Thèmes de Recherche
Mise en place des écoulements pyroclastiques
Dynamique de propagation, mécanismes d’érosion et de dépôt, pression de gaz interstitielle et interactions gaz-particules, processus de ségrégation des particules, analyse statistique des données naturelles.
Mécanismes des écoulements géophysiques turbulents
Vitesse de sédimentation des particules, processus de formation des clusters, application aux courants de densité pyroclastiques et aux panaches éruptifs.
Dynamique des panaches éruptifs
Modèles probabilistes des dépôts de retombées de cendres
Avalanches de débris
Déclenchement et mécanismes de propagation, phénomène de digitation granulaire.
Tsunamis d’origine volcanique
Déclenchement des tsunamis par entrée des écoulements pyroclastiques dans l’eau.
Formation des calderas et éruptions associées
Mécanismes de subsidence, dynamique des éruptions explosives.
Mécanismes d’érosion par les écoulements géophysiques
Processus d’entrainement d’un substrat granulaire, effet sur la mobilité.
Eruptions basaltiques-andésitiques explosives
Caractérisation des produits éruptifs, analyse des teneurs en volatiles.
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
- 2017-2020. Directeur-adjoint IRD du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans.
- 2011-2016. Directeur-adjoint du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans.
Initiative I-Site « CAP 20-25 »
- 2020-actuel. Directeur du Centre International de Recherche « Disaster science and Sustainable Development« . https://cap2025.fr/recherche/challenges-scientifiques/risques-naturels-catastrophiques-et-vulnerabilite-socio-economique
- 2017-2019. Membre des comités de pilotage du Challenge « Risques naturels catastrophiques et vulnérabilité socio-économique » et du programme international WOW !
Comité éditorial
- 2021-2023. Editeur associé, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/21699356/associate-editors.
Coordination scientifique
Projets ANR
- 2016-2022. Coordinateur du projet ANR RAVEX.
- 2008-2011. Coordinateur du projet ANR Jeunes Chercheurs VOLBIFLO.
- 2012-2022. Coordinateur du programme « Instabilités gravitaires et modélisation« , Laboratoire Mixte International IRD Séismes et Volcans dans les Andes du Nord, Equateur.
- 2011-2019. Coordinateur du programme « Ecoulements volcaniques gravitaires » du LabEx ClerVolc.
- 2015-2016. Coordinateur du projet VIMESEA, Pilot coordination action ERANet-LAC Europe-Amérique latine, 7ème PCRDT.
- 2014-2016. Coordinateur (avec D. Laporte) du projet « Volcanisme basaltique explosif » financé par la Région Auvergne.
- 2013-2015. Co-responsable de la Commission sur le Volcanisme Explosif de l’Association Internationale de Volcanologie.
- 2007-2009 et 2012-2014. Coordinateur de projets Ecos-Conicyt (France-Chili).
Instances de l’IRD
- 2017-actuel. Référent scientifique du site de Clermont-Ferrand
- 2017-2020. Correspondant du Département DISCO pour le Programme Structurant Interdisciplinaire et Partenarial « Dynamiques urbaines ».
- 2019-2022. Représentant de l’administration suppléant de la Commission Administrative Paritaire compétente pour le corps des Directeurs de recherche (nommé).
- 2019-2022. Membre du groupe de travail Terre solide de l’alliance nationale de recherche pour l’environnement (AllEnvi).
Autres instances
- 2022-2026. Membre du comité scientifique du GdR CNRS MathGeoPhy.
Comités de sélection
- 2019. Président du comité de sélection, concours « Tenure-track », section 35 (Univ. Clermont Auvergne).
- 2017. Membre de la commission de spécialiste, concours MCf (Univ. Jean Monnet, St-Etienne).
Informations diverses - Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (2010), Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
- Prime d’Encadrement Doctorale et de Recherche de l’IRD (2014-2017).
Collaborations internationales Universidad de Chile, Santiago (Chili), Ingemmet (Peru), Instituto Geofisico, Quito (Ecuador), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonésie), University of Bristol (UK), Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München (Germany), NY state University at Buffalo (USA), Boise State University (USA), University of British Colombia (Canada), INGV Pisa (Italy), University of California, Berkeley (USA).
• Université Clermont Auvergne (2004-2017)
Volcanologie, méthodologie scientifique, cartographie, sédimentologie, techniques de laboratoire (Licence, Master, préparation CAPES-Agrégation)
• Université du Chili, Santiago (2013-2017)
Volcanologie physique, dynamique des éruptions explosives (Master)
Publications LMV depuis 2010 (journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings)
Rang A :
- Aravena A., Chupin L., Dubois T., Roche O. (2024). Run-out distance of initially fluidized, collapsing granular columns with different aspect ratios: constraints and volcanological implications from experiments and 2D incompressible simulations. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01778-w - .
- Aravena A., Tadini A., Bevilacqua A., Samaniego P., Bernard B., Hidalgo S., Le Pennec J.L., Martínez‑Yáñez P., García J., Roche O. (2024). Probabilistic, scenario-based hazard assessment for pyroclastic density currents at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.84, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01768-y - .
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O., Siavelis M., Pawlak-Courdavault A. (2024). Tsunamis generated by pyroclastic flows: experimental insights into the effect of the bulk flow density. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.35, 4, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01704-0 - .
- Bougouin A., Viroulet S., Lacaze L., Roche O., Paris R. (2024). Dry granular collapse into a liquid: Role of viscous dissipation on granular flow regimes and associated waves. Physical Review Fluids vol.9, p.12302, 12, - DOI:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.124302 - .
