Professeur des Universités, UCA
Responsable de l’Équipe de Volcanologie
Bureau: 1.44 – LMV Cezeaux
Courriel :


Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) obtenue le 22 juin 2012.
(highest national diploma in France, which accredits to supervise alone PhD students)
Mise en place des écoulements granulaires volcaniques. Apport du couplage terrain / modélisation numérique.
Emplacement of volcanic granular flows. Contribution of the coupling field / numerical modeling.
Jury : M. Bursik, T.H. Druitt, C. Jaupart, A. Mangeney, B. van Wyk de Vries
télécharger ici :

  • Thèmes de Recherche / Research themes: 

    • Simulations numériques des écoulements volcaniques : coulées de lave, avalanches de débris, écoulements pyroclastiques, etc
    Numerical simulation of volcanic flows : lava flow, debris avalanche, pyroclastic flows, etc
    Développement du code numérique VolcFlow / Development of the VolcFlow numerical code
    VolcFlow web sitedownload and examples
    • Mesures en temps réel de l’activité volcanique
    Real-time measurement of volcanic activity
    Link to StereoVolc, Thermal and visible images of the ative lava dome of Merapi (Full size video)
    • Evaluation des menaces et des risques volcaniques

    Hazard and risk assessment

    • Expériences de laboratoires
    Formations des écoulements pyroclastiques, génèse des déferlantes, origine des « surge-derived pyroclastic flows », etc.

    Laboratory experiments
    Genesis of pyroclastic flows, genesis of pyroclastic surges, origin of surge-derived pyroclastic flows, etc.

  • Résumé de mes recherches en vidéos / Summary of my research in videos
    Youtube video: Mission, Islande 2023 / Mission, Iceland 2023.
    Youtube video: Stations Merapi: instrumentation in a hostile environment
    Youtube vidéo: Résumé de l’article Large–scale fluidisation …, Nature Geoscience, 2023
    Youtube video: les écoulements pyroclastiques / pyroclastic flows.
    Youtube video: l’avalanche de débris de Socompa (Chili) / the debris avalanche of Socompa (Chile).

  • Publications LMV depuis 2010 :

    Links to Online Resources related to my publications:

    Kelfoun et al., 2021, Merapi, Bull. Volcanol.   (link to Youtube: thermal movie, visible movie)
    Kelfoun et al., 2020, Stromboli, Bull. Volcanol.  (link to Youtube: bomb tracking )
    • related publication in EOS, Earth and Space Science News, Science News : A Promising New Tool for Forecasting Volcanic Hazards.
    • Publications récentes non encore référencées :
      1. Karsten et al. (2023) Cascading events during the 1650 tsunamigenic eruption of Kolumbo volcano », 14 (1), Nature Communication, 10.1038/s41467-023-42261-y

    Rang A :

    • Harris A., Mutaqin B., Kelfoun K. (2024). The "cold lava" flow debacle: Media-driven viral proliferation of a confused message over Marapi's deadly lahars of 11 May 2024. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, 75, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01762-4 - lien HAL .
    • Malawani M.N., Lavigne F., Kelfoun K., Lahitte P., Sri Hadmoko D., Gomez C., Wassmer P., Syamsuddin S., Faral A. (2024). Large debris avalanche and associated eruptive event at Samalas volcano, Lombok, Indonesia. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.24, 3, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01727-7.
    • Manzella I., Makris S., Casalbore D., Cole P., Kelfoun K., Georgiopoulou A., Hicks A., van Westen C. (2024). Cascading hazards in volcanic environments: monitoring, modelling and impact analysis of tsunamigenic flows for risk reduction. Annals of Geophysics vol.67, 4, - DOI:10.4401/ag-9191 - lien HAL .
    • Vallejo S., Diefenbach A., Gaunt H.E., Almeida M., Ramón P., Naranjo F., Kelfoun K. (2024). Twenty years of explosive-effusive activity at El Reventador volcano (Ecuador) recorded in its geomorphology. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.11, p.1202285, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2023.1202285 - lien HAL .

