257 publication(s) trouvée(s).
  1. Bascou J., Henry B., Ménot R.P., Funaki M., Barruol G. (2014). Influence of partial melting on magnetic fabrics of migmatites: evidence from Paleoproterozoic terrains of Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie (East Antarctica). EGU, Vienne, Austria. .
  2. Bernard J., Kelfoun K., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). Comparison between numerical modeling and field data: evidence for syn-emplacement erosion processes and their impacts on flow mobility at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Cities on Volcanoes 8 | September 9-13, 2014. .
  3. Bernard J., Le Pennec J.L., Vallejo Vargas S., Kelfoun K. (2014). Syn-emplacement processes revealed by textural analyses of PDC deposits from 2006 eruption of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador): impact on flow mobility. Cities on Volcanoes 8 | September 9-13, 2014. .
  4. Berthod C., Famin V., Bascou J., Michon G., Ildefonse B. (2014). Debris avalanche triggered by sill intrusions in basaltic volcanoes (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion Island). AGU, San Francisco, USA. .
  5. Eychenne J., Engwell S., Cashman K., Rust A., Durant A., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). Fine ash enrichment of fall deposits from explosive eruptions by co-PF ash: nature, significance and implications. European Geophysical Union. Vienne, avril 2014, abstract. .
  6. Gailler L., Labazuy P., TOMUVOL Collaboration (2014). The Tomuvol Project: Technical evolution and scientific contributions to volcanoes high resolution imaging. Cities on Volcano, September 9- 13, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  7. Grosjean A.S., Gardien V., Dubois M., Martini R., Boulvais P., Vennemann T.W., Pittet B. (2014). Stable isotope composition of quartz-calcite veins and their fluid inclusions: Implications for establishing regional fluid circulation pattern during mountain belt exhumation and sediment provenance. International Sedimentology Congres, Genève. .
  8. Grosjean A.S., Gardien V., Pittet B., Mahéo G., Leloup P.H. (2014). Lithospheric convergence and drainage development: A case study from the Western Alps. International Sedimentology Congres, Genève. .
  9. Jaunat J., Huneau F., Dupuy A., Celle-Jeanton H., Le Coustumer P. (2014). Coupling hydrology, geochemistry and hydrodynamic towards rational management of discontinuous aquifers. Application to the Ursuya massif (Basque Country, France). Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Inte.
  10. Lamarque G., Barruol G., Fontaine F., Bascou J., Cottin J.Y., Ménot R.P. (2014). Deep structure of the east Terre Adélie Craton boundary (East Antarctica): Seismic investigation of the Mertz shear zone area. EGU, Vienne, Austria. .
  11. Le Pennec J.L., de Saulieu G., Samaniego P., Jaya D., Gailler L. (2014). Oldest known volcanic disaster in the Andes revealed by Formative ceramics in 3 ka BP deposits at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador, with implications for hazard assessment. Cities on Volcanoes 8. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  12. Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). High-resolution ash particle shape characterization applied to tephra dispersal analyses of the 2001 eruption plume of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Cities On Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  13. Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). Towards fast and routine analyses of volcanic ash morphometry for eruption surveillance applications. Cities On Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  14. Moine B., Korsakov A.V., Costin G., Oleinikov O.B., Golovin A.V., Ionov D.A. (2014). Zoisite-grossular exsolutions in omphacite of corundum-bearing eclogite from Siberian craton. 6th International Orogenic Lherzolite Conference, Marrakech, 05/2014. .
  15. Montalbano S., Bolle O., Schiano P., Cluzel N., Vander Auwera J. (2014). Bulk rock and melt inclusion analyses indicate bimodal distribution in Calbuco volcano (Chile). EGU general assembly 2014, Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014. .
  16. Narvaez D., Bernard B., Hidalgo S., Leibrandt S., Le Pennec J.L., Eychenne J., Douillet G. (2014). Eruptive dynamics based on ash sequence analysis: the example of March and July 2013 eruptive phases at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Cities on Volcanoes 8, 9-13 Sept. 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract. .
  17. Rivera M., Samaniego P., Mariño J., Thouret J.C. (2014). Procesos petrogenéticos implicados en el desencadenamiento de la actividad eruptiva 2006-2009 y 2014 del volcán Ubinas (Moquegua). XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
  1. Bascou J., Ménot R.P., Lamarque G., Barruol G., Rolland Y., Henry B., Cottin J.Y. (2014). Le Craton de Terre Adélie, une fenêtre sur la dynamique de la lithosphère néoarchéenne – paléoprotérozoïque. Apports et perspectives du programme ArLiTA. 24ièmes Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France. .
  2. Boiron T., Bascou J., Ferré E., Guy B., Gerbe M.C. (2014). Structure interne des coulées basaltiques : étude des propriétés magnétiques des prismes des coulées de La Palisse et de Saint-Arcons-d’Allier, Massif Central. 24ièmes Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France. .
  3. Chevet J., Grégoire M., O’Reilly S., Gerbe M.C., Delpech G., Moine B., Guillaume D., Griffin W., Cottin J.Y. (2014). Les roches crustales profondes de l’Archipel de Kerguelen (Sud de l’Océan Indien). XXVIème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau. .
  4. Clavero, J., Castruccio, A., Droguett, B., Segura, A., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Samaniego P. (2014). XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno. XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, La Serena.
  5. Manrique N., Samaniego P., Médard E., Mariño J., Valderrama P., Liorzou C. (2014). Procesos petrogenéticos y condiciones físicas pre-eruptivas responsables de la erupción reciente del volcán Tutupaca (Tacna). XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
  6. Radu I.B., Moine B., Korsakov A.V., Costin G., Oleinikov O.B., Golovin A.V., Ionov D. (2014). Zoisite-grossular exsolutions in omphacite of corundum-bearing eclogite from Siberian craton. XXVIème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  7. Wasilewski B., Moine B., Delpech G., Delpech G., Chevet J., Cottin J.Y. (2014). Caractérisation et origine d'un manteau ultra-réfractaire en contexte intraplaque océanique (Archipel des Kerguelen, TAAF). XXVIème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  1. Andrault D. (2014). Phase transition in aluminous silica at lowermost mantle P-T conditions. ESRF User Meeting, Grenoble. .
  2. Andujar J., Martel C., Samaniego P., Molina I. (2014). Understanding the plumbing system and changes in eruptive dynamic at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador). Cities on Volcanoes 8. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  3. Azevedo C., Jébrak M., Amortegui A., Moyen J.F. (2014). La première croûte continentale du Canada. Québec Mines, Québec, QC.
  4. Baasner A., Médard E., Laporte D. (2014). Partial Melting of Garnet Lherzolite with H2O and CO2 at 3 GPa: Implications for Intraplate Magmatism. Abstract DI21A-4258 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December (poster). .
  5. Battaglia J., Hidalgo S., Douchain J.M., Alvarado A., Bernard B., Ruiz M., Anzieta J., Cordova J., Hugo Ortiz H., Vasconez F. (2014). Preliminary insights into data recorded by a temporary broadband seismic network at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador). Cities on Volcanoes 8, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, Poster. .
  6. Battaglia J., Metaxian J.P., Garaebiti E. (2014). Short term precursors of Strombolian explosions at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu). Cities on Volcanoes 8, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, Poster. .
  7. Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Plank T., Elliott T. (2014). Comparison of Ce isotopes in two oceanic arc systems: Lesser Antilles and Mariana. Goldschmidt conference, Sacramento. .
  8. Bouhifd A., Andrault D., Pesce G., Petitgirard S., Rivard C. (2014). Potassium in the Earth’s Core: New Experiments in a Deep Magma Ocean. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento 8-13 Juin 2014, Abstract N° 246. .
