97 publication(s) trouvée(s).
  1. (2010). Paleo-Archean rhyolites and the source of potassium in the proto-continental crust. 5th International Archean Symposium, 127-130, Perth.
  2. Aschepkov I., Travin A., Ntaflos T., Ionov D., Logvinina A., Vladykin N., Palessky S. (2010). Metasomatism in peridotites beneath the Daldyn-Alakite region Yakutia. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74, N°12 (S1), A35. 20th Goldschmidt Conf. .
  3. Benard A., Ionov D.A. (2010). PGE and trace elements in veined sub-arc mantle xenoliths, Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka. in Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74, N°12 (S1), A76. 20th Goldschmidt Conf. Abstr., Knoxville. .
  4. Bosse V., Cherneva Z., Gautier P., Gerdjikov I. (2010). Two partial melting events as recorded by the U-Th-Pb chronometer in monazite: LA-ICPMS in situ dating in metapelites from the Bulgarian Central Rhodopes, CBGA Thessaloniki. Annales scientifiques de géologie (Athènes) 39,1/2,51-52.
  5. Chabaud M. (2010). Water content in olivine-hosted melt inclusions measured by Raman spectroscopy and possible effect of water reequilibration during mamga ascent and eruption. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 décembre 2010.
  6. Chen Y., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2010). Water content in olivine-hosted melt inclusions measured by Raman spectroscopy and possible effect of water reequilibration during mamga ascent and eruption. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 décembre 2010.
  7. Dalou C., Koga K., Shimizu N. (2010). Experimental determination of F and Cl partitioning between lherzolite minerals and basaltic melt: an investigation of anion incorporation in minerals and melts. in Experimental Mineralogy Petrology Geochemistry XIII, Toulouse. .
  8. Donnadieu F., Valade S., Tailpied D., Battaglia J., Lesage P., Hervier C., Fournet-Fayard J., Freville P. (2010). How Doppler radar can help linking surface explosive activity to magmatic conduit processes. ESC workshop, Besse, France.
  9. Doucet L., Ionov D., Aschepkov I. (2010). Composition of the lithospheric mantle in the Siberian craton: New constraints from fresh peridotites from the Udachnaya-East kimberlite. in Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-0. .
  10. Gerdjikov I., Gautier P., Cherneva Z., Bosse V., Ruffet G. (2010). Late Eocene synmetamorphic thrusting and syn0orogenic extension across the metamorphic pile of the Bulgarian central Rhodope, CBGA Thessaloniki. Annales scientifiques de géologie (Athènes) 39,1/2,132-133.
  11. Ionov D. (2010). Formation and metasomatism of continental lithospheric mantle in intra-plate and subduction-related tectonic settings. in Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-14496-1. .
  12. Ionov D.A., Doucet L., Golovin A., Ashchepkov I. (2010). Can cratonic mantle be formed in subduction-related settings? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74, N°12 (S1), A445. 20th Goldschmidt Conf. Abstr., Knoxville, USA. .
  13. Lansigu C., Bosse V., Le Hebel F. (2010). Earth Sciences drawing, a multimedia approach. IGEO International conference : GeoSciEd VI, Geoheritage, Johannesburg, South Africa.
  14. Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R., Paquette J.L. (2010). Origin and significance of High-K series at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary. 5th International Archean Symposium, 86-89, Perth.
  15. Lavielle B., Gilabert E., Thomas B., Lavastre V. (2010). Development of a new facility fordating old groundwaters and ice cores based on 81Kr measurement. Goldschmidt Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, Issue 12, Supplement 1, June 2010, Pages A567 , Goldschmidt 2010: Earth, Energy, and the Environment, Knoxvi.
  16. Lavielle B., Gilabert E., Thomas B., Lavastre V., Rebeix R. (2010). Development of a new facility for dating old groundwaters by using 81Kr. Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. 4th international meeting, Nantes, 9th March to 1st April 2010.
  17. Sanchez-Garrido C.J.M.G., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Harris C., Armstrong R.A. (2010). Paleo-Archean rhyolites and the source of potassium in the proto-continental crust. 5th International Archean Symposium, 127-130, Perth.
