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Thèmes de recherche
- Instabilité des îles volcaniques
- Tsunamis d’origine volcanique et volcano-gravitaire
- Signature sédimentaire des tsunamis
Coordination de projets de recherche
- LIPTON, Identifier les limites d’inondation des paléo-tsunamis dans les séquences sédimentaires. INSU Tellus (2021-2023).
- CT-SCAM, Caractérisation des dépôts de tsunami: structure, composition et fabrique. Région AuRA (2020-2022).
- PEPS “A multi-disciplinary approach – ecology and volcanology – of volcanic hazards at Fogo Volcano”, Cape Verde, 2015-2016.
- TSUNAMIX, X-ray microtomography of tsunami deposits. Conseil Régional d’Auvergne, 2012-2014.
- ANR Young scientist VITESSS – Volcano-induced tsunamis: sedimentary signature and simulation. 2008-2012.
- TSUNARISQUE (avec Franck Lavigne, Université Paris 1 – LGP. DIPT (Délégation Interministérielle pour l’aide Post-Tsunami), 2005-2006.
- ATIP Young scientist, Les tsunamis en Indonésie : modélisation, impact morphosédimentaire et prévention des risques. CNRS, 2005-2007.
Participation à des projets de recherche
- MITI THOLOC Tsunamiites and Holocene climate (2022-2023)
- CIR4 UCA Integrated numeric and statistical modelling of tsunami propagation and run-up
zone characteristics at volcano islands (2022-2024) - INQUA NamiLinks, Paleoseismic investigations to identify the source, magnitude and recurrence-interval of tsunamis on the global scale (2021-2022)
- ARC TALOS, Comparative anthropological and volcanological research of an archaeological case study (2020-2024)
- IRICE Carma, Plateforme analytique CarMa : Caractérisation, imagerie et analyse des Matériaux naturels et synthétiques du centimètre au nanomètre (2020-2022).
- COST AGITHAR, Accelerating global science in tsunami hazard and risk analysis (2018-2020)
- SAICT UNTIeD, Unlocking the megatsunami deadlock: using the near-source impacts to constrain tsunami generation by volcanic flank collapses (2018-2020)
- ANR BASILIZNIK, Secret Archives of the Basilica of Nicaea provided by the Sediments of Iznik and Cerkesli Lakes (2019-2022)
- MITI IRD-CNRS, TanGENt, Tsunamis générés par les éruptions volcaniques (2019-2020)
- MITI IRD-CNRS, PaléoTsu-NC, Paléo-tsunamis en Nouvelle-Calédonie (2019-2020)
- ANR RAVEX, Development of an integrated approach to reduce the risks associated with explosive volcanism, from hazards research to crisis management tools: Martinique case study. 2016-2020.
- ASTARTE, Assessment, STrategy And Risk reduction for Tsunamis in Europe. Union Européenne – FP7 ENV.2013.6.4-3, 2013-2016.
- HYBTEW, Hydrodynamics of Boulder Transport induced by Extreme Wave events – knowledge generation and model development. German Research Foundation, 2013-2015.
- RINALPOF, Les risques naturels extrêmes sur les littoraux de la Polynésie française : Archives géologiques – modélisation – réduction des risques. CPER, 2011-2013.
- ANR Risknat MAREMOTI, Maregraph and field tsunami observations, modeling and vulnerability studies for Northeast Atlantic and western Mediterranean. 2009-2012.
- PREPARTOI (Prévention et Recherche pour l’atténuation du risque de tsunami dans l’Océan Indien). Fondation MAIF 2009-2010.
- I+D+i, Volcanological, petrological and structural study of oceanic rift-zones (Canary Islands): towards a quantitative model of oceanic rift-zones. 2004-2011.
- Picasso Morphological evolution and sediment transfers of a hiatus stage volcanic island: Gran Canaria. Egide Agency, 2002-2003.
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives
- Vice-chair du working group Tsunami sources de CARIBE Tsunami Early Warning System (2019-)
- Responsable de l’équipe de Volcanologie (2014-2020).
- Council, Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (2022-)
- Membre du comité scientifique du LabEx Clervolc (2015-2021)
- Membre du comité de pilotage du challenge 4 du projet I-Site Cap 2025 (2017-2021).
- Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l’Université Blaise Pascal (2008-2011).
- Directeur-adjoint de GEOLAB UMR 6042 CNRS (2008-2011).
