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Maître de conférences, UCA Equipe de Pétrologie Axes : Géologie Régionale – Volcanisme Andin Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) Bureau : 1.08 – LMV Cézeaux Téléphone : +33 473 346 745 Courriel : etienne.medard@uca.fr Page perso : cliquer ici |
Research topics:
- Mantle melting and primary magmas
- Thermobarometry of volcanic systmes
- Influence of water on phase relations
- Differenciation of the planet Mars
- Siderophile elements geochemistry
- Tools: experimental petrologie (piston-cylindre, internally and externally heated pressure vessels, 1 atm furnace, centrifuge), micro-analytical techniques (SEM, electron microprobe, Raman, SIMS, LA-ICP-MS, XANES), thermodynamic modelling, petrography, field geology.
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :
- Responsable du master STPE de l’UCA (09/2021 – )
- Responsable du master 3G de l’UCA (09/2021 – 08/2022)
- Membre élu de la 35ème section du CNU (11/2023 – )
- Membre de la CSRPN de la région AuRA (03/2022 – )
- Membre de la CRPG de la région AuRA (03/2022 – )
- University: Université Clermont Auvergne
- Topics: Introduction to Earth sciences – Magmatic and metamorphic petrology – Mineralogy – Fieldwork – Microscopy
- Level: Bachelor and Master in Earth sciences, BAchelor in Biologyrestab]
Publications since 2010:
Rang A:
- Bani P., Aiuppa A., Coppola D., Carn S., Cluzel D., Rose-Koga E., Médard E., Nauret F., Moussallam Y., Tari D., Bani I. (2025). Magmatic volatiles control the sub-plinian basaltic eruptions at Ambae volcano, Vanuatu. Communications Earth & Environment vol.6, p.84, 1, - DOI:10.1038/s43247-025-02018-5 -
- Rusquet A., Famin V., Michon L., Quidelleur X., Nauret F., Danišík M., Ruffet G., Berthod C., Revillon S., Bachèlery P., Thinon I., Lemoine A., Leroy S., Zaragosi S., Thivet S., Bernard J., Gourbet L., Médard E., Toulier A. (2025). Phases of Magmatism and Tectonics Along the Madagascar‐Comoros Volcanic Chain, and Synchronous Changes in the Kinematics of the Lwandle and Somalia Plates. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.130, p.e2024JB029488, - DOI:10.1029/2024JB029488 -
- Lacombe T., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Médard E., Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Bernard J., Sadeski L., Komorowski J.-C. (2024). Late Quaternary explosive phonolitic volcanism of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, Western Indian Ocean). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.11, 2, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-023-01697-2 -
- Verdurme P., Gurioli L., Chevrel O., Médard E., Berthod C., Komorowsk J.C., Harris A., Paquet F., Cathalot C., Feuillet N., Lebas E., Rinnert E., Donval J.P., Thinon I., Deplus C., Bachèlery P. (2024). Magma ascent and lava flow field emplacement during the 2018–2021 Fani Maor´e deep-submarine eruption insights from lava vesicle textures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.636, p.118720, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118720 -
- Harris A., Latutrie B., Van Wyk De Vries B., Saubin E., Foucher M., Gurioli L., Zanella E., Médard E., Nauret F. (2023). Emplacement of monogenetic lava flows on eroded terrain, Part II: The case of the Arti`ere valley (Grave Noire, France). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.438, p.107812, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107812 -
- Latutrie B., Harris A., Van Wyk De Vries B., Gurioli L., Médard E. (2023). Emplacement of lava flows on eroded terrain, part I: The case of the Tiretaine valley (Chaîne des Puys, France). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.438, p.107808, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107808.
