• Geomechanics (soil, rock, rock mass, lithosphere)
    • Numerical modeling (Discrete Element Method)
    • Multi-Physics (Thermo-Hydro-Mechanics)
    • Micromechanics and upscaling (granular media)

  • Career :

    • 2022 – in charge of the Master’s program « Géoressources, Géorisques, Géotechnique » of Ecole de l’Observatoire de Physique du Globe / Université Clermont Auvergne
    • 2021 – Associate Professor – Université Clermont Auvergne / Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont Ferrand / Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
    • 2019 – Vice Director of the International Affairs – École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie
    • 2017 – Visiting Researcher – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Energy Geosciences Division (Berkeley, USA)
    • 2012 – Associate Professor – Université de Lorraine / École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie / Laboratoire GeoRessources (Nancy, France)
    • 2012 – Postdoctoral fellow – Laboratoire 3S-R (Grenoble, France)
    • 2010 – Postdoctoral fellow – CSIRO / Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies (Brisbane, Australia)
    • 2009 – Postdoctoral fellow – Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique (Saint-Nazaire, France)

    Education :

    • 2008 – PhD, Mechanics – Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble / Laboratoire 3S-R (Grenoble, France)
    • 2005 – Master, Mechanics – Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France)
    • 2003 – Bachelor, Mechanics – Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand, France)

  • Supervision :

    • 8 PhDs: V. Bonilla-Sierra, INPG/3SR (2012-2015), E. Papachristos, INPG/3SR (2013-2017), A. Hajjar, UL/GeoRessources (2014-2017), S. Moosavi, UL/GeoRessources (2015-2018), A. Mostafa, UL/GeoRessources (2019-2022), M. Huber, UL/CRPG/GeoRessources (2019-2022), M. Galarraga, UCA/Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (2023/2026), O. Larkem, UL/GeoRessources (2025/2028)
    • 6 postdoctoral fellows: J. Wu, UL/GeoRessources (2015-2016), O. Dinç, UL/GeoRessources (2016-2017), T. Chauve, UiO/UGA (2018-2020), L. Zhang, UGA/ISTerre (2018-2020), K. Eldursi, UL/GeoRessources (2020-2021), H. Nho Gia Nguyen, UL/GeoRessources (2020-2021)

    Collective Actions :

    Research Projects:

    • ANR SLIDE (2025-2029): Assessing the contribution of slow moving landslides to erosion in the Himalayas
    • ERC BE_FACT (2025-2029): Boxing Earthquakes and Faults in Active Tectonics
    • ANR Earth-Beat (2024-2028): Transient thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings in geothermal systems (PhD of O. Larkem)
    • REGALOR (2018-2022): Multi-scale hydro-mechanical modeling of coalbed methane recovery (PhD of A. Mostafa)
    • ANR HydroGeoDam (2017-2021): Numerical investigation of local damage mechanisms and characterization of macroscopic laws (postdoc of L. Zhang)
    • DEEPSURF (2017-2021): Micro-Hydro-Mechanical behavior of faults in the context of CO2 geological storage (postdoc of H. Nho Gia Nguyen)

  • Teaching

    • Geomechanics (soil and rock mechanics)
    • Geomaterials (physical and mechanical properties)
    • Geotechnics (dimensioning of foundations and retaining walls, slope stability analysis)
    • Geological Engineering (case study and back analysis)
    • Structural Geology (field measurements and analysis, rheology of rocks)

  • Full list on Google Scholar

    • Boymond P., Feuillet N., Thinon I., Scholtes L., Zaragosi S., Leroy S., Lemoine A. (2025). En-échelon Rifting and Origin of the Volcanism in the Comoros. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.26, p.E2024gc011576, 2, - DOI:10.1029/2024GC011576 - lien HAL .

    • Angelidaki V., Boschi K., Brzezinski K., Caulk R.A., Chareyre B., Andrés del Valle C., Duriez J., Gladky A., van der Haven D.L.H., Kozicki J., Pekmezi G., Scholtes L., Thoeni K. (2024). YADE - An extensible framework for the interactive simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics particulate systems. Computer Physics Communications vol.304, p.109293, - DOI:10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109293 - lien HAL .
    • Huber M., Scholtes L., Lavé J. (2024). Stability and failure modes of slopes with anisotropic strength: Insights from discrete element models. Geomorphology vol.444, p.108946, - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108946 - lien HAL .

    • Eldursi K., Scholtes L., Conin M., Golfier F., Ledru P., Mercadier J., Collon P., Chemillac R. (2023). 3-D hydromechanical simulation of intersecting faults: Influences on fluid circulation and formation of oriented-orebodies. Journal of Structural Geology vol.171, p.104864, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsg.2023.104864 - lien HAL .
    • Jiao L., Tapponnier P., Donzé F.V., Scholtes L., Gaudemer Y., Xu X. (2023). Discrete Element Modeling of Southeast Asia's 3D Lithospheric Deformation During the Indian Collision. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.128, - DOI:10.1029/2022JB025578.
    • Mostafa A., Scholtes L., Golfier F. (2023). Pore-scale hydro-mechanical modeling of gas transport in coal matrix. Fuel vol.345, p.128165, - DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128165 - lien HAL .

    • Jiao L., Chan C.H., Scholtes L., Hubert-Ferrari A., Donzé F.V., Tapponnier P. (2022). Discrete Element Modeling of a Subduction Zone with a Seafloor Irregularity and its Impact on the Seismic Cycle. Acta Geologica Sinica vol.2, p.776–790, 3, - lien HAL .

    • Donzé F.V., Klinger Y., Bonilla-Sierra V., Duriez J., Jiao L., Scholtes L. (2021). Assessing the brittle crust thickness from strike-slip fault segments on Earth, Mars and Icy moons. Tectonophysics vol.805, p.228779, - DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228779 - lien HAL .
    • Jiao L., Klinger Y., Scholtes L. (2021). Fault Segmentation Pattern Controlled by Thickness of Brittle Crust. Geophysical Research Letters vol.48, p.e2021GL093390, - DOI:10.1029/2021GL093390 - lien HAL .
    • Nguyen H.N.G., Scholtes L., Guglielmi Y., Donzé F.V., Ouraga Z., Souley M. (2021). Micromechanics of Sheared Granular Layers Activated by Fluid Pressurization. Geophysical Research Letters vol.48, 14, - DOI:10.1029/2021GL093222 - lien HAL .
    • Zhang L., Scholtes L., Donzé F.V. (2021). Discrete Element Modeling of Permeability Evolution During Progressive Failure of a Low-Permeable Rock Under Triaxial Compression. Rock Mechanics Rock Engineering - DOI:10.1007/s00603-021-02622-9 - lien HAL .