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Parcours professionnel :
- 2022 : Professeur des Universités, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV), Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
- 2003 : Maître de Conférences, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV), Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
- 2002 : Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV), Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand
- 2000 : Assistant de recherche postdoctorale (bourse Lavoisier+bourse d’excellence de la Fondation de l’Université du Québec à Montréal), Centre de recherche en Géochimie isotopique et en Géochronologie (GEOTOP), Université du Québec à Montréal
- 1998 : Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche, Laboratoire de Géochimie et Cosmochimie, Université Denis Diderot, Paris
- 1994 : Volontaire à l’aide technique au Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) de Guyane
- 2016 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand
- 2000 : Thèse de l’Université, Laboratoire de Géochimie et Cosmochimie, Université Denis Diderot, Paris
Thèmes de Recherche :
- Traçage géochimique des sources des magmas – Origine des carbonatites – Hétérogénéités mantelliques
- Construction/destruction des édifices volcaniques
- Développements analytiques
Enseignements :
- Etablissement : Université Clermont Auvergne
- Discipline : Géochimie isotopique, Géochronologie, Géodynamique chimique, Techniques analytiques, Cartographie structurale, Cartographie numérique, SIG, Hydrogéologie
- Niveau : Licence, Master
Responsabilités pédagogiques, scientifiques et administratives :
- 2023- : Membre élu du Conseil Pédagogique de l’OPGC
- 2022- : Responsable de l’équipe de Géochimie
- 2022- : Membre du Conseil du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
- 2022- : Membre du Comité de direction du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
- 2022- : Responsable du thème 5 « Mantle control on magma sources » du programme ClerVolc (Clermont-Ferrand Centre for Volcano Research)
- 2022- : Membre du comité de pilotage du programme ClerVolc (Clermont-Ferrand Centre for Volcano Research)
- 2021-2022 : Enseignant référent des étudiants en 1ère année de Géologie, parcours standard et adapté
- 2018-2021 : Membre élu du Conseil du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
- 2018-2021 : Relais de proximité Handicap pour l’école de l’OPGC
- 2017-2021 : Responsable du Master mention « Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (STPE) » de l’Université Clermont Auvergne
- 2017-2021 : Membre du Conseil Pédagogique de l’OPGC
- 2012-2016 : Responsable du Master 1 mention « Sciences de la Terre » de l’Université Blaise Pascal
- 2012-2016 : Membre titulaire de la commission préparatoire au recrutement des enseignants-chercheurs, section 35/36, de l’Université Blaise Pascal
- 2003-2007 : Vice-président rang B de la commission de spécialistes (CSE), section 35/36, de l’Université Blaise Pasca
- Encadrement/co-encadrement de thèse : Thomas Rouyer (2023-) Julie Mallens (2022-) Syro Lacerda (2022-) Claudine Israel (2017-2021), Mélodie-Neige Cornu (2014-2017), Nina Bellot (2012-2015), Oscar Laurent (2009-2012), Cynthia Sanchez-Garrido (2006-2011), Marc-Alban Millet (2004-2007), Vinciane Debaille (2002-2005)
Publications LMV depuis 2010 :
Rang A :
- Lacerda S., Guitreau M., Gonçalves L. Gonçalves L., Moreira H., Castro C., Pinheiro M.A., Costa C., Doucelance R. (2024). Paleoproterozoic sediment-derived magmas reveal a late orogenic stage in the southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil: evidence from petrogenesis of the 2.0 Ga Cupim Pluton leucogranites. Lithos p.107852, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107852 -
- Bruand E., Storey C., Fowler M., Dhuime B., Doucelance R. (2023). Mineral-whole rock isotope fidelity? A comparative study of Hf-Nd-O from high Ba-Sr granitoids. Chemical Geology vol.624, p.121425, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121425 -
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Moreira H., Jackson M.G., Golovin A.V. (2023). First Ce-Nd isotope measurements of middle and lower continental crust samples support massive lower crust recycling over Earth's history. Lithos vol.460-461, p.107369, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107369 -
- Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Jorry S.J., Pitel-Roudaut M., Ruffet G., Revillon S., Courgeon S., Doucelance R. (2022). First characterization of the volcanism in the southern Mozambique Channel: Geomorphological and structural analyses. Marine Geology vol.445, p.106755, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106755.