- Roche O., Azzaoui N., Guillin A. (2024). Different physics but similar dependence of runout distance with discharge rate: the duality of pyroclastic density currents. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, 65, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01750-8 - .
- Brand B.D., Pollock N., Vallance J.W., Esposti Ongaro T., Roche O., Trolese M., Giordano G., Marshall A.A., Criswell C.W. (2023). Advances in our understanding of pyroclastic current behavior from the 1980 eruption sequence of Mount St. Helens volcano (Washington), USA. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.85, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01617-w - .
- Guéhenneux Y., Charbonnier S., Roche O. (2023). PyroCLAST: a new experimental framework to investigate overspilling of channelized, concentrated pyroclastic currents. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.85, 5, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01623-y - .
- Penlou B., Roche O., Manga M., Van den Wildenberg S. (2023). Experimental Measurement of Enhanced and Hindered Particle Settling in Turbulent Gas-Particle Suspensions, and Geophysical Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.128, p.e2022JB025809, - DOI:10.1029/2022JB025809 - .
- Penlou B., Roche O., Van den Wildenberg S. (2023). Experimental Study of the Generation of Pore Gas Pressure in Pyroclastic Density Currents Resulting From Eruptive Fountain Collapse. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.128, p.e2023JB027510, - DOI:10.1029/2023JB027510 - .
- Aravena A., Roche O. (2022). Influence of the topography of stratovolcanoes on the propagation and channelization of1 dense pyroclastic density currents analyzed through numerical simulations. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.84, 7, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01576-2 - .
- Feignon J., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Moune S., Roche O., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2022). High CO2 content in magmas of the explosive andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho‑Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.84, p.40, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01550-y - .
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Les aléas volcaniques. vol.Chap 2, p.83-158, Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 1 : approches géologiques et historiques (ISBN : 978-1-78948-043-6), Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE editions.
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Volcanic Hazards. vol.Chap 2, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Roche O., Henry C.D., Azzaoui N., Guillin A. (2022). Long-runout pyroclastic density currents: Analysis and implications. Geology vol.50, p.1172-1176, 10, - DOI:10.1130/G50215.1.
- Tadini A., Azzaoui N., Roche O., Samaniego P., Bernard B., Hidalgo S., Guillin A., Gouhier M. (2022). Tephra fallout probabilistic hazard maps for Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha 1 volcanoes (Ecuador) with uncertainty quantification. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.127, p.e2021JB022780, 2, - DOI:10.1029/2021JB022780 - .
- Aravena A., Chupin L., Dubois T., Roche O. (2021). The influence of gas pore pressure in dense granular flows: numerical simulations versus experiments and implications for pyroclastic density currents. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, 77, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01507-7 - .
- Arran M.I., Mangeney A., De Rosny J., Farin M., Toussaint R., Roche O. (2021). Laboratory Landquakes: Insights From Experiments Into the High-Frequency Seismic Signal Generated by Geophysical Granular Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface vol.126, - DOI:10.1029/2021JF006172 - .
- Bougouin A., Roche O., Paris R., Huppert H. (2021). Experimental Insights on thePropagation of Fine-Grained Geophysical Flows Entering Water. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans vol.126, 4, - DOI:1029/2020JC016838 - .
- Chupin L., Dubois T., Phan M., Roche O. (2021). Pressure-dependent threshold in a granular flow: Numerical modeling andexperimental validation. Journal of Non-newtonian Fluid Mechanics vol.291, p.104529, - DOI:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2021.104529 - .
- Fries A., Roche O., Carazzo G. (2021). Granular mixture deflation and generation of porefluid pressureat the impact zone of a pyroclastic fountain: Experimental insights. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.414, p.107226, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107226 - .
- Marino J., Samaniego P., Manrique N., Valderrama P., Roche O., Van wyk de Vries M., Guillou H., Zerathe S., Arias C., Liorzou C. (2021). The Tutupaca volcanic complex (Southern Peru): Eruptive chronology and successive destabilization of a dacitic dome complex. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.109, p.103227, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103227 - .
- Montserrat S., Ordoñez L., Tamburrino A., Roche O. (2021). Influence of bottom roughness and ambient pressure conditions on the emplacement of experimental dam‑break granular flows. Granular Matter vol.23, p.57, - DOI:10.1007/s10035-021-01125-2.
- Roche O., Azzaoui N., Guillin A. (2021). Discharge rate of explosive volcanic eruption controls runout distance of pyroclastic density currents. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.568, p.117017, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117017 - .
- Roche O., Van den Wildenberg S., Valance A., Delannay R., Mangeney A., Corna L., Latchimy T. (2021). Experimental assessment of the effective friction at the base of granular chute flowson a smooth incline. Physical Review vol.E 103, p.042905, - DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.103.042905 - .
- Tadini A., Roche O., Samaniego P., Azzaoui N., Bevilacqua A., Guillin A., Gouhier M., Bernard B., Aspinall W., Hidalgo S., Eychenne J., de’ Michieli Vitturi M., Neri A., Cioni R., Pistolesi M., Gaunt E., Vallejo S., Encalada M., Yepes H., Proaño A., Pique M. (2021). Eruption type probability and eruption source parameters at Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes (Ecuador) with uncertainty quantification. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, p.35, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01458-z - .
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2020). Impact of Fluidized Granular Flows into Water:Implications for Tsunamis Generated by Pyroclastic Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.125, p.e2019JB018954, - DOI:10.1029/2019JB018954 - .