  9. Brugier Y.A., Pichavant M., Di Muro A., Bourdier J.L., Bachèlery P. (2014). Pigeonites et orthopyroxènes au sein de cumulats gabbroïques dans des dépôts du Piton Chisny (Ile de La Réunion) : nouvel apport à la pétrologie des roches basiques réunionnaises. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27 – 31 Octobre 2014. .
  10. Carpentier M., Sigmarsson O., Larsen G. (2014). Implications for future activity of Grímsvötn volcano, Iceland, from compositional time series of historical tephra. EGU2014-7302.
  11. Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Devidal J.L. (2014). Redox control on Nb/Ta fractionation: new constrains on the Earth-Moon system. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento 8-13 Juin 2014, Abstract N° 350. .
  12. Cayol V., Catry T., Michon L., Chaput M., Famin V., Bodart O., Froger J.L., Romagnoli C. (2014). Sheared sheet intrusions as mechanism for lateral flank displacement on basaltic volcanoes: Application to Réunion Island volcanoes. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, U.S.A., décembre 2014.
  13. Celle-Jeanton H., Mohammed N., Huneau F., Lavastre V., Le Coustumer P., Clauzet M.L. (2014). A combined approach of chemical, isotopic and microbial tracers to determine the origin of nitrates in an alluvial aquifer. Case study of the Allier alluvial system (France). IAH 2014 Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies, Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Septe.
  14. Celle-Jeanton H., Verney N., Devidal J.L., Huneau F., Barbecot F., Gillon M. (2014). Contribution of chemical and isotopic contents to the characterization of groundwater’s circulation in a thermo-mineral system. A case study in Auvergne, Massif Central (France). MinWat2014 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Mineral Waters: Gen.
  15. Collinet M., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Charlier B. (2014). Alkaline primary melts from the primitive mantle of Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science 45, Abstract #2839, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 17-21 mars (poster). .
  16. Court S., Cayol V., Bodart O., Koko J. (2014). Fictitious domain methods for fracture models in elasticity. Poster AGU San Francisco 2014.
  17. Dogan G.D., Gourgaud A., Deniel C., Varol E., Temel A. (2014). Post-collisional Quaternary basaltic magmatism from the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP): mineralogy and P-T estimates. Goldsmith Conference. .
  18. Donnadieu F., Rodriguez N., Maillet A., Tailpied D., Battaglia J., Hervier C., Freville P. (2014). Explosion source parameters at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, retrieved by Doppler radar. Journée Vanuatu, IPG Paris, 3 mars. 2014. Invited poster. .
  19. Falsaperla S., Apuani T., Coltelli M., Donnadieu F., Langer H., Privitera E., Puglisi G. (2014). MED-SUV project: First results and ongoing activities of WP 5 – Task 5.1: Characterization of the threatening phenomena from space and ground. MED-SUV 1st year meeting, Nicolosi, 7-9 July 2014. .
  20. Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Blakely R. (2014). Curie Point Depth beneath the Reunion Island volcanic system inferred from spectral analysis of magnetic anomalies. Cities on Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta (Indonésie), 9-13 Septembre 2014.
  21. Giacomini A., Huneau F., Garel E., Jaunat J., Santoni S., Celle-Jeanton H. (2014). Caractérisation isotopique et géochimique des circuits thermo-minéraux de la Corse orientale : définition des impluviums et origine des minéralisations souffrées. 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France, 27-31 Octobre 2014. .
  22. Guitreau M., Blichert-Toft J., Mojzsis S.J., Martin H., Albarède F. (2014). Traçage isotopique Lu-Hf de la formation des premiers continents et l’évolution précoce du manteau terrestre. Colloque PNP, Paris (octobre 2014). .
  23. Haddadi B., Carn S., Sigmarsson O. (2014). Sulphide globules and their impact on sulphur degassing budget: the case of Grímsvötn volcano, Iceland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-1652. .
  24. Haddadi B., Jordan S., Sanchez L., Gurioli L., Harris A., Laporte D., Le Pennec J.L., Menand T., Roche O., Sigmarsson O. (2014). Eruptions exceptionnelles : le volcanisme basaltique explosif. Manifestation scientifique de restitution du CPER 2007-2014, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, 08-09 décembre 2014 (poster). .
  25. Hardiagon M., Laporte D., Morizet Y., Provost A. (2014). Ascension et dégazage des magmas : Etude expérimentale dans le système basalte-CO2 Manifestation scientifique de restitution du CPER 2007-2014, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, 08-09 décembre 2014 (poster). .
  26. Hidalgo S., Battaglia J., Bernard B., Steele A., Arellano S., Galle B. (2014). Understanding open and closed system behaviors at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) using SO2 and seismo-acoustic measurements. EGU Meeting 2014, Vienna, Austria, Poster. .
  27. Hidalgo S., Palacios P., Robles A., Pacheco D., Battaglia J., Yuccha V., Narvaez D., Hasselle N., Storm S., Guergouz C. (2014). Results from CO2 measurement campaigns at Cuicocha crater lake (Ecuador). Cities on Volcanoes 8, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, Poster. .
  28. Houecande O., Graillot D., Moutte J., Kacem M., Lavastre V. (2014). Characterization and monitoring of metallurgical waste dump: slag particles transport in polluted soiL. Intersol 2014. .
  29. Hrysiewicz A., Menand T. (2014). How does magma storage affect the rheology of the Earth’s crust in space and time? ICAST 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, 11 -12 décembre 2014. Poster, communication sans acte. .
  30. Huneau F., Giacomini E., Garel E., Jaunat J., Santoni S., Celle-Jeanton H. (2014). Thermal and mineral waters from the island of Corsica (France). From the hydrogeological characterization to the rebirth of the hydrothermal industry. MinWat2014 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Mineral Waters: Genesis, Exploitation, Protecti.
  31. Ingrin J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Vigouroux E., Frost D. (2014). H Diffusion in Wadsleyite and Water Content of the Transition Zone. AOGS, Sapporo, Japan.
  32. Jessop D., Jellinek M., Roche O. (2014). Turning off entrainment: the role of particle size distributions and vent geometry in the collapse of volcanic jets. AGU Fall Meeting. .
  33. Jordan S., Colombier M., Gurioli L., Cluzel N., Shea T. (2014). Integration of porosity, connectivity and permeability measurements to quantify syneruptive degassing. Summer school, “Magmatic volatiles: from generation to atmospheric loading” 1 to 5 July 2014, Stóru-Tjarnir, Iceland. .
  34. Jordan S., Le Pennec J.L., Roche O., Gurioli L. (2014). Violent Strombolian to Subplinian Eruption of a Monogenetic Cone Complex, Chaîne Des Puys, France. AGU Fall Meeting. .
  35. Kilzi M., Grégoire M., Benoit M., Driouch Y., Bosse V., De Saint Blanqua M., Debat P. (2014). Petrology and geochemistry of ultramafic and mafic rocks emplaced within the anatectic series of the variscan Pyrenees : example of the Gavarnie-Heas dome, west Pyrenees (France). 24 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  36. Koga K., Cattani F., Nicollet C., Debret B., Van De Bleeken G. (2014). Assessment of tracer volatile element transfer in a mafic crust of a subduction zone from alpine ophiolites. Abstract 3.7.21 at Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France, 27-31 Oct. 2014. .
  37. Lai Y.J., Schönbächler M., Akram W., Iizuka T., Boyet M. (2014). The timing of early planetary silicate differentiation based on the Nb-Zr chronometer. Metsoc, Casablanca.
  38. Laurent O., Zeh A., Moyen J.F., Doucelance R., Martin H. (2014). Growth of continental crust and its episodic reworking over >800 Ma: evidence from Hf-Nd isotope data on the Pietersburg block (South Africa). EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
  39. Lavastre V., Celle-Jeanton H., Mimoun D., Bertrand G., Chevet J., Conord C., Perrache C., Faure O., Bouchardon J.L., Astolfi F., Perret S. (2014). Geochemical and isotopic monitoring of an alluvial aquifer in an industrial contaminated context. IAH 2014 Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies, Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 September, 2014. .