    • Charbonnier S.J., Kelfoun K., Widiwijayanti C., Sri Sayudi D., Putra R. (2023). Assessing the Pyroclastic Density 16 : Current Hazards at Merapi: From Field Data to Numerical Simulations and Hazard Maps. Merapi Volcano, Active Volcanoes of the World. R. Gertisser et al. (eds.), - DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-15040-1_16.
    • Karstens J., Crutchley G.J., Hansteen T.H., Preine J., Carey S., Elger J., Kühn M., Nomikou P., Schmid F., Dalla Valle G., Kelfoun K., Berndt C. (2023). Cascading events during the 1650 tsunamigenic eruption of Kolumbo volcano. Nature Communications vol.14, 6606, - DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-42261-y - lien HAL .
    • Kelfoun K., Proaño A. (2023). Large–scale volcanic deposit fluidisation by dilute pyroclastic density currents. Nature Geoscience vol.16, p.499-504, 6, - DOI:10.1038/s41561-023-01190-7 - lien HAL .

    • Gueugneau V., Charbonnier S., Esposti Ongaro T., de ’ Michieli Vitturi M., Peruzzetto M., Mangeney A., Bouchut F., Patra A., Kelfoun K. (2021). Synthetic benchmarking of concentrated pyroclastic current models. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, 75, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01491-y - lien HAL .
    • Kelfoun K., Santoso A.B., Latchimy T., Bontemps M., Nurdien I., Beauducel F., Fahmi A., Putra R., Dahamna N., Laurin A., Rizal M.H., Sukmana J.T., Gueugneau V. (2021). Growth and collapse of the 2018−2019 lava dome of Merapi volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology - DOI:10.1007/s00445-020-01428-x - lien HAL .
    • Lavigne F., Morin J., Wassmer P., Weller O., Kula T., Maea A.V., Kelfoun K., Mokadem F., Paris R., Ngainul Malawani M., Faral A., Benbakkar M., Saulnier-Copard S., Vidal C.M., Tu'l'afitu T., Kitekei'aho F., Trautmann M., Gomez C. (2021). Bridging Legends and Science: Field Evidence of a Large Tsunami that Affected the Kingdom of Tonga in the 15th Century. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.748755, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.748755 - lien HAL .
    • López-Saavedra M., Martí J., Rubio J.L., Kelfoun K. (2021). Cascading Effects of Extreme Geohazards on Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.126, p.e2021JB022294, - DOI:10.1029/2021JB022294 - lien HAL .
    • Moussallam Y., Barnie T., Amigo A., Kelfoun K., Flores F., Franco L., Cardona C., Cordova L., Toloza V. (2021). Monitoring and forecasting hazards from a slow growing lava dome using aerial imagery, tri-stereo Pleiades-1A/B imagery and PDC numerical simulation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.564, p.116906, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116906.

    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Charbonnier S., Germa A., Carazzo G. (2020). Dynamics and Impacts of the May 8th, 1902 Pyroclastic Current at Mount Pelée (Martinique): New Insights From Numerical Modeling. Frontiers in Earth Science - DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.00279 - lien HAL .
    • Karstens J., Kelfoun K., Watt S.F.L., Berndt C. (2020). Combining 3D seismics, eyewitness accounts and numerical simulations to reconstruct the 1888 Ritter Island sector collapse and tsunami. International Journal of Earth Sciences vol.109, p.2659-2677, - DOI:10.1007/s00531-020-01854-4 - lien HAL .
    • Kelfoun K., Harris A., Bontemps M., Labazuy P., Chausse F., Ripepe M., Donnadieu F. (2020). A method for 3D reconstruction of volcanic bomb trajectories. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, p.34, 4, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-020-1372-z - lien HAL .
    • Simon F.-X., Pareilh-Peyrou M., Buvat S., Mayoral A., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Tabbagh A. (2020). Quantifying multiple electromagnetic properties in EMI surveys: A case study of hydromorphic soils in a volcanic context – The Lac du Puy (France). Geoderma vol.361, p.114084, - DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114084 - lien HAL .

    • Costard F., Séjourné A., Lagain A., Ormö J., Rodriguez J.A.P., Clifford F., Bouley F., Kelfoun K., Lavigne F. (2019). The Lomonosov Crater Impact Event: A Possible Mega‐Tsunami Source on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets vol.124, p.1840-1851, 7, - DOI:10.1029/2019JE006008.
    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Druitt T. (2019). Investigation of surge-derived pyroclastic flow formation by numerical modelling of the 25 June 1997 dome collapse at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.81, p.25, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1284-y.

    • Benjamin J., Rosser N.J., Dunning S.A., Hardy R.J., Kelfoun K., Szczuciński W. (2018). Transferability of a calibrated numerical model of rock avalanche run‐out: Application to 20 rock avalanches on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, West Greenland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms - DOI:10.1002/esp.4469.