Publications et distinctions
- 78 articles dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture
- 25 chapitres d’ouvrages
- 2 ouvrages
- Médaille de Bronze 2009 du CNRS
- Médaille Plinius 2011 de l’European Geosciences Union
Publications LMV depuis 2010
Rang A :
- Bonilauri E., Aaron C., Cerminara M., Paris R., Ongaro T.E., a Calusi B., Mangione D., Harris A. (2024). Inundation and evacuation of shoreline populations during landslide-triggered tsunamis: an integrated numerical and statistical hazard assessment. Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences vol.24, p.3789–3813, - DOI:10.5194/nhess-24-3789-2024 -
- Bonilauri E., Harris A., Cerminara M., Lacanna G., Mangione D., Paris R., Aaron C., Esposti Ongaro T., Ripepe M. (2024). Near field tsunamis on volcanic islands: blueprint for risk management using Stromboli as a test bed. Annals of Geophysics vol.67, 4, - DOI:10.4401/ag-9159 -
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O., Siavelis M., Pawlak-Courdavault A. (2024). Tsunamis generated by pyroclastic flows: experimental insights into the effect of the bulk flow density. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.35, 4, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01704-0 -
- Bougouin A., Viroulet S., Lacaze L., Roche O., Paris R. (2024). Dry granular collapse into a liquid: Role of viscous dissipation on granular flow regimes and associated waves. Physical Review Fluids vol.9, p.12302, 12, - DOI:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.124302 -
- Fabbri S., Sabatier P., Paris R., Falvard S., Feuillet N., Lothoz A., St-Onge G., Gailler A., Cordrie L., Arnaud F., Biguenet M., Coulombier T., Mitra S., Chaumillon E. (2024). Deciphering the sedimentary imprint of tsunamis and storms in the Lesser Antilles (Saint Martin): A 3500-year record in a coastal lagoon. Marine Geology vol.471, p.107284, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107284 -
- Mitra S., Paris R., Bernard L., Abbal R., Charrier P., Falvard S., Costa P., Andrade C. (2024). X-ray tomography applied to tsunami deposits: Optimized image processing and quantitative analysis of particle size, particle shape, and sedimentary fabric in 3D. Marine Geology vol.470, p.107247, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107247 -
- Schindelé F., Kong L., Lane E.M., Paris R., Ripepe M., Trrov V., Bailey R. (2024). A Review of Tsunamis Generated by Volcanoes (TGV) Source Mechanism, Modelling, Monitoring and Warning Systems. Pure and Applied Geophysics vol.181, p.1745 -1792, - DOI:10.1007/s00024-024-03515-y -
- Daigle H., Duarte J.C., Fagereng A., Paris R., Persaud P., Gómez-García A.M. (2023). MagellanPlus Workshop: mission-specific platform approaches to assessing natural hazards that impact society. Scientific Drilling vol.32, p.101-111, - DOI:10.5194/sd-32-101-2023 -
- Paris R., Pelletier B., Roger J., Wassmer P., Sabatier P. (2023). Sedimentary evidence of tsunamis in New Caledonia, southwest Pacific. Marine Geology vol.463, p.107116, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2023.107116 -
- Babeyko A., Lorito S., Hernandez F., Lauterjung J., Løvholt F., Rudloff A., Sørensen M., Androsov A., Aniel-Quiroga I., Armigliato A., Baptista M.A., Baglione E., Basili R., Behrens J., Brizuela B., Bruni S., Cambaz D., Cantavella Nadal J., Carillho F., Chandler I., Chang-Seng D., Charalampakis M., Cugliari L., Denamiel C., Güney Doğan G., Festa G., Fuhrman D., Gabriel A.A., Galea P., Gibbons S.J., González M., Graziani L., Gutscher M.A., Harig S., Hebert H., Ionescu C., Jalayer F., Kalligeris N., Kânoğlu U., Lanucara P., Macias Sánchez J., Murphy S., Necmioğlu O., Omira R., Papadopoulos G.A., Paris R., Romano F., Rossetto T., Selva J., Scala A., Tonini R., Trevlopoulos K., Triantafyllou I., Urgeles R., Vallone R., Vilibić I., Volpe M., Yalciner A.C. (2022). Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure. Annals of Geophysics vol.65, 2, - DOI:10.4401/ag-8762 -
- Biguenet M., Chaumillon E., Sabatier P., Paris R., Vacher P., Feuillet N. (2022). Discriminating between tsunamis and tropical cyclones in the sedimentary record using X-ray tomography. Marine Geology vol.450, - DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106864 -
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Les aléas volcaniques. vol.Chap 2, p.83-158, Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 1 : approches géologiques et historiques (ISBN : 978-1-78948-043-6), Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE editions.
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Volcanic Hazards. vol.Chap 2, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Paris R., Smedile A., Falvard S., Devidal J.L., Suchorski K. (2022). A Minoan and a Neolithic tsunami recorded in coastal sediments of Ios Island, Aegean Sea, Greece. Marine Geology vol.452, p.106908, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106908.