- Thivet S., Pereira L., Menguy N., Médard E., Verdurme P., Berthod C., Troadec D., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., Komorowski J.-C. (2023). Metastable liquid immiscibility in the 2018–2021 Fani Maoré lavas as a mechanism for volcanic nanolite formation. Communications Earth & Environment vol.4, 483, - DOI:10.1038/s43247-023-01158-w -
- Verdurme P., Le Losq C., Chevrel O., Pannefieu S., Médard E., Berthod C., Komorowski J.C., Bachèlery P., Neuville D.R., Gurioli L. (2023). Viscosity of crystal-free silicate melts from the active submarine volcanic chain of Mayotte. Chemical Geology vol.620, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121326 -
- Berthod C., Komorowski J.C., Gurioli L., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Besson P., Verdurme P., Chevrel O., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Devidal J.L., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Deplus C., Loubrieu B., Pierre D., Bermell S., Pitel-Roudaut M., Réaud Y., Fouchard S., Bickert M., Le Friant A., Paquet F., Feuillet N., Jorry S.L., Fouquet Y., Rinnert E., Cathalot C., Lebas E. (2022). Temporal magmatic evolution of the Fani Maoré submarine eruption 50 km east of Mayotte revealed by in situ sampling and petrological monitoring. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - DOI:10.5802/crgeos.155 -
- Condamine P., Couzinié S., Fabbrizio A., Devidal J.L., Médard E. (2022). Trace element partitioning during incipient melting of phlogopite-peridotite in the spinel and garnet stability fields. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.327, p.53-78, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2022.04.011 -
- Condamine P., Tournier S., Charlier B., Médard E., Triantafyllou A., Dalou C., Tissandier L., Lequin D., Cartier C., Füri E., Burnard P.G., Demouchy S., Marrocchi Y. (2022). Influence of intensive parameters and assemblies on the pressure reproducibility and friction evolution during piston-cylinder experiments. American Mineralogist vol.107, p.1575-1581, 8, - DOI:10.2138/am-2022-7958 -
- Gurioli L., Tadini A., Thivet S., Médard E., Berthod C., Vlastélic I. (2022). Monitoring of Eruptive Products: Deposits Associated with Pyroclastic Fallout. vol.Chap 2, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Médard E., Le Pennec J.L. (2022). Petrologic imaging of the magma reservoirs that feed large silicic eruptions. Lithos vol.428-429, p.106812, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106812.
- Tadini A., Harris A., Morin J., Bevilacqua A., Peltier A., Aspinall W., Ciolli S., Bachèlery P., Bernard B., Biren J., Brum da Silveira A., Cayol V., Chevrel O., Coppola D., Dietterich H., Donovan A., Dorado O., Drenne S., Dupéré O., Gurioli L., Kolzenburg S., Komorowski J.C., Labazuy P., Mangione D., Mannini S., Martel-Asselin F., Médard E., Pailot-Bonnetat S., Rafflin V., Ramsey M., Richter N., Vallejo S., Villeneuve N., Zafrilla S. (2022). Structured elicitation of expert judgement in real-time eruption scenarios: an exercise for Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion island. Volcanica vol.4, p.105-131, 1, - DOI:10.30909/vol.05.01.105131 -
- Berthod C., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Komorowski J.C., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga E., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Kaliwoda M., Jorry S.J., Fouquet Y., Feuillet N. (2021). The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: Magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.571, p.117085, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117085 -
- Berthod C., Médard E., Di Muro ., Ali T.H., Gurioli L., Chauvel C., Komorowski J.C., Bachèlery P., Peltier A., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Besson P., Le Friant A., Deplus C., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Feuillet N., Jorry S., Fouquet Y. (2021). Mantle xenolith-bearing phonolites and basanites feed the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Comoros archipelago, SW Indian Ocean). Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.176, p.75, -
- Moussallam Y., Médard E., Georgeais G., Rose-Koga E., Koga K., Pelletier B., Bani P., Shreve T.L., Grandin R., Boichu M., Tari D., Peters N. (2021). How to turn off a lava lake? A petrological investigation of the 2018 intra-caldera and submarine eruptions of Ambrym volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.Special volume, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01455-2 -
- Paquette J.L., Médard E., Poidevin J.L., Barbet P. (2021). Precise dating of middle to late Villafranchian mammalian paleofaunae from the Upper Allier River valley (French Massif Central) using U–Pb geochronology on volcanic zircons. Quaternary Geochronology vol.65, p.101198, - DOI:10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101198.