- Cornu M.N., Paris R., Doucelance R., Bachèlery P., Bosq C., Auclair D., Benbakkar M., Gannoun A.M., Guillou H. (2021). Exploring the links between volcano flank collapse and the magmatic evolution of an ocean island volcano: Fogo, Cape Verde. Scientific Reports vol.11, p.17478, - DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-96897-1 -
- Bonnand P., Doucelance R., Boyet M., Bachèlery P., Bosq C., Auclair D., Schiano P. (2020). The influence of igneous processes on the chromium isotopic compositions of Ocean Island basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.532, p.116028, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.116028 -
- Doucelance R., Bruand E., Matte S., Bosq C., Auclair D., Gannoun A.M. (2020). In-situ determination of Nd isotope ratios in apatite by LA-MC-ICPMS:Challenges and limitations. Chemical Geology vol.550, p.119740, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119740 -
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Frossard P., Auclair D., Bouvier A. (2020). Formation of the Ce-Nd mantle array: Crustal extraction vs. Recycling by subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.530, p.115941, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115941 -
- Bonnand P., Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Auclair D. (2019). Radiogenic and stable Ce isotope measurements by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - DOI:10.1039/C8JA00362A.
- Boyet M., Doucelance R., Israel C., Bonnand P., Auclair D., Suchorski K., Bosq C. (2019). New Constraints on the Origin of the EM‐1 Component Revealed by the Measurement of the La‐Ce Isotope Systematics in Gough Island Lavas. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.20, - DOI:10.1029/2019GC008228.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Savov I.P., Plank T., Elliott T. (2018). Origin of negative cerium anomalies in subduction-related volcanic samples: Constraints from Ce and Nd isotopes. Chemical Geology vol.500, p.46-63, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.09.006.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Auclair D. (2015). Ce isotope systematics of island arc lavas from the Lesser Antilles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.168, p.261-279, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.07.002.
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Doucelance R., Boyet M., Devidal J.L., Moine B. (2014). Experimental study of trace element partitioning between enstatite and melt in enstatite chondrites at low oxygen fugacities and 5 GPa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 130, 167-187. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.022.
- Doucelance R., Bellot N., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Bosq C. (2014). What coupled cerium and neodymium isotopes tell us about the deep source of oceanic carbonatites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.407, p.175-186, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.042.
- Doucelance R., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Bosq C. (2014). Geochemical insights into the internal dynamics of debris avalanches. A case study: the Socompa avalanche, Chile. Geochemistry, Geophyscis, Geosystem 15, 2282-2300. - DOI:10.1002/2014GC005235.
- Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R. (2014). The diversity and evolution of late-Archean granitoids: evidence for the onset of « modern-style » plate tectonics between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga. Lithos 205, 208-235. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2014.06.012.
- Laurent O., Rapopo M., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Bosq C. (2014). Contrasting petrogenesis of Mg-K and Fe-K granitoids and implications for postcollisional magmatism: case study from the late-Archaean Matok pluton (Pietersburg block, South Africa). Lithos 196-197, 131-149. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2014.03.006.
- Laurent O., Doucelance R., Martin H., Moyen J.F. (2013). Differentiation of the late-Archaean sanukitoid series and some implications for crustal growth: Insights from geochemical modelling on the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Precambrian Research, v. 227, p. 186-203. - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.07.004.
- Laurent O., Paquette J.L., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F. (2013). LA-ICP-MS dating of zircons from Meso- and Neoarchean granitoids of the Pietersburg block (South Africa): Crustal evolution at the northern margin of the Kaapvaal craton: Precambrian Research, v. 230, p. 209-226. .
- Mourão C., Mata J., Doucelance R., Madeira J., Millet M.A., Moreira M. (2012). Geochemical temporal evolution of Brava Island magmatism: Constraints on the variability of Cape Verde mantle sources and on carbonatite-silicate magma link. Chemical Geology 334, 44-61. - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.09.031.
- Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2011). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of high-K “sanukitoids” from the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Implications for geodynamic changes at the Archaean–Proterozoic boundary: Lithos, v. 123, p. 73-91. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.12.009.
- Sanchez-Garrido C.J.M.G., Stevens G., Armstrong R.A., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R. (2011). Diversity in Earth's early felsic crust: Paleoarchean peraluminous granites of the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Geology, v. 39, p. 963-966. - DOI:10.1130/G32193.1.
- Doucelance R., Hammouda T., Moreira M., Martins J.C. (2010). Geochemical constraints on depth of origin of oceanic carbonatites : The Cape Verde case. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 7261-7282. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.02.
- Mata J., Moreira M., Doucelance R., Ader M., Silva L.C. (2010). Noble gases and carbon isotopic signatures of Cape Verde oceanic carbonatites: implications for carbon provenance. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 291, 70-83. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.12.052.
