• Animateur de l’axe : Monteux Julien

    La Terre se distingue des autres corps planétaires par une dynamique mantellique active couplée à une tectonique des plaques. Ces processus rendent particulièrement difficile l’étude des premiers stades d’évolution de notre planète formée il y a plus de 4,5 milliards d’années. L’évolution de notre planète dépend de la nature des corps qui se sont accrétés pour la former, puis des processus qui ont permis sa structuration chimique. La Terre s’est rapidement différenciée pour former la croûte en surface, le manteau et le noyau au centre, ainsi que ses enveloppes externes (hydrosphère et atmosphère). Ce sont les interactions entre ces différentes enveloppes qui ont conduit et contrôlé l’émergence de la vie, mais aussi son maintien et son évolution jusqu’à nos jours. Dans cet axe, nous avons pour objectif de retracer l’histoire de la Terre depuis sa formation jusqu’au développement des premiers environnements favorables à la vie, en se basant sur l’expérimentation, l’analyse des échantillons naturels et la modélisation numérique.


    Les objectifs principaux sont :

    (1) Reproduire le scénario physico-chimique permettant de passer des compositions météoritiques à la Terre actuelle (ex. rôle de la fugacité d’oxygène, des éléments volatils). Tenter de préciser par des mesures isotopiques, la nature du matériel accrété pour former la Terre.

    (2) Etudier les mécanismes d’accrétion (impacts, érosion collisionnelle, etc).

    (3) Préciser les coefficients de partage des éléments pour les conditions des événements de différenciation précoce (ségrégation du noyau, cristallisation de l’océan magmatique) et ainsi mieux contraindre la composition des différents réservoirs (noyau, manteau, proto-croûte).

    (4) Evaluer les changements géodynamiques au cours de l’histoire précoce de la Terre (stade océan magmatique, convection moderne, initiation de la tectonique des plaques, changement de composition de la lithosphère archéenne, environnements primitifs et apparition de la vie).

    (5) Préciser les relations Terre-Lune.

    Période Contexte Publications récentes (liste non exhaustive)
    Pendant les premiers millions d’années, la Terre se forme à partir de matériel météoritique. Les chondrites à Enstatite sont considérées comme des reliques du matériel primordial ayant formé la Terre. Cependant, il existe des différences significatives de composition chimique entre notre planète et cette classe de météorites qui restent à expliquer.

    Hammouda, T, Frossard, P, Boyet M, et al. (2024) Mapping the redox state of the young Solar System using ytterbium valence state, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 372: 124-133.

    Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A. (2024). Large impacts and their contribution to the water budget of the Early Moon. Icarus

    Hammouda, T, Boyet M, Frossard, P, Cartier C (2022) The message of oldhamite from enstatite chondrites, Prog. Earth Planet. Science 9:13.

    En moins de 100 millions d’années après la formation des premiers solides du Système Solaire, la séparation noyau manteau est achevée. Puis un impact géant avec un objet plus gros que Mars provoque la formation du système Terre-Lune et un épisode de fusion majeur sur Terre : le stade océan magmatique. Monteux J., Qaddah B., Andrault D. (2023). Conditions for Segregation of a Crystal-Rich Layer Within a Convective Magma Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets vol.128, p.e2023JE007805

    Clesi V., Monteux J., Qaddah B.Bouhifd A. et al. (2020). Dynamics of core-mantle separation: Influence of viscosity contrast and metal/silicate partition coefficients on the chemical equilibrium. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.306, p.106547

    Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Manthilake G., Clesi V., Devidal J.L. (2020). Uranium and thorium partitioning in the bulk silicate Earth and the oxygen content of Earth’s core. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.275, p.83-98

    L’océan magmatique se refroidit et se solidifie rapidement (en moins de 500 Ma). À cette époque, un champ magnétique est présent sur Terre généré par des mouvements de convection rapides du fer dans le noyau. Une atmosphère se met en place lors du dégazage de l’océan magmatique. Pierru R., Andrault D., Manthilake G., Monteux J., Devidal J.L., et al.  (2022). Deep mantle origin of large igneous provinces and komatiites. Science Advances vol.8, p.eabo1036

    Boyet M., Garçon M., et al. (2021). Residual liquid from deep magma ocean crystallization in the source of komatiites from the ICDP drill core in the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.304, p.141-159

    Monteux J., Andrault D., Guitreau M., Samuel H., Demouchy S. (2020). A mushy Earth’s mantle for more than 500 Myr after the magma ocean solidification. Geophysical Journal International vol.221, p.1165-1181, 2

    Manthilake G., Chantel J., Monteux J., Andrault D., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N.,et al. (2019). Thermal Conductivity of FeS and Its Implicationsfor Mercury’s Long‐Sustaining Magnetic Field. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets vol.124

    Après la solidification du manteau, une convection globale et une tectonique des plaques se met en place. Les premières traces de vie font leur apparition et le manteau poursuit son dégazage par volcanisme. Kitoga L.S.,  Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Olivier N., et al. (2024). Oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions of Archean silicified lava and cherts of the Onverwacht Group: Implication for seafloor hydrothermalism and the nature of recycled components in the source of granitoids. Chemical Geology .

    Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., et al.. (2023). First Ce-Nd isotope measurements of middle and lower continental crust samples support massive lower crust recycling over Earth’s history. Lithos vol.460-461, p.107369

    Lotout, C, et al. (2023) High-P metamorphism in the Mesoproterozoic: petrochronological insights from the Grenville Province. Precambrian Research

    Saitoh M., Olivier N., Garçon M., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., et al. (2021). Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt). Precambrian Research vol.362, p.106306

    Guitreau M. ,et al.. (2021). Editorial: The Early Earth Crust and Its Formation. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.650114

    Thébault E., et al., A Spherical Harmonic model of Earth’s lithospheric magnetic field up to degree 1050, Geophys. Res. Lett., Volume48, Issue21, , November 2021

    Moine B., Bolfan-Casanova N., et al.. (2020). Molecular hydrogen in minerals as a clue to interpret ∂D variations in the mantle. Nature Communications vol.11, p.3604


  • 29 personnes trouvées

    Andrault Denis
    Aquila Quentin
    Basu Pallabi
    Bénard Antoine
    Bolfan-Casanova Nathalie
    Bouhifd Ali
    Boulanger Marine
    Boyet Maud
    Chevrel Oryaëlle
    Demouchy Sylvie
    Dominique Jessy
    Doucelance Régis
    Engels Tristan
    Garçon Marion
    Guitreau Martin
    Hammouda Tahar
    Kitoga Lungele Steve
    Lacerda Syro Gusthavo
    Laporte Didier
    Laubier Muriel
    Lotout Caroline
    Mallens Julie
    Médard Etienne
    Moine Bertrand
    Monteux Julien
    Moyen Jean-François
    Olivier Nicolas
    Rouyer Thomas
    Thebault Erwan
    Contactez ces 29 personnes par email : Contactez cette liste

    Opportunités de post-doc :

    Chaque année, ClerVolc propose 3 bourses de post-doc d’une durée de 2 ans pour travailler au LMV sur des projets qui peuvent être en lien avec la Terre Primitive. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d’informations (julien.monteux@uca.fr).

    Post-doctorats en cours :

    • Guillaume Florin (Post-dotorant Fellowship ClerVolc) : Isotopic fractionation during disequilibrium condensation.
    • Marine Boulanger : (Post-dotorante Fellowship ClerVolc) : The fate of melts within the slow-spreading lower oceanic crust: New insights from Atlantis Bank.
    • Antoine Bénard (Post-dotorant FellowshipClerVolc): Magmatisme, métasomatisme  et recyclage dans les zones de subduction.
    • Pallabi Basu (Post-dotorante ERC GOforISOBIF): Quantifier l’état d’oxygénation des océans Précambriens grâce aux isotopes stables et radiogéniques du Cerium (Ce).

    Thèses en cours :

    • Julie Mallens : Formation et évolution des croûtes primitives, apports des systèmes isotopiques U-Th-Pb et Rb-Sr dans l’apatite.
    • Thomas Rouyer : Origine du carbone des carbonatites : contraintes apportées par les systématiques courtes périodes 146Sm-142Nd et 182Hf-182W.
    • Jessy Dominique : Caractérisation chimique et physique de la limite lithosphère asthénosphère (LAB).
    • Syro Lacerda : Pétrologie des granitoïdes de la portion nord de la Ceinture Mineïro et son rôle tectonique.

