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Physicien, UCA ; Dir. adjoint OPGC UAR 833 |
Research field
- Topics : Dynamics of explosive eruptions, ash plumes and jets, field volcanology, geophysics.
- Target volcanoes : Etna, Tajogaite (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma), Soufrière de Guadeloupe, Sabancaya, Stromboli, Popocatépetl, Yasur, Arenal, Auvergne, Soufrière Hills Montserrat, Mont St. Helens.
- Tools : Remote sensing (Doppler radar, infrared radiometry, disdrometer), numerical models (electromagnetic scattering, ballistics, plume column), sub-surface geophysical methods
1. Eruption Source Parameters of volcanic jets and ash plumes: radar and disdrometer measurements
Eruption Source Parameters controlling the plume dynamics as well as ash dispersal and fallout are crucial to initialize ash dispersal models and forecast the impact of ash on air trafic, populations and infrastructures. They can be retrieved from measurements of ground-based radars and disdrometers deployed near the volcano, a field of expertise of OPGC-LMV through its unique platform of ground-based transportable instruments: VOLDORAD.
The source term of ash plumes retrieved from high-resolution radar scans
These reflectivity scans were measured inside the eruptive column of an ash plume of Sabancaya volcano (Peru) using our new mm-wave radar VOLDORAD-3. In addition to providing plume height and width, radar reflectivities show the particle mass internal distribution and can be converted to ash concentrations (e.g. up to 1 g/m3 for weak plumes at Stromboli) using proximal records of ash fallout from disdrometers (Freret-Lorgeril et al., 2019
) or by electromagnetic backscattering modelling if particle size distribution can be constrained (Gouhier & Donnadieu, 2008
). Doppler velocities are also measured, providing internal particle velocities and exit velocities.
Methodological development : Mass Eruption Rate
Our monitoring radar on Etna (VOLDORAD-2B) provides the echo power and Doppler velocities of lava fountain-fed tephra plumes. From these combined parameters calibrated from the VOLDORAD database of 47 paroxysms and a plume model, tephra Mass Eruption Rates at Etna can now be retrieved directly from radar measurements in real-time , a major achievement of the EUROVOLC project (collab. INGV-OE). Total erupted mass are found to commonly reach 108-109 kg, 75% being released during the climax (15-20 min) with MER reaching 105-106 kg/s (Freret-Lorgeril et al., 2018).
Lava jets: at-vent velocities, gas fluxes, tephra mass
Transportable UHF Doppler radar (VOLDORAD-2) aiming at the vent of Yasur volcano (Vanuatu). High rate measurements reveal pyroclast exit velocities in the range 50 et 320 m/s, slightly higher than Stromboli (Chevalier et Donnadieu, 2015
). From measured maximum velocities (red curve) and vent diameter, explosive degassing fluxes can be estimated (4*105 m3/h). Mie diffusion modelling of the radar backscattered power (blue curve) provides masses of ejecta ranging from many hundreds of kg to several tens of tons per explosion.
Ash dispersal forecast using radar retrievals
Transport modelling (WRF-Chem) of volcanic emissions (ash, SO2) using the radar-derived near-vent tephra Mass Eruption Rate in input leads to improved dispersal forecast, particularly for short-lived eruptions with large source rate fluctuations such Etna paroxysms, as verified from satellite MSG SEVIRI images for the 23 November 2013 eruption (Donnadieu et al., 2021
). Echo power (lower curves) and Doppler velocities (upper left curves) of lava fountain-fed tephra plumes are measured above the eruptive craters by our L-band monitoring radar at Etna (VOLDORAD-2B). Near-vent vertical ejection velocities of lava fountains, for instance, can exceed 300 m/s (Donnadieu et al., 2016, 2005). See below the numerical simulation of ash dispersal over Mediterraean area over days following such an eruption (© Umberto Rizza, ISAC-CNR); these results improve our knowledge of environmental impacts from volcanic pollutants released in the atmosphere and help assess hazards from short-lived explosive eruptions (air trafic, environment, health etc).
Other animated gif movies from sequences of paroxysms at Etna here (from Rizza, Donnadieu et al., 2023).
PM10 ash dispersal simulation maps show that the very fine ash (<10 microns) from Etna eruption sequences easily contaminate the airspace around the volcano within a radius of about 1000 km in a matter of a few days. Synoptic patterns with relatively weak tropospheric currents lead to the accumulation of PM10 ash at a regional scale all around Etna.
2. Processes controlling the dynamics of ash plumes and fallout
Collective sedimentation from wind-affected ash plumes
Disdrometer data highlighted pulsatory phases of increased proximal sedimentation rate from transient weak dilute plumes (A), consistent with reflectivity variations inside ash plumes measured by mm-wave radar (B). From time series of both instruments and simple analog experiments, we developed a conceptual model for intermittent collective sedimentation from wind-affected ash plumes (C; Freret-Lorgeril et al., 2020
) whereby the dynamics of wind-driven rolls in ash clouds can govern the production of gravitational instabilities and the occurrence and timing of ash fingers that form descending sediment thermals in turn. This study suggests that ambient wind should affect the maximum size and minimum concentration of ash particles needed to form fingers but also control where and when fingers form at the base of wind-drifted ash plumes. These novel predictions should contribute to better assess hazards related to fine ash dispersal from the most frequent style of eruptions.
3. Geophysics in support of studies in volcanology, geology, archeology, hydrogeology
Aside from my main research on tephra plumes, I contribute to geophysical surveys either in the frame of large projects involving heavy field deployments or of local studies in archeogeophysics, volcanology, geology and hydrogeology.
- Self-Potential (Potentiel spontané), CO2 flux and thermal flux survey at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano (in the frame of Amelie Klein’s PhD at UCA; e.g. Klein et al., 2022)
- Hydrothermal dynamics and weakening evolution of La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe) revealed by post-reactivation geophysical data (Gailler et al., in prep.): ERT, SP, Magnetometry
- CAPRICE project (2018-2022) on the interdisciplinary approach for the characterization of water ressources in the Chaine des Puys : contribution to Electrical Resistivity Tomography (2D and 3D) surveys to image interface of volcanic products and basement (Cheire d’Aydat, Traversin, Chez Pierre, etc) (Buvat et al., in prep.)
- Study of the Gergovie plateau lava flows and maars complex system (Buvat et al,_Bull_Assoc Site Gergovie): combining ERT, Time-Domain Electromagnetics, GPR
- Archeogeophysics on Huaynaputina volcanic deposits and buried incas villages (Peru, I-SITE 2018-19) from GPR, Electro-Magnetics and gradio-magnetometry (IUGS Geoheritage site)
- Post-eruption evolution of maar lakes and potential instability: The LakePavin case study, French Massif Central (Thouret et al., 2021): combined multi-frequency GPR and ERT
- Multi-method geophysical survey of Caesar military system of the battle of Gergovie (Dacko et al., 2021)
- Combined ERT and GPR study of Pré-au-Lac area, Oppidum de Gergovie (Mayoral et al., 2021)
- Surface geophysical methods tought in Master Geotechnics: Seismic refraction, GPR, ERT, E-M in various local sites
- From science to artwork : a Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey of Place de Jaude, (collab. H. Dartevelle AUGUSTONEMETUM project on Clermont-Ferrand antic city, DRAC 2020) in the frame of Scott Hessels’ artist residency project Below Victory (collab. Videoformes, Service Culture UCA)
- Geophysical study of the Chantuzier maar, Haute Loire and groundwater catchment using ERT and GPR (Labazuy et al. report, 2017)
- Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the Abbaye St Pierre de Mozac (Donnadieu et al., 2013)
- Electrical Resistivity Tomography survey of Puy de Dôme, in the frame of A. Portal’s PhD work (Portal et al., 2013)
As a CNAP researcher in an Observatory (OPGC), a third of my time is statutorily devoted to collective tasks serving the scientific community : in my case, the management of the VOLDORAD service in the frame of the french National Service of Observations in Volcanology (SNOV). This platform comprises instrumental development of radars and disdrometers for operational field deployment and measurement campaigns, and elaboration of open-access data bases from collected observations; sensors and data bases are made available to the scientific community and mainly used in the volcanology and atmospheric fields. See some illustrations of results in my Research page. This activity receives strong support from OPGC engineers and transverse services.
As a volcanologist I also contribute to the volcano monitoring of Soufrière de Guadeloupe and formerly Etna, and punctually to back up monitoring duties of the french volcano Observatories of Piton de la Fournaise and Mayotte (OVPF).
VOLDORAD: VOLcano DOppler RADars and disdrometers
a unique platform of interdisciplinary instruments for field deployment in volcanology and atmosphere studies
!!! You’re wellcome to use these instruments !!! contact franck.donnadieu@uca.fr
- 4 Volcanological Doppler radars :
3 UHF for lapilli and blocs detection, 1 mm-wave (scanning) for tracking ash and hydrometeors
- Reflectivity factor
- Doppler velocity
- plume height
- plume width/thickness
- tephra mass space-time distribution
- tephra velocity space-time distribution
- ejection velocity
- gas flux
- tephra mass eruption rate (MER)
- tephra mass
- 6 disdrometers measuring ash fallout and hydrometeors
1 Parsivel2 OTT, 4 LPM Thies Clima, 1 ASHER
- number of falling particles
- particle size distribution
- terminal fall velocities
- sedimentation rate
- ash fallout concentration
- radar-equivalent reflectivity
Open access VOLDORAD data bases
Etna : Real-time radar monitoring of Etna since 2009 (UHF VOLDORAD-2B), in collaboration with INGV-OE
Open access: http://voldorad.opgc.fr/bddtr.php (DOI: Donnadieu et al., 2015)
Products level 1 : Echo power, Doppler velocity parameters
Products level 2 : Mass Eruption Rate, eruptive crater identification, onset/end of lava fountain, ash dispersion maps (e.g. hazards to aviation)
Popocatépetl : Doppler radar records of dome explosions and tephra plumes (UHF VOLDORAD-1; 2013-2016)
Open access: http://voldorad.opgc.fr/bddpopo.php
Products level 1 : Echo power, Doppler velocity parameters
EXAEDRE : Study of meteorological conditions leading to thunderstorms in Corsica (July-Oct 2018)
Access upon registering:
HYMEX database catalogue including mm-wave radar data (VOLDORAD-3) from EXAEDRE campaign in Corsica
Products level 1 : Dynamic profiles of Reflectivity and Doppler velocity
Field campaigns with VOLDORAD instruments deployment
- May 2025- disdrometer network deployment on Etna volcano for ash fallout monitoring (collab. INGV-CT; funding ClerVolc, PI V Freret-Lorgeril)
- May 2025- L-band radar VOLDORAD-2B monitoring of Etna (funding LMV-OPGC/ INGV-CT, PIs F Donnadieu, M Coltelli)
- Oct 2025- Mar 2026 mm-wave radar VOLDORAD-3 to be deployed within the frame of NAWDIC international field campaign focusing on mid-latitude atmospheric dynamics (funding ANR DICHOTOMI, IPSL)
Tajogaite 2021 (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canarias islands, Spain)
Study of ash plume sedimentation
EUROVOLC project Oct. 2021
2 disdrometers, 1 wind station, ash sampling boxes
Etna (Sicily) 2009-2017
Tephra plume monitoring and source term retrieval
1998, 2001: Dynamics of Strombolian and lava fountain activity
Atmospheric studies
(New-Zealand, April 2020)
collab. OPGC, LaMP, LATMOS
CAPRICE Chaîne des Puys (Auvergne, 2021-)
HYMEX-EXAEDRE (Corsica, July-Oct 2018)
collab. OPGC, LATMOS
Sabancaya (Peru)
2018 Ash plume and sedimentation dynamics (LabEX ClerVolc project)
VOLDORAD-3, disdrometer, ash sampling
Popocatépetl (Mexico)
2007: Caracterisation of ash emissions
2013-16: Monitoring of explosive activity
Stromboli (Eolian islands)
2012 Dynamics of lava jets
2015 Source terme of strombolian ash plumes
LabEx ClerVolc project
collab. OPGC, LATMOS, Univ Firenze, DPC Roma
Yasur (Vanuatu) 2008
ARC-Vanuatu ANR project
collab. OPGC, DGMWR
Arenal (Costa Rica) 2004, 2005, 2009
collab. OPGC, Univ. Costa Rica
- Institute : Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA)
- Discipline : Geophysics, Remote sensing, Volcanology
- Level : Licence, Master, CAPES-Agreg
- Service: 66h/yr statutory
Current teaching
I am currently teaching Applied Geophysics in Master 3G Géoressources, Géorisques, Géotechnique (Ecole de l’OPGC) and in Master Gestion de l’Environnement (UFR LCSH – Biologie) at Université Clermont Auvergne.