  18. Thouret J.C., Gunnell Y., De la Rupelle A. (2010). Canyon incision, volcanic fill, and re-incision rates in southwest Peru: proxies for quantifying uplift in the Central Andes. in EGU Vienna, poster 4 May 2010, EGU2010-7020. .
  19. Thouret J.C., Gupta A., Lube G., Liew S. C., Surono (2010). Analysis of the 2006 block-and-ash flow deposits of Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia, using high-spatial resolution IKONOS images and complementary ground based observations. EGU Vienna, poster 3 May 2010, EGU2010-7877. .
  1. Bosse V., Godard G., Paquette J.L., Shea T. (2010). Datations des événements polymétamorphiques : intérêts majeurs de l’analyse in situ par ablation laser dans la monazite (Complexe des Essarts, Vendée). Réunion des sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux.
  2. Merle O. (2010). L’évaluation des aléas d’un volcan de type point chaud dans l’océan indien : l’Ile de La Réunion. in Colloque de bilan et d’avancement des programmes ANR CATELL et RISKNAT Lyon 29-30-31 mars 2010. 2010. .
  3. Rivera M.,, Thouret J.C., Le Pennec J.L., Martin H., Samaniego P., Mariño J. (2010). Condiciones pre-eruptivas de los productos eruptivos asociados con la actividad volcánica 2006-2008 del volcán Ubinas. XV Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos, Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Pub. Esp..
  4. Samaniego P., Le Pennec J.L., Robin C. (2010). Cambios en los dinamismos eruptivos durante las erupciones de larga duracion: petrologia de las erupciones del 2006 del volcan Tungurahua (Ecuador). XV Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos, Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Pub. Esp..
  5. Samaniego P., Le Pennec J.L., Robin C., Hidalgo S. (2010). Cambios en los dinamismos eruptivos durante las erupciones de larga duracion: petrologia de las erupciones del 2006 del volcan Tungurahua (Ecuador). V Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos, Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Pub. Esp..
  6. Samaniego P., Robin C., Chazot G., Bourdon E., Cotten J. (2010). Identificacion de los procesos de génesis y diferenciación magmática en los Andes del Norte: Evolución petrológica del Complejo Volcánico Pichincha (Ecuador). XV Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos, Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Pub. Esp..
  1. Andrault D., et al. (2010). Experimental evidence for perovskite and post-perovskite coexistence throughout the whole D region. Goldschmidt, Knoxville.
  2. Andrault D., et al. (2010). Experimental evidence for perovskite and post-perovskite coexistence throughout the whole D region. European Geosciences Union, Vienna.
  3. Bernard B., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2010). Incorporation processes in volcanic rockslide-debris avalanches from field observations: implications on emplacement mechanisms, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12. in EGU2010-6643, Vienna, May 2-7. .
  4. Bernard K., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2010). Ordered structures and textures in volcanic debris avalanche breccia: description and implications for emplacement kinematics and dynamics, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12. in EGU2010-3080, Vienna, May 2-7. .
  5. Bertrand G., Celle-Jeanton H., Huneau F. (2010). Contribution of environmental tracers (major ions and isotopes) to understand the functioning of volcanic aquifers. A case study: Argnat basin, Chaine des Puys, France. Water 2010: International Conference on Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources in a.
  6. Brenguier F., Rivemale E., Clarke D., Taisne B., Shapiro N., Battaglia J., Got J.L., Ferrazzini F., Tait S. (2010). Recent results from the UnderVolc project: from the detection of long-term volcanic unrest processes to the imaging of dike propagation. AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, USA, Poster. .
  7. Cayol V., Augier A., Froger J.L. (2010). Apports de l'interférométrie radar à l'étude de l'éruption de mars-avril 2007 au Piton de la Fournaise. in Colloque autour de l'ANR EFIDIR, Aussois, 1-3 avril. .
  8. Cayol V., Wauthier C., D'Oreye N., Kervyn F., the GVO Team (2010). InSAR displacements associated with the november 2006 and January 2010 Nyamuragira eruptions. Cities of Volcanoes, Tenerife (Canary Island, Spain), mai 2010. .
