(Personne absente de la base de donnée)

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9028-2483

Research Gate profile

  • Thèmes de Recherche :

    source: Pereira et al. 2020 EPSL

    My research interests include a range of topics related to:

    • the secular tectonometamorphic evolution of the crust
    • the use of underexplored accessory minerals in tracing tectonic and crustal recycling processes
    • the evolution and exhumation of orogens, namely the deep roots of mountain belts
    • the behaviour and incorporation of trace elements by accessory minerals, their growth mechanisms and stability conditions

    Links to scientific presentations available online:

    June 2020, LG (Brasil): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZe9Bky2kl4

    April 2020, EGU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrGXTzF59CA&t=3s

    January 2020, LMV: https://youtu.be/Ty_NmtW9kDg

    Outreach Activities

    At the moment I am co-Admin of a portuguese Geoscience Outreach group – Sm-Ar-Te-F-O-Ne group.  Our primary platform is a Facebook Group page

    In 2020 – Webinar cycle – Geologia Toca a Todos

    In 2021 – Podcast for Earth Sciences – SO A PEDRADA (in portuguese only at the moment)

    Geoscience Community work

    • Metamorphic Studies Group of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland – International Rep. (since march 2021)
    • EGU GMPV blogger member (since February 2022)


  • Responsabilités scientifiques :

    Current Project, start May 2021

    LABEX funded postdoc – The fate of Ti-bearing minerals: experimental and natural tales of the oceanic crust from genesis to subduction, exhumation and erosion

    Aim: Development of new Ramanbarometry tool using Ti-phases and their inclusions and combine these with trace-element based discrimination tools to probe the sedimentary rock record. Continuation of the experimental constraints from the previous project.



    Previous Project, Dec. 2019 – April 2021

    UCA Fellowship – The fate of Ti-bearing minerals: experimental and natural tales from the oceanic crust during the Wilson cycle

    Aim: To combine what we can learn from mineral phase stability from experimental petrology with the development of new trace element chemistry proxies to fingerprint Ti-bearing mineral growth in the P-T space.

    Outputs: We are currently working on a publication and two abstracts regarding a substantial part of this research project were presented at vGoldschmidt 2021.



    Student Supervision

    • MSc (M2) Hugo Albaredes – Explorer les débuts de la tectonique des plaques via l’étude de grains de rutile et de titanite (co-supervisor with Emilie Bruand)

    Collaboration in student projects

    • PhD Théo Biget – Exploration de la différenciation crustale : une étude pétrogéochimique multi-échelles, France
    • M2R stage – Hugo Albaredes – Explorer les débuts de la tectonique des plaques via l’étude de grains de rutile et de titanite, France
    • PhD Joana Ferreira – Geochemistry and Geochronology of anatectic events in the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ), Portugal
    • BSc project (4 students) – Thermobarometry of the anatectic events in the CIZ, Portugal
    • MSc William Smith – U-Pb zircon dating of late variscan tourmaline and cassiterite-bearing granites, England
    • MSc Connor Allen – U-Pb rutile dating and trace element chemistry of ore-related rutile, Brazil
    • MSc Dayle Bezant – U-Pb detrital rutile dating in provenance study of a Cretaceous basin in England
    • MSc Mike Dunk – U-Pb rutile dating of metamorphism affecting units of a Cambrian juvenile arc, Scotland


  • Higher Education

    PhD Degree in Geology – Early Earth Geodynamics and geochemistry (Oct.2015 – Oct.2019)

    University of Portsmouth, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, UK

    Title: Detrital rutile: fingerprinting tectonic and crustal processes hidden in the sedimentary record

    Supervisors: Professor Craig Storey and Dr. James Darling

    MSc in Space, Atmosphere and Earth Sciences, specialization in Geological Processes (Oct.2011 – Nov.2014)

    Universidade de Évora, Portugal

    Title: Exhumation processes and P-T constrains of the Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo-Lumbrales migmatite complex along a transpressive shear zone

    Supervisors: Dr. Telmo Bento dos Santos (LNEG), Dr. Rui Dias (UÉ) and Dr. João Mata (FCUL)

    BSc with honors in Geology, specialization in Mineral Resources (Sept.2006 – Jul.2010)

    Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

    Erasmus placement (1y) – Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


    Past Employment


    Research Scholar in the FCT-funded project SIGHT (July.2019 – Nov.2019)     

    Project: SeIsmic and Geochemical constraints on the Madeira HoTspot system

    Sampling campaign on the Madeira Island (Portugal): preparation and execution. Sample preparation and mineral separation

    Research Associate with casual work contract at the University of Portsmouth (June.2019 – July.2019)

    Project: U-Pb detrital zircon dating: acquisition and data processing; Supervision of MSc students during analytical work

    Science Communicator in Centro Ciência Viva de Estremoz, Portugal (Oct. 2012 – Oct.2015)

    Scientific conference organisation; project management; scientific-guided tours to geological sites and in the museum; outreach talks; scientific activities’ planning.