Two modules of theoretical courses and field work are devoted to better understanding the most commonly used geophysical methods in Geotechnics : courses, exercices, acquisition in the field, case studies, data processing
- Geophysics for geotechnical works (Resp. module)
- Field training on several sites with geophysical instruments (1 week)
We study the following methods: Ground-Penetrating Radar, Electromagnetics, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Seismic refraction, borehole geophysics, Magnetism, Gravimetry, Geodesy (GPS, levelling, ranging techniques).
- Module referent: Master 3G 1st year Subsurface Geophysics (>2017), Licence STPE 3d year Fundamentals in Geophysics (<2013)
- Jury Member: Master of Science (INVOGE) Michigan Tech. Univ. (2013), Master 2 Magmas & Volcans (2005, 2006)
- Selection board Master 2 Géologie de l’Aménagement (2013)
- Mentoring high school and prepa classes students for TIPE projects (Travaux d’Initiative Personnelle Encadrés); Supervising group research projects
- Co-manager of geophysical lab and pool of instruments at Ecole de l’OPGC-LMV
Former teaching
- Fundamental Geophysics in Licence of Earth Sc. 3d yr (module referent)
- Volcanology – Geomorphology for CAPES-AGREGATION diploma
- Courses on volcano monitoring to high school professors
- Geological mapping (Lic.3, Master 1) : practical works and field mapping
- Radar remote sensing, Fundamental Physics, Scientific methods, Paleontology, Geological map study (Lic.1)
Administrative responsabilities
- 2023- Assistant director Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC, Dir. Erwan Thebault)
- 2022-23 Assistant director Laboratoire Magmas & Volcans (LMV, Dir Didier Laporte)
- 2022- LMV Geotheque committee: implementation coordinator of International Geo Sample Number service at LMV (IGSN: persistent, globally unique, web resolvable identifier for physical samples; allocating agent: CNRS-INSU), and soon Collec-Science, a software designed to manage collections of samples collected in the field and scientific heritage (OPGC).
- 2018-19, 2022- Service National d’Observation en Volcanologie Steering committee (COPIL SNOV, CNRS-INSU)
- 2018-19, 2022-23 Head of Observation Services in Volcanology at OPGC (25 pers.);
- 2021-23 Evaluation Committee for HDR diploma of Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Fondamentales – Université Clermont Auvergne
- 2006-2022 OPGC administration board
- 2011-15 Conseil National des Astronomes et Physiciens (CNAP), section Terre Interne: (recruitements, evaluations, carreers, webmaster);
- 2006-2009 OPGC Scientific Council (and invited member since 2002)
- 2010-2017 advisory board Lab. Magmas & Volcans
- 2008-2010 Head of computer ressources at LMV
- 2004-2006 CSE researcher recruitment committee of LMV
Scientific Responsabilities
- 2018-present Scientific panel member Comité de suivi de la Soufrière de Guadeloupe
- 2015-2018 PI project VOLDORAD-3 (130K€, LabEx Clervolc and MI-CNRS): development of an multidisciplinary mm-wave scanning Doppler radar for ash and clouds, and test campaigns at Stromboli and Sabancaya volcanoes
- 2002-present Head of VOLDORAD National Observation Service (SNO-Volcanology, OPGC): a unique platform of deployable instruments (Volcano Doppler Radars and disdrometers) with measurements data base
- 2009-present Referent scientist for radar monitoring of Etna (VOLDORAD-2B, research contract and research agreement UBP-CNRS-INGV)
- 2007, 2013-16 Referent scientist for radar monitoring of Popocatépetl volcano (collab. OPGC-CENAPRED-UNA Mexico)
- 2010 LMV-OPGC advisory board during Eyjafjöll eruptive crisis (ash cloud trajectory forecast)
- Student supervisor of 5 PhD, 3 post-docs, 10 Master 2d-year, and 30 Lic-Master 1 from 10 institutes
International Activities
- 2025 jury of PhD thesis Eric B. Téllez Ugalde (UNAM, Mexico)
- 2022 co-organizer MIST workshop, Clermont-Ferrand « Modeling Imaging Sensing and Tracing of emissions and volcanic plumes »
- 2021 co-organizer of 2d Volcano Observatories-VAAC workshop in the frame of EPOS SP–EUROVOLC european programs; Co-Editor of a special issue in Bulletin of Volcanology 2025
- 20013-16 PI of MEDSUV EU-FP7 program at Univ Clermont Auvergne (MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes)
- 20011-12 PI of TerMeX MISTRAL INSU program Evaluation des risques associés aux activités éruptives majeures de l’Etna (#737781)
- 2009 co-organizer of the IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism workshop (Clermont-Ferrand)
- 2008 session co-chairman at IAVCEI, Reykjavik, Iceland
- 2003 PI of ACI Antilles INSU program Dynamique des jets et panaches éruptifs
- 2002-present PI of over 10 international campaigns involving high-tech equipment for measurement of ash plumes in Costa Rica (Arenal), Italy (Etna, Stromboli), Mexico (Popocatépetl), Vanuatu (Yasur), Peru (Sabancaya), Canarias (La Palma)
- 1995 volcanic risks survey in Java and around Merapi volcano (Indonesia) for the Comité International pour la Formation et les Échanges Géologiques
Evaluation Activities
- Reviewer for international programs: CNES, NERC, German Res. Foundation, Icelandic Res. Fund, Meteo. Soc. New-Zealand
- Evaluation committee of 4 theses, 1 HDR
- Reviewer for 10 international journals: Nature, JGR A/B, Geology, GJI, IEEE TGRS., JVGR, BAMS, Bull. Volcanol, Frontiers
Students distinctions/awards
- 2021 A. Klein: PhD fellowship winner of Graduate Track InVolc (I-SITE CAP2025 project University Clermont Auvergne )
- 2019 C. Gélibert: LAVE Association travel grant to EGU for Master 2 research works
- 2018 J. Gilchrist I-SITE Clermont Auvergne Project WOW! travel grant
- 2012 E. Bonny MeMoVolc (ESF) travel grant to INGV for Master 1 radar works on Etna
- 2008 M. Gouhier thesis 2d prize of the city of Clermont-Ferrand
PhD students
- 2024 Amelie Klein ‘Multi-parametric study of the evolution of hydrothermal systems : contributions to the understanding of volcanic systems in unrest‘ (D. Jessop, F. Donnadieu); PhD fellowship winner Clermont Auvergne Project : InVolc Graduate School CAP2025 – SFRI); now working in renewable energies, Stuttgart
- 2021 Johanand Gilchrist ‘Sediment waves and the gravitational stability of explosive eruption columns and ash clouds’ (M. Jellinek UBC, F. Donnadieu UCA); now post-doc at U. Oregon
- 2018 Valentin Freret-Lorgeril ‘The source term of tephra plumes: inputs of remote sensing methods’ (F. Donnadieu; J.F. Lénat); now researcher at OPGC-LMV
- 2012 Sébastien Valade ‘Source mechanisms and dynamics of volcanic pyroclastic emissions: a perspective from Doppler radar (VOLDORAD) and other geophysical data’ (F. Donnadieu, A. Harris); now researcher at UNAM
- 2008 Mathieu Gouhier ‘Application of Doppler radar (VOLDORAD) to the study of Strombolian eruptions dynamics at Etna’ (F. Donnadieu, T. Druitt); now researcher at OPGC-LMV
- 2021 Alessandro Taddini ‘Modelling of ash dispersion and sedimentation from volcanic plumes’ (ClerVolc, M. Gouhier, F.Donnadieu)
- 2019 Matthieu Poret ‘Numerical study of aggregation of volcanic ash’ (ClerVolc, M. Gouhier, F.Donnadieu, W. Wobrock, A. Flossmann)
- 2013 Sébastien Valade ‘Integrating volcano remote sensing methods: application to Stromboli’ (A. Harris, F.Donnadieu)
Licence – Master students
- Louis Tyrode, 2025. Mesures des chutes de cendres par disdromètres lors de l’éruption du volcan Tajogaite en 2021 (Master 1 UCA, 100%)
- Agathe Hantraye, 2023. Mesures de la dynamique des panaches de cendres par radar Doppler à ondes millimétriques (Master 2 EOST Strasbourg, 90%; F Peyrin 10%). Now at TLS Geothermics
- Julia Dewalle, 2023. Mesures radars UHF de l’activité éruptive des volcans Stromboli et Etna (Master 1 UCA, 50%; V Freret-Lorgeril 50%).