    • Costard F., Séjourné A., Kelfoun K., Clifford S., Lavigne F., Di Pietro I., Bouley S. (2017). Modeling tsunami propagation and the emplacement of thumbprint terrain in an early Mars ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets vol.122, - DOI:10.1002/2016JE005230.
    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Roche O., Chupin L. (2017). Effects of pore pressure in pyroclastic flows: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Geophysical Research Letters vol.44, - DOI:10.1002/2017GL072591.
    • Kelfoun K. (2017). A two-layer depth-averaged model for both the dilute and the concentrated parts of pyroclastic currents. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.122, - DOI:10.1002/2017JB014013.
    • Kelfoun K., Gueugneau V., Komorowsk J.C., Aisyah N., Cholik N., Merciecca C. (2017). Simulation of block-and-ash flows and ash-cloud surges of the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano with a two-layer model. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.122, - DOI:10.1002/2017JB013981.
    • Paris R., Coello Bravo J.J., Martin Gonzalez M.E., Kelfoun K., Nauret F. (2017). Explosive eruption, flank collapse and megatsunami at Tenerife ca. 170 ka. Nature Communications vol.8, p.15246, - DOI:10.1038/ncomms15246.

    • Harris A., Carn S., Dehn J., Del Negro C., Gudmundsson M.T., Cordonnier B., Barnie T., Chahi E., Calvari S., Catry T., De Groeve T., Coppola D., Davies A., Favalli M., Ferrucci F., Fujita E., Ganci G., Garel F., Huet P., Kauahikaua J., Kelfoun K., Lombardo V., Macedonio G., Pacheco J., Patrick M., Pergola N., Ramsey M., Rongo R., Sahy F., Smith K., Tarquini S., Thordarson T., Villeneuve N., Webley P., Wright R., Zaksek K. (2016). Conclusion: recommendations and findings of the RED SEED working group. p.567-648, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP426.11.
    • Kelfoun K., Vallejo Vargas S. (2016). VolcFlow capabilities and potential development for the simulation of lava flows. Testing a GIS for damage and evacuation assessment during an effusive crisis. vol.426, In : Harris, A., De Groeve, T., Garel, F., & Carn, S.A. (eds) Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions, Geological Society, London, Special Publications.
    • Latutrie B., Andredakis I., De Groeve T., Harris A., Langlois E., Van Wyk De Vries B., Saubin E., Bilotta G., Cappello A., Crisci G.M., D'Ambrosio D., Del Negro C., Favalli M., Fujita E., Iovine G., Kelfoun K., Rongo R., Spataro W., Tarquini S., Coppola D., Ganci G., Marchese F., Pergola N., Tramutoli V. (2016). Testing a geographical information system for damage and evacuation assessment during an effusive volcanic crisis. vol.426, p.649-672, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F. & Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, The Geological Society of London, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.19.
    • Nomikou P., Druitt T., Hübscher C., Mather T.A., Paulatto M., Kalnins L.M., Kelfoun K., Papanikolaou D., Bejelou K., Lampridou D., Pyle D.M., Carey S., Watts A.B., Weis B., Parks M.M. (2016). Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation. Nature Communications vol.7, - DOI:10.1038/ncomms13332.
    • Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K., Leibrandt S., Tappin D.R., McCoy F.W. (2016). Source of the tsunami generated by the 1650 AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano (Aegean Sea, Greece). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.321, p.125-139, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.04.034.
    • Özdemir Y., Akkaya I., Oyan U., Kelfoun K. (2016). A debris avalanche at Süphan stratovolcano (Turkey) and implications for hazard evaluation. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.9, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1007-6.

    • Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Normier A., Bacri C., Peltier A., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Merle O., Finizola A., Garaebiti E. (2015). Insights into the evolution of the Yenkahe resurgent dome (Siwi caldera, Tanna Island, Vanuatu) inferred from aerial high-resolution photogrammetry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.299, p.78-90, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.04.006.
    • Gurioli L., Andronico D., Bachèlery P., Balcone-Boissard H., Battaglia J., Boudon G., Burgisser A., Burton M.R., Cashman K., Cichy S., Cioni R., Di Muro A., Dominguez L., D’Oriano C., Druitt T., Harris A., Hort M., Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Kueppers U., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Paris R., Pioli L., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Pompilio M., Ripepe M., Roche O., Rose-Koga E., Rust A., Schiavi F., Sharff L., Sulpizio R., Taddeucci J., Thordarson T. (2015). MeMoVolc consensual document: a review of cross-disciplinary approaches to characterizing small explosive magmatic eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.49, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0935-x - lien HAL .
    • Le Guennec, Rachkidy N., Guitton A., Misson M., Kelfoun K. (2015). MAC protocolfor volcano monitoring using a wireless sensor network. Network of the Future - DOI:10.1109/NOF.2015.7333310.

