
Séverine Moune

Physicien-Adjoint, OPGC
Équipe de Volcanologie
Axes: Volcanisme Andin -
Bureau: 1.13 - LMV Cezeaux
Courriel :;

Page in English
  • Thèmes de Recherche :

    • Géochimie de la phase gazeuse et des aérosols volcaniques.
    • Surveillance de la composition chimique des gaz magmatiques et fluides volcaniques
    • Les éléments volatils (S, Cl, F, H2O, CO2) dissous dans les magmas.
    • Solubilité des éléments volatils dans les liquides silicatés.
    • Outils et Méthodes: Mesures gaz volcaniques (Spectroscopie UV, MultiGAS), Echantillonnage gaz volcaniques  (Bouteilles de Giggenbach, filtres gaz et aérosols), Inclusions magmatiques, microsonde électronique, MEB, chromatographie ionique, chimie en salle blanche, ICP-MS.

    Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :

    • Membre du Comité Scientifique de l’Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC)
    • Reviewer pour  JGR, JVGR, GCA, EPSL, Chem. Geol., G3, ANR (French NSF), IRD, Icelandic Research Funds
    • 2011, 2014: Membre du jury permanent pour le M2R du LMV
    • 2007-2010: Responsable des séminaires du LMV

    Activités d’enseignement :

    • Depuis 2007 – Etablissement : Université Blaise Pascal
          • Discipline : Géologie – Méthode de travail universitaire  Niveau : Licence 1
          • Discipline : Langue et communication orale   Niveau : Licence 1
          • Discipline: Surveillance des aléas volcaniques Niveau: M2R
          • Discipline : Introduction à la géologie et volcanologie   Niveau : Licence 1
          • Discipline : Pétrologie  Niveau : Polytech (Ecole ingénieur)
          • Discipline : excursion de terrain: géologie continentale   Niveau : Licence 1 biologie
    • 2006-2009 – Cours dispensés en anglais à l’Univ. Copiapo, Chili et Univ. Hannover, Allemagne
    • 2002-2004 – Etablissement : Université Blaise Pascal
          • Discipline : Tectonique  Niveau : Master 1
          • Discipline : Excursion de terrain en sédimentologie et tectonique   Niveau : Licence 1
          • Discipline: Visite du LMV Niveau: Licence 1

    Expériences de terrain

          • Jan. 2015: La Soufrière, Guadeloupe. MultiGAS, travail sur le système de surveillance gaz.
          • Nov. 2014: Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion. FLYSPEC et MultiGAS, Echantillonnage des scories de l’éruption de Juin 2014,travail sur le système de surveillance gaz.
          • Juillet 2014: Etna, Sicile. FLYSPEC, camera UV et thermique sur le cratère NE et la fissure éruptive (MED-SUV FP7)
          • Nov. 2011: Irruputuncu, Chili: Filter packs, bouteilles de Giggenbach et échantillonnage de laves/scories.
          • Jan. 2010: Popocatepetl, Mexique: DOAS
          • Avril – June 2009: Lascar et Lastarria, Chili.  DOAS, Filter packs, bouteilles de Giggenbach
          • Janv. 2009: Arenal, Costa Rica. DOAS, échantillonnage de laves/scories.
          • Nov. 2008: Popocatepetl et El Chichon, Mexique. 10th gas-workshop CCVG-IAVCEI- DOAS et bouteilles de Giggenbach.
          • Janv. 2007: Poas et Arenal, Costa Rica. Echantillonnage de scories
          • Nov. 2003: Masaya, Nicaragua. Filter packs, Echantillonnage de scories 
          • Oct. 2003: Hekla, Islande. Echantillonnage de scories

  • Publications LMV depuis 2010 :

    Rang A :

