
Lucia Gurioli

Équipe de Volcanologie
Axes: Géologie régionale -
Bureau: 1.40 - LMV Cezeaux
Courriel :

  • Thèmes de Recherche :

    • Etude et caractérisation physique et chimie de la cendre volcanique et son impact sur la santé humaine ;
    • Compréhension des mécanismes complexes déterminant l’ascension du magma, leur fragmentation et l’éruption, avec l’intégration des données texturales des produits émis (pyroclastes et laves), pétro-géochimiques et géophysiques ;
    • Caractérisations volcanologiques, sédimentologiques et paléomagnétiques des dépôts pyroclastiques ;
    • Analyses des interactions entre écoulements pyroclastiques et habitations humaines ;
    • Risques lies aux écoulements pyroclastiques du Vésuve et Vulcano

  • Activité d’observation :

    • Responsable du Service d’Observation DynVolc à l’OPGC.
    • DynVolc fournit une base de données complète pour les produits éruptifs à partir de:
      • études sur le terrain (i.e., cartographie, description des dépôts et des échantillons … … …),
      • analyses texturales (i.e., taille et distribution des tailles des particules, et leur morphologie, densité, porosité, connectivité, perméabilité, et distribution des tailles, forme et orientation des vésicules et cristaux), données chimiques (i.e., chimie totale et du verre).

    Dans un système volcanique actif, l’objectif est d’obtenir des échantillons en parallèle avec les mesures géophysiques disponibles pour mieux comprendre l’activité éruptive.

    Les données sont mises à disposition sur le portail DynVolc.

  • Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :


    • 2019-2022 membre titulaire du Conseil national des universités, en section 36 dans le collège A.
    • Membre du comité intérim opérationnel restreint de suivi de la crise sismo-volcanique Mayotte « Réseau de Surveillance Volcanologique et Sismologique de Mayotte (ReVoSiMa)» 15 juillet 2019 au 1 janvier 2020.
    • Depuis 2017 : membre du comité de pilotage du SNOV (Service National d’Observation en Volcanologie)
    • Depuis 2018 : membre du comité de pilotage MIST (Modeling, Imaging, Sensing, and Tracing of emission and volcanic plumes)


    • Directrice adjointe OPGC section Terre Solide depuis Novembre 2018
    • Membre élu du Conseil d’administration de l’OPGC depuis 03/2018
    • Membre élu du Conseil du Laboratoire LMV depuis 07/03/2017
    • Membre invité du Conseil Scientifique de l’OPGC depuis 06/2014
    • Membre invité de l’UMS de l’OPGC depuis 06/2014
    • Responsable ClerVolc programme 1 «  Detection and characterization of volcanic plumes and ash clouds. » et part du comité de pilotage (depuis 1 juillet 2019)
    • Membre du jury de concours pour le poste de Tenure Track Risk, I-Site Cap-20-25 (2018)
    • Membre du jury de concours pour le poste IGR BAP C – Expert en développement d’expérimentation (2017)
    • Membre du comité de sélection au LMV pour la section 35 (2016-2017)
    • Responsable du laboratoire d’analyse texturale du LMV depuis 2012, la mise en œuvre a inclus l’acquisition d’instruments dans de projets que j’ai porté avant 2015:
      • acquisition d’un Pycnomètre a Hélium (AccuPyc II 1340)
      • acquisition d’un Analyzer d’enveloppe de densité (Geopyc 1360)
      • construction in-situ d’un perméamétre (avec Shea en 2013)
      • mis en place des facilités pour l’analyse d’image
      • acquisition de un collector de cendre (ASHER) pour la mesure in situ de la granulométrie, vitesse de sédimentation, et taux d’accumulation des particules de cendres
      • Morphologie G3 (acquis et mise en place par JL Le Pennec)
    • Assesseur pour les élections universitaires du 03/03/2016
    • Responsable du séminaire départemental au LMV-UBP (2010-2012)


    • Responsable du WP4 (Networking atmospheric observations and connecting the volcanological communic with VAACS) dans EUROVOLC (2018-2021)
    • Présidente du comité IAVCEI-CEV “Explosive Volcano Committee”

    ( 2008-2017

    • Ad hoc Graduate faculty member at Michigan Tech, depuis 2013
    • 2012: Professeur invité au Département des sciences de la Terre de l’Université de Cagliari (UNICA), Italie, pour une période de 15 jours consécutifs (1-15 July)
    • 2011 Editeur d’un volume spécial pour le CEV du Journal of Volcanological and Geothermal Research intitulé « Integrating Numerical and Laboratory Models of Explosive Eruptions with Field Observations: Understanding Pyroclastic Transport ».
    • Depuis 2007- 28 Projets internationaux et nationaux révisés pour SNSF (Suisse), NSF (USA), NERC (UK), IDEX (France) et German Research Foundation (voir Annex III)
    • Depuis 2005- 56 papiers révisés (Nature Geoscience, Scientific Report, GRL, JGR, Geology, EPSL, BV, JVGR, AGU book, Chemical Geology) (voir Annex III)
    • 1998 (August 14-24): Scientist in Charge à l’observatoire de Carapezza (Vulcano, Italy).


  • Activités d’enseignement :

    Niveau : Licence, Master

    Cours : Géologie, terrain, cartographie, pétrologie, volcanologie, introduction à l’approche expérimentale


    • Membre élu du Conseil Pédagogique de l’OPGC depuis 12/2016 et responsable de la commission Rang A
    • Vice-président de l’enseignement (08/01/2015-26/06/2015)
    • 2018-on Responsable du module (Géologie et volcanologie régionales) [G3] L1ST-P2
    • 2014-2016 Responsable du module de Chaines et Bassins, Licence 2 Sciences de la Terre


    2017-en cours LMV-UCA (France)

    • Géologie et volcanologie régionales L1-ST-P2 (4.5h CM) (6h TD) (18h Terr)
    • Les volcans et leur produits L2-ST (7.5h CM)
    • Techniques géologiques et géophysiques en volcanologie L3-ST (4.5h CM) (3.5h TD)
    • Ascension et éruption des magmas   M1-ST (6h TD)
    • Cartographie pour Génie Civil L3 (12h TD)

    Short course

    • Juliet 2, 2012 3 hours lectures “Presentation styles and techniques” University of Cagliari
    • October 8-10, 2007, 3 hours lectures: “Main volcanic processes and associated hazards: pyroclastic density currents” University of Geneva