    • Bernard J., Kelfoun K., Le Pennec J.L., Vallejo Vargas S. (2014). Pyroclastic flow erosion and bulking processes: comparing field-based vs. modeling results at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.76, p.858, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0858-y.
    • Doucelance R., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Bosq C. (2014). Geochemical insights into the internal dynamics of debris avalanches. A case study: the Socompa avalanche, Chile. Geochemistry, Geophyscis, Geosystem 15, 2282-2300. - DOI:10.1002/2014GC005235.
    • Ulvrová M., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Nomikou P. (2014). Numerical simulations of tsunami generated by underwater volcanic explosions at Karymskoye Lake (Kamchatka, Russia) and Kolumbo volcano (Aegean Sea, Greece). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14, 401-412. - DOI:10.5194/nhess-14-401-2014.

    • Harris A., Valade S., Sawyer G., Donnadieu F., Battaglia J., Gurioli L., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Stachowicz T., Bombun M., Barra V., Delle Donne D., Lacana G., , Lacanna G. (2013). Full bandwidth remote sensing for total parameterization of volcanic plumes. EOS vol.94, p.321-322, 37.
    • Paris R., Kelfoun K., Giachetti T. (2013). Marine conglomerate and reef megaclasts at Mauritus Island: Evidences of a tsunami generated by a flank collapse of the PITON DE LA Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island ?: Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 32, p. 281-291. .
    • Roche O., Phillips J.C., Kelfoun K. (2013). Pyroclastic density currents. p.3215, Modeling Volcanic Processes, Eds. S.A. Faggents, T.K.P. Gregg, R.C.M. Lopes, Cambridge University Press (ed.).

    • Dondin F., Lebrun J.F., Kelfoun K., Fournier N., Randrianasolo A. (2012). Sector collapse at Kick 'em Jenny submarine volcano (Lesser Antilles): numerical simulation and landslide behaviour. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 595-607. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-011-0554-0..
    • Giachetti T., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Ontowirjo B. (2012). Tsunami hazard related to a flank collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano, Sunda Strait, Indonesia. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 361, 79-89. .
    • Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Mangeney A., Roche O., Tillier J.L., Trouillet M., Thibault G. (2012). LiDAR derived morphology of the 1993 Lascar pyroclastic flow deposits, and implication for flow dynamics and rheology. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 245-246, 81-97. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.06.030.
    • Pouget S., Davies T., Kennedy B., Kelfoun K., Leyrit H. (2012). Numerical modelling: a useful tool to simulate collapsing volcanoes. Geology Today 28, 59-63. .
    • Vanderkluysen L., Harris A., Kelfoun K., Bonadonna C., Ripepe M. (2012). Bombs behaving badly: unexpected trajectories and cooling of volcanic projectiles. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 1849-1858. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-012-0635-8.

    • Giachetti T., Burgisser A., Arbaret L., Druitt T., Kelfoun K. (2011). Quantitative textural analysis of Vulcanian pyroclasts (Montserrat) using multi-scale X-ray computed microtomography: comparison with results from 2D image analysis: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 73, p. 1295-1309. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-011-0472-1.
    • Giachetti T., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Pérez-Torrado F. J. (2011). Numerical modelling of the tsunami triggered by the Güimar debris avalanche, Tenerife (Canary Islands): comparison with field-based data: Marine Geology, v. 284, p. 189-202. - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.03.018.
    • Kelfoun K. (2011). Suitability of simple rheological laws for the numerical simulation of dense pyroclastic flows and long−runout volcanic avalanches: Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, v. 116, p. b08209. - DOI:10.1029/ 2010JB007622 - lien HAL .
    • Kelfoun K., Davies T. (2011). Comment on A random kinetic energy model for rock avalanches: Eight case studies: T. Preuth, P. Bartelt, O. Korup, and B. W. McArdell. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.116, p.F01014, - DOI:10.1029/2010JF001916 - lien HAL .