- Manrique N., Samaniego P., Médard E., Schiavi F., Mariño J., Liorzou C. (2020). Pre-eruptive magmatic processes associated with the historical (218± 14 aBP) explosive eruption of Tutupaca volcano (southern Peru). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, p.6, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1335-4 -
- Elahpour E., Nauret F., Médard E., Benbakkar M., Quéinnec G., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2019). The Petrogenesis and Geochemistry of Tabas Black Land volcanic field: implications for volcanic activity along the Nayband fault, East Iran. Volcanica vol.2, p.105-127, 2, - DOI:10.30909/vol.02.02.105127.
- Moussallam Y., Rose-Koga E., Koga K., Médard E., Bani P., Devidal J.L., Tari D. (2019). Fast ascent rate during the 2017–2018 Plinian eruption of Ambae (Aoba) volcano: a petrological investigation. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology - DOI:0.1007/s00410-019-1625-z -
- Paquette J.L., Médard E., Francomme J., Bachèlery P., Hénot J.M. (2019). LA-ICP-MS U/Pb zircon timescale constraints of the Pleistocene latest magmatic activity in the Sancy stratovolcano (French Massif Central). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.374, p.52-61, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.02.015.
- Schiavi F., Bolfan-Casanova N., Withers A.C., Médard E., Laumonier M., Laporte D., Flaherty T., Gomez-Ulla A. (2018). Water quantification in silicate glasses by Raman spectroscopy: Correcting for the effects of confocality, density and ferric iron. Chemical Geology vol.4, p.312-331, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.02.036 -
- Collinet M., Charlier B., Namur O., Oeser M., Médard E., Weyer S. (2017). Crystallization history of enriched shergottites from Fe and Mg isotope fractionation in olivine megacrysts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.207, p.277-297, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2017.03.029.
- Latutrie B., Harris A., Médard E., Gurioli L. (2017). Eruption and emplacement dynamics of a thick trachytic lava flow of the Sancy volcano (France). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.79, p.4, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1084-6.
- Rhety M., Harris A., Villeneuve N., Gurioli L., Médard E., Chevrel O., Bachèlery P. (2017). A comparison of cooling-limited and volume-limited flow systems: Examples from channels in the Piton de la Fournaise April 2007 lava-flow field. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.18, p.3270-3291, - DOI:10.1002/2017GC006839.
- Baasner A., Médard E., Laporte D., Hoffer G. (2016). Partial melting of garnet lherzolite with water and carbon dioxide at 3 GPa using a new melt extraction technique: implications for intraplate magmatism. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.171, p.45, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-016-1233-0.
- Condamine P., Médard E., Devidal J.L. (2016). Experimental melting of phlogopite‑peridotite in the garnet stability field. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.171, p.95, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-016-1306-0.
- Druitt T., Mercier M., Florentin L., Deloule E., Cluzel N., Médard E., Cadoux A. (2016). Magma storage and extraction during plinian and interplinian periods at Santorini caldera (Greece). Journal of Petrology vol.57, p.461-494, - DOI:10.1093/petrology/egw015.
- Collinet M., Médard E., Charlier B., Vander Auwera J., Grove T.L. (2015). Melting of the primitive martian mantle at 0.5–2.2 GPa and the origin of basalts and alkaline rocks on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.427, p.83-94, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.056.
- Martin A., Médard E., Devouard B., Keller L.P., Righter K., Devidal J.L., Rahman Z. (2015). Fayalite oxidation processes in Obsidian Cliffs rhyolite flow, Oregon. American Mineralogist vol.100, p.1153-1164, - DOI:10.2138/am-2015-5042.
- Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Wämlle M., Keller N.S., Günther D. (2015). Platinum partitioning between metal and silicate melts: Core formation, late veneer and the nanonuggets issue. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.162, p.183-201, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.019.
- Condamine P., Médard E. (2014). Experimental melting of phlogopite-bearing mantle at 1 GPa: Implications for potassic magmatism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 397, 80-92. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.027.
- Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Alp E.E., Neuville D.R., Hu M.Y., Sio C.K., Tissot F.L.H., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Médard E., Cordier C. (2014). Magma redox and structural controls on iron isotope variations in Earth’s mantle and crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 398, 127-140. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.033 -
- Robert B., Harris A., Gurioli L., Médard E., Sehlke A., Whittington A. (2014). Textural and rheological evolution of basalt flowing down a lava channel. Bulletin of Volcanology 76, 824. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0824-8.