- Behrens J., Løvholt F., Jalayer F., Lorito S., Salgado-Gálvez M.A., Sørensen M., Abadie S., Aguirre-Ayerbe I., Aniel-Quiroga I., Babeyko A., Baiguera M., Basili R., Belliazzi S., Grezio A., Johnson K., Murphy S., Paris R., Rafliana I., De Risi R., Rossetto T., Selva J., Taroni M., Del Zoppo M., Armigliato A., Bures V., Cech P., Cecioni C., Christodoulides P., Davies G., Dias F., Bas¸ ak Bayraktar H., González M., Gritsevich M., Guillas S., Bonnevie Harbitz C., Kanoglu U., Macías G., Papadopoulos G.A., Polet J., Romano F., Salamon A., Scala A., Stepinac M., Tappin D.R., Kie Thio H., Tonini R., Triantafyllou I., Ulrich T., Varini E., Volpe M., Vyhmeister E. (2021). Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis: A Review of Research Gaps. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.628772, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.628772 -
- Bougouin A., Roche O., Paris R., Huppert H. (2021). Experimental Insights on thePropagation of Fine-Grained Geophysical Flows Entering Water. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans vol.126, 4, - DOI:1029/2020JC016838 -
- Cornu M.N., Paris R., Doucelance R., Bachèlery P., Bosq C., Auclair D., Benbakkar M., Gannoun A.M., Guillou H. (2021). Exploring the links between volcano flank collapse and the magmatic evolution of an ocean island volcano: Fogo, Cape Verde. Scientific Reports vol.11, p.17478, - DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-96897-1 -
- De Martini P.M., Bruins H.J., Feist L., Goodman-Tchernov B.N., Hadler H., Lario J., Mastronuzzi G., Obrocki L., Pantosti D., Paris R., Reicherter K., Smedile A., Vött A. (2021). The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz as a natural laboratory for paleotsunami research: Recent advancements. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.216, p.103578, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103578 -
- Lavigne F., Morin J., Wassmer P., Weller O., Kula T., Maea A.V., Kelfoun K., Mokadem F., Paris R., Ngainul Malawani M., Faral A., Benbakkar M., Saulnier-Copard S., Vidal C.M., Tu'l'afitu T., Kitekei'aho F., Trautmann M., Gomez C. (2021). Bridging Legends and Science: Field Evidence of a Large Tsunami that Affected the Kingdom of Tonga in the 15th Century. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.748755, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.748755 -
- Paris R., Sabatier P., Biguenet M., Bougouin A., André G., Roger J. (2021). A tsunami deposit at Anse Meunier, Martinique Island: Evidence of the 1755 CE Lisbon tsunami and implication for hazard assessment. Marine Geology vol.439, p.106561, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106561.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2020). Impact of Fluidized Granular Flows into Water:Implications for Tsunamis Generated by Pyroclastic Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.125, p.e2019JB018954, - DOI:10.1029/2019JB018954 -
- Cox R., Ardhuin F., Dias F., Autret R., Beisiegel N., Earlie C.S., Herterich J.G., Kennedy A., Paris R., Raby A., Schmitt P., Weiss R. (2020). Systematic Review Shows That Work Done by Storm Waves Can Be Misinterpreted as Tsunami-Related Because Commonly Used Hydrodynamic Equations Are Flawed. Frontiers in Marine Science vol.7, 4, - DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00004 -
- Larrue S., Paris R., Etienne S. (2020). The use of vascular plant densities to estimate the age of undated lava flows in semi-arid areas of Fogo Island (Cape Verde, Atlantic Ocean). Journal of Arid Environments vol.173, p.104042, - DOI:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.104042 -
- Paris A., Heinrich P., Paris R., Abadie S. (2020). The December 22, 2018 Anak Krakatau, Indonesia, Landslide and Tsunami: Preliminary Modeling Results. Pure and Applied Geophysics vol.571-590, - DOI:10.1007/s00024-019-02394-y -
- Paris R. (2020). Mega-tsunami deposits related to ocean island flank collapses and asteroid impacts. In: Engel, M., Pilarczyk, J., May, S.M., Brill, D., Garrett, E. (Eds.), Geological records of tsunamis and other extreme waves, Elsevier (ed.).
- Paris R. (2020). X-ray tomography applied to tsunami deposits. In: Engel, M., Pilarczyk, J., May, S.M., Brill, D., Garrett, E. (Eds.), Geological records of tsunamis and other extreme waves, Elsevier (ed.).
- Paris R., Falvard S., Chagué C., Goff J., Etienne S., Doumalin P. (2020). Sedimentary fabric characterized by X‐ray tomography: A case‐study from tsunami deposits on the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. Sedimentology vol.67, p.1207-1229, - DOI:10.1111/sed.12582 -
- Paris R., Goto K., Goff J., Yanagisawa H. (2020). Advances in the study of mega-tsunamis in the geological record. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.210, p.103381, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103381 -
- Cox R., Ardhuin F., Dias F., Autret R., Beisigel N., Earlie C.S., Herterich J.G., Kennedy A., Paris R., Raby A., Schmitt P., Weiss R. (2019). Systematic review shows that work done by storm waves can be misinterpreted as tsunami-related because commonly used hydrodynamic equations are flawed. Frontiers in Marine Science vol.7, 4.