    Thèses récentes :

    • Siddharth Khan : Thermochemical differentiation of lower mantle induced by H2O activity.
    • Théo Biget : Evolution de la différentiation crustale : une étude prétrogéochimique multi-échelles.
    • Tristan Engels : Le comportement des volatils (C, H, N, O et S) durant les impacts lors de la formation des planètes.
    • Steve Kitoga : Recyclage d’un plancher océanique silicifié d’age Paléoarchéen vers la zone source des TTGs: Origine du « découplage » isotopique du silicium et de l’oxygène à Barberton (Afrique du Sud).
    • Quentin Aquila : Explorer la géochimie des océans archéens avec les Formations de fer rubanées (BIF) : apport des compositions isotopiques Hf-Nd-Pb
    • Lukas Nicol : Développement et application de la mesure des isotopes de l’europium pour étudier l’évolution de l’activité hydrothermale dans les océans
    • Baraa Qaddah : Modélisation numérique de la dynamique et de l’évolution thermique d’une goutte métallique en chute libre dans un milieu visqueux (LIEN)
    • Claudine Israel : Retracer l’évolution de la Terre silicatée par le couplage des systèmes isotopiques lanthane-cérium et samarium-néodyme (LIEN)
    • Remy Pieru : Fusion du manteau à haute pression et haute température : application à la dynamique de la Terre primitive (LIEN)
    • Paul Frossard : Anomalies nucléosynthétiques du néodyme et du samarium dans les météorites, traceurs de l’origine et de l’évolution du système solaire interne (LIEN)
    • Damien Freitas : Les propriétés de transport des matériaux du manteau supérieur terrestre, enseignements des expériences in situ à HP et HT (LIEN)
    • Nathan Ingrao : Etude expérimentale du omportement des Terres Rares en milieu réducteur : applications à la nébuleuse solaire et à la formation des chondrites à enstatite (LIEN)
    • Pierre Faure : Comportement des éléments lithophiles lors de la formation du noyau terrestre (LIEN)


  • Sélection de résultats scientifiques marquants depuis 2021 :

    Une bourse européenne prestigieuse pour un projet de recherche à Clermont-Ferrand

    L’état de valence de l’ytterbium comme sonde à oxygène dans le système solaire primitif

    Maud Boyet devient Geochemistry Fellow

    Rémy Pierru lauréat du prix Haüy-Lacroix 2023

    Comment se comportent les cristaux dans un océan magmatique ?

    Marion GARCON: Médaille de bronze CNRS 2023

    Les océans magmatiques primitifs à l’origine d’éruptions volcaniques récentes

    L’intérieur de Jupiter se dévoile

    Le LMV sur France Culture

    L’intérieur de la planète Mercure se dévoile un peu plus grâce à son champ magnétique

    Le CO2 beaucoup plus soluble que prévu dans les basaltes à haute pression : le cycle du CO2 revisité

    La formation des continents n’est pas un processus continu

    Une tectonique des plaques et des carbonates déjà présents sur Terre au début de l’Archéen (~4 Ga)



  • Publications depuis 2010 :

    189 publication(s) trouvée(s).

    1. Andrault D., Pison L., Monteux J., Gardes E., Mathieu A., Andrault D., Pison L., Monteux J., Gardes E., Mathieu A. (2025). Long-lived magnetic field in earth-like terrestrial planets. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.360, p.107315, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2025.107315 - lien HAL .
    2. Andrault D., Pison L., Monteux J., Gardes E., Mathieu A., Andrault D., Pison L., Monteux J., Gardes E., Mathieu A. (2025). Long-lived magnetic field in earth-like terrestrial planets. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.360, p.107315, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2025.107315 - lien HAL .
    3. Pison L., Gardes E., Andrault D., Pison L., Gardes E., Andrault D. (2025). Equilibrium melting relations at shallow lower mantle P‑T conditions probed by the laser‑heated diamond anvil cell. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals vol.52, 10, - DOI:10.1007/s00269-025-01312-0 - lien HAL .
    4. Pison L., Gardes E., Andrault D., Pison L., Gardes E., Andrault D. (2025). Equilibrium melting relations at shallow lower mantle P‑T conditions probed by the laser‑heated diamond anvil cell. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals vol.52, 10, - DOI:10.1007/s00269-025-01312-0 - lien HAL .