  40. Mangeney A., Ionescu I., Bouchut F., Roche O. (2014). Quantitative Simulation of Granular Collapse Experiments with Visco-Plastic Models ». AGU Fall Meeting. .
  41. Masías P., Apaza F., Hidalgo S., Samaniego P. (2014). Características y monitoreo de las fuentes termales y fumarolas del volcán Sabancaya 2013-2014. XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
  42. Mauri G., Saracco G., Labazuy P., Williams-Jones G. (2014). Monitoring depth variations in hydrothermal cells through MWT analysis of self-potential signals: insights from the 1993-2008 eruptive cycle of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Reunion. GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (19-22 October 2014).
  43. Maurice J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Demouchy S., Debret B. (2014). Experimental study of serpentine dehydration. Lherzolite Conference, Marrakech, may 2014.
  44. Menand T., Annen C., de Saint Blanquat M. (2014). Rates of magma transfer in the crust: insights into magma reservoir recharge and pluton growth. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27 – 31 octobre 2014. Poster, communication avec acte. .
  45. Menand T., Annen C., de Saint Blanquat M. (2014). Rates of magma transfer in the crust: insights into magma reservoir recharge and pluton growth. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 15 – 19 décembre 2014.Poster, communication avec acte. .
  46. Moyen J.F., Carrouée S., Cuney M., Zeh A. (2014). Generating contrasting granitic melts from the same source: the ca. 3.1 Ga Heerenveen and Mpuluzi batholiths, South Africa. EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
  47. Médard E., Collinet M. (2014). Shergottites : partial melts of a depleted martian mantle. Lunar and Planetary Science 45, Abstract #2840, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 17-21 mars (poster). .
  48. Novella D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bureau H., Rapsaet C. (2014). H2O quantitative analysis of transition zone minerals wadsleyite and ringwoodite by Raman spectroscopy. AGU Fall meeting.
  49. Oladottir B., Larsen G., Sigmarsson O. (2014). Volume estimates of selected prehistoric basaltic tephra layers from Katla, Iceland. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU2014-6195.
  50. Ort M.H., Di Muro A., Michon L., Bachelery P. (2014). The Bellecombe Ash: Indications of Explosive Eruptions at Piton de La Fournaise, Reunion Island. IAVCEI – 5th International Maar Conference, Querétaro, México, November 17-22. .
  51. Pesce G., Manthilake G., Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2014). Experimental Investigations of the Deep Earth's Mantle Melting Properties. AGU Fall meeting.
  52. Sanchez L., Sehlke A., Harris A., Whittington A.G., Menand T. (2014). Rheological properties of ascending magma at a basaltic andesitic system: Puy de la Vache, France as a case study. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 15 – 19 décembre 2014. Poster, communication avec acte. .
  53. Santoni S., Huneau F., Garel E., Labasque T., Vergnaud-Ayraud V., Aquilina L., Jaunat J., Celle-Jeanton H. (2014). Groundwater residence time (CFCs, SF6) and flow pattern in the coastal aquifer of Bonifacio (Southern Corsica, France). IAH 2014 Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies, Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 September, 2014. .
  54. Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Pinel V., Kassouk Z., Gupta A., Liew S.C., Oehler J.-F. (2014). Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS-PALSAR radar imagery. AGU Fall meeting, Natural Hazards Division, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015.
  55. Tridon M., Cayol V., Froger J.L. (2014). Modeling the eastern flank displacement of Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion Island) observed by InSAR after the April 2007 eruption., Fringe 2015 workshop “Advances in the science and applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR Workshop”, Frascati, Italie, Mars 2015.
  56. Tridon M., Cayol V., Froger J.L., Augier A. (2014). Magma propagation and atypical eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion Island) : the april 2007 eruption. Nemoh school Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology, Dublin, August 31 to September 5, 2014.
  57. Turner S., Rushmer T., Reagan M., Moyen J.F. (2014). Heading down early on? Start of subduction on Earth. EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
  58. Valverde V., Mothes P., Hall M., Samaniego P. (2014). Sixty kilometer run-out of Debris Avalanches from Sangay Volcano, Ecuador. Cities on Volcanoes 8. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  59. Vanderhaeg O., Gardien V., Moyen J.F., Laurent O., Couzinié S., Gébelin A., Villaros A., Ohnenstetter D. (2014). Flow of the partially molten Variscan orogenic crust from syn-orogenic exhumation of subducted continental crust to gravitational collapse along a convergent plate boundary marked by slab retreat. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  60. Vela J., Samaniego P., Rivera M. (2014). Estudio tefro-estratigráfico preliminar del depósito de caída de la última erupción del volcán Yucamane (Tacna). XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
  61. Vézinet A., Nicoli G., Moyen J.F., Laurent O., Stevens G. (2014). Localized collision vs regional heating: the paradoxical aspects of 2720-2670 Ma geological evolution in the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
  1. Andrault D. (2014). Voyage dans le Cristal. Fête de la Science de l’Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand. .
  2. Boivin P. (2014). Département de la Haute-Loire. Commune de Siaugues-Sainte-Marie. Mise en conformité du périmètre de protection du captage de Farges. Avis hydrogéologique. 16 janvier 2014. 21 p. .
  3. Boivin P. (2014). La Chaîne des Puys, le lac Pavin, les carrières de Meilliers et d’Imerys (Allier). 13-16 octobre 2014. Excursions. .
  4. Boivin P. (2014). La narse d’Espinasse. Société d’Histoire Naturelle d’Auvergne. 21 juin 2014. Excursion. .
  5. Boivin P. (2014). Le Puy de Dôme. Cours-stage GEO5005 de licence de géographie. Université du Québec à Montréal. 5 mai 2014. Excursion. .
  6. Boivin P. (2014). Le Puy de Dôme. Services sociaux du Conseil Général du Puy-de-Dôme. Excursion 24 avril 2014. .
  7. Boivin P. (2014). Le lac Pavin. Cours-stage GEO5005 de licence de géographie. Université du Québec à Montréal. 9 mai 2014. Excursion. .
  8. Boivin P. (2014). Le métier de volcanologue aujourd’hui. Rencontres en terre volcanique. Office du tourisme de Besse. 5 juillet 2014. Conférence. .
  9. Boivin P. (2014). Le volcan de la Nugère : Le monstre discret de la Chaîne des Puys. Cours-stage GEO5005 de licence de géographie. Université du Québec à Montréal. 6 mai 2014. Conférence. .
  10. Boivin P. (2014). Les paysages depuis le plateau de Gergovie. Journées du patrimoine 20-21 septembre 2014 . Conseil Général du PdD. Excursions. .
  11. Boivin P. (2014). Présentation de la Chaîne des Puys et du projet d’inscription au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO depuis le sommet du Puy de Dôme. Colloque ADlaf Clermont-Ferrand 9 octobre 2014. Excursion. .
  12. Boivin P. (2014). Présentation de la Chaîne des Puys et du projet d’inscription au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO depuis le sommet du Puy des Gouttes. Université Lumière Lyon 2 – Stage de Licence de géographie 2014-2015 Clermont-Ferrand 8 octobre 2014. Excursion. .
  13. Boivin P., Connier Y., Lardet, Almeras B., Courtadon T. (2014). L’exploitation du bassin de Volvic. Cours-stage GEO5005 de licence de géographie. Université du Québec à Montréal. 6 mai 2014. Excursion. .
  14. Celle-Jeanton H. (2014). Etude hydrogéologique de la nappe alluviale de l’Allier, au niveau du champ captant de Cournon-Dallet-Mezel. Analyse multicritères (hydrodynamique, hydrochimique, géophysique et biologique). Rapport technique destiné à l’usages des financeurs du projet :.
  15. Celle-Jeanton H. (2014). Médicaments : ce qu’on ingère, ce qu’on rejette. Minute de la recherche de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand 2. .
