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Thèmes de Recherche :
- Chronologie des processus de formation du système solaire précoce
- Origine et formation de la Terre
- Age de formation de la Lune
- Evolution de la Terre comparée à celle des autres corps planétaires (Mars, Lune et astéroides)
- Nature, évolution et dynamique du manteau terrestre
Formation et expérience professionnelle :
- 2016. Directrice de Recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- 2014. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
- 2007 – 2016. Chargée de Recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- 2006 – 2007. ATER à l’université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne
- 2003 – 2005. Post-doctorat au Department of Terrestertial Magmatism, Carnegie Institution, Washington, USA
- 2002 – 2003. ATER à l’ENS Lyon
- 1999 – 2003. Thèse en Sciences de la Terre de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- 1988 – 1999. DEA Dynamique de la lithosphère, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :
- Directrice adjointe du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans depuis 2024
- Co-responsable de l’axe 2 du PEPR Origins depuis 2023
- Membre du Conseil d’administration de la Société Française d’Exobiologie depuis 2022
- Présidente du Programme National de Planétologie (INSU-CNRS) depuis 2022
- Membre de la commission spécialisée Terre Solide de l’INSU depuis 2021
- Membre du comité du Prix Houtermans (EAG) depuis 2020
- Reviewer pour des journaux scientifiques (Nature, Science, GCA, EPSL, Chem. Geol., etc)
- Reviewer pour des agences de financement nationales et européennes (ANR, NSF, NERC, ERC, etc), et locales (Ville de Paris, DIM ACAV, etc)
- Membre de l’EAG et la SFIS
- Editrice associée de la Revue Geochemical Perspectives Letters (2019-2022)
- Membre du conseil du laboratoire (2012-2023)
- Membre du conseil d’administration de l’EAG (2019-2022)
- Membre du Comité Scientifique du Labex UnivEarthS (2019-2023)
- Co-Responsable du thème « Evolution planétaire : structure, composition, dynamique et environnements primitifs » du Programme National de Planétologie (INSU-CNRS) de 2019 à 2022
- Membre du comité de l’AGU Bowen Award de 2017 à 2021
- Membre du Comité Scientifique du Labex CLERVOLC de 2015 à 2019
- Responsable de l’équipe de Géochimie du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans de 2015 à 2019
- Responsable du thème « Environnements primitifs » du Programme National de Planétologie (INSU-CNRS) de 2015 à 2019
- Editrice associée de Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta de 2012 à 2019
- Membre du comité d’organisation de l’Atelier ISOTRACE 2017 à Clermont-Ferrand
- Membre du comité d’organisation de l’EMPG 2016 à Clermont-Ferrand
- Membre du conseil de l’Ecole Doctorale « Sciences, Ingénierie, Santé » de l’Université de Lyon de 2012 à 2016
- Membre du comité d’évaluation de l’ANR SIMI6 en 2013.
- Organisatrice des séminaires du laboratoire Magmas et Volcans de 2008 à 2011
- Responsable de l’axe transverse « Terre Primitive » du Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans de 2011 à 2015
- Co-Responsable de Thèmes pour les Goldschmidt 2014 et 2017
- Co-organisatrice de sessions dans des conférences internationales : Goldschmidt 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 ; EGU 2012 ; AGU 2015
Prix et Dictinctions :
- Geochemisry Fellow EAG-GS (2022)
- Prix Georges Millot de la Société Géologique de France (2021)
- AGU Daily Lecture (2020)
- Médaille de Bronze du CNRS (2013)
- Houtermans Award of the European Association of Geochemistry (2011)
- Prix Etienne Roth de l’Académie des Sciences (2008)
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award of the European Geosciences Union (2008)
- Prix Trophées de la Loire (2006)
- Article « 142Nd evidence for Early (>4.53 Billion Year) Global Differentiation of the Silicate Earth », Boyet M. et Carlson R., classé 6ème découverte de l’année 2005 (Science vol. 309, 1882-1883).
Encadrements :
- Post-docs : Pallabi Basu (2022-), Pierre Bonnand (2016-2020), Zoltan Konc (2013-2014), Jonathan O’Neil (2011-2012), Mouhcine Gannoun (2008-2010).
- Thèses : Théo Biget (2021-2024), Steve Kitoga (2021-2024), Lukas Nicol (2021-), Paul Frossard (2017-2021), Claudine Israel (2017-2021), Pierre Faure (2016-2019), Nina Bellot (2012-2015), Camille Cartier (2011-2014), Hanika Rizo (2009-2012).