    1. Aydar E., Çubukçu H.E., Bal C., Cluzel N., Aladağ C.H., Ersoy O., Laporte D., Aydar E., Çubukçu H.E., Bal C., Cluzel N., Aladağ C.H., Ersoy O., Laporte D. (2024). Volcanic jets to commercial jets: synopsis and diagnosis. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.71, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01759-z - lien HAL .
    2. Aydar E., Çubukçu H.E., Bal C., Cluzel N., Aladağ C.H., Ersoy O., Laporte D., Aydar E., Çubukçu H.E., Bal C., Cluzel N., Aladağ C.H., Ersoy O., Laporte D. (2024). Volcanic jets to commercial jets: synopsis and diagnosis. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.86, p.71, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-024-01759-z - lien HAL .
    3. Boulanger M., Godard M., Ildefonse B., Bakouche M., Boulanger M., Godard M., Ildefonse B., Bakouche M. (2024). Petrological Evidence for Prominent Melt‐Mush Reactions During Slow‐Spreading Oceanic Accretion. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.25, - DOI:10.1029/2023GC011409 - lien HAL .
    4. Boulanger M., Godard M., Ildefonse B., Bakouche M., Boulanger M., Godard M., Ildefonse B., Bakouche M. (2024). Petrological Evidence for Prominent Melt‐Mush Reactions During Slow‐Spreading Oceanic Accretion. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.25, - DOI:10.1029/2023GC011409 - lien HAL .
    5. Demouchy S., Barou F., Ishikawa A., Gardes E., Tommasi A., Demouchy S., Barou F., Ishikawa A., Gardes E., Tommasi A. (2024). Microstructures, hydrogen concentrations, and seismic properties of a tectonically exhumed sliver of oceanic mantle lithosphere, Moa Island, Timor-Tanimbar outer-arc, eastern Indonesia. Tectonophysics vol.887, p.230443, - DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230443 - lien HAL .
    6. Demouchy S., Barou F., Ishikawa A., Gardes E., Tommasi A., Demouchy S., Barou F., Ishikawa A., Gardes E., Tommasi A. (2024). Microstructures, hydrogen concentrations, and seismic properties of a tectonically exhumed sliver of oceanic mantle lithosphere, Moa Island, Timor-Tanimbar outer-arc, eastern Indonesia. Tectonophysics vol.887, p.230443, - DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230443 - lien HAL .
    7. Demouchy S., Mussi A., Weidner T., Gardes E., Cordier P., Demouchy S., Mussi A., Weidner T., Gardes E., Cordier P. (2024). Dislocations in naturally deformed olivine: Example of a mylonitic peridotite. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors p.107125, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2023.107125 - lien HAL .
    8. Demouchy S., Mussi A., Weidner T., Gardes E., Cordier P., Demouchy S., Mussi A., Weidner T., Gardes E., Cordier P. (2024). Dislocations in naturally deformed olivine: Example of a mylonitic peridotite. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors p.107125, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2023.107125 - lien HAL .
    9. Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A. (2024). Large impacts and their contribution to the water budget of the Early Moon. Icarus - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116124 - lien HAL .
    10. Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A. (2024). Large impacts and their contribution to the water budget of the Early Moon. Icarus - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116124 - lien HAL .
    11. Ferreira A., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Rossouw R., Dominguez H., Ferreira A., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Rossouw R., Dominguez H. (2024). Metamorphic history of amphibolite facies metapelites from the Southern margin of the Limpopo Belt: In situ U-Pb dating of Zircon, monazite and rutile. Precambrian Research vol.413, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107566 - lien HAL .
    12. Ferreira A., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Rossouw R., Dominguez H., Ferreira A., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Rossouw R., Dominguez H. (2024). Metamorphic history of amphibolite facies metapelites from the Southern margin of the Limpopo Belt: In situ U-Pb dating of Zircon, monazite and rutile. Precambrian Research vol.413, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107566 - lien HAL .
    13. Frossard P., Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Frossard P., Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2024). Role of redox conditions and thermal metamorphism in the preservation of Cr isotopic anomalies in components of non-carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.367, p.167-178, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2023.12.022 - lien HAL .
    14. Frossard P., Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Frossard P., Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2024). Role of redox conditions and thermal metamorphism in the preservation of Cr isotopic anomalies in components of non-carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.367, p.167-178, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2023.12.022 - lien HAL .
    15. Furstoss J., Demouchy S., Tommasi A., Gardes E., Barou F., Marino N., Furstoss J., Demouchy S., Tommasi A., Gardes E., Barou F., Marino N. (2024). Quantification of grain boundary mobilities in natural olivine by annealing experiments and full-field modelling. Tectonophysics p.230333, - DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230333 - lien HAL .
    16. Furstoss J., Demouchy S., Tommasi A., Gardes E., Barou F., Marino N., Furstoss J., Demouchy S., Tommasi A., Gardes E., Barou F., Marino N. (2024). Quantification of grain boundary mobilities in natural olivine by annealing experiments and full-field modelling. Tectonophysics p.230333, - DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230333 - lien HAL .
    17. Hammouda T., Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A., Hammouda T., Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A. (2024). Mapping the redox state of the young Solar System using ytterbium valence state. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2024.03.018 - lien HAL .
    18. Hammouda T., Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A., Hammouda T., Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A. (2024). Mapping the redox state of the young Solar System using ytterbium valence state. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2024.03.018 - lien HAL .
    19. Kitoga L.S., Zakharov D., Marin-Carbonne J., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Di Rocco T., Pack A., Olivier N., Stevens G., Kitoga L.S., Zakharov D., Marin-Carbonne J., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Di Rocco T., Pack A., Olivier N., Stevens G. (2024). Oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions of Archean silicified lava and cherts of the Onverwacht Group: Implication for seafloor hydrothermalism and the nature of recycled components in the source of granitoids. Chemical Geology - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122407 - lien HAL .
    20. Kitoga L.S., Zakharov D., Marin-Carbonne J., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Di Rocco T., Pack A., Olivier N., Stevens G., Kitoga L.S., Zakharov D., Marin-Carbonne J., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Di Rocco T., Pack A., Olivier N., Stevens G. (2024). Oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions of Archean silicified lava and cherts of the Onverwacht Group: Implication for seafloor hydrothermalism and the nature of recycled components in the source of granitoids. Chemical Geology - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122407 - lien HAL .
    21. Laurent O., Guitreau M., Bruand E., Moyen J.F., Laurent O., Guitreau M., Bruand E., Moyen J.F. (2024). At the Dawn of Continents: Archean Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite Suites. Elements vol.20, p.174-179, 3, - DOI:10.2138/gselements.20.3.174 - lien HAL .
    22. Laurent O., Guitreau M., Bruand E., Moyen J.F., Laurent O., Guitreau M., Bruand E., Moyen J.F. (2024). At the Dawn of Continents: Archean Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite Suites. Elements vol.20, p.174-179, 3, - DOI:10.2138/gselements.20.3.174 - lien HAL .
    23. Monteux J., Monteux J. (2024). Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre. Iste editions.
    24. Monteux J., Monteux J. (2024). Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre. Iste editions.
    25. Monteux J., Andrault D., Monteux J., Andrault D. (2024). Dynamique et évolution thermique du manteau terrestre primitif. vol.Chapitre 3, p.75-107, Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre / Monteux J. éd sc./ ISTE edition. ISBN 9781789481723.
    26. Monteux J., Andrault D., Monteux J., Andrault D. (2024). Dynamique et évolution thermique du manteau terrestre primitif. vol.Chapitre 3, p.75-107, Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre / Monteux J. éd sc./ ISTE edition. ISBN 9781789481723.
    27. Monteux J., Boyet M., Monteux J., Boyet M. (2024). Modalités de séparation noyau/manteau: contraintes géochimiques et dynamiques. vol.Chapitre 2, p.43-69, Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre / Monteux J. éd sc./ ISTE edition. ISBN 9781789481723.
    28. Monteux J., Boyet M., Monteux J., Boyet M. (2024). Modalités de séparation noyau/manteau: contraintes géochimiques et dynamiques. vol.Chapitre 2, p.43-69, Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre / Monteux J. éd sc./ ISTE edition. ISBN 9781789481723.
    29. Novella D., Demouchy S., Bolfan-Casanova N., Novella D., Demouchy S., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2024). Deep Hydrogen Reservoirs and Longevity. Elements vol.20, p.235–240, - DOI:10.2138/gselements.20.4.235.
    30. Novella D., Demouchy S., Bolfan-Casanova N., Novella D., Demouchy S., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2024). Deep Hydrogen Reservoirs and Longevity. Elements vol.20, p.235–240, - DOI:10.2138/gselements.20.4.235.
    31. O'neil J., Rizo H., Reimink J., Garçon M., Carlson R.W., O'neil J., Rizo H., Reimink J., Garçon M., Carlson R.W. (2024). Earth’s Earliest Crust. Elements - DOI:10.2138/gselements.20.3.168 - lien HAL .
    32. O'neil J., Rizo H., Reimink J., Garçon M., Carlson R.W., O'neil J., Rizo H., Reimink J., Garçon M., Carlson R.W. (2024). Earth’s Earliest Crust. Elements - DOI:10.2138/gselements.20.3.168 - lien HAL .
    33. Otto T., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Mayne M.J., Clemens J.D., Otto T., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Mayne M.J., Clemens J.D. (2024). Peritectic orthopyroxene entrainment during partial melting of garnet peridotite produced the Bushveld Complex chromite deposits. Mineralium Deposita - DOI:10.1007/s00126-024-01277-0 - lien HAL .
    34. Otto T., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Mayne M.J., Clemens J.D., Otto T., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Mayne M.J., Clemens J.D. (2024). Peritectic orthopyroxene entrainment during partial melting of garnet peridotite produced the Bushveld Complex chromite deposits. Mineralium Deposita - DOI:10.1007/s00126-024-01277-0 - lien HAL .
    35. Pereira I., van Schijndel V, Tedeschi M., Cutts K., Guitreau M., Pereira I., van Schijndel V, Tedeschi M., Cutts K., Guitreau M. (2024). A review of detrital heavy mineral contributions to furthering our understanding of continental crust formation and evolution. vol.537, p.9-55, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2022-250.
    36. Pereira I., van Schijndel V, Tedeschi M., Cutts K., Guitreau M., Pereira I., van Schijndel V, Tedeschi M., Cutts K., Guitreau M. (2024). A review of detrital heavy mineral contributions to furthering our understanding of continental crust formation and evolution. vol.537, p.9-55, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2022-250.
    37. Quemet A., Lasnier G., Mialle S., Isnard H., Boyet M., Garçon M., Auclair D., Quemet A., Lasnier G., Mialle S., Isnard H., Boyet M., Garçon M., Auclair D. (2024). Reference value of the JNdi-1 isotopic material without normalization. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - DOI:10.1039/D4JA00140K - lien HAL .
    38. Quemet A., Lasnier G., Mialle S., Isnard H., Boyet M., Garçon M., Auclair D., Quemet A., Lasnier G., Mialle S., Isnard H., Boyet M., Garçon M., Auclair D. (2024). Reference value of the JNdi-1 isotopic material without normalization. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - DOI:10.1039/D4JA00140K - lien HAL .
    39. Rosa A.D., Garbarino G., Rodrigues J.E., Mijit E., Jacobs J., Bugnazet D., Pasternak S., Berruyer G., Moyne A., Clavel C., Perrin F., Anzellini S., Meneghini C., Occelli F., Zhan X., Ishimatsu N., Sakai T., Boccato S., Torchio R., Hernandez J.-A., Heath C.J.S., Dominijanni S., Morard G., Antonangeli D., Petitdemange S., Wehinger B., Mezouar M., Kovalskii G., Morgenroth W., Wilke M., Di Cicco A., Bouhifd A., Irifune T., Lomachenko K.A., Mathon O., Rosa A.D., Garbarino G., Rodrigues J.E., Mijit E., Jacobs J., Bugnazet D., Pasternak S., Berruyer G., Moyne A., Clavel C., Perrin F., Anzellini S., Meneghini C., Occelli F., Zhan X., Ishimatsu N., Sakai T., Boccato S., Torchio R., Hernandez J.-A., Heath C.J.S., Dominijanni S., Morard G., Antonangeli D., Petitdemange S., Wehinger B., Mezouar M., Kovalskii G., Morgenroth W., Wilke M., Di Cicco A., Bouhifd A., Irifune T., Lomachenko K.A., Mathon O. (2024). New opportunities for high pressure X-ray absorption spectroscopy at ID24-DCM and BM23 with the Extremely Brilliant Source of the ESRF. High Pressure Research p.1-29, - DOI:10.1080/08957959.2024.2364281.
    40. Rosa A.D., Garbarino G., Rodrigues J.E., Mijit E., Jacobs J., Bugnazet D., Pasternak S., Berruyer G., Moyne A., Clavel C., Perrin F., Anzellini S., Meneghini C., Occelli F., Zhan X., Ishimatsu N., Sakai T., Boccato S., Torchio R., Hernandez J.-A., Heath C.J.S., Dominijanni S., Morard G., Antonangeli D., Petitdemange S., Wehinger B., Mezouar M., Kovalskii G., Morgenroth W., Wilke M., Di Cicco A., Bouhifd A., Irifune T., Lomachenko K.A., Mathon O., Rosa A.D., Garbarino G., Rodrigues J.E., Mijit E., Jacobs J., Bugnazet D., Pasternak S., Berruyer G., Moyne A., Clavel C., Perrin F., Anzellini S., Meneghini C., Occelli F., Zhan X., Ishimatsu N., Sakai T., Boccato S., Torchio R., Hernandez J.-A., Heath C.J.S., Dominijanni S., Morard G., Antonangeli D., Petitdemange S., Wehinger B., Mezouar M., Kovalskii G., Morgenroth W., Wilke M., Di Cicco A., Bouhifd A., Irifune T., Lomachenko K.A., Mathon O. (2024). New opportunities for high pressure X-ray absorption spectroscopy at ID24-DCM and BM23 with the Extremely Brilliant Source of the ESRF. High Pressure Research p.1-29, - DOI:10.1080/08957959.2024.2364281.
    41. Rosa A.D., Zecchi F., Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Rodrigues J.E.F.S., Mijit E., Irifune T., Mathon O., Garbarino G., Mezouar M., Dewaele A., Ishimatsu N., Rosa A.D., Zecchi F., Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Rodrigues J.E.F.S., Mijit E., Irifune T., Mathon O., Garbarino G., Mezouar M., Dewaele A., Ishimatsu N. (2024). The thermal equation of state of xenon: Implications for noble gas incorporation in serpentine minerals and their transport to depth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.378, p.99-113, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2024.06.001 - lien HAL .
    42. Rosa A.D., Zecchi F., Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Rodrigues J.E.F.S., Mijit E., Irifune T., Mathon O., Garbarino G., Mezouar M., Dewaele A., Ishimatsu N., Rosa A.D., Zecchi F., Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Rodrigues J.E.F.S., Mijit E., Irifune T., Mathon O., Garbarino G., Mezouar M., Dewaele A., Ishimatsu N. (2024). The thermal equation of state of xenon: Implications for noble gas incorporation in serpentine minerals and their transport to depth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.378, p.99-113, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2024.06.001 - lien HAL .
    43. Van Schijndel V., Cutts K.A., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M., Van Schijndel V., Cutts K.A., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M. (2024). Minor minerals, major implications: using key mineral phases to unravel the formation and evolution of Earth's crust. vol.537, p.1-7, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2023-110.
    44. Van Schijndel V., Cutts K.A., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M., Van Schijndel V., Cutts K.A., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M. (2024). Minor minerals, major implications: using key mineral phases to unravel the formation and evolution of Earth's crust. vol.537, p.1-7, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publications (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2023-110.
    45. Volante S., Blereau E., Guitreau M., Tedeschi M., van Schijndel V., Cutts K., Volante S., Blereau E., Guitreau M., Tedeschi M., van Schijndel V., Cutts K. (2024). Current applications using key mineral phases in igneous and metamorphic geology: perspectives for the future. vol.537, p.57-121, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2022-254.
    46. Volante S., Blereau E., Guitreau M., Tedeschi M., van Schijndel V., Cutts K., Volante S., Blereau E., Guitreau M., Tedeschi M., van Schijndel V., Cutts K. (2024). Current applications using key mineral phases in igneous and metamorphic geology: perspectives for the future. vol.537, p.57-121, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, - DOI:10.1144/SP537-2022-254.
    47. Weidner T., Taupin V., Demouchy S., Gouriet K., Guitton A., Cordier P., Mussi A., Weidner T., Taupin V., Demouchy S., Gouriet K., Guitton A., Cordier P., Mussi A. (2024). From Electron Tomography of Dislocations to Field Dislocation Mechanics: Application to Olivine. Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering - DOI:10.1088/1361- 651X/ad0a42.
    48. Weidner T., Taupin V., Demouchy S., Gouriet K., Guitton A., Cordier P., Mussi A., Weidner T., Taupin V., Demouchy S., Gouriet K., Guitton A., Cordier P., Mussi A. (2024). From Electron Tomography of Dislocations to Field Dislocation Mechanics: Application to Olivine. Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering - DOI:10.1088/1361- 651X/ad0a42.
    49. van Schijndel V., Cutts K., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M., van Schijndel V., Cutts K., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M. (2024). Minor minerals, major implications: using key mineral phases to unravel the formation and evolution of Earth's crust. vol.537, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publication (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537.
    50. van Schijndel V., Cutts K., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M., van Schijndel V., Cutts K., Pereira I., Guitreau M., Volante S., Tedeschi M. (2024). Minor minerals, major implications: using key mineral phases to unravel the formation and evolution of Earth's crust. vol.537, Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust, Edited By: V. van Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, M. Tedeschi, Geological Society, London, Special Publication (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP537.