- Sehlke A., Whittington A., Robert B., Harris A., Gurioli L., Médard E. (2014). Pahoehoe to `a`a transition of Hawaiian lavas: an experimental study. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.76, p.876, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0876-9.
- Sorbadere F., Médard E., Laporte D., Schiano P. (2013). Experimental melting of hydrous peridotite–pyroxenite mixed sources: Constraints on the genesis of silica-undersaturated magmas beneath volcanic arcs: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 384, p. 42-56. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.026.
- Hetényi G., Taisne B., Garel F., Médard E., Bosshard S., Mattsson H.B. (2012). Scales of columnar jointing in igneous rocks: field measurements and controlling factors. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 457-482. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-011-0534-4..
- Malfait W.J., Sanchez-Valle C., Ardia P., Médard E., Lerch P. (2011). Compositional dependent compressibility of dissolved water in silicate glasses: American Mineralogist, v. 96, p. 1402-1409. - DOI:10.2138/am.2011.3718.
Rang B & C:
- Chatagnier P.-Y., Devouard B., Médard E., Muyal J., Boivin P. coll., Lebocey J. coll. (2024). Les plagioclases gemmes du Monastier-sur-Gazeille, Haute-Loire. Le Règne Minéral p.55-59, 178.
- Chatagnier P.Y, Devouard B., Médard E., Muyal J. (2024). Les plagioclases gemmes du Monastier-sur-Gazeille, Haute-Loire. Le Règne Minéral vol.178, p.55-59, -
- Médard E., Guyon B., Berthod C., Altermatt A., Gurioli L., Devidal J.L. (2024). Improved clinopyroxene barometry sheds light on translithospheric magma storage underneath a continental distributed volcanic field (Chaîne des Puys, France). Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, juillet, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.16032 -
- Lacombe T., Dimuro A., Médard E., Gurioli L., Berthod C., Bachèlery P., Komorowski J.C., Besson P. (2023). “A phonolite? From the mantle?”: The magmatic system under the phonolitic tuff-rings of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean). Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, sept 2024.
- Thinon I., Lemoine A., Leroy S., Feuillet N., Michon L., Boymond P., Masquelet C., Rusquet A., Paquet F., Zaragosi S., Delescluse M., Watremez L., Chamot-Rooke N., Sauter D., Bernard J., Berthod C., Famin V., Gurioli L., Rolandone F., van Der Woerd J., Mercury N., Doubre C., Jorry S.J., Bachèlery P., Jacques E., Battaglia J., Clouard V., Scholtes L., Médard E., Ture C., Le Lorec B., Etcheverry L., Keiser A., Ben-Naghrouzi N., Canva A., Peyrefitte A. (2023). Volcanisme et tectonique le long de l'archipel des Comores (Canal Nord Mozambique) : état d'avancement du projet ANR COYOTES. RST 2023 - 28e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Rennes, France, Octobre 2023, -
- Jouhannel S., Guitreau M., Olivier N., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Thiéry R., Nicollet C. (2022). Gérer une collection géologique hétérogène d’un laboratoire de recherche. Colloque Collections des sciences de la Terre, Villers-sur-Mer, France, Sept 2022, -
- Hassen A., Berthod C., Médard E., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Besson P., Bachèlery P. (2021). Petrological and geochemical study of the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Mozambique Channel). GAC-MAC London 2021 joint annual meeting, London, Canada, November 1-5.
- Moussallam Y., Georgeais G., Rose-Koga E., Koga K., Médard E., Bani P. (2021). A positive correlation between magma ascent rate and explosivity?. AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, December 13-17.
- Berthod C., Hassen Ali T., Médard E., Di Muro A., Gurioli L., Bachèlery P., Laporte D., Peltier A., Komorowski J-C., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga E., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Nowak S., Thinon I., Burckel P., Hidalgo S., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Feuillet N. (2020). Mantle xenoliths-bearing phonolites feeding the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Comoros archipelago, Mozambique Channel). AGU Fall Meeting, 1-17 décembre 2020.