- Gouhier M., Paris R. (2019). SO2 and tephra emissions during the December 22, 2018Anak Krakatau flank-collapse eruption. Volcanica vol.2, p.91-103, 2, - DOI:10.30909/vol.02.02.91103.
- Moussallam Y., Longpré M.A., McCammon C., Gomez-Ulla A., Rose-Koga E., Scaillet B., Peters N., Gennaro E., Paris R., Oppenheimer C. (2019). Mantle plumes are oxidised. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.527, p.115798, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115798 -
- Paris R., Ulvrova M. (2019). Tsunamis generated by subaqueous volcanic explosions in Taal Caldera Lake, Philippines. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.81, p.14, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1272-2 -
- Paris R., Ulvrova M., Selva J., Brizuela B., Costa A., Grezio A., Lorito S., Tonini R. (2019). Probabilistic hazard analysis for tsunamis generated by subaqueous volcanic explosions in the Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.379, p.106-116, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.05.010.
- Falvard S., Paris R., Belousova M., Belousov A., Giachetti T., Cuven S. (2018). Scenario of the 1996 volcanic tsunamis in Karymskoye Lake, Kamchatka, inferred from X-ray tomography of heavy minerals in tsunami deposits. Marine Geology vol.396, p.160-170, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2017.04.011.
- Paris R., Ramalho R.S., Madeira J., Ávila S., May S.M., Rixhon G., Engel M., Brückner H., Herzog M., Schukraft G., Perez-Torrado F.J., Rodriguez-Gonzalez A., Carracedo J.C., Giachetti T. (2018). Mega-tsunami conglomerates and flank collapses of ocean island volcanoes. Marine Geology vol.395, p.168-187, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2017.10.004.
- Rodriguez-Gonzales A., Perez-Torrado F.J., Fernandez-Turiel J.L., Aulinas M., Paris R., Moreno-Medina C. (2018). The Holocene volcanism of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). Journal of Maps vol.14, p.620-629, 2, - DOI:10.1080/17445647.2018.1526717.
- Grezio A., Babeyko A., Baptista M.A., Behrens J., Costa A., Davies G., Geist E.L., Glimsdal S., Gonzalez F.I., Griffin J., Harbitz C.B., LeVeque R.J., Lorito S., Lovholt F., Omira R., Mueller C., Paris R., Parsons T., Polet J., Power W., Selva J., Sorensen M.B., Thio H.K. (2017). Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis: Multiple Sources and Global Applications. Reviews of Geophysics vol.55, - DOI:10.1002/2017RG000579 -
- Paris R., Coello Bravo J.J., Martin Gonzalez M.E., Kelfoun K., Nauret F. (2017). Explosive eruption, flank collapse and megatsunami at Tenerife ca. 170 ka. Nature Communications vol.8, p.15246, - DOI:10.1038/ncomms15246.
- Falvard S., Paris R. (2016). X‐ray tomography of tsunami deposits: Towards a new depositional model of tsunami deposits. Sedimentology - DOI:10.1111/sed.12310.
- Harris A., Rhéty M., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Paris R. (2016). Simulating the thermorheological evolution of channel-contained lava: FLOWGO and its implementation in EXCEL. p.313-336, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F. & Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.9.
- May S.M., Falvard S., Norpoth M., Pint A., Brill D., Engel M., Scheffers A., Dierick M., Paris R., Squire P., Brückner H. (2016). A mid-Holocene candidate tsunami deposit from the NW Cape (Western Australia). Sedimentary geology vol.332, p.40-50, - DOI:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.11.010.
- Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K., Leibrandt S., Tappin D.R., McCoy F.W. (2016). Source of the tsunami generated by the 1650 AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano (Aegean Sea, Greece). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.321, p.125-139, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.04.034.
- Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Normier A., Bacri C., Peltier A., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Merle O., Finizola A., Garaebiti E. (2015). Insights into the evolution of the Yenkahe resurgent dome (Siwi caldera, Tanna Island, Vanuatu) inferred from aerial high-resolution photogrammetry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.299, p.78-90, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.04.006.
- Carracedo, Juan-Carlos, Perez-Torrado, Francisco J., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Alejandro, Paris R., Troll, Valentin R., Barker, Abigail K. (2015). Volcanic and structural evolution of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde. Geology Today vol.31, p.146-152, 4.
- Costa P.J.M., Andrade C., Cascalho J., Dawson A. G., Freitas M. C., Paris R., Dawson S. (2015). Onshore tsunami sediment transport mechanisms inferred from heavy mineral assemblages. The Holocene vol.25, p.785-809, 5, - DOI:10.1177/0959683615569322.