  16. Celle-Jeanton H. (2014). Quand tu bois l’eau, pense à la source. Conférence dans le cadre des Mercredis de la Science de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand 2, 17 décembre 2014. http://videocampus.univ-bpclermont.fr/?v=RTxFnLyARqTa. .
  17. Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Hénault D., Beziaud M., Coperey A. (2014). L’Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac (63): Addendum au rapport d’étude Géophysique. In: Université Blaise Pascal, C.F. (ed.), 47 p. .
  18. Houecande O., Moutte J., Graillot D., Kacem M., Lavastre V. (2014). Etude expérimentale du transport particulaire dans les crassiers de laitiers siderurgiques. Article étendu GFHN à Angers 25&26 novembre 2014. .
  19. Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Garel E., Le Coustumer P. (2014). Second report on the “ Long term impact of the exploitation of Tertiary confined aquifers of Southern France: case of the Eocene aquifer of Aquitaine and the Miocene aquifer of Provence. Part of the final report of the first coordination meeting CRP F3301.
  20. Laporte D., Boivin P. (2014). Formation des agents du tourisme. Sithere. Coirons et Velay, Ardèche. 2-3 octobre 2014. Excursion. .
  1. Azzaoui N., Guillin A., Gouhier M., Eychenne J., Valade S. (2014). Modélisation statistique pour la surveillance des éruptions volcaniques. Revue d’Auvergne 613, 153-170. .
  2. Blanc A., Boivin P., Miallier D. (2014). Un marbrier arverne à l’époque romaine. In: Dousteyssier, Editeurs Ph. Bet & B. Dousteyssier (ed.) Éclats Arvernes. Fragments archéologiques (Ier-Ve siècle apr. J.C.). Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 46-49. .
  3. Boivin P., Liegard S. (2014). Élément de statuaire en trachyte du puy Cliersou ou de l’Aumône/Petit Suchet. Éclats Arvernes. In: Dousteyssier, E. P. B. B. (ed.) Fragments archéologiques (Ier-Ve siècle apr. J.C.). Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 220-221. .
  4. Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Hénault D., Beziaud M., Coperey A. (2014). L’Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac (Puy-de-Dôme) : prospection par géoradar. Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre (BUCEMA) 18, 1-9. - DOI:10.4000/cem.13499.
  5. Froger J.L., Souriot T., Villeneuve N., Rabaute T., Durand P., Cayol V., Di Muro A., Staudacher T., Fruneau B. (2014). Apport des données TERRASAR-X pour le suivi de l'activité du Piton de la Fournaire. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection p.86-101, 197, - DOI:10.52638/rfpt.2012.85 - lien HAL .
  6. Goncalves P., Nicollet C. (2014). Madagascar, Géologie. Encyclopedie Universalis .
  7. Laumonier B., Barbey P., Denèle Y., Olivier P., Paquette J.L. (2014). Réconcilier les données stratigraphiques, radiométriques, plutoniques, volcaniques et structurales au Pennsylvanien supérieur (Stéphanien – Autunien p.p.) dans l’Est des Pyrénées hercyniennes (France, Espagne). Revue de Géologie pyrénéenne 1, 10 p. .
  8. Miallier D., Boivin P., Cluzel N., Dousteyssier B. (2014). Une carrière antique de grande envergure dans le cratère d’un volcan. In: Dousteyssier, E. P. B. B. (ed.) Éclats Arvernes. Fragments archéologiques (Ier-Ve siècle apr. J.C.). Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 248-249. .
  9. Nicollet C. (2014). Origine et évolution de la croûte continentale. Bulletin pédagogique Biologie Géologie vol.2, p.153-171.
  10. Paquette J.L., Piro J.L., Devidal J.L., Bosse V., Didier A. (2014). Sensitivity Enhancement in LA-ICP-MS by N2 Addition to Carrier Gas: Application to Radiometric Dating of U-Th-Bearing Minerals. Agilent ICP-MS Journal 58, 4-5. .
  11. Provost A. (2014). Mathématiques et Sciences de la Terre. Revue d’Auvergne 2, 135-151. .
  12. Saulieu G., Rostain S., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). El Formativo del Alto Pastaza (Ecuador), entre arqueología y vulcanología. In: ed., S. R. (ed.) Antes de Orellana, Actas del 3er Encuentro Internacional de Arqueología Amazónica 199-205. .
  1. Albasha R., Thiesson J., Buvat S., Lopez J.-M., Cheviron B., Guérin R. (2014). Prospection géophysique dans le cadre d'une étude de la variabilité spatiale des rendements agricoles. GEOFCAN, Orsay (Université Paris-Sud 11), 2014.
  2. Allard P., Burton M., Metrich N., Sawyer G., Battaglia J., Bani P. (2014). Explosion source depths at Yasur, Vanuatu, from fast compositional changes (OP-FTIR sensing), seismic signals and met inclusion data. 12th gas workshop, Northern Chile.
  3. Andrault D. (2014). Early cosmochemical fractionation through collisional erosion Séminaire Général, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse. .
  4. Andrault D. (2014). Early cosmochemical fractionation through collisional erosion, a solution to the enstatite chondrite Earth model Workshop “Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Terrestrial Planets », Nice. .
  5. Andrault D. (2014). Installation d’une presse à multi-enclumes sur la ligne Psiché de SOLEIL pour la diffraction X et l’imagerie sous haute pression (P=1-25 GPa) et haute température (T=300-2300 K). Forum du Réseau CNRS des hautes pressions, La Rochelle. .
  6. Andronico D., Barnie T., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Cannata A., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Fernandez J.J.P., Ferrari F., Ferro A., Gambino S., Greco F., Harris A., Kueppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Lodato L., Maugeri R., Merucci L., Moune S., Paris R., Privitera E., Queisser M., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at Mt. Etna: investigation on both degassing and eruptive dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014. .
  7. Bachèlery P., Babonneau N., Jorry S., Mazuel A. (2014). What can we learn about the history of oceanic shield volcanoes from deep marine sediments? Example from La Reunion volcanoes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-9072-3, 2014, EGU General Assembly. .
  8. Bani P., Oppenheimer C., Hendrasto M., Gunawan H., Kristianto D., Tsanev V., Tamburello G. (2014). Field assessment of SO2 degassing from Indonesian volcanoes – first results. Cities on Volcanoes 8, 9-13 September, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. .
  9. Bato M.G., Froger J.L., Harris A., Villeneuve N. (2014). Insights on the 2010 Lava Flows of Piton de la Fournaise Using Cosmo-SkyMed and TanDEM-X Data: Lava Displacement Rates, Thicknesses, and Volume stimates. AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, California, USA, December 15-19, 2014 (for oral presentation). .
  10. Battaglia J., Hidalgo S., Steele A., Arellano S., Ruiz M., Galle B. (2014). Imaging the relation between SO2 degassing and seismicity at Tungurahua volcano between 2010 and 2014. 12th gas workshop, Northern Chile.
  11. Boivin P. (2014). La Géologie et ses débouchés. Lycée de Confolens. 21 février 2014. .
  12. Boivin P. (2014). Le Feu de la Terre, comment il a embrasé l’Auvergne. ASPAL, 8 mars 2014, St Germain-Lembron. .
  13. Boivin P. (2014). Les limagnes et les volcans d’Auvergne. Lycée de Confolens. 21 février 2014. .
  14. Boivin P. (2014). Les prismes basaltiques. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand. 3 décembre 2014. Conférence.
  15. Boivin P. (2014). Les roches volcaniques d’Auvergne. Origine, Mise en place, Domaines d’emploi. Forum «Lave, Histoire d’Avenir» – Volvic – 26 avril 2014.
  16. Boivin P. (2014). L’eau et les volcans. Journée de la science. Cros-de-Géorand (Ardèche) 1er octobre 2014. Conférence. .