- Tadini A., Roche O., Samaniego P., Guillin A., Azzaoui N., Gouhier M., de’ Michieli Vitturi M., Pardini F., Eychenne J., Bernard B., Hidalgo S., Le Pennec J.L. (2020). Quantifying the uncertainty of a coupled plume and tephra dispersal model: PLUME-MOM/HYSPLIT simulations applied to Andean volcanoes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth - DOI:10.1029/2019JB018390 - .
- Van den Wildenberg S., Jia X., Roche O. (2020). Acoustic probing of the particle concentration in turbulent granular suspensions in air. Nature Scientific Reports vol.10, p.16544, - DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-73427-z - .
- Breard E.C.P., Dufek J., Roche O. (2019). Continuum Modeling of Pressure‐Balanced and FluidizedGranular Flows in 2‐D: Comparison With Glass BeadExperiments and Implications for ConcentratedPyroclastic Density Currents. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.124, p.5557-5583, - DOI:10.1029/2018JB016874 - .
- Roche O., Carazzo G. (2019). The contribution of experimental volcanology to the study of the physics of eruptive processes, and related scaling issues: A review. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.384, p.103-150, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.07.011.
- Soria-Hoyo C., Valverde J.M., Roche O. (2019). A laboratory-scale study on the role of mechanical vibrations in pore pressure generation in pyroclastic materials: implications for pyroclastic flows. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.81, p.12, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1271-3.
- Weit A., Roche O., Dubois T., Manga M. (2019). Maximum Solid Phase Concentration in GeophysicalTurbulent Gas‐Particle Flows: Insights FromLaboratory Experiments. Geophysical Research Letters vol.46, p.6388-6396, - DOI:10.1029/2019GL082658.
- Chedeville C., Roche O. (2018). Autofluidization of collapsing bed of fine particles: Implications for the emplacement of pyroclastic flows. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.368, p.91-99, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.11.007.
- Valderrama P., Roche O., Samaniego P., Van Wyk De Vries B., Araujo G. (2018). Granular fingering as a mechanism for ridge formation in debris avalanche deposits: Laboratory experiments and implications for Tutupaca volcano, Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.349, p.409-418, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.12.004.
- Weit A., Roche O., Dubois T., Manga M. (2018). Experimental Measurement of the Solid Particle Concentration in Geophysical Turbulent Gas-Particle Mixtures. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.123, p.3747-3761, - DOI:10.1029/2018JB015530.
- Chazot G., Lénat J.F., Agranier A., Roche O., Maury R. (2017). Volcanologie. p.368 p., Volcanologie, De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve et Paris.
- Delannay R., Valance A., Mangeney A., Roche O., Richard P. (2017). Granular and particle-laden flows: from laboratory experiments to field observations. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics vol.50, p.053001, - DOI:10.1088/1361-6463/50/5/053001.
- Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Roche O., Chupin L. (2017). Effects of pore pressure in pyroclastic flows: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Geophysical Research Letters vol.44, - DOI:10.1002/2017GL072591.
- Lusso C., Ern A., Bouchut F., Mangeney A., Farin M., Roche O. (2017). Two-dimensional simulation by regularization of free surface viscoplastic flows with Drucker–Prager yield stress and application to granular collapse. Journal of Computational Physics vol.333, p.387-408, - DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2016.12.036.
- Castruccio A., Clavero J., Segura A., Samaniego P., Roche O., Le Pennec J.L., Droguett B. (2016). Eruptive parameters and dynamics of the April 2015 sub-Plinian eruptions of Calbuco volcano (southern Chile). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.62, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1058-8.
- Jessop D., Gilchrist J., Jellinek A.M., Roche O. (2016). Are eruptions from linear fissures and caldera ring dykes more likely to produce pyroclastic flows?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.454, p.142-153, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.005.
- Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Gurioli L., Roche O., Boivin P. (2016). Highly explosive eruption of the monogenetic 8.6 ka BP La Vache et Lassolas scoria cone complex (Chaîne des Puys, France). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.313, p.15-28, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.12.006 - .
- Montserrat S., Tamburrino A., Roche O., Niño Y., Ihle C.F. (2016). Enhanced run-out of dam-break granular flows caused by initial fluidization and initial material expansion. Granular Matter vol.18, p.11, - DOI:10.1007/s10035-016-0604-6.
- Pollock N.M., Brand B.D., Roche O. (2016). The controls and consequences of substrate entrainment by pyroclastic density currents at Mount St Helens,Washington (USA). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.325, p.135-147, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.06.012.
- Roche O., Buesch D.C., Valentine G.A. (2016). Slow-moving and far-travelled dense pyroclastic flows during the Peach Spring super-eruption. Nature Communications vol.7, p.10890, - DOI:10.1038/ncomms10890.
- Valderrama P., Roche O., Samaniego P., Van Wyk De Vries B., Bernard K., Mariño J. (2016). Dynamic implications of ridges on a debris avalanche deposit at Tutupaca volcano (southern Peru). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.14, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1011-x.
- Chedeville C., Roche O. (2015). Influence of slope angle on pore pressure generation and kinematics of pyroclastic flows: insights from laboratory experiments. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.96, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0981-4.
- Dufek J., Esposti-Ongaro T., Roche O. (2015). Pyroclastic density currents: Processes and models. vol.chap 35, Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, Eds. H. Sigurdsson et al., Elsevier (ed.).
- Girolami L., Druitt T., Roche O. (2015). Towards a quantitative understanding of pyroclastic flows: Effects of expansion on the dynamics of laboratory fluidized granular flows. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.296, p.31-39, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.03.008.