- Berthod C., Médard E., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Komorowski J-C., Benbakkar M., Devidal J.L., Langlade J., Besson P., Boudon G., Rose-Koga E., Deplus C., Le Friant A., Bickert M., Nowak S., Thinon I., Hidalgo S., Burckel P., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Feuillet N. (2020). The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring. AGU Fall Meeting, 1-17 décembre 2020.
- Médard E., Le Pennec J.L. (2020). Petrologic imaging of silicic to intermediate magma chambers through amphibole barometry. AGU Fall Meeting, 1-17 décembre 2020.
- Bachèlery P., Berthod C., Gurioli L., Di Muro A., Gauthier P.J., Sigmarsson O., Médard E., Rose-Koga E., Besson P., Chauvel C., Burckel P., Nowak S., Caron B., Devidal J.L., Benbakkar M., Hidalgo S., Boudon G., Le Friant A., Komorowski J.C., Deplus C., Feuillet N., Jorry S., Fouquet Y., Thinon I. (2019). Petrological and geochemical characterization of the lava from the 2018-2019 Mayotte eruption, and comparison with the volcanic ridge extending from Petite-Terre to about 3500m of water depth: first results. Journée Scientifique ReVoSiMa, Paris, France, 15 Octobre.
- Bani P., Moussallam Y., Médard E., Rose-Koga E., Koga K., Gauthier P.J., Carn S., Aiuppa A., Coppola D., Tari D., Bani I., Benbakkar M., Voyard G., Scott B., Garaebiti E., Lardy M. (2019). Insights into the 2017-2018 Ambae Eruption. Goldschmidt, Barcelone, Espagne, 18-23 august.
- Rose-Koga E., Moussallam Y., Koga K., Médard E., Bani P. (2019). A Tool to Measure Ascent Rate: Volatile Element Concentration Profile in Embayment. Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, 13-23 august.
- Boivin P., Besson J.C., Briot D., Deniel C., Gourgaud A., Labazuy P., Langlois E., Larouzière F.D. de, Livet M., Merciecca C., Médard E., Mergoil J., Miallier D., Morel J.M., Thouret J.C., Vernet G. (2017). Volcanologie de la Chaîne des Puys Massif Central Français. 6e édition, bilingue. Carte 1/25 000. p.200 p., Édition Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne Château de Montlosier, Randanne, 63970 Aydat..
- Schiavi F., Bolfan-Casanova N., Médard E. (2017). Universal calibration of Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of volatiles in glasses of variable composition. EGU, Vienna.
- Marique N., Samaniego P., Médard E., Mariño J., Valderrama P., Liorzou C., Fidel L. (2016). Pre-eruptive magmatic processes associated with the historical (218 ± 14 aBP) explosive eruption of Tutupaca. Cities on Volcanoes 9 conference, Puerto Varas, Chile, 20-25 November 2016.
- Whittington A., Soldati A,, Sehlke A., Robert B., Médard E., Harris A., Gurioli L., Chigna G. (2016). Lava flow morphology as a proxy for lava flow rheology: mapping rheological transitions in basaltic lava flows. workshop on Volcano Geology in Sicily, July, 2016.
- Baratoux D., Collinet M., Médard E. (2015). A revised thermal evolution of Mars from remote-sensing chemistry and new experimental data in the 0.5-2.5 GPa pressure range (présentation orale). 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, June 22-July 2nd.
- Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Martin A.M., Van Orman J.A., Wälle M., Devidal J.L., Lanzirotti A., Newville M., Günther D. (2015). Evidence for metal anions in silicate melts: implications for Pt partitioning, nanonuggets and core formation (poter). vol.46, p.Abstract #2905, Lunar and Planetary Science, The Woodlands, Planetary Institute, 16-20 mars.
- Baasner A., Médard E., Laporte D. (2014). Partial Melting of Garnet Lherzolite with H2O and CO2 at 3 GPa: Implications for Intraplate Magmatism. Abstract DI21A-4258 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December (poster). .
- Collinet M., Charlier B., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Grove T.L. (2014). New experimental constraints on the origin of shergottites: super-chondritic Ca/Al in melts from a garnet-free martian mantle. Lunar and Planetary Science 45, Abstract #2776, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 17-21 mars (oral). .
- Collinet M., Charlier B., Namur O., Oeser M., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Weyer S. (2014). Fe and Mg isotope fractionation in olivine from the NWA 1068 shergottite. Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento, 8-13 juin (oral). .