    1. Flahaut J., Payet V., Fueten F., Guitreau M., Barthez M., Ito G., Allemand P., Flahaut J., Payet V., Fueten F., Guitreau M., Barthez M., Ito G., Allemand P. (2023). New Detections of Feldspar-Bearing Volcanic Rocks in the Walls of Valles Marineris, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters vol.50, p.e2022GL100772, - DOI:10.1029/2022GL100772 - lien HAL .
    2. Flahaut J., Payet V., Fueten F., Guitreau M., Barthez M., Ito G., Allemand P., Flahaut J., Payet V., Fueten F., Guitreau M., Barthez M., Ito G., Allemand P. (2023). New Detections of Feldspar-Bearing Volcanic Rocks in the Walls of Valles Marineris, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters vol.50, p.e2022GL100772, - DOI:10.1029/2022GL100772 - lien HAL .
    3. Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Moreira H., Jackson M.G., Golovin A.V., Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Moreira H., Jackson M.G., Golovin A.V. (2023). First Ce-Nd isotope measurements of middle and lower continental crust samples support massive lower crust recycling over Earth's history. Lithos vol.460-461, p.107369, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107369 - lien HAL .
    4. Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Moreira H., Jackson M.G., Golovin A.V., Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Moreira H., Jackson M.G., Golovin A.V. (2023). First Ce-Nd isotope measurements of middle and lower continental crust samples support massive lower crust recycling over Earth's history. Lithos vol.460-461, p.107369, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107369 - lien HAL .
    5. Jayananda M., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Miyazaki T., Chung S.L., Jayananda M., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Miyazaki T., Chung S.L. (2023). Origin of the oldest (3600–3200 Ma) cratonic core in the Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implications for evolving tectonics of the Archean Earth. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.236, p.104278, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104278 - lien HAL .
    6. Jayananda M., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Miyazaki T., Chung S.L., Jayananda M., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Miyazaki T., Chung S.L. (2023). Origin of the oldest (3600–3200 Ma) cratonic core in the Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implications for evolving tectonics of the Archean Earth. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.236, p.104278, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104278 - lien HAL .
    7. Petersson A., Kemp A.I.S., Boyet M., Whitehouse M.J., Boyce M., Roberts M., Kennedy A., Petersson A., Kemp A.I.S., Boyet M., Whitehouse M.J., Boyce M., Roberts M., Kennedy A. (2023). Response of Sm–Nd isotope systematics to complex thermal histories: A case study from 3.58 Ga gneisses of the Pilbara Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.620, p.118346, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118346 - lien HAL .
    8. Petersson A., Kemp A.I.S., Boyet M., Whitehouse M.J., Boyce M., Roberts M., Kennedy A., Petersson A., Kemp A.I.S., Boyet M., Whitehouse M.J., Boyce M., Roberts M., Kennedy A. (2023). Response of Sm–Nd isotope systematics to complex thermal histories: A case study from 3.58 Ga gneisses of the Pilbara Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.620, p.118346, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118346 - lien HAL .