  17. Boivin P. (2014). L’eau et les éruptions volcaniques. Dans le cadre de la Convention pour la Valorisation des Géomatériaux et des Géosites Volcaniques (V2GV). Université Hassan II – Casablanca (Maroc). Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock. 13 mai 2014. Conférence. .
  18. Boivin P. (2014). Volcanologue d’aujourd’hui. Rotary Club. Royat. 5 février 2014. .
  19. Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Miallier D., Arbaret L., Gaime S., Gauthier F., Roger J. (2014). L’utilisation des trachytes de la Chaîne des Puys durant l’Antiquité et le haut Moyen âge. Journée Régionale de l’Archéologie. DRAC Auvergne. 23 mai 2014. Clermont-Ferrand. .
  20. Boivin P., Meyer C. (2014). Des strates de roches au soubassement d’une œuvre. Le patrimoine géologique au prisme des humanités numériques. Colloque « Patrimoine et humanités numérique » 10-12 juin 2014. MSH‐Alpes, Grenoble. .
  21. Bombrun M., Harris A., Barra V., Gurioli L., Battaglia J., Ripepe M. (2014). Anatomy of a strombolian plume: inferences from particle data I. D# 3223 AGU 2014. .
  22. Bosse V., Didier A., Gautier P., Cherneva Z., Georgieva M., Gerdjikov I. (2014). Comment la monazite peut enregistrer et préserver l’âge d’événements métamorphiques successifs de haut grade : l’exemple des métapélites à Grt-Ky du Rhodope Central (Bulgarie, Grèce). Réunion RST, Pau. .
  23. Bouhifd A. (2014). Comportement des volatils lors de la ségrégation du noyau terrestre. 9ème Forum de Technologie des Hautes Pressions, La Rochelle 13-16 octobre 2014. .
  24. Bouhifd A. (2014). Comportement des volatils lors de la ségrégation du noyau terrestre. PNP Colloque quadriennal de bilan et prospective, Paris 1-3 octobre 2014. .
  25. Bouhifd A. (2014). Comportement des volatils lors de la ségrégation du noyau terrestre. PNP Colloque quadriennal de bilan et prospective, Paris 1-3 octobre 2014. .
  26. Boujibar A., Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A. (2014). Early cosmochemical fractionation by collisional erosion during the Earth’s accretion. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 15-19 décembre 2014. .
  27. Boujibar A., Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A. (2014). Early cosmochemical fractionation through collisional erosion, a solution to the enstatite chondrite Earth model. Workshop “Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Terrestrial Planets", Nice.
  28. Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Borg L.E., Horan M. (2014). Sm-Nd systematics of lunar ferroan-anorthosite: Constraints on Moon formation and its early evolution. Goldschmidt, Sacramento.
  29. Brothelande E., Merle O. (2014). Insights into magma depth in resurgent domes from analogue modelling. EUG Meeting, Austria, Vienne (april/may 2014). .
  30. Bureau H., Frost D.J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Leroy C., Estève I. (2014). Diamond growth in the Subduction Factory. Fall AGU.
  31. Cannata A., Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D'Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Pena Fernandez J. J., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Moune S., Merucci L., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. AGU Fall Meeting /https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/11645, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014.
  32. Cannata A., Privitera E., Scientific Team NEC, Donnadieu F. (2014). Multiparametric Experiment at Mt. Etna: Investigation on Both Degassing and Eruptive Dynamics AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014. .
  33. Caquineau T., François C., Paquette J.L., Marin-Carbonne J., Philippot P. (2014). Datation de la glaciation du Meteorite Bore Member, Pilbara, Australie: contrainte temporelle sur l’épisode de grande oxygénation de la Terre. RST 2014, Pau, France, 5.2.2. .
  34. Carroué S., Moyen J.F., Cuney M. (2014). Heterogeneity of uranium distribution in granitic batholiths: multiple intrusions and fluids. Colloque PNP 2014, Paris, 1-3 Octobre 2014.
  35. Chanceaux L., Menand T. (2014). Solidification effects on sill formation: An experimental approach. Geomod2014, GFZ Potsdam, 31 août – 5 septembre 2014, Présentation orale, communication avec acte. .
  36. Chavrit D., Humler E., Grasset O., Morizet Y., Laporte D. (2014). Mapping modern CO2 fluxes and mantle carbon content all along the mid-ocean ridge system. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 27 April – 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria. .
  37. Chédeville C., Roche O. (2014). Pyroclastic flows autofluidized by air escape from interstices of rough substrates at various slope angles: experimental insights. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Absract EGU2014-344. .
  38. Collinet M., Charlier B., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Grove T.L. (2014). New experimental constraints on the origin of shergottites: super-chondritic Ca/Al in melts from a garnet-free martian mantle. Lunar and Planetary Science 45, Abstract #2776, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, 17-21 mars (oral). .
  39. Collinet M., Charlier B., Namur O., Oeser M., Médard E., Vander Auwera J., Weyer S. (2014). Fe and Mg isotope fractionation in olivine from the NWA 1068 shergottite. Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento, 8-13 juin (oral). .
  40. Coltelli M., Andronico D., Boselli A., Corradini S., Costa A., Donnadieu F., Leto G., Macedonio G., Merucci L., Neri A., Pecora E., Prestifilippo M., Scarlato P., Scollo S., Spinelli N., Spata G., Taddeucci J., Wang X., Zanmar Sanchez R. (2014). Improvement of ash plume monitoring, modeling and hazard assessment in the MED-SUV project. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, EGU2014-15306, EGU General Assembly 2014. .
  41. Court S., Bodart O., Cayol V., Koko J. (2014). Fictitious domain methods for fracture models in elasticity. European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, Taormine, Italie. .
  42. Court S., Bodart O., Cayol V., Koko J. (2014). Finite element methods for imposing jump boundary conditions with a fictitious domain approach. Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique, Carry-Le-Rouet. .
  43. Couzinié S., Laurent O., Moyen J.F., Villaros A. (2014). The interior of a collapsing orogen : magmatism of the Variscan French Massif Central. Colloque PNP 2014, Paris, 1-3 Octobre 2014. .
  44. Couzinié S., Laurent O., Moyen J.F., Zeh A., Vézinet A. (2014). Imaging late-collisional slab retreat in the Variscan Eastern French Massif Central: a coupled U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope study of granites and high-K mafic intrusives. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 Octobre 2014. .
  45. Couzinié S., Moyen J.F., Villaros A., Paquette J.L., Scarrow J.H. (2014). Warmer and warmer: a 30 My melting story in the Variscan belt (Eastern French Massif Central). IMSG, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, January 2014. .
  46. Couzinié S., Moyen J.F., Villaros A., Paquette J.L., Scarrow J.H., Marignac C. (2014). Enhanced anatexis as a consequence of mantle-derived magma intrusion in the middle crust: a case study from the Eastern French Massif Central. EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
  47. De Boissieu F., Menkes C., Lefevre J., Frouin R., Bani P., Dupouy C., Rodier M., Bonnet S., Mangeas M., Guieu C., D’ovidio F. (2014). Surface Chlorophyll Patterns in the South Pacific Oligotrophic Ocean in Response to Ocean Dynamics and Volcanic Aerosol Depositions. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 28 Jul to 01 Aug, 2014, Sapporo,Japan. .
  48. Didier A., Paquette J.L., Bosse V. (2014). Standards de monazite. Réunion RST, Pau. .
  49. Donnadieu F., Hervier C., Freville P., Stachowicz T., Chevalier L., Latchimy T., Bernard C., Reymond C., the Stromboli team (2014). Doppler radar characterization of source term of volcanic explosions: preliminary results of the 2012 experiment at Stromboli. Clervolc Scientific Meeting, 6 Jan. 2014, Clermont-Ferrand. .
  50. Ettinger S., Manrique Llerena N., Talibart C., Mounaud L., Yao-Lafourcade A.F., Thouret J.C. (2014). Using HSR imagery to downscale vulnerability assessment of buildings and local infrastructure facing hazards from floods and hyperconcentrated flows. Abstract and Poster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, EGU2014-13978, EGU General Assembly 2014. .