- Gurioli L., Andronico D., Bachèlery P., Balcone-Boissard H., Battaglia J., Boudon G., Burgisser A., Burton M.R., Cashman K., Cichy S., Cioni R., Di Muro A., Dominguez L., D’Oriano C., Druitt T., Harris A., Hort M., Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Kueppers U., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Paris R., Pioli L., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Pompilio M., Ripepe M., Roche O., Rose-Koga E., Rust A., Schiavi F., Sharff L., Sulpizio R., Taddeucci J., Thordarson T. (2015). MeMoVolc consensual document: a review of cross-disciplinary approaches to characterizing small explosive magmatic eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.49, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0935-x - .
- Ionescu I.R., Mangeney A., Bouchut F., Roche O. (2015). Viscoplastic modeling of granular column collapse with pressure-dependent rheology. Journal of Non-newtonian Fluid Mechanics vol.219, p.1-18, - DOI:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2015.02.006.
- Roche O. (2015). Dispositif de mesure des contraintes basales d’un écoulement granulaire, Brevet déposé par l'IRD (au nom de l'IRD, de l'UBP et du CNRS) le 17/12/2014 à l’Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, n° de demande : 1462666, n° de soumission 1000271163.
- Roche O. (2015). Nature and velocity of pyroclastic density currents inferred from models of entrainment of substrate lithic clasts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.418, p.115-125, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.03.001.
- Rodríguez I., Roche O., Moune S., Aguilera F., Campos E., Pizarro M. (2015). Evolution of Irruputuncu volcano, Central Andes, northern Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.63, p.385-399, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2015.08.012.
- Samaniego P., Valderrama P., Mariño J., Van Wyk De Vries B., Roche O., Manrique N., Chedeville C., Fidel L., Malnati J. (2015). The historical (218 ± 14 aAP) explosive eruption of Tutupaca volcano (Southern Peru). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.51, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0937-8.
- Chedeville C., Roche O. (2014). Autofluidization of pyroclastic flows propagating on rough substrates as shown by laboratory experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 119, 1764-1776. - DOI:10.1002/2013JB010554 - .
- Dennen R.L., Bursik M.I., Roche O. (2014). Dome collapse mechanisms and block-and-ash flow emplacement dynamics inferred from deposit and impact mark analysis, Mono Craters, CA. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 276, 1-9. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.016.
- Farin M., Mangeney A., Roche O. (2014). Fundamental changes of granular flow dynamics, deposition and erosion processes at high slope angles: insights from laboratory experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface 119, 504-532. - DOI:10.1002/2013JF002750.
- Rowley P.J., Roche O., Druitt T., Cas R. (2014). Experimental study of dense pyroclastic density currents using sustained gas-fluidized granular flows: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 855, p. 76. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0855-1.
- Roche O., Niño Y., Mangeney A., Brand B., Pollock N., Valentine G.A. (2013). Dynamic pore-pressure variations induce substrate erosion by pyroclastic fl ows: Geology, v. 41, p. 1107-1110. - DOI:10.1130/G34668.1.
- Roche O., Phillips J.C., Kelfoun K. (2013). Pyroclastic density currents. p.3215, Modeling Volcanic Processes, Eds. S.A. Faggents, T.K.P. Gregg, R.C.M. Lopes, Cambridge University Press (ed.).
- Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Labazuy P., Mangeney A., Roche O., Tillier J.L., Trouillet M., Thibault G. (2012). LiDAR derived morphology of the 1993 Lascar pyroclastic flow deposits, and implication for flow dynamics and rheology. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 245-246, 81-97. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.06.030.
- Meruane C., Tamburrino A., Roche O. (2012). Dynamics of dense granular flows of small-and-large-grains mixtures in an ambient fluid. Physical Review E 86, 026311. - DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.86.026311.
- Montserrat S., Tamburrino A., Roche O., Niño Y. (2012). Pore fluid pressure diffusion in defluidizing granular columns. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, F02034. - DOI:10.1029/2011JF002164.
- Roche O. (2012). Depositional processes and gas pore pressure in pyroclastic flows: an experimental perspective. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 1807-1820. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-012-0639-4.
- Roche O., Attali M., Mangeney A., Lucas A. (2011). On the run-out distance of geophysical gravitational flows: Insight from fluidized granular collapse experiments: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 311, p. 375-385. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.09.023.
- Girolami L., Roche O., Druitt T., Corpetti T. (2010). Particle velocity fields and depositional processes in laboratory ash flows, with implications for the sedimentation of dense pyroclastic flows. Bulletin of Volcanology, 72, 747-759. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-010-0356-9.
- Mangeney A., Roche O., Hungr O., Mangold N., Faccanoni G., Lucas A. (2010). Erosion and mobility in granular collapse over sloping beds. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 115, F03040. - DOI:10.1029/2009JF001462.
- Meruane C., Tamburrino A., Roche O. (2010). On the role of the ambient fluid on gravitational granular flow dynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 648, 381-404. - DOI:10.1017/S0022112009993181.
- Roche O., Montserrat S., Niño Y., Tamburrino A. (2010). Pore fluid pressure and internal kinematics of gravitational laboratory air-particle flows : insights into the emplacement dynamics of pyroclastic flows. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 115, B09206. - DOI:10.1029/2009JB007133 - .