    Responsable de sortie des terrains

    1. September 3-12, 2010, Stage de DEA, Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano (Italy)
    2. November 10-16, 2005, Kilauea (Hawaii) GG-711-05 Lava flow rheology and morphology
    3. October 21-23, 2005, Big Island (Hawaii) GG-300 Volcanology
    4. October 29, 2005, Makapuu Outcrop, Oahu, (Hawaii), GG-711-05 Lava flow rheology and morphology
    5. October 9, 2005, Koko Fissure field trip, Oahu, (Hawaii), GG-300 Volcanology
    6. October 8, 2005, Makapuu Outcrop, Oahu, (Hawaii), GG-711-05 Lava flow rheology and morphology
    7. March 22-26, 2005, Big Island (Hawaii), GG-601 Explosive Volcanology
    8. November 22-24, 2002, Big Island (Hawaii) GG-300 Volcanology
    9. November 2-4, 2001 Big Island (Hawaii), GG-300 Volcanology
    10. October 27, 2001, Oahu, Koko fissure, (Hawaii), GG-300 Volcanology
    11. April 2001 Oahu, Hanauma Bay, (Hawaii), GG-601 Explosive Volcanology
    12. March 15-21, 2001, Big Island (Hawaii) GG-601 Explosive Volcanolog


    Statistiques (carrière entière)                                               

    • Postdoc  2
    • PhD  4 + 2 comme tuteur
    • Master 2  27 (dont 6 internationaux + 6 en Italie)
    • Master 1  9
    • ERASMUS 6
    • Niveau Licence 7

  • Publications :

    Rang A :

    • Lacombe T., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Médard E., Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Bernard J., Sadeski L., Komorowski J.-C. (2024). Late Quaternary explosive phonolitic volcanism of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, Western Indian Ocean). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.11, 2, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-023-01697-2 - lien HAL .
    • Shajahan R., Harris A., Zanella E., Gurioli L., Robustelli Test C., Calvari S., Drovanti L. (2024). When the lava meets the sea: emplacement of the 2-4 ka San Bartolo lava flow field, Stromboli volcano (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01743-7 - lien HAL .
    • Tadesse A.Z., Fontijn K., Wallace P.A., Gurioli L., Laha P., Terryn H., Ayalew D. (2024). Eruption style and dynamics of the~87 ka Baricha peralkaline rhyolite eruption in Ethiopia. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.93, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01787-9.
    • Verdurme P., Gurioli L., Chevrel O., Médard E., Berthod C., Komorowsk J.C., Harris A., Paquet F., Cathalot C., Feuillet N., Lebas E., Rinnert E., Donval J.P., Thinon I., Deplus C., Bachèlery P. (2024). Magma ascent and lava flow field emplacement during the 2018–2021 Fani Maor´e deep-submarine eruption insights from lava vesicle textures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.636, p.118720, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118720 - lien HAL .

    • Berthod C., Komorowski J.C., Gurioli L., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Besson P., Verdurme P., Chevrel O., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Devidal J.L., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Deplus C., Loubrieu B., Pierre D., Bermell S., Pitel-Roudaut M., Réaud Y., Fouchard S., Bickert M., Le Friant A., Paquet F., Feuillet N., Jorry S.L., Fouquet Y., Rinnert E., Cathalot C., Lebas E. (2022). Temporal magmatic evolution of the Fani Maoré submarine eruption 50 km east of Mayotte revealed by in situ sampling and petrological monitoring. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - DOI:10.5802/crgeos.155 - lien HAL .
    • Doronzo D.M., Di Vito M.A., Arienzo I., Bini M., Galusi B., Cerminara M., Corradini S., de Vita S., Giaccio B., Gurioli L., Mannella G., Ricciardi G.P., Rucco I., Sparice D., Todesco M., Trasatti E., Zanchetta G. (2022). The 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius: A lesson from the past and the need of a multidisciplinary approach for developments in volcanology. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.231, p.104072, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104072.
    • Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Damby D., Belville C., Schiavi F., Marceau G., Szczepaniaks C., Blavignacs C., Laumonier M., Gardes E., Le Pennec J.L., Nedelec J.-M., Blanchon L., Sapin V. (2022). Spatial distribution and physicochemical properties of respirable volcanic ash from the 16-17 August 2006 Tungurahua eruption (Ecuador), and alveolar epithelium response in-vitro. GeoHealth - DOI:10.1029/2022GH000680 - lien HAL .
    • Freret-Lorgeril V., Bonadonna C., Corradini S., Guerrieri L., Lemus J., Donnadieu F., Scollo S., Gurioli L., Rossi E. (2022). Tephra characterization and multi-disciplinary determination of Eruptive Source Parameters of a weak paroxysm at Mount Etna (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.421, p.107431, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107431 - lien HAL .
    • Gurioli L., Tadini A., Thivet S., Médard E., Berthod C., Vlastélic I. (2022). Monitoring of Eruptive Products: Deposits Associated with Pyroclastic Fallout. vol.Chap 2, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
    • Ross P.S., Dürig T., Comida P.P., Lefebvre N., White J.D.L., Andronico D., Thivet S., Eychenne J., Gurioli L. (2022). Standardized analysis of juvenile pyroclasts in comparative studies of primary magma fragmentation; 1. Overview and workflow. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.84, p.13, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01516-6 - lien HAL .
    • Sauzéat L., Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Boyet M., Jessop D., Moretti R., Monrose M., Holota H., Beaudoin C., Volle D.H. (2022). Metallome deregulation and health-related impacts due to long-term exposure to recent volcanic ash deposits: New chemical and isotopic insights. Science of the Total Environment p.154383, - DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154383 - lien HAL .
    • Tadini A., Gurioli L., Charbonnier S., Thivet S., Thouret J.C. (2022). Monitoring of Eruptive Products: Pyroclastic Density Currents and Their Deposits. vol.Chap 3, p.167-209, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
    • Tadini A., Harris A., Morin J., Bevilacqua A., Peltier A., Aspinall W., Ciolli S., Bachèlery P., Bernard B., Biren J., Brum da Silveira A., Cayol V., Chevrel O., Coppola D., Dietterich H., Donovan A., Dorado O., Drenne S., Dupéré O., Gurioli L., Kolzenburg S., Komorowski J.C., Labazuy P., Mangione D., Mannini S., Martel-Asselin F., Médard E., Pailot-Bonnetat S., Rafflin V., Ramsey M., Richter N., Vallejo S., Villeneuve N., Zafrilla S. (2022). Structured elicitation of expert judgement in real-time eruption scenarios: an exercise for Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion island. Volcanica vol.4, p.105-131, 1, - DOI:10.30909/vol.05.01.105131 - lien HAL .
    • Thivet S., Carlier J., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Besson P., Smietana M., Boudon G., Bachèlery P., Eychenne J., Nedelec J.M. (2022). Magmatic and phreatomagmatic contributions on the ash-dominated basaltic eruptions: Insights from the April and November–December 2005 paroxysmal events at Karthala volcano, Comoros. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.424, p.107500, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107500.
    • Verdurme P., Carn S., Harris A., Coppola D., Di Muro A., Arellano S., Gurioli L. (2022). Lava Volume from Remote Sensing Data: Comparisons with Reverse Petrological Approaches for Two Types of Effusive Eruption. Remote Sensing vol.14, p.323, - DOI:10.3390/rs14020323.