- Gurioli L., Andronico D., Bachèlery P., Balcone-Boissard H., Battaglia J., Boudon G., Burgisser A., Burton M.R., Cashman K., Cichy S., Cioni R., Di Muro A., Dominguez L., D’Oriano C., Druitt T., Harris A., Hort M., Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Kueppers U., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Paris R., Pioli L., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Pompilio M., Ripepe M., Roche O., Rose-Koga E., Rust A., Schiavi F., Sharff L., Sulpizio R., Taddeucci J., Thordarson T. (2015). MeMoVolc consensual document: a review of cross-disciplinary approaches to characterizing small explosive magmatic eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.49, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0935-x -
- Harris A., Rhéty M., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Paris R. (2015). Simulating the thermo-rheological evolution of channel-contained lava: FLOWGO and its implementation in EXCEL. vol.426, p.313, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions? Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds), 1, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP426.9.
- Paris R. (2015). Source mechanisms of volcanic tsunamis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A vol.373, p.1-15, - DOI:10.1098/rsta.2014.0380.
- Ettinger S., Manville M., Kruse S., Paris R. (2014). GPR-derived architecture of a lahar-generated fan at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Geomorphology 213, 225-239. - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.01.013.
- Fournier J., Gallon R.K., Paris R. (2014). G2Sd: a new R package for the statistical analysis of unconsolidated sediments / G2Sd : un nouveau package fonctionnant sous R permettant lʼanalyse statistique des sédiments non-consolidés. Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement 1, 73-78. .
- Paris R., Switzer A.D., Belousova M., Belousov A., Ontowirjo B., Whelley P.L., Ulvrova M. (2014). Volcanic tsunami: a review of source mechanisms, past events and hazards in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea). Natural Hazards 70, 447-470. - DOI:10.1007/s11069-013-0822-8.
- Paris R., Wassmer P., Lavigne F., Belousov A., Belousova E., Iskandarsyah Y., Benbakkar M., Ontowirjo B., Mazzoni N. (2014). Coupling eruption and tsunami records: the Krakatau 1883 case study, Indonesia. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 814. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0814-x.
- Ulvrová M., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Nomikou P. (2014). Numerical simulations of tsunami generated by underwater volcanic explosions at Karymskoye Lake (Kamchatka, Russia) and Kolumbo volcano (Aegean Sea, Greece). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14, 401-412. - DOI:10.5194/nhess-14-401-2014.
- Carracdo J.C., Rodriguez-Gonzalez A., Perez-Torrado F.J., Fernandez-Turiel J.-L., Paris R., Rodríguez-Badiola E., Pestana-Pérez G., Troll V.R., Wiesmaier S. (2013). Geological Hazards in the Teide Volcanic Complex. p.249-272, Teide Volcano, Part of the series Active Volcanoes of the World, - DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-25893-0_14.
- Cuven S., Paris R., Falvard S., Miot-Noirault E., Benbakkar M., Schneider J.L., Billy I. (2013). High-resolution analysis of a tsunami deposit: Case-study from the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in southwestern Spain: Marine Geology, v. 337, p. 98-111. - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2013.02.002.
- Ontowirjo B., Paris R. (2013). Modeling of coastal erosion and sediment deposition during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Lhok Nga, Sumatra, Indonesia: Natural Hazards, v. 65, p. 1967-1979. - DOI:10.1007/s11069-012-0455-3.
- Paris R., Kelfoun K., Giachetti T. (2013). Marine conglomerate and reef megaclasts at Mauritus Island: Evidences of a tsunami generated by a flank collapse of the PITON DE LA Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island ?: Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 32, p. 281-291. .
- Pérez Torrado F.J., Carracedo J.C., Rodriguez Gonzalez A., Rodriguez Badiola E., Paris R., Troll V.R., Clarke H., Wiesmaier S. (2013). Eruptive styles at the Teide volcanic complex, in J. C. Carracedo, Troll, V., ed., Teide volcano - Evolution of an active ocean island volcano, v. XIV, Springer. .
- Rodríguez Gonzáles A., Paris R., Criado T., Fernández Turiel J.L. (2013). The Teide Volcanic Complex: Physical environment and Geomorphology, in J. C. Carracedo, Troll, V., ed., Teide volcano - Evolution of an active ocean island volcano. .
- Costa P.J.M., Andrade C., Dawson A.G., Mahaney W.C., Freitas M.C., Paris R., Taborda R. (2012). Microtextural characteristics of quartz grains transported and deposited by tsunamis and storms. Sedimentary Geology 275-276, 55-69. - DOI:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.07.013.
- Giachetti T., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Ontowirjo B. (2012). Tsunami hazard related to a flank collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano, Sunda Strait, Indonesia. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 361, 79-89. .
- Paris R., Nandasena N.A.K., Fournier N. (2012). Comment on ‘Reconstructing tsunami run-up from the characteristics of tsunami deposits on the Thai Andaman Coast’ by Srisutam and Wagner (2010) Coastal Engineering 61, 53-55. - DOI:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.11.009.