    • Aufrère S.M., Williams-Jones G., Moune S., Morgan D.J., Vigouroux N., Russell J.K. (2024). Olivine Time-Capsules Constrain the Pre-Eruptive History of Holocene Basalts, Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Petrology vol.65, - DOI:10.1093/petrology/egae089 - lien HAL .
    • Botcharnikov R., Wilke M., Garrevoet J., Portnyagin M., Klimm K., Buhre S., Krasheninnikov S., Almeev R., Moune S., Falkenberg G. (2024). Confocal -XANES as a tool to analyze Fe oxidation state inheterogeneous samples: the case of melt inclusions in olivine from the Hekla volcano. European Journal of Mineralogy vol.36, p.195-208, - DOI:10.5194/ejm-36-195-2024 - lien HAL .
    • Inostroza M., Moune S., Aguilera F., Vlastélic I., Burckel P., Tapia J., Irarrázabal N., Fernández B. (2024). Lastarria volcano, a major emitter of boron and chalcophiles in northern Chile and the Central Volcanic Zone. Chemical Geology vol.670, p.122416, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122416 - lien HAL .
    • Moune S., Jenkins S., Stewart C., Schmidt A. (2024). Editorial: Women in science: volcanology 2022. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.12, p.1500583, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2024.1500583 - lien HAL .

    • Inostroza M., Moune S., Moretti R., Burckel P., Chilin-Eusebe E., Dessert C., Robert C., Gorge C. (2023). Major and trace element emission rates in hydrothermal plumes in a tropical environment. The case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano. Chemical Geology vol.632, p.121552, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121552 - lien HAL .
    • Metcalfe A, Moune S., Komorowski J.C., Robertson R., Christopher T.E., Joseph E.P., Moretti R. (2023). Earth-Science Reviews Diverse Magma Storage and Major and Volatile Magma Composition: What are the implications on the Eruptive Style Across a Volcanic Arc? An Example of the Lesser Antilles Arc. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.241, p.104440, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104440 - lien HAL .
    • Metcalfe A., Moune S., Komorowski J.C., Robertson R., Christopher T.E., Joseph E.P., Moretti R. (2023). Diverse magma storage and major and volatile magma composition: What are the implications on the eruptive style across a volcanic arc? An example of the Lesser Antilles Arc. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.241, p.104440, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104440.
    • Metcalfe A., Moune S., Moretti R., Komorowski J.C., Aubry T.J. (2023). Volatile emissions from past eruptions at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): insights into degassing processes and atmospheric impacts. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.11, p.1143325, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2023.1143325 - lien HAL .
    • RAVE BONILA Y., Jessop D., Moune S., Garbin C., Moretti R. (2023). Numerical modelling of the volcanic plume dispersion from the hydrothermal system of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe. Volcanica vol.6, p.459-477, 2, - DOI:10.30909/vol.06.02.459477 - lien HAL .

    • Donnadieu F., Jessop D., Bani P., Moune S. (2022). Volcano Remote Sensing with Ground-based Techniques. p.211-289, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 2 - Seismology, Deformation and Remote Sensing, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
    • Feignon J., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Moune S., Roche O., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2022). High CO2 content in magmas of the explosive andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho‑Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.84, p.40, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-022-01550-y - lien HAL .
    • Inostroza M., Moune S., Moretti R., Bonifacie M., Chilin-Eusebe E., Burtin A., Burckel P. (2022). Monitoring Hydrothermal Activity Using Major and Trace Elements in Low-Temperature Fumarolic Condensates: The Case of La Soufriere de Guadeloupe Volcano. Geosciences vol.12, - DOI:10.3390/geosciences12070267 - lien HAL .
    • Inostroza M., Moune S., Moretti R., Bonifacie M., Robert V., Burtin A., Chilin-Eusebe E. (2022). Decoding water-rock interaction and volatile input at La Soufriere volcano (Guadeloupe) using time-series major and trace element analyses in gas condensates. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research p.107517, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107517 - lien HAL .
    • Moune S., Moretti R., Burtin A., Jessop D., Didier T., Robert V., Bonifacie M., Tamburello G., Komorowski J.C., Allard P., Buscetti M. (2022). Gas Monitoring of Volcanic-Hydrothermal Plumes in a Tropical Environment: The Case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Unrest Volcano (Lesser Antilles). Frontiers in Earth Science vol.10, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2022.795760 - lien HAL .
    • Moune S., Roulleau E. (2022). Monitoring of Volcanic Fluids. vol.Chap 1, p.1-31 p., Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
    • Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Les aléas volcaniques. vol.Chap 2, p.83-158, Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 1 : approches géologiques et historiques (ISBN : 978-1-78948-043-6), Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE editions.
    • Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Volcanic Hazards. vol.Chap 2, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.

