Chargé(e) de Recherche, IRD
Équipe de Géochimie
<b>Chargé(e) de Recherche, </b>IRD
Bureau: 1.01 - LMV Cezeaux
Courriel :

  • Current research interests :

    After studying geology and specializing in isotope geochemistry, my research focused on the quantification of chemical and isotopic variability in various samples (rocks, plants, organic tissues) in order to better understand a range of geological, environmental and biological processes. This evolution of thematic, from the deep Earth to living organisms, allowed me to acquire interdisciplinary knowledges and to develop robust skills in isotope geochemistry that I currently put to the benefit of human health.

    My current research interests are deeply integrated in a sustainability science approach and lie at the interface between human health and environmental risks. Briefly, my work consists in identifying and quantifying metallomic and physiological deregulations induced by long-term exposure to natural environmental pollutants (mainly metal-rich volcanic particles) at the entire body-scale; which can over time represent a significant health hazard for human health.

    To address this major health burden, I use a systemic approach combining in-vivo biological experiments performed on rodents with innovative isotope analyses coupled with histological, metabolomic, proteomic and transcriptomic measurements.

    For more information please visit my personal website:

  • Scientific activities & Responsibilities :

    Since 2022 IAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology & Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior)  membership

    2022 Organization of a regional workshop (co-management 50%) – Life after a PhD in Earth Sciences: How to get jobs outside Academia?

    2022 Member of the scientific and pedagogical committee – School scientific exhibition: ExpoScience Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France

    2022 Supervision of a Master Student (6months, M. Moreira, LMV Clermont-Ferrand) – Volcanic Pollution & Health

    Since 2021 Reviewer for Peer-reviewed journals (e.g., Frontiers in Medicine, Global Biogeochemical cycles, …)

    2021 Organization of a Regional Workshop; Impact of environmental pollutants on human health, i-Site/OPGC (Clermont-Ferrand, France)

    2021 Broad Public Science Dissemination, Clermont Innovation Week (France) – Is living in a volcanic context dangerous?

    2020 Laboratory council Member (LMV), France

    2019 Supervision of a Master student (P. Béziat, ETH Zurich) – Selenium speciation & environmental cycle

    2016 Doctorate congress organization, Lyon, France

    Since 2015 EAG (European Association Geochemistry) and SFIS (French stable isotope society) membership

    2014 Field trip (Canada, 10 days)

  • Current position

    2021 – present        Chargé de Recherche IRD, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV) / Institute of Genetics, Reproduction and Development (iGReD), Clermont-Ferrand, France

    Previous employments

    2019 –  2021           I-Site CAP 20-25 Postdoctoral Fellowship (PI), Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans / Institute of Genetics, Reproduction and Development, Clermont-Ferrand, France

    2018 –  2019           Postdoctoral Fellowship, ETH Zürich, Switzerland


    2015 – 2018              PhD in Earth Sciences – Geochemistry: Medical Application, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon), France – Advisor: Vincent Balter

    2012 – 2014              M.Sc. in Earth Sciences and Environment, University of Grenoble, France

    2009 – 2012             B.Sc. in Earth Sciences and Environment, University of Grenoble, France

  • Peer-reviewed Publications :

    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8723-1351
    IdHAL: lucie-sauzeat
    HAL CV:
    Rang A :

    [Publications nom= »Sauzeat » prenom= »Lucie » rang= »Rang A »]

    (To be) Submitted/In review

    • Bissardon C., Proux O., Sauzéat L., Toubhans B., Filhon-Cochet O., Granzotto A., Winkel L., Bouchet S., Charlet L., Sancey L., Perez M., Lewis A. R.., Maffeis T., Foray N., Bohic S., Biological impact and Fate of polysaccharide-coated Se-nanoparticles; Biotransformation, localisation and impact of SeNPs on aggressive prostate cancer cells; to be submitted in Nanoletters



    • Sauzéat L., Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Boyet M., Jessop D.E., Moretti R., Monrose M., Holota H., Beaudoin C., Volle D.H., Metallome deregulation and health-related impacts due to long-term exposure to recent volcanic ash deposits: New chemical and isotopic insights; Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 829, 154383, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154383
    • Morel JD*, Sauzéat L*, Goeminne L.J.E., Jha P., Williams E., Houtkooper R.H., Aebersold R., Auwer J., Balter V., The mouse metallomic landscape of aging and metabolism. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):607. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-28060-x. *First author.