- Rodriguez-Gonzalez A., Fernandez-Turiel J.L., Perez-Torrado F.J., Paris R., Gimeno D., Carracedo J.C., Aulinas M. (2012). Factors controlling the morphology of monogenetic basaltic volcanoes: The Holocene volcanism of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). Geomorphology vol.136, p.31-44, - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.023.
- Giachetti T., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Pérez-Torrado F. J. (2011). Numerical modelling of the tsunami triggered by the Güimar debris avalanche, Tenerife (Canary Islands): comparison with field-based data: Marine Geology, v. 284, p. 189-202. - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.03.018.
- Lavigne F., Paris R. (2011). Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie. Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris. 324 p. .
- Paris R., Giachetti T., Chevalier J., Guillou H., Frank N. (2011). Tsunami deposits in Santiago Island (Cape Verde archipelago) as possible evidence of a massive flank failure of Fogos volcano: Sedimentary Geology, v. 239, p. 129-145. - DOI:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2011.06.006.
- Rodriguez-Gonzalez A., Fernandez-Turiel J.L., Perez-Torrado F.J., Aulinas M., Carracedo J.C., Gimeno D., Guillou H., Paris R. (2011). GIS methods applied to the degradation of monogenetic volcanic fields: A case study of the Holocene volcanism of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain): Geomorphology, v. 134, p. 249-259. - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.06.033.
- Rodriguez-Gonzalez A., Fernandez-Turiel J.L., Perez-Torrado F.J., Paris R., Gimeno D., Carracedo J.C., Aulinas M. (2011). Factors controlling the morphology of monogenetic basaltic volcanoes: The Holocene volcanism of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain): Geomorphology, v. 136, p. 31-44. .
Rang B et C :
- Fabbri S., Sabatier P., Paris R., Biguenet M., Falvard S., Feuillet N., Saint-Onge G., Chaumillon E. (2024). Earthquake-related tsunami archives based on sediments from coastal lagoons in the Lesser Antilles. A définir vol.32, p.34-35, 1, - DOI:10.22498/pages.32.1.34 -
- Lac C., Le Pichon A., Listowski C., Abbassi G., Astafyeva E., Baron A., Berveiller D., Boichu M., Clerbaux C., Colette A., Collin G., Coïsson P., Dabas A., Dibarboure G., Duflot V., Dupont A., Farges T., Faugère Y., Hertzog A., Faure J.F., Feofilov A., Gailler A., Grandin R., Guidard V., Hauchecorne A., Hebert H., Heinrich P., Hereil P., Khaykin S., Keckhut P., Mandement M., Labazuy P., Paris R., Lafont S., Lardjane N., Legras B., Loubet B., Maletckii B., Manta F., Mercier C., Munaibari E., Payan S., Selitto P., Payen G., Podglajen A., Puissant A., Ratynski M., Ravanelli M., Ripon M., Roger J., Rolland L., Sladen A., Twardzik C., Rey V., Vergoz J. (2022). L'éruption du volcan Hunga Tonga -Hunga Ha'apai le 15 janvier 2022 : un ébranlement du système Terre à l'échelle planétaire. Rapport (rapport d’expertise collective), - DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7510334 -
- Paris R. (2022). Cumbre Vieja - Radiographie d'une éruption. Pour la Science 359.
- Paris R. (2022). Cumbre Vieja - Radiographie d'une éruption. Pour la Science p.52-61, 539.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Ecoulement granulaire fluidisé impactant l’eau : application aux tsunamis d’origine volcanique. 24e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 26-30/08/2019.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Ecoulement granulaire fluidisé impactant l’eau : application aux tsunamis volcaniques. 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 26-30 August.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Experimental modeling of tsunamis generated by pyroclastic flows: fluidized granular flows into water. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 09-13/12/2019.
- Le T., Froger J.L., Hrysiewicz A., Paris R. (2019). Coherence change analysis for multipass insar images based on the change detection matrix. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Yokohama, Japan, 28 July-2 Aug. 2019, - DOI:10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898723.
- Paris A., Heinrich P., Paris R., Guérin C., Hébert H., Gailler L. (2019). Numerical modelling of the December 22, 2018 Anak Krakatau landslide and the following tsunami in Sunda Strait, Indonesia. Oceans 2019, Marseille, France, 17-20/06/2019.
- Smets B., Wauthier C., Dille A., Paris R., Samyn D., d’Oreye N., Kervyn F. (2019). Ground deformation and lava accumulation measurements in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7-12/04/2019.
- UlvrovaA., Paris R., Selva J., Brizuela B., Costa A., Grezio A., Lorito S., Tonini R. (2019). Probabilistic hazard analysis for tsunamis generated by subaqueous volcanic explosions in the Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy. 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montréal, Canada, 08-18/07/2019.
- Smets B., Wauthier C., Dille A., Paris R., Samyn D., d'Oreye N., Kervyn F. (2018). Monitoring ground deformation and lava accumulation in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, 10-14/12/2018.