    • Jessop D., Moune S., Moretti R., Gibert D., Komorowski J.C., Robert V., Heap M.J., Bosson A., Bonifacie M., Deroussi S., Dessert C., Rosas-Carbajal M., Lemarchand A., Burtin A. (2021). A multi-decadal view of the heat and mass budget of a volcano in unrest: La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, 16, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01439-2.
    • Kilgour G., Moune S., Christenson B., Della Pasqua F. (2021). Insights into the 1976–2000 eruption episode of Whakaari/White Island, New Zealand: an eruption fuelled by repeated mafic recharge. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.83, 6, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-021-01460-5 - lien HAL .
    • Massaro S., Dioguardi F., Sandri L., Tamburello G., Selva J., Moune S., Jessop D., Moretti R., Komorowski J.C., Costa A. (2021). Testing gas dispersion modelling: A case study at La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.417, p.107312, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107312 - lien HAL .
    • Metcalfe A., Moune S., Komorowski J.C., Kilgour G., Jessop D., Moretti R., Legendre Y. (2021). Corrigendum: Magmatic Processes at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe: Insights From Crystal Studies and Diffusion Timescales for Eruption Onset. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.723763, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.723763 - lien HAL .
    • Metcalfe A., Moune S., Komorowski J.C., Kilgour G., Jessop D., Moretti R., Legendre Y. (2021). Magmatic Processes at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe: Insights From Crystal Studies and Diffusion Timescales for Eruption Onset. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.9, p.617294, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2021.617294 - lien HAL .
    • Moretti R., Moune S., Jessop D., Glynn C., Robert V., Deroussi S. (2021). The Basse-Terre Island of Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean, France) and Its Volcanic-Hydrothermal Geodiversity: A Case Study of Challenges, Perspectives, and New Paradigms for Resilience and Sustainability on Volcanic Islands. Geosciences vol.11, p.454, - DOI:10.3390/geosciences11110454 - lien HAL .
    • Saurel J.M., Corbeau J., Deroussi S., Didier T., Lemarchand A., Moune S., Lynch L, Lejeune A.M., Moretti R., Komorowski J.C. (2021). Building a Natural-Hazard-Resilient High-Quality Seismic Network: How WI Network Sustained Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Seismological Research Letters vol.92, p.77-84, 1, - DOI:10.1785/0220200270 - lien HAL .