    • Davies A., McSaveney M., Kelfoun K. (2010). Runout of the Soccompa volcanic debris avalanche, Chile: a mechanical explanation for low basal shear resistance. Bulletin of Volcanology, 72, 933-944. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-010-0372-9.
    • Kelfoun K., Giachetti T., Labazuy P. (2010). Landslide–generated tsunamis at Réunion Island. Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 115, F04012. - DOI:10.1029/2009JF001381.

    Rang B et C :

    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K. (2018). Combining numerical and experimental modelling to constrain the surge formation mechanism. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, Italie, 2-7 Septembre.
    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Druitt T. (2018). Numerical modelling of surge-derived pyroclastic flows (25 June 1997) at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. EGU.
    • Karstens J., Urlaub M., Berndt C., Watt S., Micallef A., Kelfoun K., Ray M., Klaucke I., Brune S., Muff S., Kläschen D. (2018). From slow spreading to catastrophic collapse: 3D seismic reconstruction of the 1888 Ritter Island sector collapse. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, Italie, 2-7 September.
    • Kelfoun K., Gueugneau V. (2018). VolcFlow: a promising tool for volcanic hazard and risk assessment. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, Italie, 2-7 September.
    • Le Moigne Y., Williams-Jones G., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Vigouroux N., Russell K., Fraser F., College D. (2018). Investigating Canada’s deadliest volcanic eruption: from field observations to lava flow modeling. Cities on volcanoes 10, Naples, Italie, 2-7 Septembre.
    • Manzella I., Penna I., Bohme M., Hermanns G., Kelfoun K. (2018). Back and forward analysis of Kvernhusfjellet rock avalanche in Norway. EGU.
    • Peruzzetto M., Mangeney A., Levy C., Thiery Y., Grandjean G., Kelfoun K., Bouchut F. (2018). Analysis of curvature effects for frictional rheologies in thin-layer depth-averaged flow propagation models. EGU.
    • Vallejo S., Kelfoun K., Chevrel O. (2018). Lava flow simulations with VolcFlow using simple and complex rheologies. Cities on volcanoes 10, Naples, Italie, 2-7 September.
    • Vallejo S., Ramón P., Kelfoun K., Chevrel O., Almeida M. (2018). Characterization of lava flows from an andesitic volcano as input data for numerical flow simulations, case El Reventador volcano (Ecuador). Cities on volcanoes 10, Naples, Italie, 2-7 September.

    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Druitt T. (2017). Numerical modelling of the surge-derived pyroclastic flow of 25 June 1997 at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. IAVCEI General Assembly 2017, Portland, Oregon.
    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Roche O., Chupin L. (2017). Effects of pore pressure in pyroclastic flows: numerical simulation and experimental validation. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
    • Kelfoun K., Gueugneau V. (2017). A two-fluid depth-averaged model for block-and-ash flows and ash-cloud surges. IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, 14-18, Portland Oregon, U.S.A., August, 2017.
    • Le Moigne Y., Williams-Jones G., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Russell K., Vigouroux-Caillibot N. (2017). Investigating and modeling Canada's deadliest volcanic eruption. IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Portland Oregon, U.S.A., 14-18 August, 2017.
    • Nomikou P., Druitt T., Hübscher C., Mather, Paulatto M., Kalnins L., Kelfoun K., Papanikolaou D., Bejelou K., Lampridou D., Pyle D., Carey S., Watts A., Weiß B., Parks M.T. (2017). Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation. European Union of Geosciences, Vienna.
    • Nomikou P., Druitt T., Hübscher C., Mather, Paulatto M., Kalnins L., Kelfoun K., Papanikolaou D., Bejelou K., Lampridou D., Pyle D., Carey S., Watts A., Weiß B., Parks M.T. (2017). Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation. European Union of Geosciences, Vienna.
    • Nomikou P., Druitt T., Watts C., Mather T., Paulatto M., Kalnins S., Kelfoun K., Papanikolaou D., Bejelou K., Lampridou D., Pyle D., Carey S., Watts S., Weiß B., Parks M. (2017). Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation. IAVCEI General Assembly 2017, Portland, Oregon.
    • Paris R., Ulvrov M., Kelfoun K., Roche O. (2017). The challenge of volcanic tsunami modelling. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland, USA, 14-18/08/2017.
    • Vallejo S., Kelfoun K. (2017). VolcFlow, an approach to simulate lava flows. Case of El Reventador volcano (Ecuador). Cities on Volcanoes 09.
    • Vallejo S., Ramón P., Naranjo F., Kelfoun K., Samaniego P., Diefenbach A. (2017). Reventador volcano (Ecuador): non-stop activity since 2002. Cities on volcanoes 9.