- Jade de Paoli, 2022. Physical characterization of ash particles from the Cumbre Vieja 2021 eruption : application to disdrometer measurements (Licence 3 UCA, 100%)
- Biensan Clothilde, 2021. Measuring ash fallout using disdrometers: An application at Cumbre Vieja 2021 (EuroVolc project) (CDD EuroVolc Master 2 Bordeaux, 100%)
- Thouvenin Jeremy, 2021. Modélisation des masses pyroclastiques émises lors des explosions strombliennes du volcan Yasur, Vanuatu, mesurées par radar Doppler. Mémoire de stage, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, poster EOST. (Ecole Ing. 1ere an EOST Strasbourg, 100%)
- Yanis Gomes, 2021. Mise en oeuvre d’un disdromètre laser appliqué en volcanologie. Rapport stage DUT Mesures Physiques, Univ. Clermont Auvergne. pp. 68. (BUT UCA, 10%; T Latchimy 90%)
- Johanna Medyk, 2020. Travail artistique à partir de données géoradar Place de la Victoire, Clermont-Ferrand (contrib.). Ecole Sup. d’Arts Clermont Métropole (Master 1, 20%)
- Vergeron Xavier, 2020. Caractérisation des panaches de cendres du volcan Sabancaya par radar Doppler et disdromètre. Mémoire de Master 2, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, pp. 30. (Master 2, 100%)
- Liéthoudt Thomas, 2019. Contrôle qualité avec Python des données radar (VOLDORAD-3) issues de la campagne 2018 au Sabancaya. Rapport de stage Univ. Clermont Auvergne, pp. 32. (Ecole Ing. 1ere an Paris Sorbonne, 50%)
- Gélibert Charlotte, 2019. Caractérisation de la charge en cendres des panaches du volcan Sabancaya (Pérou) par radar à ondes millimétriques. Mémoire de Master 2, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, pp. 64. (Master 2 100%)
- Soriaux Corentin, 2018. Sondage des panaches de cendres par radar à ondes millimétriques : Exemple à Stromboli. Mémoire de Master 2, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, pp. 77. (Master 2 100%)
- Neldy Paola Sanchez Torres, 2018. Identificacion de peublos y estructuras sepultadas por la erupcion del volcan Huaynaputina mediante prospeccion georradar. Univ Arequipa. (Masteria, 10%)
- Biren Jonas, 2016. Suivi radar de l’activité éruptive du volcan Popocatépetl (Mexique) de janvier à mars 2015. Mémoire Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 24. (Master 1, 100%)
- Freret-Lorgeril Valentin, 2015. Etude des paroxysmes du nouveau cratère Sud-Est de l’Etna : contraintes par radars en bande L et X, et par imagerie infrarouge et visible. Mémoire de Master 2 Recherche, Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 48. (Master 2, 100%)
- Serra Hugo, 2015. Traitement par radar Doppler volcanologique de l’activité explosive du Popocatépetl (Juillet 2014-Février 2015). Rapport de stage, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, mai-juillet 2015, pp. 48. (Lic. 3 Toulouse, 100%)
- Freret-Lorgeril Valentin, 2014. Caractérisation de l’activité explosive du Popocatépetl (Mexique) par radar Doppler. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 25. (Master 1, 100%)
- Christmann Vincent, 2014. Résultats de la mission Stromboli (Sept.-Oct. 2012) avec VOLDORAD II. Mém. de stage, Lab. Magmas et Volcans Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, Jan-Juin 2014., 76p. (Master 1, 100%)
- Jauvin Matthias, 2013. Analyse préliminaires des premières mesures des panaches de cendres du Popocatépetl (Mexique) par radar Doppler volcanologique (VOLDORAD 1) (Ecole Ing. 3e an EOST, 100%)
- Bonny Estelle, 2013. Satellite-based quantification of SO2 emissions from Etna’s paroxysms in 2011-2012, constrain by Doppler radar. Master of Science thesis, Michigan Technological University, pp.75. (Master 2, 20%, main supervisor S. Carn)
- Chevalier Laure, 2013. Velocity description of Strombolian eruptions from radiometric data and thermal (FLIR) video analysis: insights into explosions dynamics. M2 Sciences de la Terre, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, pp30.(Master 2 ENS Lyon, 100%)
- Stachowicz Thomas, 2013. Etude des éruptions du volcan Stromboli (Italie) par radar Doppler et caméra haute vitesse. Master 2 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont II, France, pp41. (Master 2, 100%)
- Beziaux Marine, Coperey Antoine, 2013. Etude Géophysique de l’Abbaye St Pierre de Mozac. Master 1 Pro Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp.110. (Master 1, co-encadrement 50% P. Labazuy)
- Bonny Estelle, 2012. Study of the ash plumes from Etna volcano: a perspective from Doppler radar and deposits analysis. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 27. (Master 1, 80%)
- Stachowicz Thomas, 2012. Etude par radar Doppler de la dynamique explosive du volcan Arenal (Costa Rica). Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 26. (Master 1, 100%)
- Bonny Estelle, 2011. Étude des retombées de l’Etna du 29 Août 2011. Mem. stage LMV, UBP, 2p. (Lic. 3, co-encadrement 50% L. Gurioli)
- Maillet Alexis, 2011. Caractérisation de l’activité explosive du volcan Yasur (Vanuatu) par analyse de données du radar Doppler volcanologique (VOLDORAD II). Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 30 (Master 1, 100%)
- Rodriguez Nicolas, 2011. Caractérisation de l’activité explosive du volcan Yasur au Vanuatu. Rapport de stage Licence Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Tours, pp. 49 (M1, 100%)
- Pareilh-Peyrou Mathias, 2011. Prospection géoradar de l’acqueduc de Neri-les-bains. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II. (Master 1, 20% co-encadrement C. Franceschelli, P. Labazuy)
- Tailpied Doriane, 2010. Dépouillement des mesures effectuées par un radar Doppler sur des éruptions explosives au Yasur, et mise en relation avec d’autres méthodes d’analyse. Rapport de stage T.E.R. E.O.S.T., Univ. Strasbourg, pp. 35. (Ecole Ing. 1 an EOST, 80%)
- Valade Sébastien, 2008. Etude des panaches de cendres du Popocatépetl (Mexique) par radar Doppler. Master 2 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont II, pp. 54. (Master 2, 100%)
- Saumet Sylvaine, 2007. Comparaison des signaux géophysiques associés à l’activité du volcan Arenal. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 24. (100%)
- Catry Thiebault, 2006. Structure thermique d’écoulements et de dépôts ignimbrituques. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 20. (20%, encadrante principale L. Girolami)
- Doloire Jessica, 2006. Traitement des signaux acquis par un radar Doppler volcanologique au sol lors d’une éruption de l’Arenal en février 2004. Rapport de stage ENGEES, Univ. Strasbourg, pp. 40. (Ecole Ing. 2 an, 100%)
- Perrier Laurence, 2006. Corrélations des signaux radar et sismiques de l’activité éruptive du volcan Arenal. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II. (80%)
- Pascal Karen, 2006. Comparaison de signaux sismiques et VOLDORAD (volcan Arenal, Costa Rica). Rapport de stage Licence Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, 20p. (100%)
- Pouchol Laure, 2005. Étude des mécanismes éruptifs de l’Arénal grâce au radar Doppler. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 33. (100%)
- Gouhier Mathieu, 2005. Mem. Master 2 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II. (100%)
- Clenet Harold, 2004. Etude préliminaire des mécanismes éruptifs de l’Arénal grâce au radar Doppler. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 41. (100%)
- Tinard Pierre, 2003. Modélisation du signal radar Doppler lors d’explosions Stromboliennes. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 26. (100%)
- Tixerant Pierre, 2003. Etalonnage d’un radar Doppler UHF par comparaison avec des mesures d’un disdromètre. Rapport de stage Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie et OPGC 887, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, pp. 55. (20%, encadrant principal Y. Pointin)
- Ranvier Fabien, 1998. Modélisation analogique d’intrusions magmatiques. Rapport de stage T.E.R. Master 1 Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II. (20%, encadrant principal O. Merle)
Diffusion of Science
- >125 communications in international congress (2/3 in 1st or 2d author, 1 keynote, 10 invited, 7 seminars)
- Web: website on radar applications in volcanology (VOLDORAD); contribution to L’ObservaTerre (EPOS) on contenu telluric risks, to IUT online course (MOOC chap.3) Effet Doppler: Applications en télédétection (Radar – Sonar – Echographie)
- Conferences: Université Ouverte Clermont Auvergne 2023 (L’éruption de La Palma), 2017 (Le volcanisme de l’Etna)
; Musée Lecoq Clermont-Fd 2008 (Mesure des jets volcaniques)
- Exhibitions: Exposciences 2010
- Medias: TV doc 2017 ‘Les Volcanologues 3.0’ Sciences & Vie TV (Crestar Prod.); communiqué INSU 18/11/2011 éruption Etna ; La Montagne (28/03/2004, 25/10/2009, 27/10/2010, 21/01/2011), Info Magazine (19/10/2010); Teletica 7 Costa Rica 2009; TV8 03/01/2006, radio France Bleue Auvergne 31/10/2005 et 28/10/2010
- Schools: Evaluation committee of Vulcania volcanology concourse for scholars; Interviews on the job of Volcanologist; Geological tour guide in the Chaîne des Puys;
- Arts: contribution to Scott Hessels’ artist residency 2020 ‘Below Victory‘ using GPR data; check out one example in Cool Stuff section
- Training of professors (middle- & high- school): Maison de la Science 2013-14 on volcano monitoring, conference on Magnetism for APBG Professor Association
Book chapters
- Mariño J., Arias C., Cueva K., Thouret J.-C., Finizola A., Antoine R., Delcher E., Fauchard C., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Japura S., Gusset R.,Sanchez P., Ramos D., Thouret L., Ancalle A., Saintenoy T., 2022. Paisajes del volcan Huaynaputina: Patrimonio geologico y cultural. Guia geoturistica INGEMMET. Boletin Serie I: Patrimonio y Geoturismo N°15, 132p.
- Donnadieu F., Jessop D., Bani P., Moune S., 2022. Volcano Remote Sensing with Ground-Based Techniques. In Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 2, J.-F. Lénat (Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394169610.ch4 ; Version française : Donnadieu F., Jessop D., Bani P., Moune S., 2022. Surveillance de l’activité volcanique par télédétection au sol. In Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 2, J.-F. Lénat Ed. ISTE-Géosciences. ISBN 9781789480436, 227-320.
- Gailler L., Lénat J.-F. and Donnadieu F., 2022. Gravity Monitoring of Volcanoes. In Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3, J.-F. Lénat (Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394173730.ch4 ; Version française : Gailler L., Lénat J.-F., Donnadieu F., 2022. La surveillance gravimétrique des volcans. In Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 3, J.-F. Lénat Ed. ISTE-Géosciences. ISBN 9781789480467, 235-262
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F. et al., 2022. Volcanic Hazards. In Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1, J.-F. Lénat (Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394163359.ch2; Version française : Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F. et al., 2022. Les aléas volcaniques. In Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 2, J.-F. Lénat Ed. ISTE-Géosciences. ISBN 9781789480436, 83-157.
- Donnadieu F., Freville P., Hervier C., Latchimy T., Peyrin F., Rivet S., Cacault P., Guéhenneux Y., 2016. Des radars pour sonder l’intérieur des panaches volcaniques (VOLDORAD). Revue d’Auvergne, 337-354.
- Donnadieu F., 2012. Volcanological applications of Doppler radars: A review and examples from a transportable pulse radar in L-band. In Bech J. and Chau J.L. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0496-4, InTech, p. 409-446.
Popularization articles
- Vidal N., Donnadieu F., van Baelen J., 2021. Histoire de radars :Applications des radars aux domaines de la météorologie et de la volcanologie à l’Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand. e-Phaïstos, IX-2. https://journals.openedition.org/ephaistos/9128
- Gélibert C., 2019. Caractérisation de la charge en cendres des panaches du volcan Sabancaya (Pérou) par radar à ondes millimétriques. Bulletin de l’Association Volcanologique Européenne (LAVE).
- Pelletier B. et al., 2009. Etude du volcan Yasur dans le cadre du programme « Arc Vanuatu » 2007-2009. Bull LAVE 138, 8-11.
- Microscoop, 13, p.26-27, 2004
- Le journal du CNRS 2004 (178, p.12), 2002, 2001
- Donnadieu F., 2003. VOLDORAD: un radar au coeur des panaches volcaniques. Eruption 2, p.41-43
- Donnadieu F., 1996. Un gigantesque glissement de terrain actif au Kilauea, Hawaii. Bull. L.A.V.E., 64, p.17-21.
- Donnadieu F., 1995. De la notion de magma primaire. Bull. Assoc. Vulcano, 8, p.24-26.
- Donnadieu F., 1994. Compte-rendu d’activité du Kilauea, Hawaii. Bull. Assoc. L.A.V.E., 47, p.14-15.
- Donnadieu F., 1994. Les champs phlégréens. Bull. Soc. Volcanol. Europ. (SVE), 6, p.10-15.
- Donnadieu F., 1993. Il était une fois le Mont Dore. Bull. Assoc. Vulcano, 4, p.12-15.
- Donnadieu F., 1993. Larmes et cheveux de Pélé, écume de lave. Bull. Assoc. Vulcano, 6, p.22-24.
