Mickaël Laumonier (LMV, nouvel arrivant post-doc ClerVolc) qui se déroulera
le jeudi 3 décembre à 16h en salle Jean Jung .
Sa présentation comportera 2 parties :
– MELT INTERCONNECTIVITY in the upper mantle
– suivie de GIANT WATER reservoir in the Andean crust (voir les résumés ci-dessous)
En espérant vous voir nombreux,
MELT INTERCONNECTIVITY in the upper mantle
Some regions of the Earth’s mantle are particularly conductive (electrically) and the reason is still a matter of debate: water in minerals or presence of melt? The melt theory is based on mathematical models (melt distribution-bulk electrical conductivity) which have not been experimentally tested/confirmed. Experiments with in situ electrical conductivity mesurements suggest the presence of < 1 % of melt in the LAB to explain the observed electrical conductivity and reveal the need to re evaluate the mathematical models.
MELT INTERCONNECTIVITY in the upper mantle
Some regions of the Earth’s mantle are particularly conductive (electrically) and the reason is still a matter of debate: water in minerals or presence of melt? The melt theory is based on mathematical models (melt distribution-bulk electrical conductivity) which have not been experimentally tested/confirmed. Experiments with in situ electrical conductivity mesurements suggest the presence of < 1 % of melt in the LAB to explain the observed electrical conductivity and reveal the need to re evaluate the mathematical models.