Rang B et C :
- Boisse I., Ceccarelli C., Combes F., Delfosse X., Donati J.F., Fienga A., Gargaud M., Langlois M., Libourel G., Mazevet S., Mocquet A., Morbidelli A., Selsis F., Wieczorek M., Bartolini A., Blard P.H., Bouchez J., Donnadieu Y., Gardin S., Landais A., Laskar J., Martin J., Paris G., Pucéat E., Rollion-Bard C., Sans-Jofre P., Schnyder J., Bourquin S., Brayard A., Charbonnier S., Clausen S., Crasquin S., Fluteau F., Otero O., Menot G., Meyer-Berthaud B., Poulenard J., de Rafélis M., Vennin E., Anquetin S., Bennis A.C., Deleflie F., Ducharne A., Dodet G., Eckert N., Faranda D., Giamberini L., Gueguen P., Hérique A., Morin S., Planchon O., Richar D., Roche O., et al. (2021). Prospective en sciences de la planète et de l’univers. - .
- Roche O., Azzaoui N., Guillin A. (2020). An analysis of the relationship between mass eruption rate and runout distance of pyroclastic density currents. JpGU-AGU joint meeting, Chiba, Japan, 12-16 July.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Ecoulement granulaire fluidisé impactant l’eau : application aux tsunamis d’origine volcanique. 24e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 26-30/08/2019.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Ecoulement granulaire fluidisé impactant l’eau : application aux tsunamis volcaniques. 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 26-30 August.
- Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Experimental modeling of tsunamis generated by pyroclastic flows: fluidized granular flows into water. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 09-13/12/2019.
- Feignon J.G., Roche O., Moune S., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2019). High CO2 content in magmas at an arc volcano : the andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho-Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-16065-1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2019.
- Mariño J., Samaniego P., Manrique N., Valderrama P., Roche O., Van Wyk De Vries B., Zerathe S. (2019). Succesive desetabilization of a dome complex constructed on an extinct, hydrothermally altered volcano: The Tutupaca Volcano case study (Southern Perú). 8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, Quito, 24-26 Septembre 2019.
- Pollock N., Roche O., Brand B. (2019). Using experimentally-derived scaling relationships to extract flow velocities and thicknesses from the deposits of pyroclastic currents. vol.Abstract 542005, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.
- Roche O., Van den Wildenberg S., Valance A., Delannay R., Mangeney A., Corna L., Latchimy T. (2019). Factors controlling the dynamics of volcanic granular mass flows: insights from experimental measurements of the basal forces of granular flows in an inclined channel. AGU fall meeting.
- Tadini A., Roche O., Samaniego P., Guillin A., Azzaoui N., Gouhier M., Bevilacqua A., de'Michieli Vitturi M., Pardini F., Bernard B., Aspinall W., Eychenne J., Hidalgo S., Le Pennec J.L., Neri A., Cioni R., Pistolesi M, Gaunt H.E., Vargas S.V., Encalada M., Yepes H.A., Proaño A., Pique M. (2019). Developing probabilistic tephra fallout hazard maps for Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes, Ecuador, with uncertainty quantification. AGU Fall Meeting 2019.
- Weit A., Roche O., Dubois T., Manga M. (2019). What is the maximum solid phase concentration in volcanic turbulent gas-particle mixtures? Experimental observations and implications for natural flows. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.
- Tadini A., Guillin G., Roche O., Samaniego P., Azzoui N., Gouhier M., de’ Michieli Vitturi M., Pardini F., Bernard B., Le Pennec J.L., Hidalgo S. (2018). Validating the combined PLUME-MoM and HYSPLIT numerical models using field data from Ecuadorian volcanoes, ID 203. Cities on Volcanoes, Naples.
- Bernard K., Van Wyk De Vries B., Thouret J.C., Roche O., Samaniego P. (2017). Sedimentary control of debris avalanche structures and transformation into lahars. Geophysical Research Abstracts - Vol. 19, EGU 2017.
- Brand B., Pollock N., Gase A., Sarocchi D., Roche O. (2017). The erosive nature of pyroclastic density currents – A summary of findings from the 18 May 1980 Mt St Helens (USA) deposits. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Roche O., Chupin L. (2017). Effects of pore pressure in pyroclastic flows: numerical simulation and experimental validation. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Jessop D., Dufek J., Jellinek M., Roche O., Gilchrist J. (2017). Particle-plume coupling and vent shape effects on volcanic plume stability. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Le Pennec J.L., Robin C., Roche O., Samaniego P., Bani P., Eychenne J., Bernard J. (2017). Processus et aléas et risques volcaniques dans les pays de développement : apports des recherches partenariales de l'IRD au LMV. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.225-266.
- Paris R., Ulvrov M., Kelfoun K., Roche O. (2017). The challenge of volcanic tsunami modelling. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland, USA, 14-18/08/2017.
- Pollock N., Brand B., Roche O., Rowley P., Sarocchi D., Sulpizio R. (2017). Using shear-induced, wave-like depositional features to infer flow conditions of pyroclastic density currents at Mount St Helens, Washington, USA. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Roche O. (2017). Dynamique des écoulements pyroclastiques lors des super-éruptions volcaniques. ETH Zurich.
- Roche O. (2017). Les super-éruptions volcaniques : le cas du Peach Spring Tuff. Université de Genève.
- Roche O., Buesch D., Valentine G.A. (2017). The significance of substrate-derived blocks in ignimbrites for parent flow emplacement mechanisms – Example of the Peach Spring Tuff, western USA, and experimental constraints. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Roche O., van den Wildenberg S., Delannay R., Mangeney A., Valance A. (2017). Basal forces in volcanic granular mass flows – experimental insights. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Valverde J.M., Soria-Hoyo C., Roche O. (2017). Dynamical weakening of pyroclastic flows by mechanical vibrations. Powders and Grains 2017. p.4 pages, 8th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Montpellier, France, 3-7 July.