- Donnadieu F., Calvario S., Barois P., Moulin T., Aubry P., 1992. Activité de l’Etna en Mai 1992. Bull. Assoc. Vulcano, 2, p.15-19.
International publications
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Hantrayes A., Delanoë J., Soriaux C., Latchimy T., Peyrin F., Vinson J.P., Caudoux C., Hervier C., 2025. The ash load of Strombolian volcanic plumes. In prep
- Gailler L., Labazuy P., et al.. Hydrothermal dynamics and weakening evolution of La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe) revealed by post-reactivation geophysical data. In prep
- Buvat S., Aumar C., Labazuy P., Merle O., Gailler L., Donnadieu F., Souriot T., Merciecca C., 2025. Electrical survey to assess the geomorphology of a complex volcanic aquifer : the case study of Cheire de Côme (Chaîne des Puys, France). In prep
- Klein A., Jessop D.E., Donnadieu F., Pierre J., Moretti R., 2024. Dome permeability and fluid circulation at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe implied from soil CO2 degassing, thermal flux and self-potential. Bull Volcanol 86, 26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-024-01713-z
Related dataset (Self-Potential mappings) : OPGC Catalog
- Rizza U., Donnadieu F., Morichetti M., Avolio E., Castorina G., Semprebello A., Magazu S., Passerini G., Mancinelli E., Biensan C, 2023. Airspace Contamination by Volcanic Ash from Sequences of Etna Paroxysms: Coupling the WRF‐Chem Dispersion Model with Near‐Source L‐Band Radar Observations . Remote Sensing, 15, 3760. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15153760
Related dataset (animated gif movies) : OPGC Catalog
- Mereu L., Scollo S., Bonadonna C., Corradini S., Donnadieu F., Montopoli M., Vulpiani G., Barsotti S., Freret-Lorgeril V., Gudmundsson M. T., Kylling A., Ripepe M., 2023. Observations and Retrievals of Volcanic Ash Clouds Using Ground- and Satellite-Based Sensors. EuCAP 2023 Conference Proceedings, Florence, Italy.
- Sellegri K., Harvey M., Peltola M., Saint-Macary A., et al., 2023. Sea2Cloud: from biogenic emission fluxes to cloud properties in the South West Pacific. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0063.1
- Tadini A., Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., de’Michieli Vitturi M., Pardini F., 2022. Particle sedimentation in numerical modelling: a case study from the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle 2011 eruption with the PLUME-MoM/HYSPLIT models. Atmosphere 13, 784. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13050784
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Bonadonna C., Corradini S., Guerrieri L., Lemus J., Donnadieu F., Scollo S., Gurioli L., Rossi E. (2022). Tephra characterization and multi-disciplinary determination of Eruptive Source Parameters of a weak paroxysm at Mount Etna (Italy). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 421, 107431. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107431.
- Mereu L., Scollo S., Bonadonna C., Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Marzano F.S., 2022. Ground-Based Remote Sensing and Uncertainty Analysis of the Mass Eruption Rate Associated With the 3–5 December 2015 Paroxysms of Mt. Etna. IEEE J. Select Topics Appl. Earth Obs. Rem. Sens. 15, 504-518. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3133946. –
- Rizza U., Donnadieu F., Magazu S., Passerini G., Castorina G., Semprebello A., Morichetti M., Virgili S., Mancinelli E., 2021. Effects of Variable Eruption Source Parameters on Volcanic Plume Transport: Example of the 23 November 2013 Paroxysm of Etna. Remote Sens. 13, 4037. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13204037 –
- Dacko M., Simon F.X., Hulin G., Labazuy P., Buvat S., Donnadieu F., Deberge Y., 2021. Multi-Method Geophysical Survey of Caesar’s Military System at the Battle of Gergovie. ArcheoSciences 45-1, 47-50. http://doi.org/10.4000/archeosciences.8338
- Mariño J., Cueva K., Thouret J.-C., C. Arias, Finizola A., Antoine R., Delcher E., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Japura S., Gusset R., Sanchez P., Ramos D., Lazarte I., Macedo L., Thouret L., Del Carpio J., 2021. Multi-disciplinary study of the impacts of the 1600 CE Huaynaputina eruption and a project for geosites and geotouristic attractions. Geoheritage 13, 64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-021-00577-5
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Bonadonna C., Corradini S., Donnadieu F., Guerrieri L., Marzano F.S., Lacanna G., Mereu L., Merucci L., Ripepe M., Scollo S., Stelitano D., 2021. Multi-sensor determination of Eruptive Source Parameters of explosive events of various intensity at Mount Etna. Rem. Sens. 13, 2097. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13112097 –
- Thouret J.-C., Boivin P., Miallier D., Donnadieu F., Merciecca C., Labazuy P., 2021. Post-eruption evolution of maar lakes and potential instability: The Lake Pavin case study, French Massif Central. Geomorphology, 382, p.107663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107663
- Kelfoun K., Harris A.J.R., Bontemps M., Labazuy P., Chausse F., Ripepe M., Donnadieu F., 2020. A method for 3D-reconstruction of volcanic bomb trajectories. Bull Volcanol. 82, 4, 34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00445-020-1372-z –
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Gilchrist J., Donnadieu F., Jellinek A.M., Delanoë J., Latchimy T., Vinson J.P., Caudoux C., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Valade S., 2020. Ash sedimentation by fingering and sediment thermals from wind-advected volcanic plumes. Earth Planet. Sc. Lett. 534, 116072. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116072 –
- Marzano F.S., Mereu L., Scollo S., Donnadieu F. and Bonadonna C., 2020. Tephra Mass Eruption Rate from Ground-based X-Band and L-Band Microwave Radars during the 23 November 2013 Etna Paroxysm. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Remote Sensing, 58, 5, 3314 – 3327. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2953167. –
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Soriaux C., Latchimy T., 2019. In situ terminal settling velocity measurements at Stromboli volcano: Input from physical characterization of ash. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 374, 62-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.02.005
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., Scollo S., Provost A., Fréville P., Guéhenneux Y., Hervier C., Prestifilippo M., Coltelli M., 2018. Mass eruption rates of tephra plumes during the 2011–2015 lava fountain paroxysms at Mt. Etna from Doppler radar retrievals. Front. Earth Sci. 6:73. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2018.00073
- Donnadieu F., Freville P., Hervier C., Coltelli M., Scollo S., Prestifilipo M., Valade S., Rivet S., Cacault P., 2016. Near-source Doppler radar monitoring of tephra plumes at Etna. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 312:26-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.01.009.
- Chevalier L., Donnadieu F., 2015. Considerations on ejection velocity estimation from infrared radiometer data: a case study at Stromboli volcano. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 302:130-140. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.06.022.
- Bani P., Harris A.J.L, Shinohara H., Donnadieu F., 2013. Magma dynamics feeding Yasur’s explosive activity observed using thermal infrared remote sensing. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/grl.50722. –
- Harris A.J.R., Valade S., Sawyer G., Donnadieu F., Battaglia J., Gurioli L., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Stachowicz T., Bombrun M., Barra V., Delle Donne D., and Lacanna G., 2013. Modern Multispectral Sensors Help Track Explosive Eruptions. E.O.S., 94, 37, p.321-322.
- Donnadieu F., 2012. Volcanological applications of Doppler radars: A review and examples from a transportable pulse radar in L-band. In “Doppler Radar Observations – Weather Radar, Wind Profiler, Ionospheric Radar, and Other Advanced Applications”, Bech J. and Chau J.L. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0496-4, InTech, p. 409-446.
- Valade S., Donnadieu F., Lesage P., Mora M.M., Harris A. and Alvarado G.E., 2012. Explosion mechanisms at Arenal volcano, Costa Rica: an interpretation from integration of seismic and Doppler radar data. J. Geophys. Res., 117, B01309, doi:10.1029/2011JB008623.
- Gouhier M., Harris A., Calvari S., Labazuy P., Guéhenneux Y., Donnadieu F., Valade S., 2012. Lava discharge during Etna’s January 2011 fire fountain tracked using MSG-SEVIRI. Bull. Volcanol., 74:787–793, DOI 10.1007/s00445-011-0572-y.
- Donnadieu F., S. Valade, and S. Moune (2011), Three dimensional transport speed of wind-drifted ash plumes using ground-based radar, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L18310, DOI:10.1029/2011GL049001 –
- Valade S. and Donnadieu F., 2011. Ballistics and ash plumes discriminated by Doppler radar. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L22301. DOI:10.1029/2011GL049415 –
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., 2011. Systematic retrieval of ejecta velocities and gas fluxes at Etna volcano using L-Band Doppler radar, Bull. Volcanol., 73, 9, 1139-1145. DOI 10.1007/s00445-011-0500-1
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., 2010. The geometry of Strombolian explosions: insight from Doppler radar measurements, Geophys. J. Int. (2010) 183, 1376–1391 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04829.x
- Mora, M., Lesage, P., Donnadieu, F., Valade, S., Schmidt, A., Soto, G., Taylor, W., Alvarado, G., 2009. Joint Seismic, Acoustic and Doppler Radar observations at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: preliminary results. In: Bean, C. J., Braiden, A. K., Lokmer, I., Martini, F., O’Brien, G. S. VOLUME project, EU PF6 (No. 018471). ISBN 978-1-905254-39-2, VOLUME Project Consortium, Dublin.
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., 2008. Mass estimations of ejecta from Strombolian explosions by inversion of Doppler-radar measurements. J. Geophys. Res., VOL. 113, B10202, doi:10.1029/2007JB005383.
- Donnadieu F., Dubosclard G., Cordesses R., Druitt T.H., Hervier C., Kornprobst J., Lénat J.-F., Allard P., Coltelli M., 2005. Remotely monitoring volcanic activity with ground-based Doppler radar. E.O.S. Trans., 86(21), p.201-204. https://doi.org/10.1029/2005EO210001
- Dubosclard G., Donnadieu F., Allard P., Cordesses R., Hervier C., Coltelli M., Privitera E., Kornprobst, J., 2004. Doppler radar sounding of volcanic eruption dynamics at Mount Etna. Bull. Volcanol., 66, 5, p. 443-456. DOI : 10.1007/s00445-003-0324-8.
- Donnadieu F., Kelfoun K., van Wyk de Vries B., Cecci E., Merle O., 2003. Digital photogrammetry as a tool in analogue modelling : applications to volcano instability. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 123, p.161-180. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00034-9
- Donnadieu F., Merle O., Besson J.-C., 2001. Volcanic edifice stability during cryptodome intrusions. Bulletin of Volcanology, 63, 1, p.61-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s004450000122
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O., 2001. Geometrical constraints of the 1980 Mount St. Helens intrusion from analogue models. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 4, 639-642. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL011869
- Merle O. & Donnadieu F., 2000. Indentation of volcanic edifices by the ascending magma. In : Vendeville B., Mart Y. & Vigneresse J.-L. (eds), Salt, shale and igneous diapirs in and around Europe. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ., 174, p.43-53. https://doi.org/10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.174.01.03
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O., 1998. Experiments on the indentation process during cryptodome intrusions : New insights into Mount St. Helens deformation. Geology, v. 26, 1, p.79-82. https://doi.org/10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026%3C0079:EOTIPD%3E2.3.CO;2
Other articles
- Buvat S., Aumar C., Labazuy O., Merle O., Merciecca C., Gailler L., Donnadieu F., Souriot T., Boivin P., 2022. L’imagerie géophysique : outil essentiel pour la caractérisation de la géomorphologie du plateau de Gergovie. Bulletin de l’association du site de Gergovie 43, 4-20.