    • Sauzéat L., Costas-Rodríguez M., Albalat E., Mattielli N., Vanhaecke F., Balter V., Inter-comparison of stable iron, copper and zinc isotopic compositions in six reference materials of biological origin; Talanta, 2021, 221, 121576, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121576


    • Sauzéat L., Bernard E., Perret-Liaudet A., Quadrio I., Vighetto A., Krolak-Salmon P., Broussolle E., Leblanc P., Balter V., Interdisciplinary Case Study: Geochemistry meets the clinic in search for a metal ALS biomarker; iScience, 2019, 25, 531-535, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2018.12.007


    • Sauzéat L., Bernard E., Perret-Liaudet A., Quadrio I., Vighetto A., Krolak-Salmon P., Broussolle E., Leblanc P., Balter V., Isotopic evidence for disrupted copper metabolism in cerebrospinal fluids of ALS patients; iScience 6, 264-271, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2018.07.023
    • Sauzéat L., Laurençon A., Balter V., Metallome evolution in ageing C.elegans and a copper stable isotope perspective; Metallomics 10, 496-503, DOI: 10.1039/C7MT00318H
    • Ferrier-Pagès C., Sauzéat L., Balter V., Coral bleaching is linked to the capacity of the animal host to supply essential metals to the symbionts; Global Change Biology 00, 1-13, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14141


    • Hermann A., Sauzéat L., Guillou H., Maury R.C., Chauvel C., Liorzou C., Conte E., 2017. Combined geochemical and geochronological analyses of stone artefacts provide unambiguous evidence of intra- and interisland interactions in Polynesia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 13, 75–87, DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.03.024
    • Cordier C., Sauzéat L., Arndt N.T., Boullier A.-M., Batanova V., Barou F., 2017. Quantitative Modelling of the Apparent Decoupling of Mg# and Ni in Kimberlitic Olivine Margins: a Reply to the Comment on Cordier et al. (2015) by A. Moore. Journal of Petrology 58, 391–393, DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egx013
    • Garçon M., Sauzéat L., Carlson R.W., Shirey S.B., Simon M., Balter V., Boyet M., 2017. Nitrile, Latex, Neoprene and Vinyl Gloves: A Primary Source of Contamination for Trace Element and Zn Isotopic Analyses in Geological and Biological Samples. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 41, 367–380, DOI: 10.1111/ggr.12161


    • Cordier C., Sauzéat L., Arndt N.T., Boullier A.-M., Batanova V., Barou F., 2016. The Geochemical Complexity of Kimberlite Rocks and their Olivine Populations: a Reply to the Comment on Cordier et al.(2015) by Andrea Giuliani & Stephen F. Foley. Journal of Petrology 57, 927–932, DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egw027


    • Sauzéat L., Rudnick R., Chauvel C., Gar on M., Tang M., 2015. New perspectives on the Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust and its weathering signature. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428, 181–192, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.032
    • Cordier C., Sauzéat L., Arndt N.T., Boullier A.-M., Batanova V., Barou F., 2015. Metasomatism of the Lithospheric Mantle Immediately Precedes Kimberlite Eruption: New Evidence from Olivine Composition and Microstructures. Journal of Petrology 56, 1775–1796, DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egv054
    Rang B et C :

    [Publications nom= »Sauzeat » prenom= »Lucie » rang= »Rang B-C »]


    • Sauzéat L., Bernard E., Perret-Liaudet A., Quadrio I., Vighetto A., Krolak-Salmon P., Broussolle E., Leblanc P., Balter V., Interdisciplinary Case Study: Geochemistry meets the clinic in search for a metal ALS biomarker; iScience, 25, 531-535