- Vera C., Castruccio A., Tamburrino A., Roche O., Niño Y. (2017). Analogue modeling of cooling viscous lava flows: using a new thermo-rheological material. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Weit A., Roche O., Dubois T., Manga M. (2017). Experimental study of the solid phase concentration in volcanic turbulent gas-particle mixtures. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland.
- Brand B., Pollock N., Gase A., Sarocchi D., Roche O. (2016). The erosive nature of pyroclastic density currents – A summary of findings from the 18 May 1980 Mt St Helens (USA) deposits with implications for future work. Cities on volcanoes 9, Puerto Varas, Chile.
- Samaniego P., Mariño J., Valderrama P., Roche O., Van Wyk De Vries B., Manrique N., Liorzou C. (2016). The historical (218 ± 14 aBP) explosive eruption of Tutupaca volcano (Southern Peru). Cities on Volcanoes 9 conference, Puerto Varas, Chile, 20-25 November 2016.
- Vera C., Castruccio A., Tamburrino A., Roche O. (2016). The influence of varying erosion rate and front cooling on lava flows: insights from analogue experiments of plastic flows. Cities on volcanoes 9, Puerto Varas, Chile.
- Chedeville C., Roche O. (2015). Role of slope angle and substrate roughness on pore pressure generation in ash rich pyroclastic flows: Experimental insights. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague. Abstract: IUGG-3633. oral.
- Clavero J., Castruccio A., Droguett B., Segura A., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Samaniego P. (2015). Small volume pyroclastic density currents of the 22-23 April 2015 eruption on the NE flank of Calbuco volcano, Southern Andes. XIV Chilean Geological Congress - Congreso Geológico Chileno, La Serena, Chile, 4-8 October 2015.
- Gueugneau V., Kelfoun K., Roche O. (2015). Validation of a numerical model of fluidised granular flow from laboratory experiments. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague. Abstract: VS06p-386. Poster.
- Ionescu I., Mangeney A., Bouchut F., Roche O. (2015). Viscoplastic modelling of granular column collapse with pressure dependent rheology. 8th GRACM International congress on computational mechanics, Volos, Greece, 12-15 July.
- Jessop D., Jellinek M., Roche O. (2015). The role of inertial particles and vent geometries in the rise and collapse of volcanic jets. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2015.
- Jordan S., Gurioli L., Colombier M., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O. (2015). Integration of porosity, connectivity and permeability measurements to determine syn-eruptive degassing processes during a sub-plinian basaltic. vol.17, p.EGU2015-345, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
- Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Gurioli L., Roche O. (2015). Insights into the sub-plinian eruption of a basaltic monogenetic volcano using different analytical methods. vol.17, p.EGU2015-345, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
- Martin N., Ionescu I., Mangeney A., Bouchut F., Roche O., Farin M. (2015). Modelling of a viscoplastic granular column collapse and comparison with experiments. EGU2015-12658.
- Roche O. (2015). Dimensional analysis, scaling, and similarity: An overview of the methods and their application to investigate volcanic processes. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague. Abstract: IUGG-4460.
- Roche O., Buesch D., Valentine G. (2015). Flow mechanism and discharge rate of the parent Peach Spring Tuff pyroclastic density currents during the Silver Creek caldera eruption. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague. Abstract: IUGG-3032. Oral.
- Rowley P., Roche O. (2015). Two-layer aerated granular flows and implications for pyroclastic density current structure. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague. Abstract: VS08p-582. Poster.
- Samaniego P., Valderrama P., Mariño J., Van Wyk De Vries B., Roche O., Manrique N., Chedeville C., Liorzou C., Fidel L., Malnati J. (2015). First geological data of an unknown historical eruption (218 ± 14 aBP) at Tutupaca volcano (Southern Peru). IUGG, Prague.
- Segura A., Castruccio A., Clavero J., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Samaniego P., Droguett B., Romero J. (2015). Fallout deposits of the 22-23 April 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Southern Andes. XIV Chilean Geological Congress - Congreso Geológico Chileno, La Serena, Chile, 4-8 October 2015.
- Valderrama P., Roche O., Van Wyk De Vries B., Samaniego P., Bernard K. (2015). Complex emplacement of the 1802 AD volcanic debris avalanche at Tutupaca volcano, Southern Peru, as revealed by surface deposit structures. IUGG, Prague.
- Chédeville C., Roche O. (2014). Pyroclastic flows autofluidized by air escape from interstices of rough substrates at various slope angles: experimental insights. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Absract EGU2014-344. .
- Clavero, J., Castruccio, A., Droguett, B., Segura, A., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Samaniego P. (2014). XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno. XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, La Serena.
- Farin M., Mangeney A., Roche O. (2014). Fundamental changes of granular flows dynamics, deposition and erosion processes at high slope angles: insights from laboratory experiments. EGU General Assembly, Vienna. Abstract EGU2014-83. .
- Haddadi B., Jordan S., Sanchez L., Gurioli L., Harris A., Laporte D., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Roche O., Sigmarsson O. (2014). Eruptions exceptionnelles : le volcanisme basaltique explosif. Manifestation scientifique de restitution du CPER 2007-2014, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, 08-09 décembre 2014 (poster). .
- Jessop D., Jellinek M., Roche O. (2014). Turning off entrainment: the role of particle size distributions and vent geometry in the collapse of volcanic jets. AGU Fall Meeting. .
- Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Gurioli L. (2014). Violent Strombolian to Subplinian Eruption of a Monogenetic Cone Complex, Chaîne Des Puys, France. AGU Fall Meeting. .
- Mangeney A., Ionescu I., Bouchut F., Roche O. (2014). Quantitative Simulation of Granular Collapse Experiments with Visco-Plastic Models ». AGU Fall Meeting. .