- Cueva Sandoval K. et al., 2022. Estudio de la erupción del volcán Huaynaputina del año 1600 d.C.: caracteristicas de la erupcion e impacto en poblaciones y el clima. Bol. Geol. INGEMMET, C-92, 173 p., Lima, Peru. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12544/3888
- Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Hénault D., Beziaud, M., Coperey, A. (2014). L’Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac (Puy-de-Dôme) : prospection par géoradar. Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre (BUCEMA), 18.2. https://doi.org/10.4000/cem.13499
- Donnadieu F., Dubosclard G., Allard P., Cordesses R., Hervier C, Kornprobst J., Lénat J.-F., 2003. Sondages des jets volcaniques par radar Doppler : applications à l’Etna. Rapp. quadriennal C.N.F.G.G. 1999-2002, 119-124.
- Merle O., Borgia A., Callot J.-P., Donnadieu F., Druitt T.H., Geoffroy L., Roche O., van Wyk de Vries B., Vidal N., 1999. Modélisation analogique de l’instabilité des édifices volcaniques. Rapp. quadriennal C.N.F.G.G. 1995-1998, 137-142.
- Klein A., Donnadieu F., & Jessop D., 2024. Self-potential mappings, summit of la Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano [Data set]. OPGC. https://doi.org/10.25519/F3Z2-ZF15
- Rizza U. & Donnadieu F., 2023. Ash dispersion modelling from successive paroxysms of Etna using WRF-Chem and near-source VOLDORAD radar measurements [Data set]. CNR-ISAC, OPGC-LMV. https://doi.org/10.25519/GG1K-2H34
- Donnadieu F., Freville P., Rivet S., Hervier C., Cacault P., 2015. The Volcano Doppler radar data base of Etna (VOLDORAD-2B). Université Clermont Auvergne – CNRS. http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/SO/televolc/voldorad/bddtr.php, doi: 10.18145/VOLDORAD.ETNA.2009.
Other productions/reports
- Delvigne V., Lesvignes E., Langlais M. et al., 2021. La grotte Bouyssonnie. Rapport d’opération de fouille archéologique programée 2021. DRAC Nouvelle- Aquitaine, 312 pp
- Donnadieu F., Latchimy T., BIensan C., 2021. Preliminary report on ash fallout measurements during the Cumbre Vieja eruption in La Palma (Canarias, Spain), 10-20 Oct. 2021. OPGC report 20211017, UCA-Lab. Magmas et Volcans, 7p.
- Mayoral A., Tissot N., Defive E., Miras Y., Donnadieu F. et al., 2021. L’oppidum de Gergovie : contexte Géomorphologique, Paléoenvironnemental et Géoarchéologique. Rapport final scientifique, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, 96p.
- Donnadieu F., 2020. Prospection géoradar Place de la Victoire à Clermont-Ferrand (Projet Below Victory): Rapport d’étude préliminaire, UCA – Lab. Magmas et Volcans, 11p.
- Donnadieu F., 2020. Mesures par géoradar sur le site de Rophin (Zone Atelier – Territoires Uranifères, 63). Rapport d’Etude, UCA – Lab. Magmas et Volcans, 14p.
- Augustin L., Torrent G., Carton B., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Merciecca C., 2020. Vichy : Recherches sur les structures thermales antiques et leur environnement géologique. Rapport de prospection thématique, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, 228p.
- Labazuy P., Donnadieu F., Souriot T., Françoise O., Le Corre G., 2017. Etude géophysique du maar de Chantuzier (Haute-Loire) et de l’environnement du captage de Chantuzier. Rapport d’étude, Univ. Clermont Auvergne – Lab. Magmas et Volcans, 41p.
- Fiocchi L., Donnadieu F., 2016. Moissat – Moissat-Bas, monastère Saint-Lomer [notice archéologique], Archéologie de la France – Informations [En ligne], Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, mis en ligne le 01 mars 2021, consulté le 21 février 2022. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/adlfi/108319
- Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Hénault D., Beziaud, M., Coperey, A. (2014). L’Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac (63): Addendum au rapport d’étude Géophysique. Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, Fev. 2014, 47p.
- Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Hénault D., Beziaud, M., Coperey, A. (2013). L’Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac (63): Rapport d’étude Géophysique. Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, Sept. 2013, 95p.
- Donnadieu F., Hervier, C., Fournet-Fayard, J., Freville, P., Reymond, C. (2012). Radiation pattern of the L-band microstrip array antenna of VOLDORAD 2B on Etna. OPGC Note 20120712.
- Donnadieu F., 2012. Comparison of radar and satellite data for eruptions of Etna in 2011-2012. OPGC report 20120323.
- Miallier D. et al., 2010. Rapport de sondages et d’analyses, Le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme). Rapport de recherche, Université Blaise Pascal.
- Donnadieu F., Hervier C., Fréville P., Fournet-Fayard J., Fournol J.-F., Menny P., Reymond C., Bernard C., 2009. The VOLDORAD 2B radar: Operational handbook, Note OPGC 07.09, Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand, July 2009, 15p.
- Donnadieu F., Roche O., Clarke A., Gurioli L., 2009. Advances in studies of volcanic plumes and pyroclastic density currents. Report of the IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism, workshop in Clermont-Ferrand (France), 26-29 October 2009, 18p.
- Roche O., Donnadieu F., 2009. Compte-rendu sur l’atelier international sur le volcanisme explosif « Advances in studies of volcanic plumes and pyroclastic density currents ». Workshop of the IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 26-29 October 2009, 16p.
- Pointin Y., Hournet-Fayard J., Donnadieu F., 2005. Calibration du radar UHF « VOLDORAD II » par comparaison de ses données avec celles du disdromètre du LaMP/OPGC. Note OPGC N°144, pp.61. ISSN 0984-0222 OBSERVATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE DU GLOBE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND.
- Donnadieu F., 1996. Elaboration d’une méthode d’évaluation des risques volcaniques à Java, Indonésie. Rapport de mission pour le C.I.F.E.G.
- Donnadieu F., 1995. Modélisation analogique et numérique des processus d’interaction magma-glace : implications pour la genèse des lahars sur les volcans actifs englacés. Rapport de DEA et Bull. Section Volcanol. Soc. Géol. France, p.10
International communications, posters, seminars
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Latchimy T., Biensan C., Tyrode L., de Paoli J., 2025. Disdrometer measurements of tephra fallout from the Tajogaite 2021 eruption (La Palma Island, Spain). IAVCEI Gen. Ass., 29 Jun-4 July 2025, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Hantraye A., Delanoë J., Soriaux C., Latchimy T., Peyrin F., Vinson J.P., Caudoux C., Hervier C., 2025. The ash load of Strombolian volcanic plumes. IAVCEI Gen. Ass., 29 Jun-4 July 2025, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Gilchrist J.T., Mergny C., Donnadieu F., Jellinek A.M., Breard E.C.P., Rowell C., Freret-Lorgeril V., Dufek J., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., 2025. Entrainment parameterization for volcanic plumes with pulsating source parameters. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2025, Geneva.
- Gilchrist J.T., Mergny C., Donnadieu F., Jellinek A.M., Breard E.C.P., Rowell C., Freret-Lorgeril V., Dufek J., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., 2024. Taking the pulse of unsteady eruption plumes using a multimethod approach. AGU 9-13 Dec. 2024, Washington D.C., USA.
- Klein A., Jessop D., Donnadieu F., et al. Hydrothermal fluid circulation at La Soufriere de Guadeloupe inferred from soil CO2 degassing, thermal flux, and self-potential. EGU Gen. Ass., Vienna, 2024
- Jessop D., Klein A., Donnadieu F., 2023. Températures, flux CO2 et Potentiel Spontané du dôme de la Soufrière. Rapport Annuel OVSG 2023.
- Donnadieu F., V. Freret-Lorgeril, F. Peyrin, T. Latchimy, C. Hervier, P. Freville, Y. Guéhenneux, P. Cacault, 2023. VOLDORAD, le parc de radars Doppler et disdromètres transportables du SNO-Volcanologie pour le suivi des panaches et chutes de cendres. Rencontre scientifique sur les volcans français CNFGG-SNOV, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 oct. 2023.
- Donnadieu F., A. Hantraye, V. Freret-Lorgeril, C. Gélibert, C. Soriaux, F. Peyrin, T. Latchimy, C. Hervier, J. Delanoë, J.-P. Vinson, C. Caudoux, D. Ramos, N. Manrique, 2023. Millimeter-wave Doppler radar and disdrometer measurements of ash plumes and fallout: examples from Stromboli and Sabancaya volcanoes. R4AsH V-PLUS Workshop – Volcanic Plumes: Science to Services. 11–12 Juy 2023 Lancaster, UK
- Donnadieu F., Hantraye A., Freret-Lorgeril V., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., Hervier C., Delanoë J., Vinson J-P., Caudoux C., 2023. Mesure des panaches de cendres avec un prototype radar à ondes millimétriques. Journées Scientifiques ClerVolc, Aubière, 22-23 juin 2023.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Prestifilippo M., Coltelli M., Fréville P., Hervier C., Scollo S., Guéhenneux Y, Cacault P., 2022. Real-time estimation of Mass Eruption Rates of tephra plumes at Mt. Etna from fixed-pointing Doppler radar. 5e Conf. Ritmann, Catania, 29 sept.-1 oct. 2022.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Hervier C., Freville P., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., Guéhenneux Y, Cacault P., 2022. The VOLDORAD open-access platform of field instruments and data base: Volcanological Doppler Radars and disdrometers for the study and monitoring of tephra plumes. MIST workshop, Clermont-Fd, 19-21 oct. 2022.
- Freret-Lorgeril V. Bonadonna C., Donnadieu F., Poulidis A., Rossi E., Latchimy T., Peyrin F., 2022. Real-time detection of tephra grainsize, concentration, settling velocity and sedimentation rate: inputs from disdrometer and Doppler radar. MIST workshop, Clermont-Fd, 19-21 oct. 2022.
- Donnadieu F., Latchimy T., de Paoli J., Biensan C., 2022. Ash fallout during the Cumbre Vieja 2021 eruption: insight from disdrometer measurements and particle microphysical properties. 5e Conf. Ritmann, Catania 29 sept.-1 oct. 2022.
- Baker L.A., Biron D., Voldoire O., Allain E., Floquet C., Kolovi S., Breton V., Chardon P., Colombet J., Ejarque A., Defive E., Donnadieu F., Pradeep Ram A. S., Beauger A., 2022. Etude diachronique de l’impact de l’exploitation de l’uranium sur la diversité des communautés de diatomées dans une ancienne mine d’uranium (Rophin, France). 40ème colloque Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française (ADLaF)
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Gilchrist J., Jellinek A.M., Delanoë J., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Latchimy T., Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Bertrand F., Freville P., Rossin C., Le Gac C., Ramos D., Manrique N., Gélibert C., Soriaux C., Liéthoudt T., Vergeron X., Gomes Y., Sellegri K., Van Baelen J., 2022. Doppler radar studies of ash plumes. Journées scientifiques du LabEx ClerVolc , 7-8 Juillet 2022, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, Aubière France.
- Mereu L., Scollo S., Bonadonna C., Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., Corradini S., Gudmundsson M.T., Barsotti S., Kylling A., 2023. Observations and retrievals of Volcanic Ash Clouds using ground- and satellite-based sensors. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 26-31 March 2023, Florence, Italy.