    • Vallejo Vargas S., Ramón P., Naranjo M.F., Kelfoun K., Samaniego P., Diefenbach A. (2016). El Reventador volcano (Ecuador): non-stop activity since 2002. Cities on Volcanoes 9 conference, Puerto Varas, Chile, 20-25 November 2016.

    • Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Roche O. (2015). Validation of a numerical model of fluidised granular flow from laboratory experiments. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague. Abstract: VS06p-386. Poster.
    • Pareilh-Peyrou M., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Chalus F. (2015). Geophysical Experimental Survey on Flood Protection Dikes - The Case Study of the Loire River Basin. Near Surface Geoscience, 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, EAGE, - DOI:10.3997/2214-4609.201413822.

    • Bernard J., Kelfoun K., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). Comparison between numerical modeling and field data: evidence for syn-emplacement erosion processes and their impacts on flow mobility at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Cities on Volcanoes 8 | September 9-13, 2014. .
    • Bernard J., Le Pennec J.L., Vallejo Vargas S., Kelfoun K. (2014). Syn-emplacement processes revealed by textural analyses of PDC deposits from 2006 eruption of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador): impact on flow mobility. Cities on Volcanoes 8 | September 9-13, 2014. .
    • Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Aisyah N., Sumarti S., Choliq N. (2014). A two-fluid model for block-and-ash flows and ash-cloud surge confronted with the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano (Indonesia). Cities on Volcanoes 8 | September 9-13, 2014. .
    • Paris R., Ulvrova M., Kelfoun K., Giachetti T., Switzer A.D. (2014). Firewaves: introducing a platform for modelling volcanic tsunamis. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27/04-02/05/2014. .
    • Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K. (2014). Numerical platform for volcanic tsunami modelling. TsuMaMos: Mathematical Modelling for Tsunami Early Warning Systems: an International Conference. Malaga, Spain, 09-11/04/2014. .

    • Bernard J., Kelfoun K., Le Pennec J.L. (2013). Field data vs. modeling: influence of erosion on pyroclastic flows mobility. in EGU April 2013, Vienna, abstract. .
    • Bernard J., Le Pennec J.L., Kelfoun K., Vallejo S. (2013). Etude sédimentologique de dépôts d’écoulements pyroclastiques : quantification de l’érosion des nuées de l’éruption de 2006 du Tungurahua (Equateur). in 14ème congrès français de sédimentologie, nov. 2013, Paris. .
    • Bernard J., Le Pennec J.L., Kelfoun K., Vallejo S. (2013). Textural analyses of PDC deposits from the 2006 eruption of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador: insights on syn-emplacement erosion processes. in AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, dec. .
    • Harris A., Battaglia J., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Bombrun M., Barra V., Hervier C., Ripepe M., Delle Donne D., Lacanna G., Burton M., Chevalier L., Stachowicz T., Valade S., Sawyer G. (2013). Full bandwidth remote sensing for total parameterization of volcanic plumes. in IAVCEI 2013 General Assembly, Kagoshima, Japan. EOS vol.94, p.321-322, 37.
    • Harris A., Valade S., Sawyer G., Donnadieu F., Battaglia J., Kelfoun K., Stachowicz T., Bombrun M., Barra V., Delle Donne D., Lacanna G. (2013). Modern Multispectral Sensors Help Track Explosive Eruptions. EOS vol.94, p.321-322, Transactions American Geophysical Union (ed.).
    • Samaniego P., Hall M.L., Le Pennec J.L., Mothes P., Robin C., Yepes H., Kelfoun K. (2013). El contínuo mejoramiento de los mapas de peligro volcánico como herramienta para la mitigación de la amenaza volcánica. in Foro Internacional de Peligros Geológicos, Arequipa, 14-16 Octubre 2013, 50-53 pp. .
    • Ulvrova M., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Nomikou P. (2013). Numerical modeling of tsunami generated by the 1650 eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Aegean Sea, Greece. in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13/12/2013. Abstract NH43A-1732. .
    • Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K. (2013). Numerical modeling of tsunami generated by the 1650 eruption of Kolumbo, South Aegean Sea, Greece. in International Tsunami Symposium, Göcek, Turkey, 25-28/09/2013. .