  9. Eychenne J., Le Pennec J.L., Troncoso L., Ramon P., Robin C. (2010). Study of the August 2006 tephra fall deposit of the Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador: Insights into the eruption dynamics. European Geophysical Union. Vienne, mai 2010, abstract. .
  10. Giachetti T., Burgisser A., Arbaret L., Druitt T. H. (2010). Three-dimensional textural analysis of products from the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, using X-ray computed microtomography. EGU, Vienna, April 2010. .
  11. Hammouda T., Chantel J., Devidal J.L. (2010). Trace element partitioning between apatite and carbonatite at high pressure. in XIII meeting on Experimental Mineralogy Petrology Geochemistry, 12-14 april 2010 Toulouse, France. .
  12. Hetényi G., Garel F., Médard E., Taisne B., Mattsson B. H., Bosshard S. (2010). Columnar jointing pattern: characterization and interpretation. EGU General Assembly, Vienne, May 2-7. .
  13. Jirakova H., Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Hrkal Z., Le Coustumer P. (2010). Insight into the Pleistocene palaeorecharge conditions of confined aquifers throughout Europe. Hydrology Conference 2010, The Changing Physical and Social Environment: Hydrologic Impacts and Feedbacks, San Diego, CA, USA, Octobre 11-13, 2010. .
  14. Jirakova H., Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Le Coustumer P., Hrkal Z. (2010). Deep aquifers as archives of palaeorecharge conditions in Europe. 23ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST2010, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 octobre 2010. .
  15. Jiráková H., Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Le Coustumer P., Hrkal Z. (2010). Deep aquifers as archives of palaeorecharge conditions in Europe. 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 octobre 2010. .
  16. Kervyn M., Boone M., Van Wyk De Vries B., Cnudde V., Fontijn K., Jacobs P. (2010). 3D imaging of volcano gravitational deformation by computerized X-ray micro-tomography. GeoX 2010 ? 3rd international workshop on X-ray CT for geomaterials, New Orleans, Marc 1-3. .
  17. Kervyn M., Walter T.R., Van Wyk De Vries B., Ernst G.G.J. (2010). Analogue modelling of deformation structures at Mt Cameroon analysed with a digital image correlation technique, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12. EGU2010-8304, Vienna, May 2-7. .
  18. Laurent O., Martin H., Doucelance R., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2010). High-K calc-alkaline magmatism at the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary: implications for mantle metasomatism and continental crust petrogenesis. Example of the Bulai pluton (Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa). EUG, Geophysical Res. Abstr. 12, 6019. .
  19. Laurent O., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R., Paquette J.L. (2010). Open vs. closed-system behaviors in granitoid rocks during granulite-facies metamorphism: a case study from the Bulai Pluton (Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa). EUG, Geophysical Res. Abstr. 12, 10872. .
  20. Martelli K., Thouret J.C., Vargas Franco R. (2010). Physical Vulnerability and Quantitative Risk Assessment of Housing and Infrastructure from The Potential Impacts of Volcanic Mass Flows in Arequipa, Peru. in Cities on Volcanoes, COV6 Tenerife, 31 May – 4 June 2010. .
  21. Martelli K., Thouret J.C., Vargas Franco R., Kumar D., Sheridan M. (2010). Using Titan2D, on an Enhanced DEM, to Evaluate Lahar and Flood Hazards on El Misti Volcano, Peru. Cities on Volcanoes, COV6 Tenerife, 31 May – 4 June 2010. .
  22. Paguican E.M., Van Wyk De Vries B., Lagmay A.F.M., Grosse P. (2010). The development of structures in analogue and natural debris avalanches , Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12. EGU2010-3080, Vienna, May 2-7. .
  23. Perrier L., Métaxian J.P., Battaglia J., Garaebiti E. (2010). Locating sources of volcanic explosions and study of the structure at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu. EGU Meeting 2010, Vienna, Austria.