- Witham C., Barsotti S., Gurioli L., Donnadieu F., Kristiansen N., Scollo S., Engwell S., 2022. Improving interactions and communications between the Volcano Observatories and VAACs in Europe. Cities on Volcanoes 11, 12-17 June 2022, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
- Jessop D.E., Bontemps M., Vallat C., Latchimy T., Donnadieu F., Klein A., Royer L., 2022. ConnecSenS@Soufrière: capteurs basse consommation pour la surveillance volcanique. Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation – AEI, 28 juin-1er juillet 2022, Montpellier, France.
Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Gilchrist J., Jellinek A.M., Delanoë J., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Latchimy T., Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Bertrand F., Freville P., Rossin C., Le Gac C., Ramos D., Manrique N., Gélibert C., Soriaux C., Liéthoudt T., Vergeron X., Gomes Y., Sellegri K., Van Baelen J., 2022. Doppler radar studies of ash plumes. The LabEx ClerVolc international committee evaluation, 10 March 2022, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, Aubière France.
- Mereu L., Scollo S., Bonadonna C., Donnadieu F., Freret Lorgeril V., and Marzano F. S.: Ground-based remote sensing and uncertainty analysis of the mass eruption rate associated with the 3-5 December 2015 paroxysm of Mt.Etna, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9221, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9221, 2022.
- Aumar C., Buvat S., Labazuy P. , Merle O., Gailler L., Donnadieu F., Souriot T., Merciecca C., 2021. 3D geological modelling in a volcanic environment with a combined geophysics – geomorphology approach: The case study of the Cheire de Côme (Puy de Dôme, France). Ecole d’été OZCAR: Observatoire de la Zone Critique: Applications et Recherches, 2021, Barcelonnette, France. hal-03436054v1
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Bonadonna C., Corradini S., Donnadieu F., Guerrieri L., Gurioli L., Lacanna G., Lemus J., Marzano F.S., Mereu L., Merucci L., Ripepe M., Rossi E., Scollo S., Stelitano D., 2022. Determination of eruption source parameters of the 2011-2013 and February 2021 Etna’s paroxysms using multi-sensor strategies. EGU Gen. Ass., 23-27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria
- Witham C., Barsotti S., Gurioli L., Donnadieu F., Kristiansen N., Scollo S., Engwell S., 2022. Improving interactions and communications between the Volcano Observatories and VAACs in Europe. Conference Cities on Volcanoes 11, June12-17, 2022, Heraklion, Greece
- Dacko M., FX. Simon, G. Hulin, P. Labazuy, S. Buvat, F. Donnadieu, Y. Deberge, 2021. Multi-method geophysical survey of Caesar military system of the battle of Gergovie. ICAP, 2021. Lyon, France.
- Bonadonna C. et al., 2021. WP8 results. EUROVOLC Ann. Meeting., Nov.16-18, 2021, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Gilchrist J.T., Mergny C., Rowell C., Donnadieu F., Jellinek A.M., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., Delanoë J., 2020. Characterization of source unsteadiness and entrainment into explosive eruptions using laboratory- and filed-based methods. AGU Fall meeting. poster
- Gurioli L, Scollo S, Dioguardi F., Engwell SL, Bonadonna C, Cerminara M, Óladóttir B, Barsotti S, Barnie T, Del Bello E, Di Muro A, Di Vito MA, Donnadieu F, Felpeto A, Geyer A, Gouhier M, Lacanna G, Macedonio G, Marchetti E, Marzano F, Mereu L, Pacheco J, Pimentel A, Prestifilippo M, Reitano D, Ripepe M, Scarlato P, Taddeucci J (2020) The EUROVOLC Informative Tables on tephra and observation data. Cities on Volcanoes 11, Volcanoes and Society: environment, health and hazards. 23-27 May 2020, Heraklion, Crete
- Mereu L., Scollo S., Bonadonna C., Donnadieu F., and Marzano F., 2020. Probing volcanic plumes by ground-based X-band and L-band radars: near-source parameter retrieval.
11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 31 Aug-4 Sept. 2020, Locarno, Switzerland. - Mereu L., Scollo S., Bonadonna C., Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V. and Marzano F., 2020. Interpreting and exploiting radar reflectivity at L-band and X-band for the tephra mass retrievals of the 2013 and 2015 Etna paroxysms. Rittmann conf., Catania, Italy, 12-14 Febrary 2020.
- Freret-Lorgeril V. Bonadonna C., Scollo S., Marzano F, Mereu L., Corradini S., Guerrieri L., Merucci L., Donnadieu F., 2020. Multi-sensor determination of eruption source parameters: the example of the 10 April 2011 paroxysm at Mount Etna. EGU Gen. Ass., Vienna, 3-8 May 2020. EGU2020-13392
- Donnadieu F., Hervier C., Latchimy, Peyrin F., Gélibert C., Liéthoudt T., 2020. Contribution of L- and W-band transportable radars and disdrometers to the assessment of eruption source parameters. EUROVOLC meeting, 27-31 Jan. 2020, Catania, Sicily, Italy
- Martin A., Hassan-Loni Y., Fichtner A., Péron O., David K., Chardon P., Colombet J., Ejarque A., Defive E., Donnadieu F., Pradeep Ram A.S., Montavon G., 2020. An integrated approach combining soil profile, records and tree ring analysis to identify the origin of environmental contamination in a former uranium mine (Rophin, France). Science of the Total Environment, 747, 141295
- Komorovsky J.-C., et al. The ongoing major submarine volcanic eruption offshore Mayotte Island, France (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean): the monitoring, hazard assessment and crisis response challenges of an exceptionnal volcanic event. Volcano Observatory Best Practice Workshop. 18-23 November 2019, Mexico.
- Peyrin F., Le Gac C., Latchimy T., Hervier C., Bertrand F., Caudoux C., Vinson J.P., Protat A., Harvey M., Donnadieu F., Delanoe J., Sellegri K., 2019. Projet de radar-nuage embarqué pour caractériser le rôle des émissions de micro-organismes marins sur les propriétés atmosphériques des nuages. Atelier Experimentation Instrumentation, Polytech Lille 9-11 juillet 2019.
- Peyrin F., Le Gac C., Latchimy T., Hervier C., Bertrand F., Caudoux C., Vinson J.P., Protat A., Harvey M., Donnadieu F., Delanoe J., Sellegri K., 2019. On-board cloud radar project to characterize the role of marine micro-organisms emissions on the atmospheric properties of clouds (Sea2Cloud). Meteo. Soc. New Zealand Ann. Conf., Wellington 25-27 Nov. 2019., NZ. Poster
- Delanoë J., …, Donnadieu F., Hervier C., Peyrin F. et al., 2019. Radars-lidar synergies at San Giuliano site during EXAEDRE field campaign. 12th HyMeX Workshop, 20 – 23 May 2019, Split, Croatia.
- Vishwakarma P., Delanoë J., Vignelles D., Toledo F., Le Gac C., Caudoux C., Bertrand F., Vinson J.-P., Pelon J., Mariage V., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-C., Donnadieu F., 2019. Symp. Atm. Profiling, 20-24 May 2019, Toulouse, France.
- Mereu L., Scollo S., Corradini S., Bonadonna C., Donnadieu F., Marzano F., 2019. Ground-based Radar Estimation of Mass Flow Rate during 2015 Etna Explosive Eruption. EGU2019-13553.
- Gelibert C., Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Gilchrist J, Soriaux C., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., Hervier C., Ramos D. Ash concentration of Sabancaya volcanic plumes retrieved from a 95 GHz radar and a disdrometer. EGU2019-15545.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Latchimy T., Rossin C, Fréville P., Delanoë J., Vinson J.-P., Le Gac C., CaudouxC., Bertrand F., 2018. First feedback from the use of a portable millimeter-wave radar to characterize volcanic ash plumes. ACTRIS Cloud Radar Calibration Workshop. Paris, France, 29-30 November 2018.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Latchimy T., Rossin C, Fréville P., Delanoë J., Vinson J.-P., Le Gac C., Caudoux C., Bertrand F., 2018. A portable millimeter wave radar to characterize volcanic ash plumes. Radar TMA Workshop. Guyancourt, France, 10-11 December 2018.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Gilchrist J., Soriaux C., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., Hervier C., Ramos D., 2018. The ash mass load of volcanic plumes: retrievals from a new millimeter-wave radar at Stromboli and Sabancaya Volcanoes. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Sept.2-7, 2018, Naples.
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F, Scollo S, Provost A., Fréville P., Guéhenneux Y, Hervier C., Prestifilippo M, Coltelli M., 2018. Mass Eruption Rates of fountain-fed tephra plumes during the 2011-2015 paroxysms at Mt. Etna from Doppler radar retrievals. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Sept.2-7, 2018, Naples.
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F, Eychenne J, Latchimy T., 2018. In situ terminal settling velocity measurements at Stromboli volcano: Input from physical characterization of ash. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Sept.2-7, 2018, Naples.
- Labazuy P, F. Donnadieu, J.-C. Thouret, D. Ramos, J. Marino, N.P. Sanchez, I. Lazarte, S. Japura, 2018. Physical impacts of the AD 1600 Huaynaputina VEI 6 eruption on habitat and infrastructure, southern Peru: Geophysical insights from the Huayruro project. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Sept.2-7, 2018, Naples
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V. , Delanoë J., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Latchimy T., Rossin C, Fréville P., Caudoux C., Vinson J.-P., Bertrand F., Le Gac C., Van Baelen J., 2017. Sondage des panaches de cendres volcaniques par radar à ondes millimétriques transportable. Atelier radar R-TMA-2017, Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 6-7 novembre 2017.
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Latchimy T., 2017. Physical characterization of ash at Stromboli volcano: Implications on terminal settling velocity. IAVCEI Gen. Ass. Portland, 14-18 Aug. 2017.
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., Delanoë J., Latchimy T., Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Valade S., Gilchrist , 2017. Sedimentation waves from weak ash plumes recorded by optical disdrometer and millimeter-wave radar at Stromboli, Italy. IAVCEI Gen. Ass. Portland, 14-18 Aug. 2017.
- Donnadieu F., 2017. Volcano monitoring and crisis response capacities of the Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC). Volcanic Risks workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-18 Jan. 2017.
- Simon F.-X., Dousteyssier B., Pareilh-Peyrou M. Labazuy P., Donnadieu F., Guillemoteau J., 2017. Occupation et gestion de l’espace à l’antiquité en marge d’un ancien centre arverne, apports des données de prospection sur la villa de Lieu-Dieu et son espace périphériques. XXIème colloque du GMPCA, Rennes, 18-21 avril 2017.
- Simon F.-X., Dousteyssier B., Pareilh-Peyrou M. Labazuy P., Donnadieu F., Guillemoteau J., Mayoral A., Miras Y., Vautier F.., 2016. Nouvelles données archéologiques sur l’occupation du sol durant l’Antiquité de la Narse de la Sauvetat (63). Journées Régionale de l’Archéologie, Clermont-Ferrand, Juin 2016.
- Donnadieu F., Hervier C., Peyrin F., Latchimy T., Freville P., Delanoë , Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Van Baelen J., Dupont J.-C. Un radar à ondes millimétriques portable pour l’étude des panaches de cendres volcaniques. Colloque de restitution Défi Instrumentation aux limites, Paris, 7 avril 2016.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V, Gouhier M., Coltelli M., Scollo S., Fréville P., Hervier C., Prestifilippo M., 2016. The 3 December 2015 paroxysm of Voragine crater at Etna: insights from Doppler radar measurements. EGU General Assembly Vienna, 23-28 April 2016.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Delanoë , Vinson J.-P., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Caudoux C., Van Baelen J., 2016. Multifrequency radar imaging of ash plumes: an experiment at Stromboli. EGU General Assembly Vienna, 23-28 April 2016.