    • Harris A., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Gurioli L., Valade S., Bombrun M., Sawyer G., Battaglia J., Moune S., Hervier C., Freville P., Latchimy T., Bontemps M., Reymond C., Bernard C. (2012). Full bandwidth remote sensing for total geophysical parameterization of volcanic emissions at Stromboli. CNFGG, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 10-12 Oct. 2012. .
    • Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Mangeney A., Froger J.L. (2012). Tentative de simulation de l’avalanche secondaire de Socompa (Nord Chili) et comparaison avec l’avalanche principale. 3ème Colloque du CNFGG, Mesure et Modélisation en Volcanologie, 10-13 octobre 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
    • Samaniego P., Hall M.L., Le Pennec J.L., Mothes P.A., Robin C., Yepes H., Kelfoun K. (2012). Continual improving of Tungurahua volcano’s hazard maps and their diffusion to authorities and the population (Ecuador). Conference « Cities on Volcanoes », Colima city, Mexico, Nov. 2012, abstract. .
    • Vallejo S., Le Pennec J.L., Kelfoun K., Harris A. (2012). Calibration of VolcFlow models using thermal images: the december 2010 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador). Conference « Cities on Volcanoes », Colima city, Mexico, Nov. 2012, abstract. .

    • Bourquin J., Samaniego P., Ramón P., Bonadonna C., Kelfoun K., Vallejo S., Hall M.L., Mothes P., Le Pennec J.L., Yepes H. (2011). Mapa de los peligros potentiales del volcán Reventador. .
    • Kelfoun K. (2011). A two-fluid model for block-and-ash flows and ash-cloud surge confronted with the 1994 eruption of Merapi volcano (Indonesia): EGU General Assembly 2011, p. EGU2011-2748. .
    • Kelfoun K. (2011). Suitability of simple rheological laws for the numerical simulation of long−runout volcanic avalanches: EGU General Assembly 2011 Vienne, p. EGU2011-7234. .
    • Kelfoun K., Giachetti T., Labazuy P. (2011). Landslide–generated tsunamis at Réunion Island and their possible sedimentary record in Mauritius Island: EGU General Assembly 2011 Vienne, p. EGU2011-2759. .

    Publications antérieures :

    • Kelfoun K., P. Samaniego, P. Palacios, D. Barba, 2009, Testing the suitability of frictional behaviour for pyroclastic flow simulation by comparison with a well-constrained eruption at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador). Bulletin of Volcanology, 71(9), 1057-1075, DOI: 10.1007/s00445-009-0286-6.
    • Kelfoun K., 2008, Rheological behaviour of volcanic granular flows, International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, July 7-10, 2008 – Barcelona, Catalonia, session paper, 6 pages, 2 reviewers.
    • Kelfoun K., T.H. Druitt, B. van Wyk de Vries, M.–N. Guilbaud, 2008, Topographic reflection of Socompa debris avalanche, Chile, DOI: 10.1007/s00445-008-0201-6, Bulletin of Volcanology.
    • Carter A., B. Wyk de Vries, Kelfoun K., P. Bachèlery, P. Briole, 2007, Pits, rifts and slumps: the summit structure of Piton de la Fournaise / 741-756, doi: 10.007/s00445-006-0103-4, Bulletin of Volcanology, 69 (7)
    • Kelfoun K. and T.H. Druitt, 2005, Numerical modelling of the emplacement of the 7500 BP Socompa rock avalanche, Chile. J. Geophys. Res., B12202, doi : 10.1029/2005JB003758, 2005.
    • Formenti Y., T. H. Druitt, Kelfoun K., 2004: Characterisation of the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, by video analysis, Bulletin of Volcanology,  587 – 605
    • Dartevelle S., Rose W. I., Stix J., Kelfoun K., Vallance J. W., 2004: Numerical modeling of geophysical granular flows: 2. Computer simulations of plinian clouds and pyroclastic flows and surges. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., Vol. 5, No. 8
    • Donnadieu F., Kelfoun K., van Wyk de Vries B., Cecchi E. and Merle O., 2003: Digital photogrammetry as a tool in analogue modelling: applications to volcano instability. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 123 : 161-180.
    • Legros F., Kelfoun K., Marti J., 2000: The influence of conduit geometry on the dynamics of caldera-forming eruptions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 179, 53-61.
    • Thouret J-C, Kelfoun K., Lavigne F., 2000: Hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, central Java: a global approach. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 100 : 479-502.
    • Legros F., Kelfoun K., 2000: Sustained blasts during large volcanic eruptions, Geology, v.28, n°10: 895-898.
    • Legros F., Kelfoun K., 2000: On the ability of pyroclastic flows to scale topographic obstacles. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 98 : 235-241.
    • Kelfoun K., Legros F, .Gourgaud A., 2000: Statistical study of damaged trees related to the pyroclastic flows of November 22, 1994 at Merapi volcano (central Java, Indonesia): relation between ash-cloud surge and block-and-ash flow. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 100 : 379-393.
    • Kelfoun K., Thouret J.C., Lavigne F., Vincent P.-M., Camus Guy, Gourgaud A., 1995. Le strato-volcan Merapi (Java) : Méthodes d’évaluation des menaces liées aux écoulements pyroclastiques et aux lahars. Publié dans Géologues, 106: 61-69.