- Collinet M., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Charlier B. (2014). Alkaline primary melts from the primitive mantle of Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science 45, Abstract #2839, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 17-21 mars (poster). .
- Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Alp E.E., Neuville D.R., Hu M., Sio C.K., Tissot F., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Médard E. (2014). Controls of P-T-X-fO2 on Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Rocks. Abstract V52B-01 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December (oral). .
- Manrique N., Samaniego P., Médard E., Mariño J., Valderrama P., Liorzou C. (2014). Procesos petrogenéticos y condiciones físicas pre-eruptivas responsables de la erupción reciente del volcán Tutupaca (Tacna). XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
- Médard E., Collinet M. (2014). Shergottites : partial melts of a depleted martian mantle. Lunar and Planetary Science 45, Abstract #2840, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 17-21 mars (poster). .
- Médard E., Martin A.M., Collinet M., Righter K., Grove T.L., Newville M., Lanzirotti A. (2014). Fe3+ partitioning during basalt differentiation on Mars: insights into the oxygen fugacity of the shergottite mantle source(s). Abstract V52B-03 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December (oral). .
- Collinet M., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Charlier B. (2013). Melting of a primitive martian mantle at 1-2 GPa: experimental constraints on the origin of martian magmas. in Lunar and Planetary Science 44, Abstract #2542, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 18-22 mars (poster). 2013. .
- Condamine P., Médard E., Laporte D., Nauret F. (2013). Experimental melting of phlogopite-peridotite at 1 GPa - Implications for potassic magmatism. in Goldschmit 2013, Florence. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5), 909. .
- Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Lin J.F., Liu J., Neuville D.R., Alp E.E., Hu M., Zhao J., Mc Cammon C.A., Okuchi T., Tomioka N., Sio C.K., Tissot F., Tissandier L., Médard E., Cordier C. (2013). Pressure control on iron isotope variations in MORBs determined by nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy. in Abstract MR52A-03 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December (oral)., December. .
- Laporte D., Koga K., Médard E., Schiano P. (2013). Observer, quantifier, modéliser les processus magmatiques et leurs produits - Un colloque en l'honneur de Pierre Boivin et Ariel Provost à Clermont-Ferrand 23 et 24 mai. .
- Martin A., Médard E., Devouard B., Keller L.P., Righter K., Devidal J.L., Rahman Z. (2013). Fayalite oxidation processes at Obsidian Cliffs, Oregon. in Goldschmidt 2013, Florence, 25-30 août (poster). .
- Médard E., Le Pennec J.L., Francomme J., Temel A., Nauret F. (2013). Amphibole barometry in rhyolitic systems: an experimental recalibration and application to the Cappadocian ignimbrites (Turkey). in Goldschmitt conference, août 2013, Florence, Italie (oral). .
- Roskosz M., Dauphas N., Alp E., Sio C., Bi W., Tissot F., Hu M., Bouhifd A., Médard E. (2013). Pressure control on iron isotope variations in MORBs determined by nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy. in Abstract MR31A-2275 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December (oral). .
- Roskosz M., Dauphas N., Alp E.E., Sio C.K., Tissot F.L.H., Neuville D., Hu M., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Cordier C., Médard E. (2013). Redox and pressure controls on iron isotope variations in MORB determined by NRIXS spectroscopy. in Goldschmidt 2013, Florence, 25-30 août (oral invité). .
- Sorbadere F., Schiano P., Metrich N., Médard E., Laporte D. (2013). Constraints on the origin of silica-undersaturated arc magmas inferred from melt inclusions and experimental melting of peridotite - pyroxenite mixed source. in AGU 2013 Fall meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 December. .
- Boivin P., Devouard B., Laporte D., Médard E. (2012). The Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central) volcanic range: A textbook example of magma differentiation. lst International Congress On Management And Awareness In Protected Volcanic Landscapes. 21-25/5/2012 Olot. Spain. .
- Collinet M., Médard E., Devouard B., Peslier A. (2012). Constraints on the parental melts of enriched shergottites from image analysis and high pressure experiments. 43nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 March 2012, The Woodlands, Texas. .