    Junior Researcher in the Nuclear and Technological Institute, Portugal (Nov.2010 – Oct.2011)

    Project reference: PTDC/CTE-GIX/105370/2008 – Links between marsh sedimentation, geochemical signatures and sea-level rise

    Research tasks included fieldwork to collect marsh core samples and to characterise water flow dynamics, core sectioning and preparation for sedimentological and geochemical analyses; XRF analyses and data reporting.


  • Publications LMV :

    Rang A :

    • Fumes R.A., Luvizotto G.L., Pereira I., Moraes R. (2024). Trace element changes in rutile from quartzite through increasing P–T from lower amphibolite to eclogite facies conditions. vol.537, p.231-248, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, The Geological Society (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2022-207.
    • Pereira I., van Schijndel V, Tedeschi M., Cutts K., Guitreau M. (2024). A review of detrital heavy mineral contributions to furthering our understanding of continental crust formation and evolution. vol.537, p.9-55, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2022-250.
    • Van Schijndel V., Cutts K.A., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M. (2024). Minor minerals, major implications: using key mineral phases to unravel the formation and evolution of Earth's crust. vol.537, p.1-7, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2023-110.

    • Nicollet C., Paquette J.L., Bruand E., Bosse V., Pereira I. (2022). Crystallisation and fast cooling of the (meta)gabbro from the Chenaillet ophiolite (Western Alps): In-situ Usingle bondPb dating of zircon, titanite, monazite and xenotime in textural context. Lithos vol.414-415, p.106620, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106620.

    • Bento dos Santos T., Rodrigues J.F., Castro C., Cotrim B., Pereira I., Ferreira J.A., Meireles C., Ferreira N., Ferreira P., Ribeiro A., Guimarães F. (2021). Exhumation of an anatectic complex by channel flow and extrusion tectonics: structural and metamorphic evidence from the Porto–Viseu Metamorphic Belt, Central-Iberian Zone. International Journal of Earth Sciences vol.110, p.2179-2201, - DOI:10.1007/s00531-021-02067-z - lien HAL .
    • Pereira I., Storey C., Darling J., Moreira H., Stracha R., Cawood P. (2021). Detrital rutile tracks the first appearance of subduction zone low T/P paired metamorphism in the Palaeoproterozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.570, p.117069, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117069 - lien HAL .

    • Ferreira J.A., Mata J., Bento dos Santos T., Pereira I. (2020). The role of melting 1 on the geochemical evolution and isotopic variability of an anatectic complex in the Iberian Variscides. Lithos vol.378-379, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105769 - lien HAL .

    Rang B et C :

    • Nicollet C., Paquette J.L., Bruand E., Bosse V., Pereira I. (2021). Ages du magmatisme et métamorphisme du (méta)gabbro de l'ophiolite du Chenaillet. Datation U-Pb in situ sur lame mince en contexte textural des zircon, sphène, monazite et xénotime. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lyon, France, 01-05/11/2021, - lien HAL .
    • Pereira I., Bruand E., Koga K., Nicollet C. (2021). Ti-mineral stability in metagabbros formed at different stages of the Wilson cycle. Goldschmidt Virtual, Lyon, France, 10-15/07/2021.
    • Pereira I., Koga K., Bruand E., Nicollet C. (2021). Experimental constraints on the phase stability of Ti phases at subsolidus conditions in a mafic system. Goldschmidt Virtual, Lyon, France, 10-15/11/2021.


    Autres publications  :

    Pereira, I., Storey, C., Darling, J., Bento dos Santos, T., Strachan, R. (2020) – Detrital rutile ages can deduce the tectonic setting of sedimentary basins. EPSL (5y IF: 5.16).

    Ferreira, J., Bento dos Santos, T., Pereira, I., Mata, J. (2019) – Tectonically-assisted exhumation and cooling of Variscan granites in an anatectic complex of the Central Iberian Zone, Portugal: constraints from LA-ICP-MS Zircon and Apatite U-Pb ages. IJES (5y IF: 2.53).

    Dunk, M., Strachan, R.A., Cutts, K.A., Lasalle, S., Storey, C.D., Burns, I.M., Whitehouse, M.J., Fowler, M., Moreira, H., Dunlop, J., Pereira, I. (2019) – Evidence for a Late Cambrian juvenile arc and a buried suture within the Laurentian Caledonides of Scotland: comparisons with hyper-extended Iapetan margins in the Appalachians and Norway. Geology (5y IF: 5.45).

    Smith, W.D., Darling, J.R., Bullen, D.S., Lasalle, S., Allen, C.J., Pereira, I., Moreira, H., Tapster, S. (2019) Zircon perspectives on the age and origin of evolved S-type granites from the Cornubian Batholith, southwest England. Lithos 336-337: 14-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.03.025 (5y IF: 4.97).

    Pereira, I., Storey, C., Darling, J., Lana, C., Alkmim, F. (2019) – Two Billion Years Evolution Enclosed in Hydrothermal Rutile: Recycling of the São Francisco Craton Archean Crust and Constraints on Gold Remobilisation Processes. Gondwana Research 68: 69-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2018.11.008 (5y IF: 7.17).

    Pereira, I., Dias, R., Bento dos Santos, T., Mata, J. (2017) – Exhumation of a migmatite complex along a transpressive shear zone: inferences from the Variscan Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo Shear Zone (Central Iberian Zone). Journal of the Geological Society, 174: 1004-1018. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2016-159 (5y IF: 3.11).

    Moreno, J., Fatela, F., Leorri, E., de la Rosa, J., Pereira, I., Araújo, M.F., Freitas, M.C., Corbett, R., Medeiros, A. (2014) – A marsh benthic Foraminifera response to historical climate: 2000 years of sediment record from Minho River estuary – NW Portugal. Quaternary Research, 82: 318-330 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2014.04.014 (5y IF: 2.19).

    Pereira, I., Dias, R., Bento dos Santos, T., Mata, J. (2014). Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo Shear Zone in the Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo sector: implications for the exhumation of high grade metamorphic rocks, in ACTAS DO IX CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE GEOLOGIA E DO 2º CONGRESSO DE GEOLOGIA DOS PAISES DE LINGUA PORTUGUESA, Comunicações Geológicas, special number I (1): 289-292.

    Pereira, I., Bento dos Santos, T., Mata, J., Dias, R. (2014). Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo – Lumbrales Anatectic Complex, Central Iberian Zone: preliminary analysis of the metamorphism and geochemistry. in ACTAS DO IX CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE GEOLOGIA E DO 2º CONGRESSO DE GEOLOGIA DOS PAISES DE LINGUA PORTUGUESA, Comunicações Geológicas, special number I (2): 169-173.


    Scientific Meeting Abstracts (last 10)

    Pereira, I. Storey, C., Darling, J., Moreira, H., Strachan, R., Cawood, P.A. (2020). Fitting a new piece into the Precambrian puzzle: the detrital rutile record and its links to modern plate tectonics. EGU 2020 conference abstract, online.

    Pereira, I. Storey, C., Darling, J., Moreira, H., Strachan, R. (2019). Modern-Style Plate Tectonics Controls the Preservation of New Crust during Supercontinent Assembly. Goldschmidt 2019 conference abstract, Barcelona, Spain.

    Ferreira, J., Bento dos Santos, T., Pereira, I., Mata, J. (2019). Exhumation and cooling rates of Variscan granites in an anatectic complex of the Central Iberian Zone, Portugal: constraints from LA-ICP-MS Zircon and Apatite U-Pb ages. EGU 2019 conference abstract, Vienna, Austria – EGU2019-7517.

    Pereira, I. Storey, C., Darling, J., Moreira, H., Strachan, R. (2019). Detrital rutile record: the preservation bias during supercontinent assembly. Metamorphic Studies Group RiP meeting, Portsmouth, UK.

    Pereira, I. Storey, C., Darling, J., Strachan, R. (2018). Detrital rutile: unravelling tectonic environments and the metamorphic evolution of the continental crust. VIII CJIG, Estremoz, Portugal.

    Pereira, I. Storey, C., Darling, J. (2018). Detrital rutile: U-Pb, mineral chemistry and inclusions as archives of Precambrian history. Goldschmidt 2018 conference abstract, Boston, USA

    Pereira, I. Storey, C., Darling, J. (2018). Good as gold: detrital rutile records multiple phases of gold mineralisation. Geochemistry Studies Group RiP meeting, St. Andrews University, Scotland.

    Pereira, I., Storey, C., Darling, J., Lasalle, S. (2017). Unravelling the gold source of a Witwatersrand-type deposit: insights from mineral inclusions in rutile. Goldschmidt 2017 conference abstract, Paris, France https://goldschmidtabstracts.info/2017/3114.pdf

    Pereira, I., Storey, C., Darling, J. (2017). The missing link in the auriferous Moeda Formation (Brazil): new insights from rutile. Metamorphic Studies Group RiP meeting, Oxford, UK.

    Pereira, I., Dias, R., Bento dos Santos, T., Mata, J. (2015). Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo – Lumbrales Anatectic Complex (Iberia): the role of shearing on exhuming high-grade rocks. The variscan belt: correlations and plate dynamics conference, Renne, France.

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