- Mourão C., Mata J., Doucelance R., Madeira J., Brum da Silveira A., Silva L.C., Moreira M. (2010). Quaternary extrusive calciocarbonatite volcanism on Brava Island (Cape Verde): A nephelinite-carbonatite immiscibility product. Journal of African Earth Sciences 56, 59-74. - DOI:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2009.06.003.
Rang B et C :
- Boyet M., Doucelance R., Seghi, Julien, Auclair D., Williamson N.M.B., Weis D. (2023). Deep mantle chemical heterogeneities: new insight from the measurement of the 138La-138Ce and 146,147Sm-142,143Nd systematics in Hawaiian basalts. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France, Sept 2023, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.17413 -
- Bruand E., Storey C., Fowler M., Dhuime B., Doucelance R. (2022). Mineral-Whole Rock Isotope Fidelity? A Comparative Study of Hf-Nd-O from High Ba-Sr Granites. p.11423, Goldschmidt, Hawaï, 7-17 July 2022, - DOI:10.46427/gold2022.11423.
- Doucelance R., Israel C., Boyet M., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Jackson M.G. (2021). A Ce-Nd-Hf isotope perspective on the EMI-EMII end-member distinction. Goldschmidt Virtual.
- Doucelance R., Israel C., Boyet M., Bonnand P., Jackson M., Barling J. (2021). A Ce-Nd-Hf Isotope Perspective on the EMI-EmII End-Member. p.7289, Goldschmidt Abstract, 4-9 July 2022, - DOI:10.7185/gold2021.7289.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Jackson M. (2021). Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Data on Middle and Lower Crustal Rocks. p.7240, Goldschmidt virtual, 4-9 July 2021, - DOI:10.7185/gold2021.7240.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Laporte D., Dhuime B., Ionov D. (2020). Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Measurements of Lower Crust Samples. p.607, Goldschmidt Virtual, United States, Jun 2020, - DOI:10.46427/gold2020.1151.
- Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Jorry S., Pitel-Roudaut M., Doucelance R., Revillon S., Bou E. (2019). First characterization of the volcanism in the southern Mozambique Channel. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 9-13 december 2019.
- Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Jorry S., Revillon S., Doucelance R., Pitel M., Ruffet G., Bou E. (2019). Cenozoïc volcanism in the Mozambique Channel. projet PAMELA (Passive Margins Exploration Laboratories), Pau, France, November 21 & 22.
- Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Jorry S., Revillon S., Doucelance R., Pitel M., Ruffet G., Bou E. (2019). Cenozoïc volcanism in the Mozambique Channel. Séminaire de fin de projet PAMELA (Passive Margins Exploration Laboratories), Pau, France, 21 et 22 novembre 2019.
- Boyet M., Doucelance R., Israel C., Bonnand P., Auclair D., Suchorski K., Bosq C. (2019). The La-Ce Isotope Systematics in Gough Island Lavas: New Constraints on the Origin of the EM1 Component. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 365.
- Doucelance R., Bruand E., Matte S., Bosq C., Auclair D., Gannoun A.M. (2019). in situ Determination of Nd Isotope Ratios in Apatite. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 843.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Frossard P., Auclair D., Bouvier A. (2019). 138La-138Ce and 147Sm-143Nd Isotope Composition of the Main Silicate Reservoirs and Implications for the Rare Earth Elements Pattern of the Bulk Silicate Earth. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 1486.
- Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Boujibar A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Clesi V., Doucelance R., Hammouda T., Laubier M., Manthilake G., Marin-Carbonne J., Martin H., Moine B., Monteux J., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2017). Environnement de la Terre primitive: Comment construire une planète habitable ? Groupe de Recherche : ''Mécanismes géodynamiques de la Terre primitive''. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.7-40.
- Bonnand P., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Schiano P. (2017). Chromium and cerium mass dependant isotopic variations during fractional crystallization in terrestrial basalts. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Cornu M.N., Paris R., Doucelance R., Bachèlery P., Guillou H. (2017). Exploring the links between volcano flank collapse and magma evolution: Fogo oceanic shield volcano, Cape Verde. EGU, Geophysical Res. Abstr. 19, 4875.
- Doucelance R., Vlastélic I. (2017). Application des traceurs isotopiques à l'étude des sources des magmas. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.159-180.
- Bachèlery P., Doucelance R., Bou E., Thivet S. (2016). Analyse des Formations volcaniques du Canal du Mozambique : Rapport d’étape N°1. CAMPAGNE PAMELA-MOZ01.