  24. Rebeix R., Le Gal La Salle C., Lavastre V., Fourré E., Jean-Baptiste Ph., Shouakar-Stash O., Frape S., Michelot J.L., Lancelot J. (2010). Diffusion vs Advection: Processus de transport des ions chlorures au sein d’une pile sédimentaire argileuse et carbonatée. 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Bordeaux 25 au 29 Octobre 2010. .
  25. Rivera M., Thouret J.C., Le Pennec J.L., Martin H., Samaniego P., Mariño J. (2010). Condiciones pre-eruptivas de los productos eruptivos asociados con la actividad volcanica 2006-2008 del volcan Ubinas. XV congreso peruano de Geologia, Cusco, oct. 2010. Extended abstract. .
  26. Roult C., Battaglia J., Fontaine F., Bernard P. (2010). Complexity of the seismic signals at RER station from the 2007 collapse episode of the Dolomieu crater (La Réunion Island). AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, USA.
  27. Roult G., Battaglia J., Fontaine F., Bernard P. (2010). Complex seismic signals from the 2007 collapse episode of the Dolomieu crater (La Réunion Island). Caldera workshop REU. .
  28. Silva C., Druitt T., Robin C. (2010). Eruption and emplacement mechanisms of the Holocene Pucon Ignimbrite eruption, Volcan Villarrica, Chile. in EGU, Vienna, April 2010. .
  29. Vystavna Y., Le Coustumer P., Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Tapie N., Budzinski H. (2010). First evaluation of pharmaceuticals in rivers of Eastern Ukraine. WATER 2010, Hydrology, Hydraulics and water resources in an uncertain environment, 5th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Québec City, Canada, 5-7 July 20.
  1. Boivin P. (2010). Identification de roches provenant de sarcophages de l'Eglise St Hilaire, Moutier-Rozeille (Creuse), 2010. .
  2. Gurioli L. (2010). Vesuvius: A Biography Blown away by the spectacle. The times Higher Education, 2010: p. 11 March 2010. .
  3. Miailler D., Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Cluzel N. (2010). Rapport de sondages et d'analyses le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme) - Octobre 2009/mars 2010. .
  1. Andrault D., et al. (2010). Fusion du manteau profond. in Journée Scientifique du LMV, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand. .
  2. Battaglia J., Roult G., Cayol V. (2010). Very Broad-Band seismicity related to the 2007 step-by-step collapse of the Dolomieu crater, Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island). in workshop, Besse, France. .
  3. Bernard B., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2010). Advances in field work approach on volcanic debris avalanche deposits: understanding their context and explaining processes using facies analysis, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12. in EGU2010-6651, Vienna, May 2-7. .
  4. Boivin P., Barbet P., Boeuf O., Devouard B., Besson J.C., Charles L., Constantin C., Devidal J.L., Donnadieu F., Hénot J.M., Labazuy P., Laporte D., Machiarelli R., Rivière F. (2010). Contexte géologique du site de Chilhac (43). Journée Régionale de l'Archéologie. DRAC Auvergne. 15 janvier 2010. Clermont-Ferrand. .
  5. Catry T., Cayol V., Famin V., Michon L., Romagnoli C., Chaput M. (2010). Dike and sill injections: what is the most likely trigger of volcano flank collapse. European Geophysical Union, Vienne, Autrice, Avril 2010. .
  6. Chaumard N., Devouard B., Devidal J.L., Zanda B. (2010). Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in CK3/4 carbonaceous chondrites. 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. 21-27 August 2010, Budapest, Hungary. .
  7. Chauvin A., Roperch P., Le Pennec J.L., Valdez F. (2010). High secular variation at low latitude : Paleomagnetic and archeomagnetic results from Ecuador. European Geophysical Union. Vienne, mai 2010, abstract. .
  8. Chen Y., Provost A., Schiano P., Cluzel N. (2010). Water loss from melt inclusion in olivine and its geological significance. EMPG XIII 2010, Toulouse, 12-14 April.
  9. Devouard B., Labat F., Fritsch E., Devidal J.L. (2010). Crystal chemistry and crystal growth of pezzottaite from Myanmar. 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. 21-27 August 2010, Budapest, Hungary. .