- Avila S.P., Paris R., Ramalho R.S., Martín González E., Melo C.S., Cordeiro R., Madeira J. (2017). Glacial age megatsunami fossil deposits in volcanic oceanic islands: a biological point of view. 6th RCANS - The Regional Committee on Neogene Atlantic Stratigraphy, Ponta Delgada, Azores, 10-13/07/2017.
- Avila S.P., Paris R., Ramalho R.S., Rolán E., Martín González E., Melo C.S., Cordeiro R., Madeira J. (2017). Glacial-age tsunami deposits prove the tropical-ward geographical range expansion of marine cold-water species. 5th International Tsunami Field Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5/09/2017.
- Cornu M.N., Paris R., Doucelance R., Bachèlery P., Guillou H. (2017). Exploring the links between volcano flank collapse and magma evolution: Fogo oceanic shield volcano, Cape Verde. EGU, Geophysical Res. Abstr. 19, 4875.
- De Martini, Orefice S., Smedile A., Patera A., Paris R., Terrinha P., Hunt J., Papadopoulos G., Pantosti D., Noiva J., Triantafyllou I., Yalciner A. (2017). The ASTARTE Paleotsunami Deposits data base – web-based references for tsunami research in the NEAM region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 11-15/12/2017.
- De Martini P.M., Patera A., Orefice S., Paris R., Wölker D., Lastras G., Terrinha P., Noiva J., Smedile A., Pantosti D., Hunt J., Gutscher M.A., Migeon S., Papadopoulos G., Triantafyllou I., Yalciner A. (2017). The ASTARTE Paleotsunami and Mass Transport Deposits data bases – web-based references for tsunami and submarine landslide research around Europe. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28/04/2017.
- Paris R. (2017). A 30-year perspective on tsunami deposit. 5th International Tsunami Field Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5/09-2017.
- Paris R., Ulvrov M., Kelfoun K., Roche O. (2017). The challenge of volcanic tsunami modelling. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland, USA, 14-18/08/2017.
- De Martini P.M., Orefice S., Patera A., Paris R., Terrinha P., Noiva J., Hunt J., Pantosti D. (2016). The ASTARTE Paleotsunami Deposits data base - a web-based reference for tsunami research around Europe. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22/04/2016.
- Paris R. (2016). Tsunami deposits at high altitudes on the flanks of the volcanic islands. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22/04/2016.
- Ulvrov M., Selva J., Paris R., Grezio A., Costa A., Tonini R., Lorito S. (2016). Probabilistic hazard assessment of volcanic tsunami risk due to Campi Flegrei activity for the Gulfs of Napoli and Pozzuoli (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22/04/2016.
- Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Tappin D. (2016). Source of the tsunami generated by the 1650 AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano (Aegean Sea, Greece). European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22/04/2016.
- Falvard S., Paris R. (2015). X-ray microtomography of unconsolidated sediments: application to tsunami deposits. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17/04/2015.
- Labazuy P., Paris R., Donnadieu F. (2015). Drone-based remote sensing applications for studying and monitoring volcanic environments: a case study on Mount Etna. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Naples, Italy, 6-9 July 2015.
- Labazuy P., Paris R., Donnadieu F., Gruffat S. (2015). Experiment at Etna to survey proximal products of eruptive activity using ground- and drone-based multiview photogrammetry. EU-FP7 MEDSUV meeting, Catania, 15 Feb. 2015.
- Andronico D., Barnie T., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Cannata A., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Fernandez J.J.P., Ferrari F., Ferro A., Gambino S., Greco F., Harris A., Kueppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Lodato L., Maugeri R., Merucci L., Moune S., Paris R., Privitera E., Queisser M., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at Mt. Etna: investigation on both degassing and eruptive dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014. .
- Cannata A., Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D'Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Pena Fernandez J. J., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Moune S., Merucci L., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. AGU Fall Meeting /https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/11645, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014.
- Paris R., Falvard S. (2014). Bedforms under tsunami flows. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19/12/2014. Abstract 2295. .
- Paris R., Nauret F. (2014). Source and significance of pumices in tsunami deposits: examples from Tenerife (Canary Islands), Santorini (Greece) and Krakatau (Indonesia) volcanoes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19/12/2014. Abstract 18245. .
- Paris R., Ulvrova M., Kelfoun K., Giachetti T., Switzer A.D. (2014). Firewaves: introducing a platform for modelling volcanic tsunamis. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27/04-02/05/2014. .
- Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Cannata A., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Fernandez J.J.P., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Merucci L., Moune S., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. MED-SUV 1st year meeting, Nicolosi, 7-9 July 2014. .
- Strusińska-Correia A., Oumeraci H., Kelletat D., Scheffers A., Paris R. (2014). The role of coarse clast deposits in the reconstruction of past extreme wave events – a summary of recent development and future challenges. 6th International Tsunami Symposium, Costa Rica, 02-05/09/2014. .
- Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K. (2014). Numerical platform for volcanic tsunami modelling. TsuMaMos: Mathematical Modelling for Tsunami Early Warning Systems: an International Conference. Malaga, Spain, 09-11/04/2014. .
- Falvard S., Paris R., Cuven S. (2013). Application de la microtomographie par rayons X à l’analyse des dépôts de tsunami. in 14e Congrès de l’Association des Sédimentologistes Français. Paris, 05-07/11/2013. .
- Ulvrova M., Paris R., Kelfoun K., Nomikou P. (2013). Numerical modeling of tsunami generated by the 1650 eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Aegean Sea, Greece. in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13/12/2013. Abstract NH43A-1732. .
- Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K. (2013). Numerical modeling of tsunami generated by the 1650 eruption of Kolumbo, South Aegean Sea, Greece. in International Tsunami Symposium, Göcek, Turkey, 25-28/09/2013. .
- Cuven S., Paris R., Falvard S., Benbakkar M., Schneider J.L., Billy I., Miot-Noirault E. (2012). X-ray “Anatomy” of a tsunami deposit: a case-study from the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in southwestern Spain. AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly, Singapore, 13-17/08/2012. .
- Fournier J., onnot-Courtois C., Paris R., Le Vot M. (2012). Analyses granulométriques. p.97 p., Principes et méthodes, CNRS, -
- Nandasena N.A.K., Paris R., Tanaka N. (2012). Numerical modelling of boulder transport by tsunami: The model predictions and its sensitivity. 8th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, Madras, India, 20-24/02/2012. .
- Paris R., Carracedo J.C., Pérez Torrado F.J., Rodríguez Gonzáles A., Guillou H. (2012). Magma supply rates of hotspot ocean islands: the Canary Islands. Colloque CNFGG, Clermont-Ferrand, 10-12/10/2012. .
- Paris R., Etienne S., Roussel E. (2012). Construction de modèles 3d d’édifices volcaniques par photogrammétrie multi-images : résultats préliminaires et perspectives. Séminaire ISA « Imagerie à haute résolution : applications en archéologie et géosciences », Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20/11/2012. .
- Paris R., Wassmer P., Belousov A., Belousova M., Iskandarsyah Y., Lavigne F. (2012). Reconstructing past eruptions and associated tsunami after their sedimentary signature: the 1883 Krakatau Case-study. AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly, Singapore, 13-17/08/2012. .
- Barthomeuf B., Paris R., Grancher D., Wassmer P., Vautier F. (2011). Accumulation de blocs par le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Lhok Nga, Ouest Banda Aceh. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie, in Publications de la Sorbonne. p. 137-144. .
- Grancher D., Bar-Hen A., Paris R., Lavigne F., Brunstein D., Wassmer P. (2011). Interpolation spatiale de données circulaires : application au tsunami du 26 décembre 2004. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie, in Publications de la Sorbonne, p. 49-58. .
- Lavigne F., Paris R. (2011). Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie: Publications de la Sorbonne: Paris, 324 p. .
- Lavigne F., Paris R., Grancher D., Wassmer P., Setiawan A., Syahnan G.T., Fachrizal W.B., Cahyadi R., Mahieu L., Flohic F., De Coster B. (2011). Le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 : chronologie et reconstitution de la catastrophe dans la région de Banda Aceh. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie, in Publications de la Sorbonne. p. 27-48. .
- Morin J., De Coster B., Flohic F., Lavigne F., Le Floch D., Paris R. (2011). L’éducation des populations : mesure essentielle pour la réduction du risque de tsunami en Indonésie. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque, in Publications de la Sorbonne. p. 271-287. .
- Paris R., Desgages É., Lavigne F., Wassmer P., Vautier F. (2011). Formes et estimation de l’érosion côtière causée par le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Lhok Nga, Ouest Banda Aceh. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie, in Publications de la Sorbonne. 2011. p. 99-1.
- Paris R., Wassmer P., Sartohadi J., Lavigne F. (2011). Étude sédimentologique des dépôts de tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Lhok Nga, Ouest Banda Aceh. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque : le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie, in Publications de la Sorbonne. p. 111-126. .
- Sartohadi J., Mardiatno D., Setiawan A., Cahyadi R., Sri Hadmoko D., Wassmer P., Paris R. (2011). Approche pédogéomorphologique pour l’évaluation des impacts du tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 sur la qualité des sols et des eaux phréatiques du secteur de Lampuuk, ouest de Banda Aceh. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque, in Publications de la Sorbo.
- Wassmer P., Baumert P., Lavigne F., Paris R., Sartohadi J. (2011). Faciès et transferts sédimentaires associés au tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 sur le littoral au nord-est de Banda Aceh. In: Lavigne F., Paris R. (eds), Tsunarisque, in Publications de la Sorbonne. p. 145-162. .
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