    • Moretti R., Komorowski J.C., Ucciani G., Moune S., Jessop D., Chabalier de J.B., Beauducel F., Bonifacie M., Burtin A., Vallée M., Deroussi S., Robert V., Gibert D., Didier T., Kitou T., Feuillet N., Allard P., Tamburello G., Shreve T., Saurel J.M., Lemarchand A., Rosas-Carbajal M., Agrinier P., Le Friant A., Chaussidon M. (2020). The 2018 unrest phase at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) andesitic volcano: Scrutiny of a failed but prodromal phreatic eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.393, p.106769, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106769 - lien HAL .
    • Moretti R., Moune S., Robert V., Jessop D., Didier T., Bonifacie M., Komorowski J.C. (2020). Intercomparison of geochemical techniques at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) volcano: their advantages and their limits over a long-standing unrest. Italian Journal of Geosciences vol.139, p.398-412, 3, - DOI:10.3301/IJG.2020.13.
    • Sainlot N., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Rose-Koga E., Schiavi F., Valade S., Aguilera F. (2020). Uptake of gaseous thallium, tellurium, vanadium and molybdenum into anhydrous alum, Lascar volcano fumaroles, Chile. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.275, p.64-82, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2020.02.009 - lien HAL .
    • Sainlot N., Vlastélic I., Nauret F., Moune S., Aguilera F. (2020). Sr–Pb isotopes signature of Lascar volcano (Chile): Insight into contamination of arc magmas ascending through a thick continental crust. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.101, p.102599, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102599 - lien HAL .
    • Sigmarsson O., Moune S., Gauthier P.J. (2020). Fractional degassing of S, Cl and F from basalt magma in the Bárðarbunga rift zone, Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, p.54, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-020-01391-7 - lien HAL .
    • Venugopal S., Moune S., Williams-Jones G., Druitt T., Vigouroux N., Wilson A., Russel J.K. (2020). Two distinct mantle sources beneath the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt: Insight from olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Chemical Geology vol.532, p.119346, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119346.
    • Venugopal S., Schiavi F., Moune S., Bolfan-Casanova N., Druitt T., Williams-Jones G. (2020). Melt inclusion vapour bubbles: the hidden reservoir for major and volatile elements. Scientific Reports vol.10, p.9034, - DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-65226-3 - lien HAL .

    • Venugopal S., Moune S., Williams-Jones G., Druitt T., Vigouroux N., Wilson A., Russell J.K. (2019). Two distinct mantle sources beneath the Garibaldi Belt: Insight from olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Chemical Geology vol.532, p.119356, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119346.
    • Zurek J., Moune S., Williams-Jones G., Vigouroux N., Gauthier P.J. (2019). Melt inclusion evidence for long term steady-state volcanism at Las Sierras-Masaya volcano, Nicaragua. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.378, p.16-28, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.04.007.

    • Coppola D., DiMuro A., Peltier A., Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Favalli M., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Harris A., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S., Aiuppa A. (2017). Shallow system rejuvenation and magma discharge trends at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.463, p.13-24, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.024.
    • Harris A., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Coppola D., Favalli M., Bachèlery P., Froger J.L., Gurioli L., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S. (2017). Effusive crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014–2015: a review of a multi-national response model. Journal of Applied Volcanology vol.6, 11, - DOI:10.1186/s13617-017-0062-9.

    • Gauthier P.J., Sigmarsson O., Gouhier M., Haddadi B., Moune S. (2016). Elevated gas flux and trace metal degassing from the 2014–2015 fissure eruption at the Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.121, p.1610–1630, - DOI:10.1002/2015JB012111 - lien HAL .
    • Venugopal S., Moune S., Williams-Jones G. (2016). Investigating the subsurface connection beneath Cerro Negro volcano and the El Hoyo Complex, Nicaragua. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.325, p.211-224, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.06.001.

    • Rodríguez I., Roche O., Moune S., Aguilera F., Campos E., Pizarro M. (2015). Evolution of Irruputuncu volcano, Central Andes, northern Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.63, p.385-399, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2015.08.012.

    • Ménard G., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Aguilera F., Valade S., Bontemps M., González R. (2014). Gas and aerosol emissions from Lascar volcano (Northern Chile): insights into the origin of gases and their links with the volcanic activity. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 287, 51-67. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.09.004.

    • Sigmarsson O., Haddadi B., Carn S., Moune S., Gudnason J., Yang K., Clarisse L. (2013). The sulfur budget of the 2011 Grímsvötn eruption,Iceland: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 40, p. 1-6. - DOI:10.1002/2013GL057760 - lien HAL .