  51. Ettinger S., Talibart C., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F. (2014). L’apport de l’imagerie Pléiades à l’analyse de la vulnérabilité à grande échelle du bâti et des infrastructures urbaines liée aux écoulements. Soumis à « Pléiades Days ». CNES, Toulouse, 1-3 avril 2014, Exposé accepté. .
  52. Ettinger S., Talibart C., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F. (2014). The use of Pléiades imagery to downscale vulnerability assessment of buildings and local infrastructure facing hazards from dilute and hyperconcentrated floods. Pleiades Days. April 1-3 2014, CNES – Airbus Defence & Space, Toulouse, France. .
  53. Ettinger S., Thouret J.C., Manrique N. (2014). Using field data and HSR imagery to downscale vulnerability assessment of buildings and local infrastructure facing hazards from floods and hyperconcentrated flows. EGU meeting, Vienna, 28 April-2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstract, Vol. 16. Submitte.
  54. Eychenne J., Engwell S., Cashman K., Rust A., Durant A., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). Consequences of tephra fall deposits enrichment by co-PF ash on the reconstruction of the dynamics of explosive eruptions. Cities on Volcanoes 8, 9-13 Sept. 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract. .
  55. Eychenne J., Le Pennec J.L., Ramon P., Yepes H. (2014). Lateral changes of the architecture of a subplinian fall deposit: implications for the estimation of eruption size and intensity. Cities on Volcanoes 8, 9-13 Sept. 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract. .
  56. Farin M., Mangeney A., Roche O. (2014). Fundamental changes of granular flows dynamics, deposition and erosion processes at high slope angles: insights from laboratory experiments. EGU General Assembly, Vienna. Abstract EGU2014-83. .
  57. Gauthier P.J. (2014). Géochimie des gaz et des eaux du système hydrothermal du complexe Yasur-Yenkahe, île de Tanna, Vanuatu, Séminaire IPGP (Dynamique des fluides géologiques), 3 mars 2014. .
  58. Grand'Homme A., Janots E., Seydoux-Guillaume A.M., Bosse V., De Ascençao Guedes R. (2014). Constaints on Alpine hydrothermalism and deformation from Th-Pb dating of cleft monazite (Western Alps). 24 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  59. Grosjean A.S., Pittet B., Gardien V., Mahéo G., Leloup P.H. (2014). Initiation et extension des drainages sud-alpins au cours de l’exhumation des Alpes occidentales. XXVIème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau. .
  60. Guillaume D., Le Romancer M., Van Beek P., Delacour A., Delpech G., Chavagnac V., Jeandel C., Cardinal D., Cottin J.Y., Grégoire M. (2014). Talisker 1077 IPEV, Chemical transfers across the lithosphere of Kerguelen: from the mantle to the ocean. RST, Pau, 27-30 October, France. .
  61. Hammouda T., Chantel J., Manthilake G., Guignard J., Crichton W. (2014). Calciocarbonatite eruption from the mantle: in situ monitoring at high pressure and high temperature using synchrotron radiation. Synchroton Grenoble. .
  62. Hammouda T., Chantel J., Manthilake G., Guignard J., Crichton W., Gaillard F. (2014). First in-situ monitoring of CO2 delivery to the mantle followed by compression melting, using synchrotron generated X-ray diffraction. Geophysical Research Abstracts: EGU General Assembly 2014. .
  63. Jackson M.G., Cabral R.A., Rose-Koga E., Koga K., Price A., Hauri E.H., Michael P. (2014). An ultra-depleted mantle component in the Ontong Java Plateau revealed by major, trace and volatile element abundances in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Fall AGU, San Francisco 15th-19th december. .
  64. Jannic A., Zaragosi S., Bachèlery P., Beaufort L., Fournier L., Schneider J.L., Palis E., Garlan T. (2014). Les dépôts volcanoclastiques du bassin Nord-Comores : sédimentologie, origine et stratigraphie. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27 – 31 Octobre 2014. .
  65. Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C. (2014). Identification des dépôts pyroclastiques et de lahar, bilan d’érosion et évaluation des risques à partir d’images satellite HRS appliquées aux volcans actifs. Soumis à « Pléiades Days ». CNES, Toulouse, 1-3 avril 2014, Exposé accepté. .
  66. Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A. (2014). Identifying pyroclastic and lahar deposits and assessing erosion and lahar hazards at active volcanoes using multi-temporal HSR image analysis and techniques for change detection. EGU meeting, Vienna, 27 April-2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstract, Vo.
  67. Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A. (2014). Object-oriented approach and spectral index analysis for delineating and measuring erosion of pyroclastic and lahar deposits at Merapi, Indonesia. COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and poster. .
  68. Kelfoun K., Komorowski J.C., Aisyah N., Sumarti S., Choliq N. (2014). A two-fluid model for block-and-ash flows and ash-cloud surge confronted with the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano (Indonesia). Cities on Volcanoes 8 | September 9-13, 2014. .
  69. Kilzi M., Benoit M., Grégoire M., Driouch Y., Bosse V., De Saint Blanquat M., Roux L., Debat P. (2014). Ultramafic and mafic rocks emplaced within the granulitic series of the variscan Pyrenees : example of the Castillon massif. 24 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  70. Koga K., Laporte D., Rose-Koga E., Cluzel N. (2014). Experimental and numerical simulations of Li isotope fractionation during H2O degassing of rhyolitic magma. AGU Fall meeting, Sacramento. .
  71. Konc Z., Boyet M., Scherer E.E., Sprung P., Mezger K., Bleeker W. (2014). 142Nd/144Nd variation in Acasta Gneiss Complex (Slave Craton, Canada). Goldschmidt, Sacramento.
  72. Köng E., Zaragosi S., Schneider J.L., Garlan T., Bachelery P., Seibert C., San Pedro L., Racine C., Sabine M., Normandin C. (2014). Qu’enregistre L’activité Turbiditique Sur Le Prisme Calabrais (mer Ionienne) sur les derniers 60 ka ? . 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27 – 31 Octobre 2014. .
  73. Labazuy P., Gouhier M., Decriem J., Guéhenneux Y., Cacault P., Rivet S. (2014). HotVolc: Real-time satellite-data-driven system designed for operational monitoring of volcanic eruptions. Cities on Volcanoes 8, Oral, 9-13 Septembre, Yogyakarta, Indonésie. .
  74. Lansigu, Bosse V. (2014). Dessins animés et outils multimédia au service des géosciences appliquées. 24 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre, Pau.
  75. Laporte D. (2014). ANR DEGAZMAG : rapport d’avancement. Workshop annuel de l’ANR DEGAZMAG, 19-20/05/2014, CRPG, Nancy. .
  76. Laurent O., Martin H., Moyen J.F., Zeh A., Doucelance R. (2014). The secular evolution of archean granitoids: evidence for the onset of “modern-style” plate tectonics between 3.0 and 2.5 ga ago. Astrobiology FNRS Contact Group & IAP PLANET TOPERS Annual Meeting, Liège.
  77. Laurent O., Rapopo M., Stevens G., Moyen J.F., Martin H., Doucelance R. (2014). Contrasting petrogenesis of Mg-K and Fe-K granitoids and implications for post-collisional magmatism: case study from the late-Archaean Matok pluton (South Africa). EGU, Vienna, April 2014. .
  78. Le Pennec J.L., Leibrandt S., Bernard J., Eychenne J., Jordan S., Narvaez D. (2014). APASH: the apparent 2D-projected shape of ash particles as a tool for characterizing and monitoring the eruptive style of active volcanoes. Cities on Volcanoes 8, 9-13 Sept. 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract. Oral. .