Participation à des comités de Thèse et HDR :
- 2024. Examinatrice de la Thèse de Linru Fang (LMV, Université Paris-Cité)
- 2024. Examinatrice de l’HDR de Julien Monteux (Université Clermont Auvergne)
- 2023. Rapporteur de l’HDR de Pierre Sans-Joffre (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
- 2023. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de Maxime Piralla (Université de Lorraine, France)
- 2022. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de Doctorat d’Igor Rzeplinski (Sorbonne Université)
- 2022. Examinatrice de l’HDR d’Anne Trinquier (Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
- 2021. Examinatrice et Présidente du jury de la Thèse de Doctorat de Luca Terray (Université Clermont Auvergne,)
- 2020. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de Doctorat d’Allessandro Maltese (University of Bern, Switzerland)
- 2020. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de DoctoratPhD Laetitia Allibert (IPGP, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité)
- 2018. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de Doctorat d’Austin Jarl Boyd (MNHD, University of Copenhagen)
- 2018. Rapporteuse de l’HDR de Christophe Thomazo (Biogéosciences, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
- 2018. Membre du comité de suivi de Thèse de Nadège Fetter (ENS Lyon)
- 2017. Examinatrice et Présidente du jury de la Thèse de Doctorat de Maximilien Verdier-Paoletti (MNHM-IMPMC).
- 2017. Examinatrice du Devis de Recherche de Laura Bouvier (GEOTOP, Montréal)
- 2017. Examinatrice et Présidente du jury de la Thèse de Doctorat de Mélodie-Neige Cornu (LMV)
- 2016. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de Doctorat d’Emily Pringle (IPGP)
- 2016. Rapporteuse de la Thèse de Doctorat d’Ingrid Blanchard (IPGP)
- 2016. Rapporteuse de l’HDR d’Yves Marrochi (CRPG Nancy)
- 2012. Rapporteuse de la Thèse d’Emmanuelle Albalat (ENS Lyon)
Séminaires et présentations invitées :
- 2023. Virtual Seminar for Precambrian Geology
- 2021. Ecole Nationale d’Exobiologie, Marseille, France
- 2021. Workshop Collège de France, Paris, France
- 2021. Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
- 2019. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
- 2019. Le Temps des Sciences de l’Univers, Académie des Science
- 2019. Workshop “The Evolving Earth”, Paris, France
- 2018. Workshop “Reading Terrestrial Planet Evolution in Isotopes and Element Measurements”, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland
- 2018. ENS Paris, France
- 2018. Royal Society meeting “Earth dynamics and the development of plate tectonics”, London, UK
- 2017. MPMC, MNHN
- 2017. Keynote Goldschmidt Paris, France.
- 2016. Workshop “Before the Moon”, Tokyo, Japan
- 2014. Montpellier, France.
- 2012. Laboratoire de Géodynamique des Chaînes Alpines, Grenoble, France.
- 2012. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.
- 2012. Laboratoire de Géodynamique des Chaînes Alpines, Grenoble, France.
- 2009. Steinmann Institut fur Geologie, Mineralogie, Palaontologie, Bonn, Germany.
- 2007. Ecole de Physique “géodynamique interne”, Les Houches, France.
- 2007. Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Bayreuth, Germany.
- 2007. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.
- 2006. Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- 2006. Université de Saint-Etienne, France.
- 2006. Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.
- 2006. Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France
Communication grand public :
- 2024. Les météorites, Planétarium de Saint-Etienne
- 2022. Les météorites, Bourse aux minéraux de Clermont-Ferrand
- 2022. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand
- 2019. Le Temps des Sciences de l’Univers, Académie des Science
- 2019. Participation au volume hors-série de Ciel et Espace (avril/juin 2019) «Le Nouveau Roman de la Terre».
- 2018. Conférence pour l’Association des Astronomes Amateurs d’Auvergne «La formation du Système Terre-Lune».
- 2018. Ecole primaire Jean Zay à Beaumont (CM2) « Les échantillons extra-terrestes ».
- 2018. Participation à la fête de la Science.
- 2017. Terre et Lune : sœurs ou cousines ? La Recherche Hors série n°23 « Spécial planètes », p 53-57.
- 2015. Rencontre des médiateurs scientifiques de la cité des Sciences pour le montage d’une exposition sur la Lune en janvier 2015.
- 2014. Comment s’est formé la Lune. Article La Recherche, 2014, N°492, 41-44.
- 2014. Séminaire dans le cadre de l’Université Ouverte thème : de l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand.
- 2012. Article de vulgarisation dans « La Science au présent ».
- 2012. Conférence grand public intitulée « De la Terre à la Lune : formation et évolution précoce » donnée dans le cadre des mercredis de la Science à l’Université Blaise Pascal.
- 2011. Participation à l’émission scientifique « la tête au carré » sur France Inter (29/08/2011).
- 2011. Reportage pour France 3 auvergne
- 2009. Participation à la journée de la recherche organisée par l’Ecole Doctorale Sciences Ingénierie Santé de Saint-Etienne: « Témoignage sur le thème : Pourquoi faire un post-doc ? ».
- 2008. Participation à la Journée nationale des nouveaux entrants CNRS : « Témoignage sur la direction d’un projet ERC ».