    • Aguilera F., Tassi F., Darrah T., Moune S., Vaselli O. (2012). Geochemical model of a magmatic–hydrothermal system at the Lastarria volcano, northern Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 119–134. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-011-0489-5.
    • Moune S., Sigmarsson O., Schiano P., Thordarson T., Keiding J.K. (2012). Melt inclusion constraints on the magma source of Eyjafjallajökull 2010 flank eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.117, p.B00C07, - DOI:10.1029/2011JB008718 - lien HAL .

    • Donnadieu F., Valade S., Moune S. (2011). Three dimensional transport speed of wind-drifted ash plumes using ground‐based radar: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 28, p. L18310. - DOI:10.1029/2011GL049001 - lien HAL .
    • Sigmarsson O., Vlastélic I., Andreasen R., Bindeman I., Devidal J.L., Moune S., Keiding J.K., Larsen G., Höskuldsson A., Thordarson T. (2011). Remobilization of silicic intrusion by mafic magmas during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption: Solid Earth, v. 2, p. 271-281. Solid Earth vol.2, p.271-281.

    Rang B et C :

    • Constancias C., Ben Bakir B., Doron M., Lartigue O., Messaoudene S., Poizat A., Renault S., Skubich J., Volpert M., Masson O., Garaffa C., Marianne J., Gautier E., Moune S., Regis E., Labazuy P. (2024). A multi-gas sensor for environmental gases: towards miniaturization with mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) and silicon integration of photoacoustic cells. Optical Sensing and Detection VIII, Strasbourg, France, Avril 2024, - lien HAL .

    • Constancias C., Ben Bakir B., Doron M., Dubois M., Lartigue O., Lasfargues G., Skubich J., Volpert M., Magat G., Marianne J., Labazuy P., Moune S., Régis E. (2023). Miniaturization of a multi-gas sensor for environmental gases based on mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) and silicon integration of photoacoustic cells. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023 - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Allemagne, Juin 2023, - lien HAL .
    • Moune S., Di Muro A., Labazuy P., Komorowski J.C. (2023). La géochimie des gaz : un outil de surveillance volcanologique. Lettre d'information Epos-France vol.1, p.12, - lien HAL .
    • Rave Bonilla Y.P., Jessop D., Moune S. (2023). Numerical modelling of the volcanic plume dispersion from La Soufrière de Guadeloupe. p.EGU23-251, EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Autriche, 23-28 avril 2023, - DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-251.
    • Tomasek I., Eychenne J., Damby D.E., Hornby A., Romanias M.N., Moune S., Uzu G., Blanchon L., Sapin V. (2023). Physicochemical properties and bioreactivity of sub-10 µm geogenic particles: volcanic ash versus desert dust. International conference on mineral dust, Bari (IT), Italy, May 2023, - lien HAL .

    • Feignon J.G., Roche O., Moune S., Cluzel N., Schiavi F., Clavero J., Schiano P., Auxerre M. (2019). High CO2 content in magmas at an arc volcano : the andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho-Choshuenco volcano (Chile). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-16065-1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2019.
    • Gauthier P.J., Moune S., Sigmarsson O. (2019). Fractional magma degassing at Holuhraun, Bardabunga volcanic system, Iceland ?. EGU, Vienna.
    • Sainlot N., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Rose-Koga E. (2019). Temporal oxidation of Lascar volcanic gases (Chile) recorded by V-Tl-Te zonation of a fumarolic crust. EGU, Vienna.