    1. Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2022). Mantle rain toward the Earth's surface: A model for the internal cycle of water. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.106815, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106815 - lien HAL .
    2. Fang L., Frossard P., Boyet M., Moynier F. (2022). Half-life and initial Solar System abundance of 146Sm determined from the oldest andesitic meteorite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol.119, p.e2120933119, 12, - DOI:10.1073/pnas.2120933119 - lien HAL .
    3. Frossard P., Israel C., Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2022). Earth’s composition was modified by collisional erosion. Science vol.377, p.1529-1532, 6614, - DOI:10.1126/science.abq7351.
    4. Gaillard F., Bernadou F., Roskosz M., Bouhifd A., Marrocch Y., Iacono-Marziano G., Moreira M., Scaillet B., Rogerie G. (2022). Redox Controls during Magma Ocean Degassing. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.577, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117255 - lien HAL .
    5. Gaillard F., Malavergne V., Bouhifd A., Rogerie G. (2022). A speciation model linking the fate of carbon and hydrogen during coremagma ocean equilibration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.577, p.117266, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117266 - lien HAL .
    6. Guitreau M., Gannoun A.M., Deng Z., Chaussidon M., Moynier F., Barbarin B., Marin-Carbonne J. (2022). Stable isotope geochemistry of silicon in granitoid zircon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.316, p.273-294, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2021.09.029 - lien HAL .
    7. Hammouda T., Boyet M., Frossard P., Cartier C. (2022). The message of oldhamites from enstatite chondrites. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science vol.9, 13, - DOI:10.1186/s40645-022-00471-w.
    8. Marin-Carbonne J., Decraene M.N., Havas R., Remusat L., Pasquier V., Alléon J., Zeyen N., Bouton A., Bernard S., Escrig S., Olivier N., Vennin E., Meibom A., Benzerara K., Thomazo C. (2022). Early precipitated micropyrite in microbialites: A time capsule of microbial sulfur cycling. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.21, p.7-12, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.2209.
    9. Pierru R., Andrault D., Manthilake G., Monteux J., Devidal J.L., Guignot N., King A., Henry L. (2022). Deep mantle origin of large igneous provinces and komatiites. Science Advances vol.8, p.eabo1036, - DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abo1036 - lien HAL .
    10. Rosa A.D., Dewaele A., Garbarino G., Svitlyk V., Morard G., De Angelis F., Krstulovi ́ M., Briggs R., Irifune T., Mathon O., Bouhifd A. (2022). Martensitic fcc-hcp transformation pathway in solid krypton and xenon and its effect on their equations of state. Physical Review vol.B 105, p.144103, - DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144103.
    11. Saitoh M., Olivier N., Garçon M., Boyet M., Thomazo C., Alleon J., Moyen J.F., Motto-Ros, Marin-Carbonne J. (2022). Reply to comment on “Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt)”. Precambrian Research vol.373, 106624, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106624 - lien HAL .
    12. Savage P., Moynier F., Boyet M. (2022). Zinc isotope anomalies in primitive meteorites identify the outer solar system as an important source of Earth's volatile inventory. Icarus vol.386, p.115172, - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115172.
    13. Tarun Kumar B., Jayananda M., Nasipuri P., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Balaji Manasa Rao S.V., Tarun Thomas T., Satyanarayanan M., Tarun Kumar B., Jayananda M., Nasipuri P., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Balaji Manasa Rao S.V., Tarun Thomas T., Satyanarayanan M. (2022). Tectono-Thermal History of the Neoarchean Balehonnur Shear Zone, Western Dharwar Craton (Southern India). Lithosphere vol.2022, - DOI:10.2113/2022/4167477 - lien HAL .
    14. Tarun Kumar B., Jayananda M., Nasipuri P., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Balaji Manasa Rao S.V., Tarun Thomas T., Satyanarayanan M., Tarun Kumar B., Jayananda M., Nasipuri P., Guitreau M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Balaji Manasa Rao S.V., Tarun Thomas T., Satyanarayanan M. (2022). Tectono-Thermal History of the Neoarchean Balehonnur Shear Zone, Western Dharwar Craton (Southern India). Lithosphere vol.2022, - DOI:10.2113/2022/4167477 - lien HAL .
    15. Thouret J.C., Arapa E., Charbonnier S., Guerrero A., Kelfoun K., Cordoba G., Rodriguez D., Santoni O. (2022). Modeling Tephra Fall and Sediment-Water Flows to Assess Their Impacts on a Vulnerable Building Stock in the City of Arequipa, Peru. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.10, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2022.865989 - lien HAL .

    1. Antonelli M.A., Kendrick J., Yakymchuk C., Guitreau M., Mittal T., Moynier F. (2021). Calcium isotope evidence for early Archaean carbonates and subduction of oceanic crust. Nature Communications vol.12, p.2534, - DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-22748-2 - lien HAL .
    2. Bouhifd A. (2021). Book review: From Crust to Core – A Chronicle of Deep Carbon Science by Simon Mitton. Hist. Geo Space vol.12, p.95-96, - DOI:10.5194/hgss-12-95-2021 - lien HAL .
    3. Boyet M., Garçon M., Arndt N., Carlson R.W., Konc Z. (2021). Residual liquid from deep magma ocean crystallization in the source of komatiites from the ICDP drill core in the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.304, p.141-159, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.020 - lien HAL .
    4. Decraene M.N., Marin-Carbonne J., Thomazo C., Olivier N., Philippot P., Strauss H., Deloule E. (2021). Intense biogeochemical iron cycling revealed in Neoarchean micropyrites from stromatolites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.312, p.299-320, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2021.07.020 - lien HAL .
    5. Faure P., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Manthilake G., Hammouda T., Devidal J.L. (2021). Determination of the refractory enrichment factor of the bulk silicate Earth from metal-silicate experiments on rare Earth elements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.554, p.116644, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116644 - lien HAL .
    6. Frieman B.M., Kelly N.M., Kuiper Y.D., Monecke T., Kylander-Clark A., Guitreau M. (2021). Insight into Archean crustal growth and mantle evolution from multi-isotope U-Pb and Lu-Hf analysis of detrital zircon grains from the Abitibi and Pontiac subprovinces, Canada. Precambrian Research vol.357, p.106136, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106136 - lien HAL .
    7. Frossard P., Guo Z., Spencer M., Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2021). Evidence from achondrites for a temporal change in Nd nucleosynthetic anomalies within the first 1.5 million years of the inner solar system formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.566, p.116968, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116968 - lien HAL .
    8. Gaillard F., Bouhifd A., Füri E., Malavergne V., Marrocchi Y., Noack L., Ortenzi G., Roskosz M., Vulpius S. (2021). The Diverse Planetary Ingassing/Outgassing Paths Produced over Billions of Years of Magmatic Activity. Space Science Reviews vol.217, 22, - DOI:10.1007/s11214-021-00802-1 - lien HAL .
    9. Garçon M. (2021). Episodic growth of felsic continents in the past 3.7 Ga. Science Advances vol.7, - DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abj1807 - lien HAL .
    10. Guitreau M., Szilas K., van Hinsberg V. (2021). Editorial: The Early Earth Crust and Its Formation. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.650114, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.650114 - lien HAL .
    11. Philippot P., Killingsworth B., Paquette J.L., Tessalina S., Cartigny P., Lalonde S., Thomazo C., Avila J., Busigny V. (2021). Comment on "Correlation of the stratigraphic cover of the Pilbara and Kaapvaal cratons recording the lead up to Paleoproterozoic Icehouse and the GOE"by Andrey Bekker, Bryan Krapež, and Juha A. Karhu, 2020, Earth Science Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103389. Earth Sciences Reviews - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103594 - lien HAL .
    12. Poujol M., Jaguin J., Moyen J.F., Boulvais P., Paquette J.L. (2021). Archaean S-Type granites: petrology, geochemistryand geochronology of the Lekkersmaak and Willieplutons, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. A définir vol.124, p.87-110, - DOI:10.25131/sajg.124.0004 - lien HAL .
    13. Saitoh M., Olivier N., Garçon M., Boyet M., Thomazo Ch., Alleon J., Moyen J.F., Motto-Ros V., Marin-Carbonne J. (2021). Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt). Precambrian Research vol.362, p.106306, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106306 - lien HAL .
    14. Wasilewski B., O'neil J., Rizo H., Paquette J.L., Gannoun A.M. (2021). Over one billion years of Archean crust evolution revealed by zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes from the Saglek-Hebron complex. Precambrian Research vol.359, p.106092, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106092 - lien HAL .
    15. Xie L., Yoneda A., Andrault D., Tange Y., Higo Y. (2021). Direct Viscosity Measurement of Peridotite Melt to Lower-Mantle Conditions: A Further Support for a Fractional Magma-Ocean Solidification at the Top of the Lower Mantle. Geophysical Research Letters vol.48, p.e2021GL094507, - DOI:10.1029/2021GL094507 - lien HAL .

    1. Antoine C., Bruand E., Guitreau M., Devidal J.L. (2020). Understanding preservation of primary signatures in apatite by comparing matrix and zircon‐hosted crystals from the Eoarchean Acasta Gneiss Complex (Canada). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - DOI:10.1029/2020GC008923 - lien HAL .
    2. Bonnand P., Bruand E., Matzen A.K., Jerram M., Schiavi F., Wood B.J., Boyet M., Halliday A.N. (2020). Redox control on chromium isotope behaviour in silicate melts in contact with magnesiochromite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.288, p.282-300, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.038 - lien HAL .
    3. Bonnand P., Lalonde S.V., Boyet M., Heubeck C., Homann M., Nonotte P., Foster L., Konhauser K.O., Köhler I. (2020). Post-depositional REE mobility in a Paleoarchean iron formation revealed by La-Ce geochronology: A cautionary tale for signals of ancient oxygenation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.547, p.116452, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116452 - lien HAL .
    4. Bouhifd A., Jephcoat A.P., Porcelli D., Kelley S.P., Marty B. (2020). Potential of Earth’s core as a reservoir for noble gases:Case for helium and neon. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.15, p.5-18, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.2028 - lien HAL .
    5. Bruand E., Fowler M., Storey C., Laurent O., Antoine C., Guitreau M., Heilimo E., Nebel O. (2020). Accessory mineral constraints on crustal evolution: elemental fingerprints for magma discrimination. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.13, p.7-12, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.2006 - lien HAL .
    6. Clesi V., Monteux J., Qaddah B., Le Bars M., Wacheul J.B., Bouhifd A. (2020). Dynamics of core-mantle separation: Influence of viscosity contrast and metal/silicate partition coefficients on the chemical equilibrium. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.306, p.106547, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2020.106547 - lien HAL .
    7. Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Manthilake G., Clesi V., Devidal J.L. (2020). Uranium and thorium partitioning in the bulk silicate Earthand the oxygen content of Earth’s core. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.275, p.83-98, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2020.02.010 - lien HAL .
    8. Jayananda M., Guitreau M., Thomas T.T., Martin H., Aadhiseshan K.R., Gireesh R.V., Peucat J.J., Satyanarayanan M. (2020). Geochronology and geochemistry of Meso- to Neoarchean magmatic epidote-bearing potassic granites, Western Dharwar Craton (Bellur-Nagamangala-Pandavpura corridor), Southern India:Implications for the successive stages of crustal reworking and cratonization. vol.489, in : DEY, S. &MOYEN, J.-F. (eds) Archean Granitoids of India: Windows into Early Earth Tectonics. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, - DOI:10.1144/SP489-2018-125 - lien HAL .
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    10. Rosa A.D., Bouhifd A., Morard G., Briggs R., Garbarino G., Irifune T., Mathon O., Pascarelli S. (2020). Krypton storage capacity of the Earth’s lower mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.532, p.116032, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.116032 - lien HAL .