    • Berthod C., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Komorowski J.C., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga E., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Kaliwoda M., Jorry S.J., Fouquet Y., Feuillet N. (2021). The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: Magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.571, p.117085, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117085 - lien HAL .
    • Berthod C., Médard E., Di Muro ., Ali T.H., Gurioli L., Chauvel C., Komorowski J.C., Bachèlery P., Peltier A., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Besson P., Le Friant A., Deplus C., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Feuillet N., Jorry S., Fouquet Y. (2021). Mantle xenolith-bearing phonolites and basanites feed the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Comoros archipelago, SW Indian Ocean). Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.176, p.75, - lien HAL .
    • Caracciolo A., Gurioli L., Marianelli P., Bernard J., Harris A. (2021). Textural and chemical features of a “soft” plug emitted during Strombolian explosions: A case study from Stromboli volcano. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.559, p.116761, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116761.
    • Myers M.L., Druitt T., Schiavi F., Gurioli L., Flaherty T. (2021). Evolution of magma decompression and discharge during a Plinian event (Late Bronze-Age eruption, Santorini) from multiple eruption-intensity proxies. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, p.18, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01438-3 - lien HAL .
    • Peltier A., Ferrazzini V., Di Muro A., Kowalski P., Villeneuve N., Richter N., Chevrel O., Froger J.L., Hrysiewicz A., Gouhier M., Coppola D., Retailleau L., Beauducel F., Gurioli L., Boissier P., Brunet C., Catherine P., Fontaine F., Lauret F., Garavaglia L., Lebreton J., Canjamale K., Desfete N., Griot C., Harris A., Arellano S., Liuzzo M., Gurrieri S., Ramsey M. (2021). Volcano Crisis Management at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion) during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Seismological Research Letters - DOI:10.1785/0220200212 - lien HAL .
    • Thivet S., Harris A., Gurioli L., Bani P., Barnie T., Bombrun M., Marchetti E. (2021). Multi-parametric field experiment links explosive activity and persistent degassing at Stromboli. Frontiers in Earth Science - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.669661.

    • Biren J., Harris A., Tuffen H., Chevrel O., Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Schiavi F., Benbakkar M., Fonquernie C., Calabro L. (2020). Chemical, Textural and Thermal Analyses of Local Interactions Between Lava Flow and a Tree – Case Study From Pāhoa, Hawai’i. Frontiers in Earth Science - DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.00233 - lien HAL .
    • Cioni R., Tadini A., Gurioli L., Bertagnini A., Mulas M., Bevilacqua A., Neri A. (2020). Estimating eruptive parameters and related uncertaintiesfor pyroclastic density currents deposits: worked examplesfrom Somma-Vesuvius (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, p.65, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-020-01402-7 - lien HAL .
    • Colo L., Ripepe M., Gurioli L., Harris A. (2020). Fragmentation Processes During Strombolian Explosions Revealed Using Particle Size Distribution Mapping. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.8, p.356, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.00356 - lien HAL .
    • Colombier M., Shea T., Burgisser A., Druitt T., Gurioli L., Müller D., Cáceres F., Hess K.U., Boivin P., Miallier D., Dingwell D.B. (2020). Rheological change and degassing during a trachytic Vulcanian eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, p.78, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-020-01420-5 - lien HAL .
    • Edwards M.J., Pioli L., Harris A., Gurioli L., Thivet S. (2020). Magma fragmentation and particle size distributions in low intensity mafic explosions: the July/August 2015 Piton de la Fournaise eruption. Nature Scientific Reports vol.10, p.13953, - DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-69976-y - lien HAL .
    • Harris A., Mannini S., Thivet S., Chevrel O., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Peltier A. (2020). How shear helps lava to flow. Geology vol.48, p.154-158, 2, - DOI:10.1130/G47110.1 - lien HAL .
    • Lormand C., Harris A., Chevrel O., CalvariS., Gurioli L., Favalli M., Fornaciai A., Nannipieri L. (2020). The 1974 West Flank Eruption of Mount Etna: A Data-Driven Model for a Low Elevation Effusive Event. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.8, p.590411, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.590411 - lien HAL .
    • Pailot-Bonnetat S., Harris A., Calvari S., De Michele M., Gurioli L. (2020). Plume Height Time-Series Retrieval Using Shadow in Single Spatial Resolution Satellite Images. Remote Sensing vol.12, p.3951, - DOI:10.3390/rs12233951 - lien HAL .
    • Prival J.M., Thouret J.C., Japura S., Gurioli L., Bonadonna C., Mariño J., Cueva K. (2020). New insights into eruption source parameters of the 1600 CEHuaynaputina Plinian eruption, Peru. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, 7, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1340-7 - lien HAL .
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A. (2020). Basaltic dyke eruptions at Piton de La Fournaise: characterization of the eruptive products with implications for reservoir conditions, conduit processes and eruptive dynamics. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.175, p.26, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-020-1664-5 - lien HAL .
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Derrien A., Ferrazzini V., Gouhier M., Coppola D., Galle B., Arellano S. (2020). Evidences of Plug Pressurization Enhancing MagmaFragmentation During the September 2016 basaltic Eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island, France). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - DOI:10.1029/2019GC008611 - lien HAL .
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Eychenne J., Besson P., Nedelec J.M. (2020). Variability of ash deposits at Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion Island): insights into fragmentation processes at basaltic shield volcanoes. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, 63, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-020-01398-0 - lien HAL .