- Collinet M., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Charlier B. (2012). Anhydrous melting of a primitive martian mantle: new experiments at 1-2 GPa. The Mantle of Mars Workshop, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 10-12 septembre (talk). .
- Condamine P., Médard E., Laporte D. (2012). Low-degree partial melting of phlogopite-lherzolite at 1 GPa: implications for potassic magmatism. EMPG XIV, Kiel, March 4-7th (poster). .
- Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Alp E.E., Sio C.K., Tissot F.L.H., Neuville D., Hu M., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Cordier C., Médard E. (2012). Redox control on iron isotope variations in magmas determined by nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy. European Mineralogical Conference 2012, Frankfurt am Main, 2-6 septembre. .
- Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Alp E.E., Sio C.K., Tissot F.L.H., Neuville D., Hu M., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Médard E. (2012). Controls on iron isotope variations in planetary magmas. Lunar and Planetary Science 43, Abstract #, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (talk). .
- Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Alp E.E., Sio C.K., Tissot F.L.H., Neuville D., Hu M., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Médard E. (2012). Iron isotope geochemistry with a synchrotron light beam. Goldschmidt 2012, Montréal, 24-29 juin. .
- Laporte D., Médard E., Devouard B., Boivin P., Condamine P., Hardiagon M., Thiéry R. (2012). Cenozoic volcanism in the french massif central: ongoing research activity on a protected volcanic area of high scientific value. lst International Congress On Management And Awareness In Protected Volcanic Landscapes. 21-25/5/2012 Olot. Spain. .
- Médard E., Paquette J.L., Devouard B., Ricci J., Boivin P. (2012). Gem sapphires and zircons from Cenozoic volcanism of the French Massif Central. lst International Congress On Management And Awareness In Protected Volcanic Landscapes. 21-25/5/2012 Olot. Spain. .
- Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Condamine P. (2012). Hydrous felsic magmas as primary mantle melts. EMPG XIV, Kiel, March 4-7th (poster). .
- Sorbadère F., Médard E., Laporte D., Schiano P. (2012). Melting of heterogeneous hydrous mantle in arc settings: constraints on the genesis of silica-undersaturated arc magmas. Goldschmidt 2012, Montréal, 24-29 juin (talk). .
- Huh M.C., Boyce J., Manning C.E., Médard E. (2011). Experimental determination of hydrogen partitioning in an apatite-haplobasalt andesite melt system at 1200°C and 1 GPa: Abstract V21D-2534 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. .
- Martin A.M., Righter K., Keller L.P., Médard E., Devouard B., Rahman Z. (2011). Fayalite oxidation processes: Experimental evidence for the stability of pure ferric fayalite?: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 7-11 March 2011, The Woodlands, Texas. LPI contribution no. 1608, p.2716. .
- Martin A.M., Righter K., Keller L.P., Médard E., Devouard B., Rahman Z. (2011). Fayalite oxidation processes: experimental evidence for the stability of pure ferric fayalite?: Lunar and Planetary Science XLII, Abstract #2716, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (poster). .
- Hetényi G., Garel F., Médard E., Taisne B., Mattsson B. H., Bosshard S. (2010). Columnar jointing pattern: characterization and interpretation. EGU General Assembly, Vienne, May 2-7. .
- Malfait W.J., Sanchez-Valle C., Ardia P., Médard E. (2010). Compositional dependent compressibility of dissolved water in silicate glasses. EMPG XIII, Toulouse, April 11-14. .
- Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Wälle M., Keller N.S., Günther D. (2010). HSE partitioning and core formation: solving the nanonugget issue. EMPG XIII, Toulouse, April 11-14. .
- Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Wälle M., Keller N.S., Günther D. (2010). Pt in silicate melts: centrifuging nanonuggets to decipher core formation processes. Lunar and Planetary Science 41, Abstract #2639, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. .
- Bani P., Aiuppa A., Coppola D., Carn S., Cluzel D., Rose-Koga E., Médard E., Nauret F., Moussallam Y., Tari D., Bani I. (2025). Magmatic volatiles control the sub-plinian basaltic eruptions at Ambae volcano, Vanuatu. Communications Earth & Environment vol.6, p.84, 1, - DOI:10.1038/s43247-025-02018-5 -