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    5. Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Hammouda T., Monteux J. (2019). Evidence for anorthositic crust formed on an inner solar system planetesimal. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.11, p.28-32, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.1921.
    6. Gargaud M., Bontemps S., Crida A., Danger G., Javaux E.J., Lachieze-Rey M., López-Garciá P., Martin H., Miot J., Moreira D., Tassy P. (2019). A brief Universe history for children. (in Chinese). p.213 p., Jiangxi Education Publishing House (ed.).
    7. Guitreau M., Boyet M., Paquette J.L., Gannoun A.M., Konc Z., Benbakkar M., Suchorski K., Hénot J.M. (2019). Hadean protocrust reworking at the origin of the Archean Napier Complex (Antarctica). Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.12, p.7-11, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.1927.
    8. Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Gaborieau M., Moine B., Vlastélic I., Bouhifd A., Devidal J.L., Mathon O., Testemale D., Hazemann J.L., Proux O. (2019). Rare earth element partitioning between sulphides and melt: Evidence for Yb2+ and Sm2+ in EH chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.265, p.182-197, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2019.08.036.
    9. Manthilake G., Chantel J., Monteux J., Andrault D., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Boulard E., Guignot N., King A., Itie J.P. (2019). Thermal Conductivity of FeS and Its Implicationsfor Mercury's Long‐Sustaining Magnetic Field. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets vol.124, - DOI:10.1029/2019JE005979.
    10. Novais Bitencourt C., Cerqueira Pereira Cruz S., dos Anjos Cruz V., Pedrosa-Soares A.C., Paquette J.L., Ramalho Alkmim A., Salomão Figueiredo Barbosa J. (2019). Rifting events in the southern sector of the Paramirim Aulacogen, NE Brazil: New geochronological data and correlations for the São Francisco – Congo paleocontinent. Precambrian Research vol.326, p.417-446, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2018.12.005.
    11. Qaddah B., Monteux J., Clesi V., Bouhifd A., Le Bars M. (2019). Dynamics and stability of an iron drop falling in a magma ocean. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.289, p.75-89, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2019.02.006.
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    1. Andrault D., Muñoz M., Pesce G., Cerantola V., Chumakov A., Kantor I., Pascarelli S., Rüffer R., Hennet L. (2018). Large oxygen excess in the primitive mantle could be the source of the Great Oxygenation Event. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.6, p.5-10, - DOI:10.7185/. 2018) geochemlet.1801 - lien HAL .
    2. Andrault D., Pesce G., Manthilake G., Monteux J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Chantel J., Novella D., Guignot N., King A., Itié J.P., Hennet L. (2018). Deep and persistent melt layer in the Archaean mantle. Nature Geoscience - DOI:10.1038/s41561-017-0053-9 - lien HAL .
    3. Bankole O.M., El Albani A., Meunier A., Pambo F., Paquette J.L., Bekker A. (2018). Earth's oldest preserved K-Bentonites in the CA. 2.1 Ga Francevillian basin, Gabon. American Journal of Science vol.318, p.409-434, - DOI:10.2475/04.2018.02.
    4. Boyet M., Bouvier A., Frossard P., Hammouda T., Garçon M., Gannoun A.M. (2018). Enstatite chondrites EL3 as building blocks for the Earth: The debate over the 146Sm–142Nd systematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.488, p.68-78, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.004.
    5. Caquineau T., Paquette J.L., Philippot P. (2018). U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of the Turee Creek Group, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia: Timing and correlation of the Paleoproterozoic glaciations. Precambrian Research vol.307, p.34-50, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2018.01.003.
    6. Clesi V., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Manthilake G., Schiavi F., Raepsaet C., Bureau H., Khodja H., Andrault D. (2018). Low hydrogen contents in the cores of terrestrial planets. Science Advances vol.4, p.e170187, - DOI:10.1126/sciadv.1701876.
    7. François C., Debaille V., Paquette J.L., Baudet D., Javaux E.J. (2018). The earliest evidence for modernstyle plate tectonics recorded by HP–LT metamorphism in the Paleoproterozoic of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Nature Scientific Reports vol.8, p.15452, - DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33823-y.
    8. Guitreau M., Mora N., Paquette J.L. (2018). Crystallization and Disturbance Histories of Single Zircon Crystals From Hadean-Eoarchean Acasta Gneisses Examined by LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Traverses. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.19, - DOI:10.1002/2017GC007310 - lien HAL .
    9. Kouamelan A.N., Kra K.S.A., Djro S.C., Paquette J.L., Peucat J.-J. (2018). The Logouale Band: A large Archean crustal block in the Kenema-Mandomain (Man-Leo rise, West African Craton) remobilized during Eburnean orogeny (2.05 Ga). Journal of African Earth Sciences vol.148, p.6-13, - DOI:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.09.004.
    10. Schneider K.P., Hoffmann J.E., Boyet M., Münker C., Kröner A. (2018). Coexistence of enriched and modern-like 142Nd signatures in Archean igneous rocks of the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.487, p.54-66, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.01.022.

    1. Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Boujibar A., Garbarino G., Manthilake G., Mezouar M., Monteux J., Parisiades P., Pesce G. (2017). Toward a coherent model for the melting behavior of the deep Earth’s mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.265, p.67-81, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2017.02.009 - lien HAL .
    2. Bouhifd A., Clesi V., Boujibar A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Manthilake G., Monteux J., Andrault D. (2017). Silicate melts during Earth's core formation. Chemical Geology vol.461, p.128 - 139, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.12.035.
    3. Collinet M., Charlier B., Namur O., Oeser M., Médard E., Weyer S. (2017). Crystallization history of enriched shergottites from Fe and Mg isotope fractionation in olivine megacrysts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.207, p.277-297, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2017.03.029.
    4. El Goresy A., Lin Y., Miyahara M., Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., Ohtani E., Gillet P., Trieloff M., Simionovici A., Feng L., Lemelle L. (2017). Origin of EL3 chondrites: Evidence for variable C/O ratios during their course of formation — A state of the art scrutiny. Meteoritics & Planetary Science vol.52, p.781 - 806, 5, - DOI:10.1111/maps.12832 - lien HAL .
    5. Gargaud M, Bontemps S., Crida A., Danger G., Javaux E.J., Lachieze-Rey M., Lopez-Garcia P., Martin H., Miot J., Moreira D., Tassy P. (2017). La plus grande histoire jamais contée - Des origines de l'Univers à la vie sur Terre. p.224 p., Belin « Beaux Livres ».
    6. Guitreau M., Mukasa S.B., Loudin L., Krishnan S. (2017). New constraints on the early formation of the Western Dharwar Craton (India) from igneous zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes. Precambrian Research vol.302, p.33-49, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2017.09.016.
    7. Medeiros E.L.M., Pereira Cruz S.C., Barbosa J.S.F., Paquette J.L., Peucat J.J., Pereira de Jesus S.dosS.G., Barbosa R.G., Correia de Brito R.S., Carneiro M.A. (2017). The Santa Izabel Complex, Gaviao Block, Brazil: Components, geocronology, regional correlations and tectonic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.80, p.66-94, - DOI:10.1016/j.sames.2017.09.008.
    8. Morard G., Andrault D., Antonangeli D., NakajimaY., Auzende A.L., Boulard E., Cervera A., Lord O.T., Siebert J., Svitlyk V., Garbarino G., Mezouar M. (2017). Fe–FeO and Fe–Fe3C melting relations at Earth’s core–mantle boundary conditions: Implications for a volatile-rich or oxygen-rich core. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.473, p.94-103, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.024.
    9. Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L., Ionov D.A., Gannoun A.M., Korsakov A.V., Golovin A.V., Moine B. (2017). Paleoproterozoic rejuvenation and replacement of Archaean lithosphere: Evidence from zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopes incrustal xenoliths at Udachnaya, Siberian craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.457, p.149-159, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.046.
    10. Paquette J.L., Ionov D., Agashev A.M., Gannoun A.M., Nikolenko E.I. (2017). Age, provenance and Precambrian evolution of the Anabar shield from U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope data on detrital zircons, and the history of the northern and central Siberian craton. Precambrian Research vol.301, p.134-144, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2017.09.008.