  79. Mahéo G., Gourbet L., Hervé Leloup P., Sorrel P., Shuster D.L., Paquette J.L., Quillévéré F. (2014). Western Tibet relief evolution, insight from sedimentary record and thermochronology. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, id.16720. .
  80. Mariño J., Rivera M., Samaniego P., Valderrama P., Macedo L., Vela J., Taipe E., Lazarte I., Masías P., Ramos D., Apaza F., Ortega M., Enriquez D., Calderón J. (2014). La Erupción del volcán Ubinas 2013-2014: Evolución, productos emitidos y efectos. XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
  81. Martin H. (2014). Évolution temporelle des mécanismes de genèse de la croûte continentale juvénile. Réunion annuelle des Sciences de la Terre. 24ème, Pau: Octobre 2014, sciencesconf.org:rst2014-pau:42326. .
  82. Menand T. (2014). Magma transport and storage in the crust. French-Canadian Workshop « Insights on Magmatic and Volcanic Processes », Vancouver, 3 – 5 mars 2014. Présentation orale, communication sans acte. .
  83. Mercier M., Druitt T., Deloule E., Cluzel N., Cadoux A., Florentin L. (2014). Santorini volcano plumbing system : Constraints from melt inclusion volatile contents, 2014 MeMoVolc Summer school 'Magmatic volatiles : from generation to atmospheric loading, Stóru-Tjarnir, Iceland, 1-5 juillet 2014. .
  84. Merlhiot G., Mondillon L., Bonin P., Le Pennec J.L., Mermillod M. (2014). The influence of uncertainty and the idea of death on risk taking. International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris. .
  85. Moyen J.F. (2014). Global geochemical patterns of Archaean (mafic) igneous rocks. IMSG, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, January 2014. .
  86. Moyen J.F., Villaros A., Vézinet A., Nicoli G., Couzinié S., Laurent O., Carrouée S., Stevens G., Kaislaniemi L., Vanderhaeghe O., Zeh A. (2014). Bulk melting of the crust during post-orogenic lithosphere stabilization: case studies from the Variscan and the Archaean. Colloque PNP 2014, Paris, 1-3 Octobre 2014. .
  87. Nicoli G., Vézinet A., Moyen J.F., Stevens G. (2014). 2.7 Ga heating event and P-T-t evolution of the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa: consequences for neoarchaean continental accretion. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 Octobre 2014. .
  88. Oehler J.F., Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Ettinger S. (2014). High resolution DEMs based on HSR PLEIADES images: Applications to the Merapi volcano (Indonesia) and the city of Arequipa close to the Misti volcano (Peru). COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and poster. .
  89. Paris R., Falvard S. (2014). Bedforms under tsunami flows. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19/12/2014. Abstract 2295. .
  90. Paris R., Nauret F. (2014). Source and significance of pumices in tsunami deposits: examples from Tenerife (Canary Islands), Santorini (Greece) and Krakatau (Indonesia) volcanoes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19/12/2014. Abstract 18245. .
  91. Paris R., Ulvrova M., Kelfoun K., Giachetti T., Switzer A.D. (2014). Firewaves: introducing a platform for modelling volcanic tsunamis. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27/04-02/05/2014. .
  92. Portal A., Lénat J.F., Labazuy P. (2014). Inversion of gravity and electrical resistivity tomography data. Geophysical study of the Puy de Dôme volcano summit part. NEMOH School in Dublin (Ireland), Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology, August 31st – September 5th, 2014. .
  93. Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Cannata A., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Fernandez J.J.P., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Merucci L., Moune S., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. MED-SUV 1st year meeting, Nicolosi, 7-9 July 2014. .
  94. Puglisi G., Bachelery P., Ferreira T.J.L., Vogfjörð K.S., the EPOS Volcano Observations Working Group Team (2014). Volcano Observation Research Infrastructure: EPOS – WG2 contribution. Geophysical Research, Vol. 16, EGU2014-14213, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014. .
  95. Radu I.B., Moine B., Costin G., Korsakov A.V., Oleinikov O.B., Golovin A.V., Ionov D. (2014). High water content of yakutian eclogites: evidence of zoisite-grossular and corundum-bearing eclogites. Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Janvier 2015.
  96. Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul, M., Horan M., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M. (2014). Early differentiation processes recorder by 142Nd and 182W in Eoarchean rocks from Isua. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
  97. Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul, M., Horan M., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M. (2014). Reconciling 182W/184W variability in the Archean mantle with partition coefficients for metal-silicate differentiation. GSA Meeting, Vancouver.
  98. Roche O., Laporte D., Vlastélic I. (2014). Recherches sur le volcanisme au Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans dans le cadre du CPER 2007-2014. Manifestation scientifique de restitution du CPER 2007-2014, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, 08-09 décembre 2014 (présentation orale). .
  99. Roche O., Niño Y. (2014). Mechanisms of entrainment of a granular substrate by pyroclastic density currents: insights from laboratory experiments and models, and implications for flow dynamics. Proceedings of GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences: Programme and Extended Abstracts. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.geomod.2014.2001.
  100. Rose-Koga E., Koga K., Hamada M., Helouis T., Whitehouse M.J., Shimizu N. (2014). Volatile (F and Cl) concentrations in Iwate olivine-hosted melt inclusions indicating low temperature subduction. Goldschmidt Sacramento, June 6-12th. .
  101. Roskosz M., Laporte D., Deloule E., Leroux H., Depecker C., Remusat L. (2014). Water uptake, diffusion and d/h signature of amorphous silicates during hydration/dehydration and magma degassing. Meteoritics & Planetary Science vol.49, p.A347-A347.
  102. Savage P.S., Boyet M., Moynier F. (2014). Zinc isotope anomalies in bulk chondrites. Metsoc, Casablanca.
  103. Sigmarsson O., Gauthier P.J., Condomines M. (2014). Duration of gas accumulation before the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption constrained by 210Po-210Pb-226Ra disequilibria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-7987. .
  104. Simionovici A.S., Lemelle L., Boyet M., Gillet P., Rivard C., El Goresy A. (2014). Nano-XRF study of earliest solar condensates in EL-3 fragments from the Almahata Sitta TC3 atseroid. Metsoc, Casablanca.
  105. Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Gupta A., Sayudi Sri D., Oehler J.F., Kassouk Z., Liew S.C. (2014). Effects and deposits of the 2010 Merapi Volcano eruption and post-eruption lahars: tracked and analyzed from high spatial resolution optical imagery. COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and poster. .
  106. Strusińska-Correia A., Oumeraci H., Kelletat D., Scheffers A., Paris R. (2014). The role of coarse clast deposits in the reconstruction of past extreme wave events – a summary of recent development and future challenges. 6th International Tsunami Symposium, Costa Rica, 02-05/09/2014. .
  107. Tabaud A.S., Janoušek V., Skrzypek E., Schulmann K., Rossi P., Whitechurch H., Guerrot C., Paquette J.L. (2014). Chronology, petrogenesis and heat sources for successive Carboniferous magmatic events in the southern-central Variscan Vosges Mts. (NE France). RST 2014, Pau, France, 3.8.12. .
  108. Ulvrova M., Paris R., Nomikou P., Kelfoun K. (2014). Numerical platform for volcanic tsunami modelling. TsuMaMos: Mathematical Modelling for Tsunami Early Warning Systems: an International Conference. Malaga, Spain, 09-11/04/2014. .
  109. Vacherat A., Mouthereau F., Pik R., Bellahsen N., Gautheron C., Bernet M., Paquette J.L., Tibari B., Pinna R. (2014). Cooling history of the Arize and Trois-Seigneurs Massifs, northern Pyrenees, and tectonic implications. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, id.4284. .
  110. Vacherat A., Mouthereau F., Pik R., Paquette J.L., Christophoul F., Tibari B. (2014). Relations sources – bassins au Nord des Pyrénées contraintes par thermochronologie détritique. RST 2014, Pau, France, 4.2.36. .