    • Colombier M., Gurioli L., Druitt T., Shea T., Boivin P., Miallier D., Cluzel N. (2017). Textural evolution ofmagma during the 9.4-ka trachytic explosive eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.79, p.17, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-017-1099-7.
    • Colombier M., Wadsworth F.B., Gurioli L., Scheu B., Kueppers U., Di Muro A., Dingwell D.B. (2017). The evolution of pore connectivity in volcanic rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.462, p.99-109, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.011.
    • Coppola D., DiMuro A., Peltier A., Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Favalli M., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Harris A., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S., Aiuppa A. (2017). Shallow system rejuvenation and magma discharge trends at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.463, p.13-24, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.024.
    • Harris A., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Coppola D., Favalli M., Bachèlery P., Froger J.L., Gurioli L., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S. (2017). Effusive crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014–2015: a review of a multi-national response model. Journal of Applied Volcanology vol.6, 11, - DOI:10.1186/s13617-017-0062-9.
    • Latutrie B., Harris A., Médard E., Gurioli L. (2017). Eruption and emplacement dynamics of a thick trachytic lava flow of the Sancy volcano (France). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.79, p.4, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1084-6.
    • Polacci M., Michieli Vitturi M. de, Arzilli F., Burton M.R., Caricchi L., Carr B., Cerminara M., Cimarelli C., Clarke A.B., Colucci S., Costa A., Degruyter W., Druitt T., Engwell S., Ongaro T.E., Giordano D., Gurioli L., Haddadi B., Kendrick J.E., Kueppers U., Lamur A., Lavallée Y., Llewellin E., Mader H.M., Métrich N., Montagna C., Neri A., Rivalta E., Saccorotti G., Sigmunddon F., Spina L., Taddeucci J. (2017). From magma ascent to ash generation: investigating volcanic conduit processes by integrating experiments, numerical modeling, and observations. Annals of Geophysics vol.60, 6, - DOI:10.4401/ag-7449.
    • Rhety M., Harris A., Villeneuve N., Gurioli L., Médard E., Chevrel O., Bachèlery P. (2017). A comparison of cooling-limited and volume-limited flow systems: Examples from channels in the Piton de la Fournaise April 2007 lava-flow field. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.18, p.3270-3291, - DOI:10.1002/2017GC006839.

    • Harris A., Rhéty M., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Paris R. (2016). Simulating the thermorheological evolution of channel-contained lava: FLOWGO and its implementation in EXCEL. p.313-336, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F. & Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.9.
    • Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Gurioli L., Roche O., Boivin P. (2016). Highly explosive eruption of the monogenetic 8.6 ka BP La Vache et Lassolas scoria cone complex (Chaîne des Puys, France). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.313, p.15-28, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.12.006 - lien HAL .
    • Saubin E., Tuffen H., Gurioli L., Owen J., Castro J.M., Berlo K., McGowan E.M., Schipper C.I., Wehbe K. (2016). Conduit Dynamics in Transitional Rhyolitic Activity Recorded by Tuffisite Vein Textures from the 2008–2009 Chaitén Eruption. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.4, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2016.00059.
    • Vlastélic I., Gannoun A.M., Di Muro A., Gurioli L., Bachèlery P., Hénot J.M. (2016). Origin and fate of sulfide liquids in hotspot volcanism (La Re´union): Pb isotope constraints from residual Fe–Cu oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.194, p.179-192, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.08.036.

    • Bombrun M., Harris A., Gurioli L., Battaglia J., Barra V. (2015). Anatomy of a Strombolian eruption : inferences from particle data recorded with thermal video. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.120, p.2367-2387, 4, - DOI:10.1002/2014JB011556.
    • Doronzo D.M., Khalaf E.A., Dellino P., de Tullio M.D., Dioguardi F., Gurioli L., Mele D., Pascazio G., Sulpizio R. (2015). Local impact of dust storms around a suburban building in arid and semi-arid regions: numerical simulation examples from Dubai and Riyadh. Arabian Journal of Geosciences vol.8, p.7359-7369, 9, - DOI:10.1007/s12517-014-1730-2.
    • Gurioli L., Andronico D., Bachèlery P., Balcone-Boissard H., Battaglia J., Boudon G., Burgisser A., Burton M.R., Cashman K., Cichy S., Cioni R., Di Muro A., Dominguez L., D’Oriano C., Druitt T., Harris A., Hort M., Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Kueppers U., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Paris R., Pioli L., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Pompilio M., Ripepe M., Roche O., Rose-Koga E., Rust A., Schiavi F., Sharff L., Sulpizio R., Taddeucci J., Thordarson T. (2015). MeMoVolc consensual document: a review of cross-disciplinary approaches to characterizing small explosive magmatic eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.49, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0935-x - lien HAL .
    • Harris A., Rhéty M., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Paris R. (2015). Simulating the thermo-rheological evolution of channel-contained lava: FLOWGO and its implementation in EXCEL. vol.426, p.313, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions? Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds), 1, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP426.9.
    • Leduc L., Gurioli L., Harris A., Colò L., Rose-Koga E. (2015). Types and mechanisms of strombolian explosions: characterization of a gas-dominated explosion at Stromboli. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, 1-15, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0888-5.
    • Zanella E., Sulpizio R., Gurioli L., Lanza R. (2015). Temperatures of the pyroclastic density currents deposits emplaced in the last 22 kyr at Somma-Vesuvius (Italy). vol.396, p.13-33, The Use of Palaeomagnetism and Rock Magnetism to Understand Volcanic Processes? Ort, M.H., Porreca M. & Geissman, J. W. (eds), Special Publications, Geological Society Geological Society of London (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP396.4.