    • Di Muro A., Galle B., Arellano S., Aiuppa A., Liuzzo M., Rizzo A., Grassa F., Boudoire G., Moune S., Giudice G., Kowalsko P., Boissier P., Brunet C. (2018). Ten years of continuous gas monitoring at Piton de la Fournaise volcano: results and perspectives. COV, Naples.
    • Gurioli L., Thivet S., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Harris A., Villeneuve N., Peltier A., Ferrazini V., Bachèlery P. (2018). Basaltic degassing mechanisms and eruptive dynamics revealed by textural, geochemical and geophysical monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise (2014-2017). EGU, Vienna.
    • Gurioli L., Thivet S., Di Muro A., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Harris A., Villeneuve N., Peltier A., Ferrazini V., Bachèlery P. (2018). Basaltic degassing mechanisms and eruptive dynamics revealedby textural, geochemical and geophysical monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise (2014-2017). vol.Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, 2018 EGU General Assembly 2018.
    • Moretti R., Komorowski J.C., Burtin A., Ucciani G., Jessop D., Moune S., Bonifacie M., Robert V., Deroussi S., Didier T., Kitou T., de Chabalier J.B., Shreve T., Venugopal S., Saurel J.M., Lemarchand A., Tamburello G., Gibert D., Allard P., Le Friant A., Chaussidon M. (2018). The 2018 February-April unrest phase at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) andesitic volcano: deep magmatic fluid transfer into the hydrothermal system and dome-structure modulation. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, Sept. 2018, - DOI:Session S01.27 - Phreatic and hydrothermal eruptions: processes, deposits, and hazard.
    • Moretti R., Komorowski J.C., Ucciani G., Burtin A., Moune S., et al. (2018). The 2018 unrest phase at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) andesitic volcano: scrutiny of a failed but prodromal phreatic eruption. EGU, Vienna.
    • Moretti R., Robert V., Moune S., Komorowski J.C., Bonifacie M., Fiebig J. (2018). A geochemical reappraisal of the hydrothermal system of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) with implications for unrest. COV, Naples.
    • Sainlot N., Vlastélic I., Moune S., Rose-Koga E. (2018). Temporal oxidation of Lascar volcanic gases (Chile) recorded by V-Tl-Te zonation of a fumarolic crust. Congrès des doctorants, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand, 7 décembre 2018.
    • Spallanzani R., Di Muro A., Moune S. (2018). The magmatic origin of superficial gas emissions at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion island) during 2014-2015 eruptions. EMPG, Clermont-Ferrand.
    • Tamburello G., Moune S., Allard P., Venugopal S., Robert V., Komorowski J.C., Didier T., Deroussi S., Kitou T., Rosas-Carbajal M., Moretti R., Ucciani G., Beauducel F., de Chabalier J.B., Lemarchand A., Dessert C., Le Friant A. (2018). Insights into the degassing unrest of a dormant arc volcano using high spatio-temporal geochemical and geophysical observations of the fumarolic activity (La Soufrière of Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles). COV, Naples.
    • Venugopal S., Moune S., Williams-Jones G., Wilson A., Russell K., Druitt T. (2018). Along arc variations in the magma source beneath the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt. EGU, Vienna.
    • Venugopal S., Schiavi F., Bolfan-Casanova N., Moune S. (2018). The behaviour of C- and S- bearing species in shrinkage bubbles before and after melt inclusion homogenisation: insight from Raman spectroscopy. EMPG-XVI, Clermont-Ferrand, 17-21 juin 2018.
    • Williams-Jones G., Johnston-Jewell D., Caravantes G., Dugal M., McGovern M., Moune S., Gauthier P.J., Witter J., the GEOARC Team (2018). The Lava Lake Laboratory, Masaya volcano, Nicaragua – A new approach to Extreme Science. RFG, Vancouver.
    • Zurek J., Moune S., Williams-Jones G. (2018). Las Sierras-Masaya volcano, Nicaragua - A structurally dynamic yet chemically stable system. RFG, Vancouver.