    1. Andrault D., Monteux J., LeBars M., Samuel H. (2016). The deep Earth may not be cooling down. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.443, p.195-203, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.020.
    2. Boujibar A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Andrault D., Bouhifd A., Trcera, N. (2016). Incorporation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in bridgmanite during magma ocean crystallization. American Mineralogist vol.101, p.1560-1570, - DOI:doi: 10.2138/am-2016-5561.
    3. Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2016). Primitive Solar System materials and the Earth share common initial 142Nd abundance. Nature vol.537, p.399-402, 7620, - DOI:10.1038/nature19351.
    4. Cerqueira Pereira Cruz S., Salom~ao Figueiredo Barbosa J., Santos Pinto M., Peucat J.-J., Paquette J.L., Santos de Souza J., de Souza Martins V., Chemale Júnior F., Carneiro M.A. (2016). The Siderian-Orosirian magmatism in the Gavi~ao Paleoplate, Brazil: UePb geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.69, p.43-79, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2016.02.007.
    5. Clesi V., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Manthilake G., Fabbrizio A., Andrault D. (2016). Effect of H2O on metal–silicate partitioning of Ni, Co, V, Cr, Mn and Fe: Implications for the oxidation state of the Earth and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.192, p.97-121, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.07.029.
    6. Guitreau M., Mukasa S.B., Blichert-Toft J., Fahnestock M.F. (2016). Pikes Peak batholith (Colorado, USA) revisited: A SIMS and LA-ICP-MS study of zircon U–Pb ages combined with solution Hf isotopic compositions. Precambrian Research vol.280, p.179-194, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.05.001.
    7. Monteux J., Andrault D., Samuel H. (2016). On the cooling of a deep terrestrial magma ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.448, p.140-149, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.05.010.
    8. Monteux J., Arkani-Hamed J. (2016). Scaling Laws of Impact Induced Shock Pressure and Particle Velocity in Planetary Mantle. Icarus vol.264, p.246-256, - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.040.
    9. Monteux J., Collins G.S., Tobie G., Choblet G. (2016). Consequences of large impacts on Enceladus’ core shape. Icarus vol.264, p.300-310, - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.034.
    10. O'Neil J., Rizo A., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Rosing M.T. (2016). Geochemistry and Nd isotopic characteristics of Earth's Hadean mantle and primitive crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.442, p.194-205, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.055.
    11. Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul M., Horan M.F., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M.T. (2016). Early Earth differentiation investigated through 142Nd, 182W, and highly siderophile element abundances in samples from Isua, Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.175, p.319-336, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.12.007.

    1. Amit H., Choblet, G., Olson P., Monteux J., Deschamps F., Langlais B., Tobie G. (2015). Towards more realistic core-mantle boundary heat flux patterns: a source of diversity in planetary dynamos. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science p.2-26, - DOI:10.1186/s40645-015-0056-3.
    2. Bibring J.P., Martin H. (2015). Mondes planétaires. vol.Sciences et philosophie, p.145-162, In: M. Gargaud and G. Lecointre (Editors), L’évolution, de l’univers aux sociétés. Objets et concepts., Editions matériologiques.
    3. Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Hammouda T., Bolfan-Casanova N., Devidal J.L., Andrault D. (2015). Superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio of the Earth: Impact of Earth’s core formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.413, p.158-166, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.12.054.
    4. Boujibar A., Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Monteux J. (2015). Cosmochemical fractionation by collisional erosion during the Earth’s accretion. Nature Communications vol.6, p.8295, - DOI:10.1038/ncomms9295 |www.nature.com/naturecommunications.
    5. Bouvier A., Blichert-Toft J., Boyet M., Albarède F. (2015). 147Sm-143Nd and 176Lu-176Hf systematics of eucrite and angrite meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science vol.50, p.1896-1911, 11, - DOI:10.1111/maps.12553.
    6. Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Borg L.E., Horan M. (2015). Sm–Nd systematics of lunar ferroan anorthositic suite rocks: Constraints on lunar crust formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.148, p.203-218, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.021.
    7. Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Mathon O., Testemale D., Moine B. (2015). Evidence for Nb2+ and Ta3+ in silicate melts under highly reducing conditions: a XANES study. American Mineralogist vol.100, p.2152-2158, - DOI:10.2138/am-2015-5330.
    8. Collinet M., Médard E., Charlier B., Vander Auwera J., Grove T.L. (2015). Melting of the primitive martian mantle at 0.5–2.2 GPa and the origin of basalts and alkaline rocks on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.427, p.83-94, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.056.
    9. Kouamelan A.N., Djro S.C., Allialy M.E., Paquette J.L., Peucat J.E. (2015). The oldest rock of Ivory Coast. Journal of African Earth Sciences vol.103, p.65-70, - DOI:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.12.004.
    10. Marounina N., Tobie G., Carpy, Monteux J., Charnay B., Grasset O. (2015). Evolution of Titan’s atmosphere during the Late Heavy Bombardment. Icarus vol.257, p.324-335, - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.05.011.
    11. Martin H., Bribring J.P., De Wever P., Gargaud M., Javaux E., Masson-Delmotte V., Piniti D. (2015). Planète Terre et système Terre. vol.Sciences et philosophie, p.163-246, In: M. Gargaud and G. Lecointre (Editors), L’évolution, de l’univers aux sociétés. Objets et concepts, Editions matériologiques.
    12. Monteux J., Amit H., Choblet G., Langlais B., Tobie G. (2015). Giant impacts, heterogeneous mantle heating and a past hemispheric dynamo on Mars. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.240, p.114-124, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2014.12.005.
    13. Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Wämlle M., Keller N.S., Günther D. (2015). Platinum partitioning between metal and silicate melts: Core formation, late veneer and the nanonuggets issue. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.162, p.183-201, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.019.
    14. Paquette J.L., Barbosa J.S.F., Rohais S., Cruz S.C.P., Goncalves P., Peucat J.J., Leal A.B.M., Santos-Pinto M., Martin H. (2015). The geological roots of South America: 4.1 Ga and 3.7 Ga zirconcrystals discovered in N.E. Brazil and N.W. Argentina. Precambrian Research vol.271, p.49-55, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2015.09.027.

    1. Boujibar A., Andrault D., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Devidal J.L., Trcera N. (2014). Metal-silicate partitioning of sulfur, new experimental and thermodynamical constraints on planetary accretion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391, 42-54. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.021.
    2. Carlson R.W., Borg L.E., Gaffney A., Boyet M. (2014). Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotope systematics of the lunar Mg-suite: the age of lunar crust and its relation to the time of Moon formation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 372, 20130246. - DOI:1098/rsta.2013.0246.
    3. Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Devidal J.L. (2014). Redox control of the fractionation of niobium and tantalum during planetary accretion and core formation. Nature Geoscience 7, 573-576. - DOI:10.1038/ngeo2195.
    4. Cartier C., Hammouda T., Doucelance R., Boyet M., Devidal J.L., Moine B. (2014). Experimental study of trace element partitioning between enstatite and melt in enstatite chondrites at low oxygen fugacities and 5 GPa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 130, 167-187. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.022.
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    6. Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R. (2014). The diversity and evolution of late-Archean granitoids: evidence for the onset of « modern-style » plate tectonics between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga. Lithos 205, 208-235. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2014.06.012.
    7. Laurent O., Rapopo M., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Bosq C. (2014). Contrasting petrogenesis of Mg-K and Fe-K granitoids and implications for postcollisional magmatism: case study from the late-Archaean Matok pluton (Pietersburg block, South Africa). Lithos 196-197, 131-149. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2014.03.006.
    8. Martin H., Moyen J.F., Guitreau M., Blichert-Toft J., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). Why Archaean TTG cannot be generated by MORB melting in subduction zones. Lithos 198-199, 1-13. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2014.02.017.
    9. Morard G., Andrault D., Antonangeli D., Bouchet J. (2014). Properties of iron alloys under the Earth’s core conditions. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences vol.346, p.130-139, - DOI:10.1016/j.crte.2014.04.007.
    10. Mouélé I.M., Dudoignon P., Albani A.E., Meunier A., Boulvais P., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Paquette J.L., Martin H., Cuney M. (2014). 2.9-1.9 Ga paleoalterations of Archean granitic basement of the Franceville basin (Gabon). Journal of African Earth Sciences 97, 244-260. - DOI:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.04.027.