    • Gurioli L., Colo L., Bollasina A.J., Harris A., Whittington A., Ripepe M. (2014). Dynamics of Strombolian explosions: Inferences from field and laboratory studies of erupted bombs from Stromboli volcano. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119, 319–345. - DOI:10.1002/2013JB010355 - lien HAL .
    • Robert B., Harris A., Gurioli L., Médard E., Sehlke A., Whittington A. (2014). Textural and rheological evolution of basalt flowing down a lava channel. Bulletin of Volcanology 76, 824. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0824-8.
    • Sehlke A., Whittington A., Robert B., Harris A., Gurioli L., Médard E. (2014). Pahoehoe to `a`a transition of Hawaiian lavas: an experimental study. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.76, p.876, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0876-9.
    • Shea T., Hellebrand E., Gurioli L., Tuffen H. (2014). Conduit- to Localized-scale Degassing during Plinian Eruptions: Insights from Major Element andVolatile (Cl and H2O) Analyses within Vesuvius AD 79 Pumice. Journal of Petrology 55, 315-344. - DOI:310.1093/petrology/egt1069.

    • Gurioli L., Harris A., Colò L., Bernard J., Favalli M., Ripepe M., Andronico D. (2013). Classification, landing distribution, and associated fl ight parameters for a bomb fi eld emplaced during a single major explosion at Stromboli, Italy: Geology, v. 41, p. 559-562. - DOI:10.1130/G33967.1.
    • Harris A., Valade S., Sawyer G., Donnadieu F., Battaglia J., Gurioli L., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Stachowicz T., Bombun M., Barra V., Delle Donne D., Lacana G., , Lacanna G. (2013). Full bandwidth remote sensing for total parameterization of volcanic plumes. EOS vol.94, p.321-322, 37.
    • Morgan A.H., Harris A., Gurioli L. (2013). Lava discharge rate estimates from thermal infrared satellite data for Pacaya Volcano during 2004-2010: Journal volcanological Geothermal Research, v. 264, p. 1-11. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.07.008.

    • Alfano F., Bonadonna C., Gurioli L. (2012). Insights into eruption dynamics from textural analysis: the case of the May, 2008, Chaitén eruption. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 2095–2108. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-012-0648-3..
    • Gurioli L., Zanella E., Gioncada A., Sbrana A. (2012). The historic magmatic-hydrothermal eruption of the Breccia di Commenda, Vulcano, Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 1235-1254. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-012-0590-4.
    • Harris A., Gurioli L., Hughes E.E., Lagreulet S. (2012). Impact of the Eyjafjallajökull ash cloud: A newspaper perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, B00C08. - DOI:10.1029/2011JB008735 - lien HAL .
    • Shea T., Gurioli L., Houghton B.F. (2012). Transitions between fall phases and pyroclastic density currents during the AD 79 eruption at Vesuvius: building a transient conduit model from the textural and volatile record. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 2363–2381. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-012-0668-z.

    • Shea T., Gurioli L., Houghton B. F., Cioni R., Cashman K.V. (2011). Column collapse and generation of pyroclastic density currents during the A.D. 79 eruption of Vesuvius: The role of pyroclast density: Geology, p.. - DOI:10.1130/G32092.1.

    • Gurioli L., Sulpizio R., Cioni R., Sbrana A., Luperini W., Santacroce R., Andronico D. (2010). Pyroclastic flow hazard assessment at Somma-Vesuvius based on the geological record. Bulletin of Volcanology, 72, 1021-1038. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-010-0379-2.
    • Paterson G.A., Roberts A.P., Niocaill C.M., Muxworthy A.R., Gurioli L., Viramont J.G., Navarro C. (2010). Palaeomagnetic determination of emplacement temperatures of pyroclastic deposits: an under utilised tool. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.72, p.309-330, 3, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-009-0324-4.
    • Shea T., Gurioli L., Larsen J., Houghton B.F., Hammer J., Cashman K.V. (2010). Linking experimental and natural textures in Vesuvius 79AD white pumice. Journal Volcanology and Geothermal Research 192, 69-84. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.02.013.
    • Shea T., Houghton B.F., Gurioli L., Cashman K.V., Hammer J., Hobden B.J. (2010). Textural studies of vesicles in volcanic rocks: an integrated methodology. Journal Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 190, 271-289. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.12 - lien HAL .

    Rang B et C :

    • Jubertie R., Gurioli L., Deniel C. (2024). Facies analysis as a useful tool for reconstructing the eruptive dynamics of a maar in Auvergne: the example of the maar de Jaude. workshop G3FMC (Session : 4.2. Natural hazards and implications for risk assessment), Clermont-Ferrand, 26/28 mars 2024.
    • Jubertie R., Gurioli L., Deniel C. (2024). Impacts of a “soft” substrate on maar fragmentation processes and eruptive dynamics: the example of the maar de Jaude, France. COT-INTIMATE-THM 2024 International Conference “Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate”, Catane, Italie, 8-15 septembre 2024.
    • Médard E., Guyon B., Berthod C., Altermatt A., Gurioli L., Devidal J.L. (2024). Improved clinopyroxene barometry sheds light on translithospheric magma storage underneath a continental distributed volcanic field (Chaîne des Puys, France). Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, juillet, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.16032 - lien HAL .

    • Jubertie R., Gurioli L., Deniel C., Miallier D., Pigeron O., Vernet G. (2023). Eruptive dynamics of a buried volcano: the maar de Jaude, Puy de Dôme. 1ère rencontre scientifique volcanologique, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 19-20 octobre 2023.
    • Lacombe T., Dimuro A., Médard E., Gurioli L., Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Komorowski J.C., Besson P. (2023). “A phonolite? From the mantle?”: The magmatic system under the phonolitic tuff-rings of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean). Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, sept 2024.
    • Thinon I., Lemoine A., Leroy S., Feuillet N., Michon L., Boymond P., Masquelet C., Rusquet A., Paquet F., Zaragosi S., Delescluse M., Watremez L., Chamot-Rooke N., Sauter D., Bernard J., Berthod C., Famin V., Gurioli L., Rolandone F., van Der Woerd J., Mercury N., Doubre C., Jorry S.J., Bachèlery P., Jacques E., Battaglia J., Clouard V., Scholtes L., Médard E., Ture C., Le Lorec B., Etcheverry L., Keiser A., Ben-Naghrouzi N., Canva A., Peyrefitte A. (2023). Volcanisme et tectonique le long de l'archipel des Comores (Canal Nord Mozambique) : état d'avancement du projet ANR COYOTES. RST 2023 - 28e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Rennes, France, Octobre 2023, - lien HAL .

    • Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Belville C., Schiavi F., Damby D., Marceau G., Szczepaniak C., Blavignac C., Le Pennec J.L., Nedelec J.M., Blanchon L., Sapin V. (2022). Physicochemical properties of respirable volcanic ash from the 2006 Tungurahua eruption (Ecuador) and alveolar epithelium response in-vitro. Cities on Volcanoes 11, Crete.