- Doucelance R. (2016). Apport de la systématique La-Ce quant à la nature de la source des carbonatites océaniques. Isotopes et Magmas, Société Française des Isotopes - SFIS, Montpellier.
- Millet M.-A., Jackson M.G., Dauphas N., Burton K.W., Williams H.M., Kurz M.D., Doucelance R., Smithies H., Champion D.C., Nowell G.M. (2016). Titanium Isotope Link the High 3He/4He Reservoir to Continent Formation. AGU, San Francisco.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Savov, Plank, Elliott (2015). Cerium isotope systematics in the Mariana arc-basin system. Goldschmidt conference, Prague.
- Boyet M., Bellot N., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Savov I., Plank T., Elliott T. (2015). Application of the 138La-138Ce systematics as tracer of recycled sediment in the mantle. AGU, San Francisco, USA.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Plank T., Elliott T. (2014). Comparison of Ce isotopes in two oceanic arc systems: Lesser Antilles and Mariana. Goldschmidt conference, Sacramento. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Zeh A., Doucelance R. (2014). The secular evolution of archean granitoids: evidence for the onset of “modern-style” plate tectonics between 3.0 and 2.5 ga ago. Astrobiology FNRS Contact Group & IAP PLANET TOPERS Annual Meeting, Liège.
- Laurent O., Rapopo M., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R. (2014). Contrasting petrogenesis of Mg-K and Fe-K granitoids and implications for post-collisional magmatism: case study from the late-Archaean Matok pluton (South Africa). EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
- Laurent O., Zeh A., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R., Martin H. (2014). Growth of continental crust and its episodic reworking over >800 Ma: evidence from Hf-Nd isotope data on the Pietersburg block (South Africa). EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Pin C., Chauvel C., Doucelance R., Auclair D. (2013). Development of the La-Ce systematics: application to arc magmas. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Doucelance R. (2013). Source des carbonatites : apport des sytématiques isotopiques Re-Os et La-Ce. Geotop, Montréal.
- Doucelance R., Bellot N., Boyet M., Hammouda T. (2013). Cerium isotope systematics of oceanic carbonatites. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R. (2013). Geochemical diversity of late-Archaean Mg-K-rich mafic magmas (sanukitoids) and its implication for metasomatic processes between silicate melts and mantle peridotite. in Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-2114. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F. (2012). Diversity of late-Archaean high-K granitoids records the evolution of crustal growth processes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-663. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2012). The diversity of granitoids in the northern Kaapvaal craton records late-Archæan geodynamic changes. 1st European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt.
- Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2012). The diversity of granitoids in the northern Kaapvaal craton records late-Archæan geodynamic changes. 1st European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2012). The diversity of granitoids in the northern Kaapvaal craton records late-Archæan geodynamic changes. Goldschmidt 2012, Montréal. .
- Laurent O., Doucelance R., Martin H., Moyen J.F. (2011). Origin of high-K calc-alkaline granodiorites: insights from geochemical modeling on the late-Archaean Bulai pluton (Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa): 7th Hutton symposium, Avila. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R. (2011). Origin of high-K calc-alkaline granodiorites: insights from geochemical modeling on the late-Archaean Bulai pluton (Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa). 7th Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks, Avila.
- Sanchez-Garrido C.J., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Harris C., Armstrong R.A. (2011). Paleo-Archean granites and rhyolites in the proto-continental crust: 23rd Congress of African Geology, Johannesburg, Janvier 2011. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2010). High-K calc-alkaline magmatism at the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary: implications for mantle metasomatism and continental crust petrogenesis. Example of the Bulai pluton (Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa). EUG, Geophysical Res. Abstr. 12, 6019. .
- Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R., Paquette J.L. (2010). Origin and significance of High-K series at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary. 5th International Archean Symposium, 86-89, Perth.
- Laurent O., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Paquette J.L. (2010). Open vs. closed-system behaviors in granitoid rocks during granulite-facies metamorphism: a case study from the Bulai Pluton (Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa). EUG, Geophysical Res. Abstr. 12, 10872. .
- Mourão C., Mata J., Silva L.S., Doucelance R., Madeira J., Brum da Silveira A., Moreira M. (2010). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of extrusive calciocarbonatites from Brava Island (Cape Verde). X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, Porto.
- Sanchez-Garrido C.J.M.G., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Harris C., Armstrong R.A. (2010). Paleo-Archean rhyolites and the source of potassium in the proto-continental crust. 5th International Archean Symposium, 127-130, Perth.