    • Bonifacie M., Bardoux G., Robert V., Dessert C., Moune S., Joseph P. (2017). Halogen concentrations and chlorine isotope compositions of thermal springs along the lesser Antilles arc. Goldschmidt, Paris.
    • Coppola D., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Favali M., Bachèlery P., Gurioli L., Harris A., Moune S., et al. (2017). Shallow system rejuvenation and magma discharge trends at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). EGU, Vienna.
    • Harris A., Chevrel O., Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Bachèlery P., Moune S., Morin J., Saramito P., Bernabeu N., Villeneuve N., Peltier A., Di Muro A., Calvari S., Favalli M., Coppola D., Tuffen H. (2017). La lave face à la ville: évaluation, réduction des risques et gestion des crises volcaniques effusives. 11ème édition du Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG), Université Pierre et Marie Currie-Paris, 14-15 September.
    • Harris A., Di Muro A., Villeneuve N., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Coppola D., Favali M., Bachèlery P., Froger J.L., Gurioli L., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S. (2017). Effusive Crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014-2015: A Multi-National Response Model. EGU, Vienna.
    • Moune S., Sigmarsson O., Gauthier P.J., Ilynskaya E. (2017). Fractional degassing at Holuhraun, Iceland. IAVCEI, Portland.
    • Tamburello G., Moune S., Allard P., Venugopal S., et al. (2017). Spatio-temporal relationships between fumarolic degassing, hydrothermal fluid ciruclation and lava dome deformation at La Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe. IAVCEI, Portland.
    • Venugopal S., Moune S., Williams-Jones G. (2017). Gas emission and magma source investigations of Mount Meager Complex, Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Canada. IAVCEI, Portland.

    • Di Muro A., Arellano S., Aiuppa A., Bachèlery P., Boudoire G., Coppola D., Ferrazzini V., Galle B., Giudice G., Gurioli L., Harris A., Liuzzo M., Metrich N., Moune S., Peltier A., Villeneuve N., Vlastélic I. (2016). Eruption and degassing dynamics of the major August 2015 Piton de la Fournaise eruption. EGU, Vienna.
    • Harris A., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Coppola D., Favalli M., Bachèlery P., Froger J.L., Gurioli L., Moune S., Vlastélic I., Galle B., Arellano S. (2016). Effusive Crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014-2015: A Review of a Multi-National Response Model. MeMoVolc “Uncertainty Quantification. Lava Flow Hazard Modelling and Real-Time Source Term Provision, Catania, 21-23 February 2016.
    • Kilgour A., Moune S., Della Pasqua F., Christenson B. (2016). Petrological insights into the 1976-2000 eruption episode of White Island, New Zealand: an eruption fuelled by repeated mafic recharge. EGU, Vienna.
    • Moune S., Di Muro A., Dessert C. (2016). GAZVOLC-GAZVOLCaniques: outil primordial pour suivre l'activité des volcans. Revue d'Auvergne vol.260-261, p.371-388.

    • Gauthier P.J., Sigmarsson O., Moune S., Haddadi B., Gouhier M. (2015). Trace element degassing patterns and volcanic fluxes to the atmosphere during the 2014 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland. vol.17, p.EGU2015-10206-2, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2015.
    • Gouhier M., Gauthier P.J., Haddadi B., Moune S., Sigmarsson O. (2015). Retrieval of lava and SO2 fluxes during long-lived effusive eruptions using MSG-SEVIRI: the case of Bárdarbunga 2014 activity. vol.17, p.EGU2015-9955, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2015.
    • Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Di Muro A., Boudoire G., Moune S., Bachèlery P., Villeneuve N. (2015). The June 2014 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise: Insights from field, textural and geochemical data. vol.17, p.EGU2015-345, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
    • Gurioli L., Vlastélic I., Di Muro A., Boudoire G., Moune S., Valer M., Bachèlery P., Villeneuve N. (2015). The June 2014 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise: Insights from field, textural and geochemical data. Journée scientifique : L'île de la Réunion et son contexte, IPGP, 10 April 2015.
    • Haddadi B., Moune S., Sigmarsson O., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M. (2015). Pre-eruptive volatile and erupted gas phase characterization of the 2014 basalt of Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland. vol.17, p.EGU2015-9572, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2015.
    • Venugopal S., Moune S., Williams-Jones G. (2015). Subsurface connections and magma mixing as revealed by olivine- and pyroxene-hosted melt Inclusions from Cerro Negro Volcano and the Las Pilas-El Hoyo Complex, Nicaragua. AGU, San Francisco.