    • Barsotti S., Scollo S., Gurioli L., Donnadieu F., Witham C. (2021). 2nd European VOs-VAACs Workshop. (on-line), 8-10 November 2021.
    • Hassen A., Berthod C., Médard E., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Besson P., Bachèlery P. (2021). Petrological and geochemical study of the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Mozambique Channel). GAC-MAC London 2021 joint annual meeting, London, Canada, November 1-5.

    • Berthod C., Hassen Ali T., Médard E., Di Muro A., Gurioli L., Bachèlery P., Laporte D., Peltier A., Komorowski J-C., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga E., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Feuillet N. (2020). Mantle xenoliths-bearing phonolites feeding the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Comoros archipelago, Mozambique Channel). AGU Fall Meeting, 1-17 décembre 2020.
    • Berthod C., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Komorowski J-C., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga E., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Nowak S., Thinon I., Hidalgo S., Burckel P., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Feuillet N. (2020). The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring. AGU Fall Meeting, 1-17 décembre 2020.
    • Thinon I., Lemoine A., Feuillet N., Michon L., Leroy S., Autun J., Bachèlery P., Battaglia J., Bernard J., Bertil D., Lemarchand A., Briole P., Chamot-Rooke N., Clouard V., Crawford W., Marcello de M., Deplus C., Di Muro A., Doubre C., Famin V., Grunberg M., Gurioli L., Jacques E., Jorry S., Maggi A., Le Maire P., Martelet G., Mercury N., Moreira M., Nauret F., Paquet F., Peyrefitte A., Poort J., Quidelleur X., Satriano C., Saurel J.M., Sauter D., Van der Woerd J., Zaragosi S. (2020). ANR COYOTES project (Comoros & Mayotte: volcanism, Tectonics and Seismicity). AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Online, Etats-Unis, 2020-12-01.
    • Thivet S., Eychenne J., Gurioli L. (2020). L'analyse texturale des téphras: un outil précieux pour comprendre la dynamique des éruptions. LAVE p.32-36, 197.

    • Bachèlery P., Berthod C., Di Muro A., Gurioli L., Besson P., Caron B., Fouquet Y., Nowak S., Burckel P., Devidal J.L., Deplus C., Thinon I., Bickert M., Boudon G., Moreira M.A., Chauvel C., Le Friant A., Feuillet N., Jorry S. (2019). Petrological and Geochemical Characterization of the Lava from the 2018-2019 Mayotte Eruption: First Results. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 9-13 december.
    • Bachèlery P., Berthod C., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Gauthier P.J., Sigmarsson O., Médard E., Rose-Koga E., Besson P., Chauvel C., Burckel P., Nowak S., Caron B., Devidal J.L., Benbakkar M., Hidalgo S., Boudon G., Le Friant A., Komorowski J.C., Deplus C., Feuillet N., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Thinon I. (2019). Petrological and geochemical characterization of the lava from the 2018-2019 Mayotte eruption, and comparison with the volcanic ridge extending from Petite-Terre to about 3500m of water depth: first results. Journée Scientifique ReVoSiMa, Paris, France, 15 Octobre.
    • Danielsen J.M., Portner R.A., Johnson B., Clague D.A., Gurioli L., Tan A. (2019). Phreatomagmatic ash from deep-marine caldera eruptions on Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geologic Society of America - Cordilleran SectionAbstract no. 39 - 13, doi: 10.1130/abs/2019CD-329631.
    • Di Muro A., Gurioli L., Besson P., Burckel P., Nowak S., Bachèlery P. (2019). Rapid Response for on-land Volcanic Hazard Assessment during the 2018-2019 submarine Mayotte Volcano-tectonic Crisis: Implications for Volcanic Risk Quantification. V33A-02, AGU Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco.
    • Di Muro A., Kueppers U., Gurioli L., Carey R., Vergani D., Thivet S., Medri M., Kaliwoda M., Cimarelli C., Dingwell D. (2019). The explosivity of intraplate basaltic volcanoes: new insights from fragmentation experiments. AGU, San Francisco, décembre 2019.
    • Gurioli L. (2019). EUROVOLC-WP4-Summary of the 2nd year plans from Networking. EUROVOLC annual meeting (M12), Ponta Delgada, Azores, 19-21 February.
    • Gurioli L. (2019). Overview of the EUROVOLC project and WP4. EUROVOLC VAAC-VO Workshop, Exeter, UK, 5-7 fevrier.
    • Gurioli L. (2019). WP4.3/Task4.4 Communication strategies between Volcano Observatories and the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres in Europe. EUROVOLC annual meeting (M12), Ponta Delgada, Azores, 19-21 February.
    • Myers M.L., Druitt T., Gurioli L., Schiavi F., Flaherty T. (2019). Evolution of mass discharge and decompression rates during the Plinian phase of the Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini. European Union of Geosciences 2019, Vienna.
    • Prival J.M., Harris A., Gurioli L., Chevrel O., Robustelli Test C., Kenderes S., Zanella E., Whittington A. (2019). A history of deformation within Pietre Cotte rhyolite flow (Vulcano). 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montréal, Canada.
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A. (2019). How a basaltic volcano can produce ash: a review from ash variability reflecting unexpected range of fragmentation processes at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion, France) and Karthala (Ngazidja, Comoros). IUGG, Montréal, Juillet 2019.