Publications antérieures :
- Millet, Doucelance, Baker & Schiano (2009) Reconsidering the origins of isotopic variations in Ocean Island Basalts ; Insights from fine-scale study of São Jorge Island, Azores archipelago. Chem. Geol. 265(3-4), 289-302. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.04.005
- Poirier & Doucelance (2009) Effective Correction of Mass Bias for Rhenium Measurements by MC-ICP-MS. Geost. Geoanal. Res. 33(2), 195-204. doi:10.1111/j.1751-908X.2009.00017.x
- Millet, Doucelance, Schiano, David & Bosq (2008) Mantle plume heterogeneity versus shallow-level interactions: A case study, the São Nicolau Island, Cape Verde archipelago. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 176(2), 265-276. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.04.003
- Mourão, Mata, Madeira, Silva, Brum da Silveira, Moreira & Doucelance (2008) Peculiaridades da Ilha Brava no contexto da Geologia do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Memórias e Notícias 3 (Nova Série), 217-222
- Laubier, Schiano, Doucelance, Ottolini & Laporte (2007) Olivine-hosted melt inclusions and melting processes beneath the FAMOUS zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chem. Geol. 240(1-2), 129-150. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.02.002
- Debaille, Doucelance, Weis & Schiano (2006) Multi-stage mixing in subduction zones : Application to Merapi volcano (Java island, Sunda arc). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(3), 723-741. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2005.09.021
- Debaille, Blichert-Toft, Agranier, Doucelance, Schiano & Albarede (2006) Geochemical component relationships in MORB from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 22-35°N. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 241(3-4), 844-862. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.11.004
- Escrig, Doucelance, Moreira & Allègre (2005) Os isotope systematics in Fogo basalts: evidence for lower continental crust residing in the oceanic lithosphere beneath the Cape Verde Islands. Chem. Geol. 219(1-4), 93-113. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.02.011
- Poirier, Doucelance & Gariépy (2004) Radiogenic isotope investigation of the St-Robert H5 fall. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39(12), 1983-1993. [pdf]
- Deschamps, Hillaire-Marcel, Michelot, Doucelance, Ghaleb & Buschaert (2004) 234U/238U Disequilibrium along stylolitic discontinuities in deep Mesozoic limestone formations of the Eastern Paris basin: evidence for discrete uranium mobility. Hydrology Earth Syst. Sci. 8(1), 35-46. [pdf]
- Deschamps, Doucelance, Ghaleb & Michelot (2003) Further investigations on optimized tall correction and high-precision measurement of Uranium isotopic ratios using Multi-Collector ICP-MS. Chem. Geol. 201(1-2), 141-160. doi:10.1016/S0009-2541(03)00226-2
- Doucelance, Escrig, Moreira, Gariépy & Kurz (2003) Pb-Sr-He isotope and trace element geochemistry of the Cape Verde Archipelago. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67(19), 3717-3733. doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(03)00161-3
- Doucelance & Manhès (2001) Reevaluation of precise lead isotope measurements by thermal ionization mass spectrometry : comparison with determinations by plasma source mass spectrometry. Chem. Geol. 176(1-4), 361-377. doi:10.1016/S0009-2541(00)00409-5
- Moreira, Doucelance, Kurz, Dupré & Allègre (1999) Helium and lead isotope geochemistry in the Azores Archipelago. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 169(1-2), 189-205. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00071-0
- Nagel, Degay, Doucelance, Pallier, Hocquard, Urien, Joseph & Richard (1996) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane. Bilan des travaux et résultats. Rapport BRGM R38633. [pdf]
- Nagel, Degay & Doucelance (1995) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane: le prospect aurifère de Langa Tabiki. Rapport BRGM R38415 SGN/GUY 95. [pdf]
- Nagel, Degay, Doucelance & Maurizot (1995) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane: le prospect aurifère de Cazal. Rapport BRGM R38416 SGN/GUY 95. [pdf]
- Nagel, Degay, Doucelance & Maurizot (1995) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane: le prospect aurifère de Mataroni. Rapport BRGM R38417 SGN/GUY 95. [pdf]
- Nagel, Degay, Doucelance & Maurizot (1995) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane: le prospect aurifère de Montagne Française. Rapport BRGM R38418 SGN/GUY 95. [pdf]
- Nagel, Degay, Doucelance, Maurizot & Pallier (1995) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane: le prospect aurifère de Maripa. Rapport BRGM R38419 SGN/GUY 95. [pdf]
- Nagel, Degay & Doucelance (1995) Inventaire Minier du département de la Guyane: avancement des travaux au 28 février 1995. Rapport BRGM GUY R38317.
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