  10. Douchain J.M., Battaglia J. (2010). Auvergne seismic network: an overview. in ESC workshop, Besse, France. .
  11. Froger J.L., Durand P., Fruneau B., Villeneuve N. (2010). Toward an operational InSAR monitoring of volcanic activity (Projet CSK #2080). Journées Thématiques Orfeo/Pleiades, CNES, Paris, Jeudi 28 janvier 2010. .
  12. Froger J.L., Souriot T., Augier A., Cayol V., Byrdina S. (2010). VOLInSAR-PF, Service d’Observation InSAR multicapteurs sur le Piton de la Fournaise. Colloque « Les Satellites Grand Champ pour le suivi de l’environnement, des ressources naturelles et des risques », UBP-OPGC, Clermont-Ferrand, 21-22 janvier 2010. .
  13. Gaillard F., Lacono-Marziano G., Delacourt A., Laporte D. (2010). Redox Transfer at Subduction Zones: The Fluid-Melt-Rock Connection. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU General Assembly 2010. .
  14. Gaillard F., Lacono-Marziano G., Delacourt A., Laporte D. (2010). Serpentine, Water and Redox Transfer at Subduction Zones: The Fluid-melt-rock connection. Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. EMPG XIII - International Conference. April 12-14, 2010, Toulouse, France. .
  15. Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2010). Architecture and evolution of La Réunion inferred from geophysical data. in EGU General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-4320. .
  16. Gailler L., Lénat J.F. (2010). Internal structure of a hot spot oceanic volcanic system, La Réunion-Geophysical approaches. ESC, Montpellier (France), 6 Septembre 2010.
  17. Giachetti T., Druitt T., Burgisser A., Arbaret L. (2010). Vesiculation processes during the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. EGU, Vienna, April 2010. .
  18. Gouhier M., Labazuy P. (2010). Retrieval of volcanic product emission: Insight from MSG-SEVIRI measurements. in Colloque “Les satellites grand champ pour le suivi de l'environnement, des ressources naturelles et des risques», 21-22 janvier 2010, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
  19. Greenwood R.C., Franchi I.A., Chaumard N., Devouard B., Burbine T.H. (2010). Is the EOS family derived from the breakup of a stratified CV-CK parent body? 73rd annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 26-30 July 2010, New York, USA, publ. in : Meteoritics & Planetary Science 45, Supplement, A58. - DOI:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01051.x.
  20. Guéhenneux Y., Labazuy P., Bergès J.C., Cacault P., Souriot T. (2010). Observation, surveillance et alerte temps réel de l’activité des volcans par télédétection des points chauds et des panaches de cendres. Colloque “Les satellites grand champ pour le suivi de l'environnement, des ressources naturelles et des risques», 21-2.
  21. Hamada M., Laporte D. (2010). Negative temperature dependence of surface tension between silicate liquid and water suggested by bubble nucleation experiments. in Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010 (Chiba City, 23-28 May). .
  22. Koga K., Rose-Koga E., Laporte D., Cluzel N. (2010). Lithium-boron depletion during degassing of rhyolitic magma. Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. EMPG XIII - International Conference. April 12-14, 2010, Toulouse, France. .
  23. Malfait W.J., Sanchez-Valle C., Ardia P., Médard E. (2010). Compositional dependent compressibility of dissolved water in silicate glasses. EMPG XIII, Toulouse, April 11-14. .
  24. Miallier D., Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Cluzel N., avec la collaboration de :, Besson J.C., Couturié J.P., Dando M., Devidal J.L., Dupoux A., Pointud F., Farrié B., Fruquière J.L., Labazuy P., Merle A., Meunier G., Parent D., Petit S., Pruneyrolles L., Verdier P. (2010). Nouvelles données sur l’exploitation antique et médiévale des trachytes de la Chaîne des Puys. Journée Régionale de l'Archéologie. DRAC Auvergne. 15 janvier 2010. Clermont-Ferrand. .