    • Chevrel O., Harris A., James M., Pinkerton H., Rowland S., Gurioli L., Calabro L., Labroquère J. (2018). Constraining thermo-rheological properties of lava: from lab and field experiments to applications for modeling. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
    • Danielsen J., Portner R., Clague D.A., Gurioli L., Tan A. (2018). Sedimentary Lithofacies Associated with Magma-Water Interaction and Caldera Formation on Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, abstract #V51F-0159.
    • Gurioli L. (2018). Basaltic degassing mechanisms and eruptive dynamics revealed by textural, geochemical and geophysical monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise (2014-2017). School Seminar Series at Manchester University, 09/05/2018.
    • Gurioli L., Thivet S., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Harris A., Villeneuve N., Peltier A., Ferrazini V., Bachèlery P. (2018). Basaltic degassing mechanisms and eruptive dynamics revealed by textural, geochemical and geophysical monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise (2014-2017). EGU, Vienna.
    • Gurioli L., Thivet S., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Harris A., Villeneuve N., Peltier A., Ferrazini V., Bachèlery P. (2018). Basaltic degassing mechanisms and eruptive dynamics revealedby textural, geochemical and geophysical monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise (2014-2017). vol.Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, 2018 EGU General Assembly 2018.
    • Harris A., Chevrel O., Gurioli L., Thivet S., Coppola D., Favalli M., Peltier A., Muro A., Villeneuve N. (2018). Effusive crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014–2018: Source term provision and quantification of uncertainty in lava flow modeling for a real time response. p.263, Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
    • Myers M., Druitt T., Gurioli L., Schiavi F., Flaherty T. (2018). Evolution of mass discharge and decompression rates during the Plinian phase of the Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini. Abstract id. V44A-04,American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018.
    • Prival J.M., Thouret J.C., Gurioli L., Bonadonna C., Japura S. (2018). Insight into the CE 1600 Huaynaputina Plinian tephra, combining the re-analysis of observational datasets with recent methods for tephra dispersal modelling. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, 2-7 September.
    • Soldati A., Beem J.R., Chigna G., Gomez F., Gurioli L., Harris A., Huntley J.W., Rhéty M., Robertson T., Sehlke A., Villeneuve N., Whittington A.G. (2018). The effect of topography on the rheological and morphological evolution of basaltic lava flows. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, abstract #U11B-16.
    • Soldati A., Harris A., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Rhéty M., Gomez F., Whittington A. (2018). Textural, Thermal, and Topographic Constraints on Lava Flow System Structure: the December 2010 Eruption of Piton de La Fournaise presented (poster). COV10, Naples, IT, 3-7 Sept.
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Derrien A., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Gouhier M., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S., Bachèlery P. (2018). From golden pumice to dense scoria and ash emission: tracing the complex degassing and fragmentation history of the Piton de la Fournaise September 2016 basaltic eruption (LaRéunionIsland, France). vol.Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-12226, 2018 EGU General Assembly 2018.
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Derrien A., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Gouhier M., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S., Bachèlery P. (2018). From golden pumice to dense scoria and ash emission:tracing the complex degassing and fragmentation history of the Piton de la Fournaise September 2016 basaltic eruption of (La Réunion Island, France). EGU General Assembly 2018.
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Bachèlery P., Boudon G. (2018). Ash variability reflecting unexpected range and hazardous fragmentation processes on the recent eruptive activity at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island, France). p.426, Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.

    • Chevrel O., Harris A., James M., Gurioli L., Patrick M. (2017). Measuring the viscosity of lava using a field viscometer. MeMoVolc “Uncertainty Quantification. Lava Flow Hazard Modelling and Real-Time Source Term Provision, Catania, 21-23 February 2017.
    • Coppola D., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Favali M., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Harris A., Moune S., et al. (2017). Shallow system rejuvenation and magma discharge trends at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). EGU, Vienna.
    • Gurioli L. (2017). Textural evolution of magma during the 9.4-ka trachytic explosive eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France. Axe transverse meeting, LMV, 3/01/2017.
    • Harris A., Chevrel O., Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Bachèlery P., Moune S., Morin J., Saramito P., Bernabeu N., Villeneuve N., Peltier A., Di Muro A., Calvari S., Favalli M., Coppola D., Tuffen H. (2017). La lave face à la ville: évaluation, réduction des risques et gestion des crises volcaniques effusives. 11ème édition du Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG), Université Pierre et Marie Currie-Paris, 14-15 September.
    • Harris A., Di Muro A., Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Coppola D., Favali M., Bachèlery P., Froger J.L., Gurioli L., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S. (2017). Effusive Crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014-2015: A Multi-National Response Model. EGU, Vienna.
    • Harris A., Mannini S., Thivet S., Gurioli L., Villenueve N. (2017). Unexpected rheological regime measured down an active lava channel. 308. IAVCEI 2017, Portland, USA.
    • Lit C., Gurioli L., Van Wyk De Vries B., Boivin P., Mailler D. (2017). How the Chopine eruption developed- a monogenetic trachytic eruption. 327. IAVCEI 2017, Portland, USA.
    • Mattsson H., Gurioli L., Bircher C., Sakoma E., Steyaert L., Belkius H., Kervyn, M. (2017). Towards an understanding of the North Tanzanian maar crater formation from a cross-disciplinary perspective. 328. IAVCEI 2017, Portland, USA.
    • Rose-Koga E., Gurioli L., Harris A., Leduc L. (2017). L'activité volcanique du Stromboli : un laboratoire naturel de choix à la base de classification des projections. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.125-158.
    • Thivet S., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Boudoire G., Harris A. (2017). Eruption of a stratified basaltic sill: insights from the June 2014 and July 2015 eruptions of Piton de la Fournaise. Submission 335. IAVCEI General assembly, Portland, Oregon.

    • Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Valer M., Thivet S., Di Muro A., Boudoire G., Peltier A., Villeneuve N. (2016). Présentation des données géologiques à La Réunion. Journée scientifique : Les données d’observation des volcans, IPGP, Paris, 10 April 2016.
    • Colombier M., Scheu B., Wadsworth F., Vasseur J., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Kueppers U., Dingwell D.B. (2016). The evolution of pore connectivity in magma: Insights on eruptive process. EGU2016-3864, General Assembly.
    • Di Muro A., Arellano S., Aiuppa A., Bachèlery P., Boudoire G., Coppola D., Ferrazzini V., Galle B., Giudice G., Gurioli L., Harris A., Liuzzo M., Metrich N., Moune S., Peltier A., Villeneuve N., Vlastélic I. (2016). Eruption and degassing dynamics of the major August 2015 Piton de la Fournaise eruption. EGU, Vienna.
    • Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Bachèlery P., Harris A., Thivet S., Calabro L., Rivet S., Delage E. (2016). Les apports d'une vision intégrée des données volcanologiques (DYNVOLC). Revue d'Auvergne vol.260-261, p.299-336.
    • Harris A., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Coppola D., Favalli M., Bachèlery P., Froger J.L., Gurioli L., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S. (2016). Effusive Crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014-2015: A Review of a Multi-National Response Model. MeMoVolc “Uncertainty Quantification. Lava Flow Hazard Modelling and Real-Time Source Term Provision, Catania, 21-23 February 2016.
    • Lit C., Van Wyk De Vries B., Gurioli L. (2016). Tectural study of the Puy Chopine trachytic eruption, Chaîne des Puys, France. EGU2016-9498, EGU General Assembly 2016.
    • Saubin E., Tuffen H., Gurioli L., Owen J., Castro J.M., Berlo K., McGowan E.M., Schipper C.I., Wehb K. (2016). Conduit dynamics in transitional rhyolitic activity recorded by tuffisite vein textures from the 2008-2009 Chaitén eruption. EGU2016-10111, EGU General Assembly 2016.
    • Soldati A., Harris A., Gurioli L., Rhéty M., Villenevue N., Whittington A. (2016). Topographic Constraints on Lava Flow Patterns: the December 2010 Eruption of Piton de La Fournaise (La Reunion). AGU Fall Meeting.
    • Whittington A., Soldati A,, Sehlke A., Robert B., Médard E., Harris A., Gurioli L., Chigna G. (2016). Lava flow morphology as a proxy for lava flow rheology: mapping rheological transitions in basaltic lava flows. workshop on Volcano Geology in Sicily, July, 2016.

    • Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Di Muro A., Boudoire G., Moune S., Bachèlery P., Villeneuve N. (2015). The June 2014 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise: Insights from field, textural and geochemical data. vol.17, p.EGU2015-345, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
    • Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Di Muro A., Boudoire G., Moune S., Valer M., Bachèlery P., Villeneuve N. (2015). The June 2014 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise: Insights from field, textural and geochemical data. Journée scientifique : L'île de la Réunion et son contexte, IPGP, 10 April 2015.
    • Jordan S., Gurioli L., Colombier M., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O. (2015). Integration of porosity, connectivity and permeability measurements to determine syn-eruptive degassing processes during a sub-plinian basaltic. vol.17, p.EGU2015-345, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
    • Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Gurioli L., Roche O. (2015). Insights into the sub-plinian eruption of a basaltic monogenetic volcano using different analytical methods. vol.17, p.EGU2015-345, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
    • Marchini G., Santacroce R., Di Muro A., Zanchetta G., Metrich N., Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Carlier G. (2015). Eruptive and geochemical evolution of Piton de la Fournaise historical activity (1708-1939); a focus on the 1860 major explosive eruption. MeMoVolc Summer School, Santorin.
    • Van Wyk De Vries B., Boivin P., Gurioli L., Harris A., Miallier D. (2015). The Chaîne des Puys: complexity at all scales from source to emplacement. 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague, June 22 to July 2.

    • Bombrun M., Harris A., Barra V., Gurioli L., Battaglia J., Ripepe M. (2014). Anatomy of a strombolian plume: inferences from particle data I. D# 3223 AGU 2014. .
    • Gurioli L. (2014). Detection & Characterization of Volcanic Plumes & Clouds. Journées Scientifiques ClerVolc, LMV, Clermont Ferrand, France, 12-13 November 2014.
    • Gurioli L. (2014). Linking textures of pyroclastic products to conduit processes and eruption dynamics. MeMoVolc workshop “ From Magma Ascent to Ash Generation” Pisa October 25-26-27, 2014. .
    • Haddadi B., Jordan S., Sanchez L., Gurioli L., Harris A., Laporte D., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Roche O., Sigmarsson O. (2014). Eruptions exceptionnelles : le volcanisme basaltique explosif. Manifestation scientifique de restitution du CPER 2007-2014, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, 08-09 décembre 2014 (poster). .
    • Jordan S., Colombier M., Gurioli L., Cluzel N., Shea T. (2014). Integration of porosity, connectivity and permeability measurements to quantify syneruptive degassing. Summer school, “Magmatic volatiles: from generation to atmospheric loading” 1 to 5 July 2014, Stóru-Tjarnir, Iceland. .
    • Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Gurioli L. (2014). Violent Strombolian to Subplinian Eruption of a Monogenetic Cone Complex, Chaîne Des Puys, France. AGU Fall Meeting. .
    • Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Beauducel F., Roult G., Lecocq T., Brenguier F., Vlastélic I., Gurioli L., Guyard S., Catry T., Froger J.L., Coppola D., Harris A., Favalli M., Aiuppa A., Liuzzo M., Giudice G., Boissier P., Brunet C., Catherine P., Fontaine F., Henriette L., Lauret F., Riviere A., Kowalski P. (2014). The June 2014 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise: Robust methods developed for monitoring challenging eruptive processes. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA., 15-19 Dec. .

    • Bollasina A., Sehlke A., Gurioli L., Harris A., Whittington A. (2013). Subliquidus rheology of arc magmas: a comparison of Pacaya, Guatemala, and Stromboli, Italy. in 27-30 October, 2013 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. .
    • Gurioli L. (2013). Tracking and understanding volcanic emissions through cross-disciplinary integration: A textural working group. in Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec (invited). .
    • Gurioli L. (2013). Tracking and understanding volcanic emissions through cross-disciplinary integration: a textural working group, in MemoVolc final report (4253,
    • Gurioli L., Harris A. (2013). Parametrizations of strombolian explosions: inferences from simultaneous physical and geophysical measurements. in Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. (invited). .
    • Sehlke A., Robert B., Gurioli L., Harris A., Whittington A. (2013). Concentric cylinder viscometry at subliquidus conditions on Mauna Ulu lavas, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii. in Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. .

    • Cortes J.A., Leach R., Gertisser R., Calder E.S., Gurioli L. (2012). Paroxysmal eruptions at a persistently degassing basaltic andesite stratovolcano : what changes ? Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. .
    • Harris A., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Gurioli L., Valade S., Bombrun M., Sawyer G., Battaglia J., Moune S., Hervier C., Freville P., Latchimy T., Bontemps M., Reymond C., Bernard C. (2012). Full bandwidth remote sensing for total geophysical parameterization of volcanic emissions at Stromboli. CNFGG, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 10-12 Oct. 2012. .

    • Gurioli L., Shea T., Hellebrand E., Hammer J. (2011). Conduit-scale to localized degassing in ascending magmas: insights from Cl measurements in Vesuvius 79AD pumice: Goldschmidt conference Abstract 3644. .

    • Gurioli L. (2010). Vesuvius: A Biography Blown away by the spectacle. The times Higher Education, 2010: p. 11 March 2010. .