    • Andronico D., Barnie T., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Cannata A., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Fernandez J.J.P., Ferrari F., Ferro A., Gambino S., Greco F., Harris A., Kueppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Lodato L., Maugeri R., Merucci L., Moune S., Paris R., Privitera E., Queisser M., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at Mt. Etna: investigation on both degassing and eruptive dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014. .
    • Cannata A., Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D'Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Pena Fernandez J. J., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Moune S., Merucci L., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. AGU Fall Meeting /, San Francisco, 15-19 dec. 2014.
    • Privitera E., Andronico D., Barnie T., Bonforte A., Burton M., Caltabiano T., Cannata A., Carbone D., Ciancitto F., Chiarugi A., Contrafatto D., Corradini S., D’Amato F., Del Bello E., Donnadieu F., Fernandez J.J.P., Ferrari F., Greco F., Harris A., Küppers U., La Spina A., Labazuy P., Liotta M., Lodato L., Paonita A., Maugeri R., Merucci L., Moune S., Murè F., Paris R., Pesci A., Queisser M., Rapisarda S., Ricci T., Salerno G., Scarlato P., Sciotto M., Scollo S., Scuderi L., Sesterhenn J., Spampinato L., Spina L., Taddeucci J., Zuccarello L. (2014). Multiparametric experiment at the North-East Crater (Mt. Etna): motivation, planning and time schedule. MED-SUV 1st year meeting, Nicolosi, 7-9 July 2014. .

    • Moune S., Carn S., Cluzel N., Aguilera F. (2013). Volatile budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile) from various and integrated approaches. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 décembre 2013.

    • Harris A., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Gurioli L., Valade S., Bombrun M., Sawyer G., Battaglia J., Moune S., Hervier C., Freville P., Latchimy T., Bontemps M., Reymond C., Bernard C. (2012). Full bandwidth remote sensing for total geophysical parameterization of volcanic emissions at Stromboli. CNFGG, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 10-12 Oct. 2012. .
    • Moune S., Carn, S., Cluzel N., Aguilera F., Amigo, A. (2012). Volatile budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile) from various and integrated approaches. Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, 24-29 Juin 2012.
    • Sigmarsson O., Moune S., Schiano P. (2012). The mantle source of Eyjafjallajökull magma. Nordic Winter Meeting, Reykjavik, 2012. .

    • Moune S., Sigmarsson O., Schiano P., Thordarson T. (2011). Volatile characterisations of Eyjafjallajokull volcano (Iceland): from the magmatic source at depth to the surface: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-4184, EGU General Assembly 2011. .
    • Thordarson T., Hayward C., Moune S., Hartley M., Sigmarsson O., Höskuldsson A., Guðmundsson M.T., Sigmundsson F. (2011). The 20 March - 12 April 2010 Fimmvörðuháls eruption, Eyjafjallajöull volcano, Iceland: Volatile contents and magma degassing: EGU 2011, Vienna. .

    Publications avant 2010 :

    • Moune, S., Faure, F, Gauthier, P.J. and Sims, K., 2007, Pele’s hairs and tears: natural probe of volcanic plume, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 164, 244-253.
    • Moune, S., Sigmarsson, O., Thordarson, T. and Gauthier P.J., 2007, Recent volatile evolution in the magmatic system of Hekla volcano, Iceland: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 255, 373-389.
    • Moune, S., Gauthier, P.-J., Gislason, S.R. and Sigmarsson O., 2006, Trace element degassing and enrichment in the eruptive plume of Hekla volcano (Iceland) during the 2000 eruption: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 461-479.