- Roche O., Laporte D., Vlastélic I. (2014). Recherches sur le volcanisme au Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans dans le cadre du CPER 2007-2014. Manifestation scientifique de restitution du CPER 2007-2014, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, 08-09 décembre 2014 (présentation orale). .
- Roche O., Niño Y. (2014). Mechanisms of entrainment of a granular substrate by pyroclastic density currents: insights from laboratory experiments and models, and implications for flow dynamics. Proceedings of GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences: Programme and Extended Abstracts. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.geomod.2014.2001.
- Valderrama P., Samaniego P., Mariño J., Van Wyk De Vries B., Manrique N., Roche O., Fidel F. (2014). Dos colapsos sectoriales recientes del volcán Tutupaca: Implicaciones en la evaluación de la amenaza volcánica. XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
- Farin M., Mangeney A., Roche O. (2013). Flow deposit and erosion processes in granular collapse over sloping beds. in Abstract 1P1-3G-O18, IAVCEI General Assembly, Kagoshima. .
- Roche O., Niño Y., Mangeney A., Brand B., Valentine G.A. (2013). Inverting pyroclastic flow deposits from the characteristics of substrate-derived clasts: an experimental investigation. in Abstract 1A1-3G-01, IAVCEI General Assembly, Kagoshima. (Invité). .
- Rowley P., Roche O., Cas R., Druitt T. (2013). Experimental investigation of pyroclastic flows generated by continuous supply of materia. in Abstract 1P1-3G-O15, IAVCEI General Assembly, Kagoshima. .
- Rowley P., Roche O., Druitt T., Cas R.A.F. (2013). Experimental investigation of pyroclastic flows generated by a continuous supply of material. in IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Kagoshima, Japan. .
- Farin M., Mangeney A., Roche O. (2012). Insight into erosion processes in granular flows over sloping beds. AGU fall meeting. Poster, Abstract V41B-2777. .
- Farin M., Mangeney A., Roche O., Ionescu I.R., Hungr O. (2012). Landslide boost from entrainment of erodible material along the slope. Abs. n° EGU2012-3526. EGU, 22-27 April, Vienna. Affiche. .
- Molle A., Ogburn S.E., Calder E.S., Roche O., Harris A. (2012). Dynamic observations of the 8 January 2010 pyroclastic flow from the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat ascertained by high-definition and FLIR video analysis, as well as geometric analysis of the DEM. AGU fall meeting. Communication orale, Abstract V52C.
- Roche O., Chedeville C. (2012). Analog laboratory experiments on the influence of substrate roughness on the run out distance of pyroclastic flows. AGU fall meeting. Poster, Abstract V41B-2776. .
- Roche O., Niño Y., Mangeney A., Brand B.D., Valentine G.A. (2012). Entrainment of granular substrate by pyroclastic flows: an experimental study and its implications for flow dynamics. Abstract V52C-07, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco. Communication invitée. .
- Dennen R., Bursik M., Roche O. (2011). Three Stage Collapse of Panum Dome, Mono Craters: CA. Abs. n° 5214./ IUGG/, 3-7 July, Melbourne. Communication orale. .
- Mangeney A., Roche O., Hungr O., Mangold N., Faccanoni G., Lucas A. (2011). Run Out Increase of Pyroclastic Flows Caused by Substrate Erosion: An Experimental Study and its Implications: Abs. n° 3538./ IUGG/, 3-7 July, Melbourne. Affiche. .
- Roche O., Montserrat S., Niño Y., Tamburrino A. (2011). Pore fluid pressure and depositional processes of laboratory air-particle gravity currents: Implications for the emplacement of pyroclastic Flows: Abs. n°2700./ IUGG/, 3-7 July, Melbourne. Communication orale. .
- Roche O., Montserrat S., Niño Y., Tamburrino A., Attali M. (2011). Pore fluid pressure, depositional processes, and scaling laws of flows generated from the release of gas-fluidised granular columns.: Earth Surface Sedimentary Flows, 11-13 April, University of Bristol. Communication orale. .
Publications antérieures :
Journal articles (Publications Références bibliographiques HAL)
10. Roche O., S. Montserrat, Y. Niño, A. Tamburrino (2008). Experimental observations of water-like behavior of initially fluidized, unsteady dense granular flows and their relevance for the propagation of pyroclastic flows. Journal of Geophysical Research–Solid Earth, 113, B12203, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005664.
9. Girolami L., T.H. Druitt, O. Roche, Z. Khrabrykh (2008). Propagation and hindered settling of laboratory ash flows. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 113, B02202, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005074.
8. Roche O., M.A. Gilbertson, J.C. Phillips, R.S.J. Sparks (2006). The influence of particle size on the flow of initially fluidized powders. Powder Technology, 166: 167-174. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2006.05.010.
7. Roche O., M.A. Gilbertson, J.C. Phillips, R.S.J. Sparks (2005). Inviscid behaviour of fines-rich pyroclastic flows inferred from experiments on gas-particles mixtures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240: 401-414. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.09.053
6. Roche O., M.A. Gilbertson, J.C. Phillips, R.S.J. Sparks (2004). Experimental study of gas-fluidized granular flows with implications for pyroclastic flow emplacement. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 109: doi 10.1029/2003JB002916.
5. Roche O., M.A. Gilbertson, J.C. Phillips, R.S.J. Sparks (2002). Experiments on deaerating granular flows and implications for pyroclastic flow mobility. Geophysical Research Letters, 29: doi 10.1029/2002GL014819.