    National & International Conferences :


    • June – Cities on Volcanoes (COV) Conference, Heraklion Crete, Sauzéat L., Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Boyet M., Jessop D.E., Moretti R., Monrose M., Holota H., Beaudoin C., Volle D.H., Metallome deregulation & health-related impacts due to long-term exposure to volcanic ash – Oral presentation
    • January – Sustainability Science Days, IRD, France – Sauzéat L. Health in volcanic settings, what are the risks? An integrated viewpoint in a sustainability science approach – Oral presentation


    • Nov. – Regional workshop, CIR 4, CAP 20-25 – Clermont-Ferrand, France – Sauzéat L., Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Boyet M., Jessop D.E., Moretti R., Monrose M., Holota H., Beaudoin C., Volle D.H., Volcanic pollution & Health – Oral presentation
    • July – Invited Talk – Goldschmidt conference – Lyon, France / Sauzéat L., Volle D., Beaudoin C., Boyet M. Volcanic ash & health: Where is the risk? New chemical and isotopic approach – Oral presentation
    • June – Regional Workshop: Impact of environmental pollutants on human health – Clermont-Ferrand, France / Sauzéat L., Volle D., Beaudoin C., Boyet M. Volcanic ash & health: New chemical and isotopic approach – Oral presentation


    • August – Goldschmidt conference – Barcelona, Spain / Béziat P., Bouchet S., Sauzéat L., Tolu J., Alcolombri U., Winkel l. The role of phytoplankton in marine Se cycling – poster presentation
    • April – Invited Talk – Integrative Human Evolution Symposium (IHES) – Zürich, Switzerland / Sauzéat L., Bernard E., Perret-Liaudet A., Quadrio I., Broussolle E., Leblanc P., Balter V. Ageing & Neurodegenerative diseases: New constraints from the Metallomic – Oral presentation


    • September – Invited Talk – Ortho-Analytik Laboratory – Wallisellen, Switzerland / Sauzéat L. Metal stable isotopes: New approach from geochemistry to medicine – Oral presentation
    • September – 2nd European ICP-QQQ Forum, Agilent – Munich, Germany
    • March – International Medical Geology Association (IMGA) – Veyrier du Lac, France / Sauzéat L., Bernard E., Perret-Liaudet A., Quadrio I., Vighetto A., Krolak-Salmon P., Broussolle E., Leblanc P., Balter V. Isotopic evidence for disrupted copper metabolism in cerebrospinal fluids of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients – Oral presentation


    • September – New Views on Aging – Paris, France / Sauzéat L., Jha P., Laurençon A., Auwerx J., Balter V. Aging: New constraints from chemical proxies – Oral presentation
    • August – Goldschmidt conference – Paris, France / Sauzéat L., Jha P., Laurençon A., Auwerx J., Balter V. An isotope metallomic perspective on aging – Oral presentation


    • November– Doctorate congress – Lyon, France / Sauzéat L., Balter V., Bernard E., Perret-Liaudet A., Quadrio I., Leblanc P., Broussolle E. Neurodegenerative diseases: New constraints from Cu and Zn cerebrospinal fluids compositions – Oral Presentation


    • August – Goldschmidt conference – Prague, Czech Republic


    • December – AGU conference – San Francisco, USA / Sauzéat L., Rudnick R. L., Chauvel. Li isotopic composition and concentration of the upper continental crust (UCC): New insights provided by desert loess – Poster presentation
    • April – EGU conference– Vienna, Austria / Cordier C., Sauzéat L., Arndt N.T., Boullier A.-M. Olivine in kimberlites: metasomatism of the deep lithospheric mantle – Oral presentation
    • March – IMA (International Mineralogical Association) conference / Arndt N.T., Cordier C., Sauzéat L., Boullier A.-M. Olivine in kimberlites: lithospheric versus shallow processes – Oral presentation


    • August – Goldschmidt conference – Florence, Italy / Sauzéat L., Cordier C., Arndt N.T., Boullier A.-M. How kimberlites form: clues from olivine geochemistry – Poster presentation

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