  111. Vacherat A., Mouthereau F., Pik R., Paquette J.L., Tibari B. (2014). Source to sink patterns from the west-central northern Pyrenees constrained by detrital zircon thermochronological analyses. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, id.4291. .
  112. Valderrama P., Samaniego P., Mariño J., Van Wyk De Vries B., Manrique N., Roche O., Fidel F. (2014). Dos colapsos sectoriales recientes del volcán Tutupaca: Implicaciones en la evaluación de la amenaza volcánica. XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
  113. Valer M., Schiano P., Bachèlery P. (2014). The petrogenesis of Plagioclase-Phyric Basalts from La Réunion Island. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27 – 31 Octobre 2014. .
  114. Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Beauducel F., Roult G., Lecocq T., Brenguier F., Vlastélic I., Gurioli L., Guyard S., Catry T., Froger J.L., Coppola D., Harris A., Favalli M., Aiuppa A., Liuzzo M., Giudice G., Boissier P., Brunet C., Catherine P., Fontaine F., Henriette L., Lauret F., Riviere A., Kowalski P. (2014). The June 2014 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise: Robust methods developed for monitoring challenging eruptive processes. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA., 15-19 Dec. .
  115. Vincent P., Suan G., Martin J., Suchéras-Marx B., Williams M. (2014). Marine fossiliferous strata from Beaujolais (France) point to a giant Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) Konservat Lagerstätte. SVP 74rd Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany. .
  116. Vlastélic I. (2014). Application of Lithium stable isotopes to the study of mantle and magma processes. Atelier FORSTERITE, Ax-les-Thermes, 14-17 Octobre 2014.
  117. Vlastélic I., Staudacher T. (2014). Iron-Oxide Coatings in Quenched Lavas from Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (Réunion Island). Goldschmidt Conf. 2014, Abstract 1886. .
  118. Wauthier C., Roman D., Poland M., Miklius A., Hooper A., Fukushima F., Cayol V. (2014). Deformation Sources in Kīlauea’s Southwest Rift Zone Inferred from the Modeling of Geodetic and Seismic Data. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, U.S.A., décembre 2014.
  119. Yudhicara, Bani P., Darmawan A. (2014). Geothermal system as the cause of the 1979 Tsunami Landslide in Lembata Island, Indonesia. CCOP-GSJ/AIST-MGI DelSEA-II. Workshop on coastal geology and hazards, 16 – 22 March 2014, Bandung, Indonesia. .
  1. Boivin P., Dousteyssier B., Labazuy P., Miallier D. (2014). Projet LidArverne: du rêve à la réalité, tellement plus belle ! Journée du CRAIG : Les nouvelles techniques cartographiques appliquées à l’archéologie. Clermont-Ferrand, 7 octobre. Conférence invitée. .
  2. Dauphas N., Roskosz M., Alp E.E., Neuville D.R., Hu M., Sio C.K., Tissot F., Zhao J., Tissandier L., Médard E. (2014). Controls of P-T-X-fO2 on Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Rocks. Abstract V52B-01 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December (oral). .
  3. Donnadieu F. (2014). Volcanic plumes and eruptive products. MEDiterranean Supersite Volcanoes WP5 meeting. 23-24 Jan. 2014, Catania. Invited talk. .
  4. Gurioli L. (2014). Linking textures of pyroclastic products to conduit processes and eruption dynamics. MeMoVolc workshop “ From Magma Ascent to Ash Generation” Pisa October 25-26-27, 2014. .
  5. Koga K., Rose-Koga E., Le Voyer M., Dalou C., Wu J., Debret B., Van den Bleeken G. (2014). Fluorine and Chlorine in mantle: are they useful volatile tracers? Abstract V51E-05 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014. .
  6. Labazuy P. (2014). Imagerie et télédétection appliquées à l’étude et à la surveillance des volcans. Cycle de conférences « Les nouvelles technonologies » de l’Université Ouverte Blaise Pascal, 30 janvier 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, France. .
  7. Laporte D. (2014). Formation and evolution of bubbles in ascending magmas: Equilibrium vs. disequilibrium degassing. MeMoVolc Summer School on « Volcanic gases: from source to the environment », 1 to 5 July 2014, Stóru-Tjarnir, Iceland (Invited). .
  8. Médard E., Martin A.M., Collinet M., Righter K., Grove T.L., Newville M., Lanzirotti A. (2014). Fe3+ partitioning during basalt differentiation on Mars: insights into the oxygen fugacity of the shergottite mantle source(s). Abstract V52B-03 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December (oral). .
  9. Paquette J.L. (2014). LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of recent to Archean volcanic and plutonic rocks. Insights on magmatic and volcanic processes. Workshop 2014, Vancouver, Canada. .
  10. Strand E., Gitle Hauge B., Zlotnicki J., Montebugnoli S., Monary J., Blank E., Farges T., Yvetot P., Fauquet F. (2014). The Hessdalen Phenomena (HP). 30 years of research. Instrumentation, results, witness stories, challenges, and difficulties. Workshop Caipan; CNES, Paris, 8-9 July.
  11. Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Pinel V., Vandemeulebrouck J., Hendfrasto M. (2014). Mapping the 2010 Merapi eruptive deposits using dual-polarization ALOS-PALSAR data. COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and Talk. .
  12. Zlotnicki J. (2014). Scientific Committee Member of the International Workshop » PROBLEMS OF GEODYNAMICS AND GEOECOLOGY OF INTRACONTINENTAL OROGENS ». Bishkek, Russian Academy of Sciecne, June 23-29, Kyrgystan. .
  13. Zlotnicki J., Gvishiani A., Bogoutdinov S., Bernard P. (2014). Contribution of electromagnetic methods to earthquakes monitoring EM studies in Corinth Gulf seismic gap. Bishkek, Russ. International Workshop " PROBLEMS OF GEODYNAMICS AND GEOECOLOGY OF INTRACONTINENTAL OROGENS". Bishkek, Russian Academy, Kyrgystan, June 23-29.
  14. Zlotnicki J., Nagao T. (2014). 4Fundamental problems on the earthquake generation processes and the way to monitor them for hazard mitigation'. Organization of a workshop, Toulouse, March 25-29, 2014. .
  1. Andrault D. (2014). Early cosmochemical fractionation through collisional erosion. Séminaire Général, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse.
  2. Andrault D. (2014). Voyage dans le Cristal. Fête de la Science de l’Université, Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
  3. Gurioli L. (2014). Detection & Characterization of Volcanic Plumes & Clouds. Journées Scientifiques ClerVolc, LMV, Clermont Ferrand, France, 12-13 November 2014.
  1. Dumas E., Halma M., Batisson I., Besse-Hoggan P., Celle-Jeanton H., Costa Gomes M., Forano C., Guix N., Husson P., Mousty C., Prévôt V., Richard C., Sancelme M., Sarraute S. (2014). Devenir d’herbicides de la famille des tricétones en plaine de Limagne. Semaine de la Recherche : Journées CPER : 7 années de recherche en Auvergne, 8 décembre 2014. .
  2. Joly P., Stauffert M., Bardot C., Batisson I., Besse-Hoggan P., Bonnemoy F., Celle-Jeanton H., Mallet C., Sancelme M. (2014). Impact de la mésotrione sur les communautés microbiennes du sol. Semaine de la Recherche : Journées CPER : 7 années de recherche en Auvergne, 8 décembre 2014. .
  3. Merciecca C. (2014). Les roches volcaniques d’Auvergne, propriétés mécaniques et thermiques. Forum Lave, Histoire d’avenir, Volvic, avril 2015.
  4. Peiry J.L., Beauger A., Celle-Jeanton H., Voldoire O., Casado A. (2014). SOAHAL : système d’observation d’une annexe hydraulique de l’Allier. Semaine de la Recherche : Journées CPER : 7 années de recherche en Auvergne, 8 décembre 2014. .