  25. Mourão C., Mata J., Silva L.S., Doucelance R., Madeira J., Brum da Silveira A., Moreira M. (2010). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of extrusive calciocarbonatites from Brava Island (Cape Verde). X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, Porto.
  26. Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Wälle M., Keller N.S., Günther D. (2010). HSE partitioning and core formation: solving the nanonugget issue. EMPG XIII, Toulouse, April 11-14. .
  27. Médard E., Schmidt M.W., Wälle M., Keller N.S., Günther D. (2010). Pt in silicate melts: centrifuging nanonuggets to decipher core formation processes. Lunar and Planetary Science 41, Abstract #2639, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. .
  28. Perrier L., Métaxian J.P., Battaglia J., Garaebiti E. (2010). sources of explosion quakes and long-period events at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, Locating. ESC workshop, Besse, France. .
  29. Rivemale E., Brenguier F., Ferrazzini F., Battaglia J., Kowalski P., Got J.L., Shapiro N., Taisne B., Nercessian A. (2010). Patterns of inter-eruptive seismicity at Piton de la Fournaise volcano between 1999 and 2008. Caldera workshop REU. .
  30. Rivemale E., Brenguier F., Ferrazzini F., Battaglia J., Shapiro N., Taisne B., Kowalski P., Got J.L., Nercessian A. (2010). Processes of volcanic unrest inferred from 10 years of micro-seismicity at Piton de la Fournaise volcano. AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, USA. .
  31. Rivemale E., Brenguier F., Ferrazzini V., Battaglia J., Got J.L., Shapiro N., Kowalski P., Nercessian A., Taisne B. (2010). Volcanic activity initiation inferred over a decade of micro-seismicity monitoring at Piton de la Fournaise volcano. ESC workshop, Besse, France. .
  32. Rivera M., Martin H., Gourgaud A., Le Pennec J.L., Gerbe M.C., Thouret J.C. (2010). Rol de la contaminacion crustal en el magmatismo de los Andes del sur peruano : ejemplo del volcan Misti. XV congreso peruano de Geologia, Cusco, oct. 2010. Extended abstract. .
  33. Suan G., Rulleau L., Suchéras-Marx B., Vincent P., Martin J.E., Lena A., Rousselle B. (2010). Nouvelles observations sédimentologiques et biostratigraphiques du Toarcien inférieur de la région Lyonnaise. Abstracts with Programs of the Réunion spécialisée de la S.G.F. : Peuplements et environnements jurassiques, p. 101. .
  34. Vincent P., Martin J.E., Lena A., Rousselle B., Rulleau L., Suan G., Suchéras-Marx B. (2010). Un aperçu de la diversité des vertébrés marins à travers la succession Toarcien-Aalénien de la carrière Lafarge à Charnay (Beaujolais, Rhône, France). Abstracts with Programs of the Réunion spécialisée de la S.G.F. : Peuplements et environnements jurassiq.
  35. Vystavna Y., Le Coustumer P., Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Tapie N., Budzinski H. (2010). Evaluation of pharmaceuticals in rivers of Bordeaux region, France and Kharkiv region, Ukraine. 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 octobre 2010. .
  1. Andrault D., et al. (2010). Earth Science and the ESRF-ILL Partnership for Extreme Condition Science: Round Table. ESRF User meeting, Grenoble. .
  2. Andrault D., et al. (2010). Melting curve of the deep mantle applied to properties of early magma ocean and actual core-mantle boundary. in European Geosciences Union, Vienna. 2010. .
  3. Andrault D., et al. (2010). Melting curve of the deep mantle applied to properties of early magma ocean and actual core-mantle boundary. in Goldschmidt, Knoxville. 2010. .
  1. Celle-Jeanton H. (2010). Rapport technique confidentiel sur les circulations et la minéralisation des eaux minérales. L’Oréal – Active Cosmetics - Vichy International, 13 p. .
  2. Celle-Jeanton H. (2010). Rapport technique confidentiel sur les circulations et la minéralisation des eaux minérales. L’Oréal – Active Cosmetics - Vichy International, 15 p. .
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