4. Roche O., T.H. Druitt, R.A.F. Cas (2001). Experimental aqueous fluidization of ignimbrite. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 112: 267-280.
3. Roche O., T.H. Druitt (2001). Onset of caldera collapse during ignimbrite eruptions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 191: 191-202.
2. Roche O., B. van Wyk de Vries, T.H. Druitt (2001). Sub-surface structures and collapse mechanisms of summit pit-craters. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 105: 1-18.
1. Roche O., T.H. Druitt, O. Merle (2000). Experimental study of caldera formation. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 105: 395-416.
Book Chapters
5. Paris R., P. Bani, O. Chevrel, F. Donnadieu, J. Eychenne, P-J. Gauthier, M. Gouhier, D. Jessop, K. Kelfoun, S. Moune, O. Roche, J-C. Thouret (2022). Volcanic Hazards, in: Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1, Geological and Historic Approaches (coordinated by J-F. Lénat), pp. 75-151. ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
4. Le Pennec J.L., C. Robin, O. Roche, P. Samaniego, P. Bani, J. Eychenne, J. Bernard (2017). Processus et aléas volcaniques dans les pays en développement : apports des recherches partenariales de l’IRD au LMV. Des Volcans aux nuages – L’Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand, Alliance Universitaire d’Auvergne. Vol. 2, pp. 225-266.
3. Roche O. (2017). La physique des éruptions volcaniques (chapitre 4), dans Volcanologie, G. Chazot, J.-F. Lénat, R. Maury, A. Agranier, O. Roche. De Boeck Supérieur Edition.
2. Roche O., J.C. Phillips, K. Kelfoun (2013). Pyroclastic density currents. Modeling Volcanic Processes (Eds. S.A. Faggents, T.K.P. Gregg, R.C.M. Lopes), Cambridge University Press, pp. 203-229.
1. Dufek J., T. Esposti-Ongaro, O. Roche (2015). Pyroclastic density currents: Processes and models. Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd edition (Eds. H. Sigurdsson et al.), pp. 617-629. Academic Press, Elsevier.
Conference proceedings
12. Aravena A., L. Chupi, T. Dubois, O. Roche (2022). Fluidisation by pore pressure of dense granular flows: numerical simulations versus experiments. The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 5-9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway. Doi: 10.23967/eccomas.2022.123.
11. Bougouin A., Paris R., Roche O. (2019). Ecoulement granulaire fluidisé impactant l’eau : application aux tsunamis d’origine volcanique. 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 26-30 August, Brest, France.
10. Valverde J.M., C. Soria-Hoyo, O. Roche (2017). Dynamical weakening of pyroclastic flows by mechanical vibrations. Powders and Grains 2017: 8th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 3-7 July, Montpellier, France. 4 pages.
9. Segura A., A. Castruccio, J. Clavero, J-L. Le Pennec, O. Roche, P. Samaniego, B. Droguett, J. Romero (2015). Fallout deposits of the 22-23 April 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Southern Andes. XIV Chilean Geological Congress – Congreso Geológico Chileno, 4-8 October 2015, La Serena, Chile.
8. Clavero J., A. Castruccio, B. Droguett, A. Segura, J-L. Le Pennec, O. Roche, P. Samaniego (2015). Small volume pyroclastic density currents of the 22-23 April 2015 eruption on the NE flank of Calbuco volcano, Southern Andes. XIV Chilean Geological Congress – Congreso Geológico Chileno, 4-8 October 2015, La Serena, Chile.
7. Ionescu I., A. Mangeney, F. Bouchut, O. Roche, (2015). Viscoplastic modelling of granular column collapse with pressure dependent rheology. 8th GRACM International congress on computational mechanics, 12-
6. Roche O., Y. Niño (2014). Mechanisms of entrainment of a granular substrate by pyroclastic density currents: insights from laboratory experiments and models, and implications for flow dynamics. In Proceedings of GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences, K. Elger, Ø.T. Haug, M.C. Ritter (Eds), Programme and Extended Abstracts 31 August – 5 September 2014, Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. 3 p, doi: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.geomod.2014.001.
5. Rodríguez I., S. Moune, F. Aguilera, E. Campos, O. Roche (2013). Insights on degassing processes of Lastarria volcano (North Chile) via melt inclusion investigations. Special Issue of the Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, GeoSur 2013, 25-27 nov, Viña del Mar, Chile.
4. Meruane C., A. Tamburrino, O. Roche (2008). Relación constitutiva para la fuerza de interactión partículas-fluido en un flujo gravitational de material granular. XXIII Congresso Latinoamerica de Hydraulica, Cartagenia, Colombia, sept. 2008. 11 p.
3. Montserrat S., A. Tamburrino, Y. Niño, O. Roche (2007). Kinematics and pore pressure dynamics in aerated granular flows. Proc. 32 Int. Assoc. Hydraulic Res. Congress, Venice, Italy. 8 p.
2. Roche O., S. Montserrat, Y. Niño, A. Tamburrino (2005). Propagation and final deposition of granular flow: dam-break experiments with water and gas-fluidized grains. Proc. River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Urbana Champaign, USA. 7 p.
1. Montserrat S., A. Tamburrino, O. Roche, Y. Niño (2005). S. Caraterísticas dinámicas de flujos bifásicos. El caso de flojos detríticos y piroclásticos. Proc. XVII Congresso Chileno de Hidraulica, Sociedad Chilena de Ingenieria Hidraulic, Santiago, Chile. 5 p.
« Dispositif de mesure des contraintes basales d’un écoulement granulaire », n° d’enregistrement national FR1462666. Brevet déposé le 17/12/2014 à l’Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle.