Miruts Hagos, président du département de Géologie de l’Université de Mekelle (région de Tigré en Éthiopie)

VolcaPot du LMV – 26 janvier en salle Jean Jung à 14h30 The Quaternary Volcanics of northern Afar Depression (northeastern Ethiopia): Implication for the Tectonic Evolution of East African Rift System (EARS) The northern Afar Depression is one of the most volcano-tectonically active portions of the East African Rift system, a place where oceanic rifting

Spectrometry and nuclear counting

The LMV now has an analytical facility – unique in France – dedicated to the measurement by counting or nuclear spectrometry of all the radioactive isotopes of the natural chains of 238U and 232Th. By combining a alpha spectrometry, gamma spectrometry, and global alpha-beta counting, all the isotopes, from the shortest to the longest periods,