  • Cibles principales :

    Merapi (Indonésie), Tungurahua et Reventador (Equateur), Lascar et Socompa (Chili)


    Merapi 2014 : – suivi stéréoscopique et thermique du dôme sommital et des écoulements associés

    – simulations numériques d’écoulements

    Campagne d’échantillonnage et de calcul
    morphologique des coulées de laves du volcan
    Reventador, 2015, Equateur.
    Avalanche de Socompa, Chili : échantillonnage
    et mesures morphologiques des dépôts.

    Autres cibles :

    Cotopaxi (Equateur)
    Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion) Krakatau (Indonésie)

    Lastarria (Chili)



  • Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :

    • 2024-2026 : Responsable de l’équipe de Volcanologie du LMV (2019-2023, responsable adjoint)
    • Membre du Conseil Pédagogique de l’OPGC (2023-2024)
    • Coordinateur scientifique de l’équipe base de données de l’OPGC (2020-)
    • Coordinateur de l’axe 2 de ClerVolc : déformations des édifices volcaniques (2024-)
    • Responsable de l’axe 4 et responsable LMV du projet ANR Domerapi (2012-2016)
    • Porteur de l’axe transverse « réseaux de capteurs » du Labex ClerVolc
    • Responsables de deux modules d’enseignement (Mécanique des Géomatériaux, L3; Informatique pour Géologue, M1)
    • Membre des commissions informatiques du LMV et de L’UFR ST, UBP
    • Membre de la commission scientifique de l’OPGC

    Encadrement doctoral :

    • Co-directeur de la thèse de Michael Galarraga, 2023-2026
    • Co-directeur de thèse de Yannick Le Moigne, cotutelle SFU, Canada, 2016-2020.
    • Directeur de thèse de Valentin Gueugneau, 2015-2018, «Simulation des écoulements pyroclastiques denses et dilués et de leurs interactions »
    • Directeur de thèse de  Silvia Vallejo Vargas, 2014-2017,  « Simulation des coulées de lave du Reventador, Equateur ». Thèse financée par le SENESCYT
    • Co-directeur de thèse de Mathias Pareilh-Peyrou,  2013-2016, « Géophysique Haut rendement »
    • Co-directeur de thèse de  Jordane Mathé,  2012-2015, « Modélisation des écoulements denses biphasés »
    • Co-directeur de thèse de  Julien Bernard,  2011-2014, « dépôts et érosion des écoulements pyroclastiques »
    • Co-directeur de thèse de  Thomas Giachetti,  2006-2009, « Etudes texturales en 2D et 3D des produits des explosions vulcaniennes du volcan Soufrière Hills, 1997, (Montserrat).  »

  • Activités d’enseignement :

    • Professeur des universités (>192 h/an)
    • Disciplines enseignées :
      – Géologie générale
      – Stages de terrain (géologie/cartographie)
      – Sismique appliquée
      – Géomagnétisme
      – Géomécanique / géotechnique
      – Informatique appliquée aux Sciences de la Terre
    • Niveaux : Licence – Master, Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université Clermont Auvergne

    Exemples de projets informatiques:

    Simulation de trajectoires d’écoulements pyroclastiques
    Simulation de nappes phréatiques sous pompage
    Simulations d’écoulements en approximation de couche mince
    Simulation de la propagation d’ondes sismiques
    Trajectographie d’éboulements de blocs