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of Petrology, Nature Communications, Geology, Atmospheric Environment.

    Participations to committees:

      • Thesis/PhD committee:
        2021. Raimundo Brahm, Massey University, New Zealand
        2017. Mélina Manzini, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
        2016. Géraldine Zdanowicz, IPG Paris, France
        2012. Livia Colo’, Universite de Florence, Italy
        2005. Emmanuel Lemarchand, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France
      • Master of Science Thesis :
        2017. Donald O’Farrell, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
      • Member of hiring committee :
        2018. BAP J, Université Clermont Auvergne
        2017. BAP J, Université Clermont Auvergne
        2007. concours d’Ingénieur d’Etude, IPG Paris

    Field work :

    Blog of sampling field in Japan oct-nov 2018 et feb 2020 :

  • Publications en review :

    Georgeais G., Koga K.T., Moussallam Y., Rose‑Koga E.F., Magma ascent rate calculations with EMBER: A user‐friendly software to model diffusion of H2O, CO2 and S in melt embayments, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, in revision.

    Moussallam Y., Médard E., Georgeais G, Rose-Koga E.F., Koga K.T., Gurioli L., Pelletier B., Bani P., Grandin R., Boichu M., Shreve T.L., Tari D., Peters N., How to turn off a lava lake? A petrological investigation of the 2018 intra-caldera and submarine eruptions of Ambrym volcano, Bull. Volc. Submitted, Jan. 2021.

    Anderson O.E., Jackson M.G., Rose-Koga E.F., Marske J.P., Peterson M.E., Price A.A., Byerly B.L., Testing the Recycled Gabbro Hypothesis for the Origin of « Ghost Plagioclase » Melt Signatures Using 87Sr/86Sr of Individual Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Hawai’i, submitted to G-cubed, in revision.

    Vlastelic I., Bachèlery P., Sigmarsson O., Koga K.T., Rose-Koga E.F., Bindeman I., Gannoun A., Devidal J-L., Falco G., Staudacher T., Exhuming trachytic melts from an ancient volcano during the major 2007 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise, La Reunion Island, in revision Journal of Petrology, in revision.

    Rose-Koga EF, Bouvier A-S, Gaetani GA, Wallace PJ, et al., Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation, in revision, Chem Geol.

    Narvaez D., Samaniego P., Koga K.T., Rose-Koga E.F., Hidalgo S., Ratzov G., Two types of slab components under Ecuadorian volcanoes supported by primitive olivine-hosted melt inclusion study, in revision G-cubed.

    Berthod C., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Komorowski JC., Benbakkar M., Devidal JL., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga EF., Feuillet N., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Now S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Deep sources and triggers of the largest submarine eruption (Mayotte), submitted june 2020.

    Buff L., Jackson M.G., Konter J.G., Bizimis M., Price, A., Rose-Koga E., Blusztajn J., Konrad K., Koppers A.A.P. (2020) The “missing link” for a long-lived Macdonald hotspot, Geology, accepted.

    Publications LMV depuis 2010 :

    Rang A :

    [Publications nom= »Rose-Koga » prenom= »Estelle » rang= »Rang A »]


    Rang B et C :

    [Publications nom= »Rose-Koga » prenom= »Estelle » rang= »Rang B-C »]


  • PhD:

    • Christy Haruel, co-adivisors P. Bani, E. Médard, F. Nauret (mars 2021-
    • Guillaume Georgeais, co-adivisors Y. Moussallam, K. Koga (oct. 2019-
    • Masataka Kawaguchi, co-adivisor K. Koga (oct. 2018-
    • Diego Narvaez, co-adivisors P. Samaniego, K. Koga (mars 2018-
    • Gabrielle Ménard, co-adivisor I. Vlastélic (2010-2014).
    • Marion Le Voyer,  co-adivisor P. Schiano (2006-2009)

    Undergraduate students:

    • Alexis Chapuis, 2nd year Master, 2020-2021, co-advisor Anne-Sophie Bouvier (UNIL, Suisse)
    • Guillaume Georgeais, Master 2nd year, 2018-2019, co-advisor Yves Moussallam et Ken Koga
    • Sarah Lang, 2nd year Master, 2017-2018
    • Antonin Bouillet, 2nd year Master, 2016-2017
    • Sarah Lang, 1st year Master, Univ. Lorraine, 2016-2017
    • Diego Narvaez (Avec P. Samaniego), 2nd year Master, 2015-2016
    • Lucie Grousset, 2nd year of ENSG Nancy, 2012
    • Coralie Nepoulos, Master 1rst year, april-may 2012
    • Ludovic Leduc (avec L. Guiroli), 2nd year Master, 2011-2012
    • Thomas Hélouis, 3rd year University, 2010.


    • 2011-2015:  module “Subduction”, 2nd year Master (3h/yr; Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)
    • 2010-2011: Practical classes petrology L2S3 SVT (6h; Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)
    • 2009-2010: Practical classes petrology L2S3 SVT (36h, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)

    • 01/01/2014:    6 months, Visiting Scientist, University of Toronto, Canada
    • 2012 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Univ. B. Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
    • 2005-présent : CNRS scientist, LMV, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
    • 2002-2005 : CNRS scientist, ENS Lyon, France.
    • 2000-2001 : Post-Doc at Okayama University at Misasa, Japon
    • 1999-2000 : Post-Doc at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA
    • 1995-1999 : PhD in isotope geochemistry, CRPG-CNRS, Nancy, France


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