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., Coltelli M., Scollo S., Fréville P., Hervier C., Prestifilippo M., 2016. Doppler radar retrievals from lava fountaining paroxysms generating tephra plumes at Mt. Etna. General Assembly Vienna, 23-28 April 2016.
- Donnadieu F. et al., 2015. ST 5.1.5. Volcanic plume and eruptive products. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Naples, 6-9 July 2015.
- Freret-Lorgeril V., Donnadieu F., 2015. Study of explosive volcanism using L-band Doppler radar. UBP-UBC-SFU Workshop, June 1st-3rd 2015, Clermont-Ferrand.
- Labazuy P., Paris R., Donnadieu F., 2015. Drone-based remote sensing applications for studying and monitoring volcanic environments: a case study on Mount Etna. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Naples, 6-9 July 2015.
- Donnadieu F., Freret-Lorgeril V., Provost A., Freville P., Hervier C., Coltelli M., Prestifilippo M., Scollo S. Doppler radar observations of the 2011-2014 lava fountain activity at Etna. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Naples, 6-9 July 2015.
- Falsaperla S., Apuani T., Coltelli M., Donnadieu F., Langer H., Privitera E., Puglisi , 2015. MED-SUV project: New results and ongoing activities of WP 5 – Task 5.1: Characterization of the threatening phenomena from space and ground. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Naples, 6-9 July 2015.
- Labazuy P., Paris R., Donnadieu F., Gruffat S., 2015. Experiment at Etna to survey proximal products of eruptive activity using ground- and drone-based multiview photogrammetry. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Catania, 15 Feb. 2015.
- Andronico D. et al., 2014. Multiparametric experiment at Mt. Etna: investigation on both degassing and eruptive dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014.
- Cannata A., Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Pena Fernandez J. J., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Moune S., Merucci L., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. AGU Fall Meeting /https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/11645, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014.
- Cannata A, Privitera E. and Scientific Team of NEC multi-parametric experiment, 2014. Multiparametric Experiment at Mt. Etna: Investigation on Both Degassing and Eruptive Dynamics AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014.
- Privitera E. et al., 2014. Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule MED-SUV 1st year meeting, Nicolosi, 7-9 July 2014.
- Falsaperla S.,Apuani T., Coltelli M. , Donnadieu F., Langer H., Privitera E., Puglisi G., 2014. MED-SUV project: First results and ongoing activities of WP 5 – Task 5.1: Characterization of the threatening phenomena from space and ground. MED-SUV 1st year meeting, Nicolosi, 7-9 July 2014.
- Donnadieu F., 2014. Volcanic plumes and eruptive products. MEDiterranean Supersite Volcanoes WP5 meeting. 23-24 Jan. 2014, Catania. Invited talk.
- Coltelli M., Andronico D, Boselli A, Corradini S., Costa A., Donnadieu F., Leto G., Macedonio G., Merucci L., Neri A., Pecora E., Prestifilippo M., Scarlato P., Scollo S., Spinelli N., Spata G., Taddeucci J., Wang X., and Zanmar Sanchez R., 2014. Improvement of ash plume monitoring, modeling and hazard assessment in the MED-SUV project. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, EGU2014-15306, EGU General Assembly 2014.
- Donnadieu F., Rodriguez N., Maillet A., Tailpied D., Battaglia J., Hervier C., Freville P., 2014. Explosion source parameters at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, retrieved by Doppler radar. Journée Vanuatu, IPG Paris, 3 mars. 2014. Invited poster.
- Donnadieu F., Hervier C C. ., Freville P., Stachowicz T., Chevalier L., Latchimy T., Bernard C., Reymond C., and the Stromboli team, Doppler radar characterization of source term of volcanic explosions: preliminary results of the 2012 experiment at Stromboli. Clervolc Scientific Meeting, 6 Jan. 2014, Clermont-Ferrand.
- Bonny E., Mandon C., Carn S.A., Prata A.J., Coltelli M. and Donnadieu F., 2013. SO2 emissions from paroxysmal eruptions at Etna volcano in 2011-12. AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2013, San Francisco, USA.
- Donnadieu F., 2013. Remote sensing of eruptive plumes – implementation of scientific expertise into volcano observatories. European Volcano Observatory Workshop, Ponta Delgada, Azores, 14-16 Oct. 2013. Invited keynote
- Bonny E., Mandon C., Carn S.A., Prata A.J., Coltelli M. and Donnadieu F., 2013. Paroxysmal degassing at Mt. Etna in 2011-12. Goldschmidt Conference, 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy.
- Donnadieu F., Freville P., Hervier C., Bonny E., Stachowicz T., Latchimy T., Bernard C., Reymond C., 2013. Monitoring explosive activity using a ground-based Doppler radar in L-band: applications of VOLDORAD at Etna and Stromboli. Ground-based radar for volcanoes workshop, Reading Univ., 23-24 May 2013. Invited talk.
- Valade S., Harris, A.J.R., Sawyer, G, Donnadieu F., Labazuy, P., Kelfoun, K., Bombrun, M., Barra, V., Hervier, C., Ripepe, M., Delle Donne, D., Lacanna, G., Burton, M., Chevalier, L., Stachowicz, T., 2013. Full bandwidth remote sensing for total parameterization of volcanic plumes. IAVCEI 2013 General Assembly, Kagoshima, Japan.
- Donnadieu F., Freville P., Hervier C., Bonny E., Stachowicz T., Latchimy T., Bernard C., Reymond C., 2013. Volcanological applications of Doppler radar (VOLDORAD). Instituto de Geofisica, Univ. Nacional Autnonoma de Mexico, 6 June 2013. Invited talk.
- Donnadieu F., Freville P., Hervier C., 2013. Doppler radar monitoring of Popocatépetl. Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres. 5 June 2013. Invited talk.
- Harris A., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Gurioli L., Valade S., Bombrun M., Sawyer G., Battaglia J., Moune S., Hervier C., Freville P., Latchimy T., Bontemps M., Reymond C., Bernard C., 2012. Full bandwidth remote sensing for total geophysical parameterization of volcanic emissions at Stromboli. CNFGG, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 10-12 Oct. 2012.
- Donnadieu F., 2012. Doppler radar monitoring of the explosive activity at Etna’s summit craters with VOLDORAD 2B: toward an integrated approach. Measuring and modelling of Volcano Eruption Dynamics (MeMoVolc) Launch meeting, Clermont-Ferrand 17-18 January 2012. Invited talk.
- Valade S., Donnadieu F., Augier A., Gouhier M., 2011. Discriminating ash plume and ballistics using ground-based Doppler radar: constraints on eruptive parameters from inverse modelling. William Smith meeting « Remote sensing of volcanoes & volcanic processes: integrating observation & modelling », Geol. Soc. London, UK, 4-5 Oct. 2011.
- Donnadieu F., Hervier C., Freville P., Fournet-Fayard J., Gouhier M., Valade S., Rivet S., Cacault P., Reymond C., 2010. Inputs of ground-based Doppler radar to the study and monitoring of volcanic eruptions. INGV Catania, 18 November 2010. Invited talk.
- Valade S., Donnadieu F., Lesage P., Mora M., Harris A., Alvarado G.E., 2010. Linking conduit and surface activity at Arenal volcano using broadband seismometers and Doppler radar: do we need a new conduit model? AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, abstract #V53B-2257.
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., Valade S., 2010. Volcanic ash plume: Insights from Doppler radar measurements (VOLDORAD). Ash dispersal forecast and civil aviation, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 18-20, 2010. Invited talk.
- Donnadieu F., Valade S., Tailpied D., Battaglia J., Lesage P., Hervier C., Fournet-Fayard J., Freville P. How Doppler radar can help linking surface explosive activity to magmatic conduit processes, ESC Working Group « Earthquakes and Volcanoes » Annual Workshop, Massif Central, France, 18 – 25 September 2010. Invited talk.
- Labazuy P., Gouhier M., Hervo M., Fréville P., Quennehen B., Donnadieu F., Guéhenneux Y., Cacault P., Colomb A., Gayet J.-F., Pichon J.-M., Rivet S., Schwarzenböck A., Sellegri K., 2010. Monitoring the Eyjafjöll volcanic plume using OPGC platforms: remote sensing and in-situ measurements. EUG EGU General Assembly, 02-07 Mai 2010.
- Donnadieu F., 2010. Quantification de la dynamique explosive du volcan Yasur : résultats préliminaires de mesures par radar Doppler. Journée scientifique sur les volcans du Vanuatu, IPG Paris 9 février 2010.
- Boivin P. et al. (2010), Typologie des trachytes et usages / projet Trachypédia, Journées Trachytes Chaîne des Puys, LMV Clermont-Ferrand, 11 juin 2010.
- Boivin P., Barbet P., Labazuy F., Donnadieu F., Besson J.-C., Boeuf O., Devouard B., Devidal J.-L., Henot J.-M., Constantin C., Macchiarelli R., 2010. Geophysical investigations of the lower Pleistocene fossil deposits of Chilhac (Haute-Loire, France). The world of mammoths: VTH international conference on mammoths and their relatives from the Pliocene to present-day: biotopes, evolution and human impact, Le Puy-en-Velay, 30TH August – 4TH September 2010.
- Boivin P., Barbet P., Boeuf O., Besson J.-C., Donnadieu F., Labazuy F., Henot J.-M., Devouard B., Devidal J.-L., Constantin C., Macchiarelli R., 2010. Sondages et prospection géophysique autour du site Pliocène terminal de Chilhac (Haute-Loire, France).
- Boivin P., Barbet P., Boeuf O., Devouard B., Besson J.C., Charles L., Constantin C., Devidal J.L., Donnadieu F., Hénot J.M., Labazuy P., Laporte D., Machiarelli R., Rivière F. (2010). Contexte géologique du site de Chilhac (43). Journée Régionale de l’Archéologie. DRAC Auvergne. 15 janvier 2010. Clermont-Ferrand.
- Donnadieu F., 2009. Inputs of ground-based Doppler radars in the study and monitoring of volcanic activity. European Science Foundation Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 11-12Sept. 2009. Invited talk.
- Donnadieu F., Gouhier M., Valade S., Hervier C., Fournet-Fayard J., Quantifying the dynamics of explosive eruptions using ground-based Doppler radar. Workshop of the IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 26-29 Oct. 2009. Invited talk.
- Donnadieu F., 2009. Quantifying the dynamics of Yasur volcano explosive activity: preliminary results from Doppler radar measurements. STAR Conference, SOPAC, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
- Pelletier B., and the ARC-VANUATU participants (Donnadieu F.), 2009. State of works and preliminary results of the «Arc Vanuatu» program. STAR Conference, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
- Valade S., Donnadieu F., Lesage , Mora M., Hervier C., Fournet-Fayard J., 2009. Doppler radar and seismic records of Arenal volcano eruptive activity. ILP meeting, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Donnadieu F., P. Lesage, M.M. Mora, A. Schmidt, S. Valade, 2008. Multi-method approach for the remote monitoring of Arenal (Costa Rica). ESC Working Group « Earthquake and Volcanoes », Annual Workshop, Nicaragua.