    1. Armytage R.M.G., Jephcoat A.P., Bouhifd A., Porcelli D. (2013). Metal–silicate partitioning of iodine at high pressures and temperatures: Implications for the Earth's core and 129⁎Xe budgets: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 373, p. 140-149. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.031.
    2. Bouhifd A., Jephcoat A.P., Heber V.S., Kelley S.P. (2013). Helium in Earth’s early core: Nature Geoscience, v. 6, p. 982-986. - DOI:10.1038/NGEO1959.
    3. Boyet M., Gannoun A.M. (2013). Nucleosynthetic Nd isotope anomalies in primitive enstatite chondrites: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 121, p. 652-666. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2013.07.036.
    4. Laurent O., Doucelance R., Martin H., Moyen J.F. (2013). Differentiation of the late-Archaean sanukitoid series and some implications for crustal growth: Insights from geochemical modelling on the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Precambrian Research, v. 227, p. 186-203. - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.07.004.
    5. Laurent O., Paquette J.L., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F. (2013). LA-ICP-MS dating of zircons from Meso- and Neoarchean granitoids of the Pietersburg block (South Africa): Crustal evolution at the northern margin of the Kaapvaal craton: Precambrian Research, v. 230, p. 209-226. .
    6. Morard G., Siebert J., Andrault D., Guignot N., Garbarino G., Antonangeli D. (2013). Density of liquid Fe-alloys at very high pressures and its implication for the Earth’s outer core composition: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 373, p. 169-178. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.040.
    7. OʼNeil J., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Paquette J.L. (2013). Half a billion years of reworking of Hadean mafic crust to produce the Nuvvuagittuq Eoarchean felsic crust: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 379, p. 13-25. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.07.030.
    8. Roskosz M., Bouhifd A., Jephcoat A.P., Marty B., Mysen B.O. (2013). Nitrogen solubility in molten metal and silicate at high pressure and temperature: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 121, p. 15-28. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2013.07.007.

    1. Andrault D., Petitgirard S., lo Nigro G., Devidal J.L., Veronesi G., Garbarino G., Mezouar M. (2012). Solid-liquid iron partitioning in the deep Earth's mantle. Nature 487, 354-357. .
    2. Moyen J.F., Martin H. (2012). Forty years of TTG research. Lithos 148, 312-336. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.06.010.
    3. Rizo H., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., O'Neil J., Rosing M.T., Paquette J.L. (2012). The elusive Hadean enriched reservoir revealed by 142Nd deficits in Isua Archean rocks. Nature 491, 96-100. - DOI:10.1038/nature11565.

    1. Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Lo Nigro G., Bouhifd A., Garbarino G., Mezouar M. (2011). Solidus and liquidus profiles of chondritic mantle: Implication for melting of the Earth across its history: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 304, p. 251-259. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.02.006.
    2. Borg L.E., Connelly J.N., Boyet M., Carlson R.W. (2011). Chronological evidence that the Moon is either young or did not have a global magma ocean: Nature, 477, 70-72. - DOI:10.1038/nature10328.
    3. Bouhifd A., Jephcoat A.P. (2011). Convergence of Ni and Co metal-silicate partition coefficients in the deep magma-ocean and coupled silicon-oxygen solubility in iron melts at high pressures: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 307, p. 341-348. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.006.
    4. Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2011). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of high-K “sanukitoids” from the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Implications for geodynamic changes at the Archaean–Proterozoic boundary: Lithos, v. 123, p. 73-91. - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.12.009.
    5. Rizo H., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., Rosing M. (2011). Combined Nd and Hf isotope evidence for deep-seated source of Isua lavas: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 312, p. 267-279. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.10.014.

    1. Andrault D., Muñoz M., Bolfan-Casanova N., Guignot N., Perrillat J.P., Aquilanti G., Pascarelli S. (2010). Experimental evidence for perovskite and post-perovskite coexistence throughout the whole D region. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.293, p.90-96, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.02.026.
    2. Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Horan M. (2010). Old Sm-Nd ages for cumulate eucrites and redetermination of the Solar System initial 146Sm/144Sm ratio, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 291, 172-181. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.010.
    3. Martin H., Moyen J.F., Rapp R.P. (2010). The sanukitoid series: magmatism at the Archean-Proterozoic transition. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 100, 15-33. - DOI:10.1017/S1755691009016120.
    4. Moynier F., Yin Q.Z., Irisawa K., Boyet M., Jacobsen B., Rosing M. (2010). A coupled 182W-142Nd constraint for early Earth differentiation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107, 10810-10814. - DOI:10.1073/pnas.0913605107.

    Autres publications et congrès :

    7 publication(s) trouvée(s).

    1. Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Luais B., Devidal J.L., Perrichon L., Le Bellego B., Manthilake G., Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Luais B., Devidal J.L., Perrichon L., Le Bellego B., Manthilake G. (2024). Unravelling the conditions prevailing during Earth's core-mantle differentiation: experimental insight from germanium partitioning. 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2024-07.
    2. Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Luais B., Devidal J.L., Perrichon L., Le Bellego B., Manthilake G., Condamine P., Bouhifd A., Luais B., Devidal J.L., Perrichon L., Le Bellego B., Manthilake G. (2024). Unravelling the conditions prevailing during Earth's core-mantle differentiation: experimental insight from germanium partitioning. 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2024-07.
    3. Duprat J., Viennet J.-C., Roskosz M., Morand M., Boccato S., Amand L., Garino Y., Doisneau B., Pont S., Verdier-Paoletti M., Bernard S., Beyssac O., Gounelle M., Aléon J., Sans-Jofre P., Zanda B., Avice G., Girault F., Moynier F., Brunetto R., Pilorget C., Poulet F., Engrand C., Delauche L., Dartois E., Gattacceca J., Maurel C., Piani L., Marrocchi Y., Barucci M.A., Bonal L., Beck P., Lemelle L., Simionovici A., Libourel G., Mangold N., Rosenblatt P., Meslin P.-Y., Quitté G., Maurice S., Cousin A., Sabot B., Chacartegui Rojo I., Pierre S., Boyet M., Duprat J., Viennet J.-C., Roskosz M., Morand M., Boccato S., Amand L., Garino Y., Doisneau B., Pont S., Verdier-Paoletti M., Bernard S., Beyssac O., Gounelle M., Aléon J., Sans-Jofre P., Zanda B., Avice G., Girault F., Moynier F., Brunetto R., Pilorget C., Poulet F., Engrand C., Delauche L., Dartois E., Gattacceca J., Maurel C., Piani L., Marrocchi Y., Barucci M.A., Bonal L., Beck P., Lemelle L., Simionovici A., Libourel G., Mangold N., Rosenblatt P., Meslin P.-Y., Quitté G., Maurice S., Cousin A., Sabot B., Chacartegui Rojo I., Pierre S., Boyet M. (2024). THE CNME PROJECT, A NATIONAL CURATION CENTER FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL SAMPLES IN France. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), The Woodlands, United States, March 2024, - lien HAL .
    4. Duprat J., Viennet J.-C., Roskosz M., Morand M., Boccato S., Amand L., Garino Y., Doisneau B., Pont S., Verdier-Paoletti M., Bernard S., Beyssac O., Gounelle M., Aléon J., Sans-Jofre P., Zanda B., Avice G., Girault F., Moynier F., Brunetto R., Pilorget C., Poulet F., Engrand C., Delauche L., Dartois E., Gattacceca J., Maurel C., Piani L., Marrocchi Y., Barucci M.A., Bonal L., Beck P., Lemelle L., Simionovici A., Libourel G., Mangold N., Rosenblatt P., Meslin P.-Y., Quitté G., Maurice S., Cousin A., Sabot B., Chacartegui Rojo I., Pierre S., Boyet M., Duprat J., Viennet J.-C., Roskosz M., Morand M., Boccato S., Amand L., Garino Y., Doisneau B., Pont S., Verdier-Paoletti M., Bernard S., Beyssac O., Gounelle M., Aléon J., Sans-Jofre P., Zanda B., Avice G., Girault F., Moynier F., Brunetto R., Pilorget C., Poulet F., Engrand C., Delauche L., Dartois E., Gattacceca J., Maurel C., Piani L., Marrocchi Y., Barucci M.A., Bonal L., Beck P., Lemelle L., Simionovici A., Libourel G., Mangold N., Rosenblatt P., Meslin P.-Y., Quitté G., Maurice S., Cousin A., Sabot B., Chacartegui Rojo I., Pierre S., Boyet M. (2024). THE CNME PROJECT, A NATIONAL CURATION CENTER FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL SAMPLES IN France. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), The Woodlands, United States, March 2024, - lien HAL .

    1. Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Boujibar A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Clesi V., Doucelance R., Hammouda T., Laubier M., Manthilake G., Marin-Carbonne J., Martin H., Moine B., Monteux J., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2017). Environnement de la Terre primitive: Comment construire une planète habitable ? Groupe de Recherche : ''Mécanismes géodynamiques de la Terre primitive''. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.7-40.

    1. Bouhifd A. (2016). Contraintes expérimentales sur les modèles de formation de la Terre. Atelier « Origine et Evolution de la Terre Primitive », Saint-Etienne, 24-25 novembre 2016.
    2. Monteux J., Andrault D., Samuel H. (2016). On the cooling of a deep terrestrial magma ocean. Atelier Terre Primitive, Saint-Etienne, 24-25 Novembre 2016.