- Donnadieu F., T.H. Druitt, J. Fournet-Fayard, M. Gouhier, C. Hervier, 2008. Applications of Doppler radar to the study and monitoring of volcanic plumes. IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik.
- Donnadieu F., M. Mora, P. Lesage, 2008. Joint observation of small explosions at Arenal volcano, Costa Rica, by Doppler radar and broadband seismometers. IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik.
- Valade S., Donnadieu F., Valdes Gonzales C.,Guevara Ortiz E., 2008. Ground-based Doppler radar monitoring of ash plumes at Popocatépetl volcano. IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, 17-22 aug. 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., 2008. Mass estimations of ejecta from Strombolian explosions by inversion of Doppler-radar measurements. IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik.
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., 2008. Physical properties of Strombolian jets: insight from numerical modelling of radar Doppler spectra. IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik.
- Donnadieu F., Gouhier M., Fournet-Fayard J., Hervier C., 2008. Applications of pulsed ground-based Doppler radar to the study and monitoring of volcanoes. Ground-based radar observations for volcanoes workshop, Environmental Systems Science Centre, Reading UK, 24 Jan. 2008, p.6-8. Invited talk
- Gouhier M., Donnadieu F., 2008. Mass estimations of volcanic ejecta by inversion of Doppler-radar measurements. Ground-based radar observations for volcanoes workshop, Environmental Systems Science Centre, Reading UK, 24 Jan. 2008.
- Donnadieu F., 2007. Ground-based Doppler radar: a new tool in volcanology. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México. Invited talk.
- Donnadieu F., Dubosclard G., Cordesses R., Hervier C., Gouhier M., Allard P., 2006. Strombolian Activity of Mount Etna in July 2001: Insights From Doppler Radar Measurements. Eos Trans.AGU 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco (USA), abstract V43B-1793.
- Gouhier M. and Donnadieu F., 2006. Numerical modeling of Doppler radar signals of Strombolian eruptions. Eos Trans.AGU 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco (USA), abstract V43B-1794.
- Donnadieu F., Mora M., Druitt T.H., Alvarado G.E., 2006. Eruption dynamics of Arenal volcano, Costa Rica: insights from Doppler radar and seismic measurements. Cities on Volcanoes 4, Quito, Ecuador, p.89. Invited talk
- Donnadieu F., Mora M., Alvarado G.E., 2005. Monitoring the volcanic activity at Arenal with a ground-based Doppler radar. Universidad de Costa Rica. Invited talk
- Donnadieu F., 2005. Etude et surveillance de l’activité volcanique par radar Doppler. Conférence P.G. Paris. Invited talk
- Donnadieu F., Druitt T., Hervier C., 2004. Ground-based Doppler radar data from explosions of Arenal volcano. IAVCEI Gen. Ass., Pucon (Chile).
- Donnadieu F., Allard P., Vergniolle S., Coltelli M., Mora M., Cordesses R., Dubosclard G., Fournet-Fayard J., Hervier C., 2004. Doppler radar monitoring of volcanic jets: toward an integrated geophysical approach of eruption dynamics. IAVCEI Gen. Ass., Pucon (Chile).
- Donnadieu F., Allard P., Dubosclard G., Cordesses R., 2004. Doppler radar soundings of volcanic jets: experiments at Mount Etna. Assemblea Annuale del GNV, Naples, p.121.
- Donnadieu F., Druitt T., Hervier C., 2004. Applications of the Doppler radar technology to volcanic eruptions. Universidad de Costa Rica. Invited talk
- Donnadieu F., Dubosclard G., Cordesses R., Allard P., Hervier C, Lénat J.-F., Kornprobst J., 2002. Sondage des éruptions volcaniques explosives par radar Doppler (Voldorad). Journée scientifique de la C.R.V., Clermont-Ferrand, p.30.
- Donnadieu F., Dubosclard G., Cordesses R., Allard P., 2002. Dynamique des gaz volcaniques lors des éruptions explosives : investigations par radar Doppler. Réunion spécialisée Section Volcanol. Soc. Géol. France, Paris, p.34.
- Donnadieu F., Dubosclard G., Allard P., Cordesses R., Hervier C, Lénat J.-F., Coltelli M., Privitera E., Kornprobst J., 2001. Doppler radar sounding of volcanic eruption dynamics : a possible application to dust plumes, IAVCEI General Assembly, Martinique, p.82.
- Dubosclard G., Donnadieu F., P. Allard, R. Cordesses, C. Hervier, J. Kornprobst, J.-F. Lénat, M. Coltelli, E. Privitera, 2001. Doppler radar sounding of volcanic eruption dynamics at Mount Etna, AGU Fall meeting, San Fransisco, p.1367.
- Dubosclard G., R. Cordesses, P. Allard, C. Hervier, F . Donnadieu, 2001. Doppler radar recording of eruption dynamics at Etna. Assemblea 1° Anno del GNV, Roma, p.127-128.
- Donnadieu F., Voight B. & Elsworth D., 2001. 3-D numerical modelling of ground deformation by conduit pressurization at Soufrière Hills, Montserrat (B.W.I.). AGU Fall meeting, San Fransisco, p.1367.
- Donnadieu F., Voight B. & Elsworth D., 2001. 3-D numerical modelling of volcano sector collapse: case example of Soufrière Hills, Montserrat, B.W.I.. EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, GRA, 3, 8705.
- Van Wyk de Vries B., Cecchi E., Donnadieu F., Kelfoun K., Borgia A., 2000. Advances in 3D photogrammetric analysis of volcanic deformation analogue models. EOS Transactions, AGU Fall meeting, San Fransisco, p.330.
- Van Wyk de Vries B., Cecchi E., Donnadieu F., Kelfoun K., Borgia A. 3-D Photogrammetric Analysis of Volcanic Deformation Analogue Models. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2000
- Donnadieu F., Merle O., Besson J.-C., 2000. Volcano stability during cryptodome intrusion. IAVCEI General Assembly, Bali, p.51.
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O, 2000. A study of analogue model displacements by numerical photogrammetry. IAVCEI General Assembly, Bali, p.231.
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O, 2000. Mount St. Helens 20 years later. Phénomènes volcano-tectoniques et volcanisme associé. Réunion sections volcanologie CNFGG-SGF, Clermont-Ferrand, p. 21-22.
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O., 1998. La déstabilisation d’un volcan par un cryptodôme: un processus à l’origine de certaines éruptions pliniennes. Volc. Soc. Géol. France – Com. Nat. Franç. Géophys. Géodés., p.3.
- Kelfoun K., Maciejak F., Donnadieu F., Gourgaud A., 1998. La stéréophotogrammétrie numérique en volcanologie: 1) Application aux écoulements pyroclastiques du dôme du volcan Merapi. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Brest, p.106.
- Donnadieu F., Kelfoun K., Merle O., 1998. La stéréophotogrammétrie numérique en volcanologie: 2) Application à la modélisation analogique. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Brest, résumé p.106.
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O., 1997a. Experimental approach to cone instability through forceful intrusion of magma: Analogy with Mount St. Helens. IAVCEI General Assembly, Puerto Vallarta, p.113 (bourse Ministère des Affaires Etrangères).
- Donnadieu F. & Merle O., 1997b. Analogue modelling of the Mount St. Helens deformation. EUG 9 Strasbourg,191 (bourse EUG).Donnadieu F., 1995. Modélisation analogique et numérique des processus d’interaction magma-glace : implications pour la genèse des lahars sur les volcans actifs englacés. Rapport de DEA et Bull. Section Volcanol. Soc. Géol. France, p.10.
Academic background
- 2022: Physicien du CNAP (University Professor)
- 2017: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR diploma) Univ. Clermont Auvergne ‘Explosive volcanic eruptions: insights from transportable radars’
- 2002: recruitment as Physicien Adjoint researcher at OPGC-LMV,(Conseil National des Astronomes et Physiciens), full-time faculty in charge of Doppler radar instrumental and observational duties in our Observatory
- 2001-2002: post-doctorate at Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand on ‘Doppler radar expertise and application to eruptions of Etna’ (G. Dubosclard, Soc. Amis des Sciences Fellow)
- 2000-2001: post-doctorate at Penn State University (USA, PE) on ‘3-D numerical modelling of conduit processes at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat’ (Prs. B. Voight & D. Elsworth, NSF fellow)
- 2000: PhD thesis at Univ. Clermont II ‘Destabilization of volcanic edifices by cryptodomes: analog modelling and numerical approach’ (MESR fellow, Supervisor: Pr. O. Merle. )
- 1995 Master 2 diploma in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, option Volcanology – Univ. Clermont II
- 1990-1994 Lic-Master 1 in Earth Sciences, Univ. Lille I (ERASMUS fellow)
- 2018, 2020 UCA ‘Mobilité sortante’ travel grant
- 2009, 2013, 2017, 2023 Prime d’Encadrement Doctoral et Recherche
- 2017 MeMoVolc travel grant (European Science Foundation)
- 2007 Bonus Qualité Recherche grant of Université Blaise Pascal
- 1999 Military service as an officer, Defense Nationale bronze medal
- 1997 EUG PhD Travel award to General Assembly in Strasbourg
- 1997 IAVCEI PhD Travel grant to Puerto Vallarta General Assembly
- 1997 Min. Foreign Affairs travel grant to Santorini workshop on explosive volcanism
- 1993 FR3 ‘Fractales’ prize awardee for project on Hawaii volcanism
- Formation des nouveaux directeurs d’Unités CNRS (7/2/2023, Lyon)
- ‘Harcèlements, discriminations, sexisme‘ (formations des DU CNRS, 7/6/2023, Lyon)
- Ecole thématique des données en Sciences de l’Univers et de l’Environnement DATA SDUE INSU (10-14 oct 2022, Strasbourg)
- Formation Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG). Service formation de l’Université Clermont Auvergne – CRAIG (2017)
- Short course on Numerical Inversions by Peter Lelièvre (2017)
- Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail. Université Clermont Auvergne (2014, 2016, 2018)
- Formation de Secourisme en Milieu isolé (2014) et Sécurité en montagne (2015). IFREMMONT.
X-ray tomography of lapilli from Tajogaite volcano
(Cumbre Vieja, La Palma)
Ever travelled across a volcanic lapilli ?⇒ clik on left image to discover the 3D volume distribution of cristals imaged by the X-Ray Tomograph of the LMV CarMa platform (courtesy Simon Falvard, LMV)This sample is a large scoriaceous lapilli (3 cm long) from the Tajogaite (Cumbre Vieja) 2021 Strombolian eruption (F. Donnadieu, J. de Paoli) in La Palma (Canaria islands). Cristals having a different atomic density from glass and gas bubbles/air, they show up with a different opacity to the X-rays and are displayed by thresholding the images, then assembled to form a 3D volume.Support : CarMa Plateform of LMV, Graduate Track CAP 20-25 Ecole de l’OPGC, EUROVOLC, EUAn artist’s view of Ground-Penetrating Radar data
When brilliant artist Scott Hessels plays around with ground-penetrating radar echoes (left, 400MHz top view image at 1.5 m in depth) from archeological remains below Place de la Victoire at Clermont Ferrand (Project Below Victory), an awesome piece of artwork is created where digital data are trapped inside an amber gemstone (right, © Scott Hessels)
Soutien: Videoformes, Service Culture UCA
Neolitic tools carved in volcanic stone
Arrowheads and biface carved in volcanic rocks from the Zemmour noir region in Mauritania by neolithic populations, several thousand years ago.
Courtesy from Jean Sougy; see more archeological material discovered by Jean Sougy in this region here
More cool stuff coming up next…