- 2019. Workshop “The Evolving Earth”, Paris, France
- 2018. Workshop “Reading Terrestrial Planet Evolution in Isotopes and Element Measurements”, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland
Publications LMV depuis 2010 :
Rang A :
- Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A. (2024). Large impacts and their contribution to the water budget of the Early Moon. Icarus - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116124 -
- Frossard P., Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2024). Role of redox conditions and thermal metamorphism in the preservation of Cr isotopic anomalies in components of non-carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.367, p.167-178, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2023.12.022 -
- Hammouda T., Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A. (2024). Mapping the redox state of the young Solar System using ytterbium valence state. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2024.03.018 -
- Kitoga L.S., Zakharov D., Marin-Carbonne J., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Di Rocco T., Pack A., Olivier N., Stevens G. (2024). Oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions of Archean silicified lava and cherts of the Onverwacht Group: Implication for seafloor hydrothermalism and the nature of recycled components in the source of granitoids. Chemical Geology - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122407 -
- Monteux J., Boyet M. (2024). Modalités de séparation noyau/manteau: contraintes géochimiques et dynamiques. vol.Chapitre 2, p.43-69, Structure et dynamique de l'intérieur de la Terre 1 dynamique du manteau terrestre / Monteux J. éd sc./ ISTE edition. ISBN 9781789481723.
- Quemet A., Lasnier G., Mialle S., Isnard H., Boyet M., Garçon M., Auclair D. (2024). Reference value of the JNdi-1 isotopic material without normalization. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - DOI:10.1039/D4JA00140K -
- Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bosq C. (2023). Stable cerium isotopes as a tracer of oxidation reactions. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.28, p.27-30, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.2340.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Moreira H., Jackson M.G., Golovin A.V. (2023). First Ce-Nd isotope measurements of middle and lower continental crust samples support massive lower crust recycling over Earth's history. Lithos vol.460-461, p.107369, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107369 -
- Nicol L., Garçon M., Boyet M., Gannoun A.M. (2023). High-precision measurement of europium isotopic composition of geological reference materials by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - DOI:10.1039/d3ja00042g -
- Petersson A., Kemp A.I.S., Boyet M., Whitehouse M.J., Boyce M., Roberts M., Kennedy A. (2023). Response of Sm–Nd isotope systematics to complex thermal histories: A case study from 3.58 Ga gneisses of the Pilbara Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.620, p.118346, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118346 -
- Weiss D., Harpp K.S., Harrison L.N., Boyet M., Chauvel C., Farnetani C.G., Finlayson V.A., Lee K.K.M., Parai R., Shahar A., Williamson N.M.B. (2023). Earth’s mantle composition revealed by mantle plumes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment vol.4, p.604-625, - DOI:10.1038/s43017-023-00467-0 -
- Fang L., Frossard P., Boyet M., Moynier F. (2022). Half-life and initial Solar System abundance of 146Sm determined from the oldest andesitic meteorite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol.119, p.e2120933119, 12, - DOI:10.1073/pnas.2120933119 -
- Frossard P., Israel C., Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2022). Earth’s composition was modified by collisional erosion. Science vol.377, p.1529-1532, 6614, - DOI:10.1126/science.abq7351.
- Hammouda T., Boyet M., Frossard P., Cartier C. (2022). The message of oldhamites from enstatite chondrites. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science vol.9, 13, - DOI:10.1186/s40645-022-00471-w.
- Saitoh M., Olivier N., Garçon M., Boyet M., Thomazo C., Alleon J., Moyen J.F., Motto-Ros, Marin-Carbonne J. (2022). Reply to comment on “Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt)”. Precambrian Research vol.373, 106624, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106624 -
- Sauzéat L., Eychenne J., Gurioli L., Boyet M., Jessop D., Moretti R., Monrose M., Holota H., Beaudoin C., Volle D.H. (2022). Metallome deregulation and health-related impacts due to long-term exposure to recent volcanic ash deposits: New chemical and isotopic insights. Science of the Total Environment p.154383, - DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154383 -
- Savage P., Moynier F., Boyet M. (2022). Zinc isotope anomalies in primitive meteorites identify the outer solar system as an important source of Earth's volatile inventory. Icarus vol.386, p.115172, - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115172.
- Boyet M., Garçon M., Arndt N., Carlson R.W., Konc Z. (2021). Residual liquid from deep magma ocean crystallization in the source of komatiites from the ICDP drill core in the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.304, p.141-159, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.020 -
- Faure P., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Manthilake G., Hammouda T., Devidal J.L. (2021). Determination of the refractory enrichment factor of the bulk silicate Earth from metal-silicate experiments on rare Earth elements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.554, p.116644, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116644 -
- Frossard P., Guo Z., Spencer M., Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2021). Evidence from achondrites for a temporal change in Nd nucleosynthetic anomalies within the first 1.5 million years of the inner solar system formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.566, p.116968, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116968 -
- Saitoh M., Olivier N., Garçon M., Boyet M., Thomazo Ch., Alleon J., Moyen J.F., Motto-Ros V., Marin-Carbonne J. (2021). Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt). Precambrian Research vol.362, p.106306, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106306 -
- Bonnand P., Bruand E., Matzen A.K., Jerram M., Schiavi F., Wood B.J., Boyet M., Halliday A.N. (2020). Redox control on chromium isotope behaviour in silicate melts in contact with magnesiochromite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.288, p.282-300, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.038 -
- Bonnand P., Doucelance R., Boyet M., Bachèlery P., Bosq C., Auclair D., Schiano P. (2020). The influence of igneous processes on the chromium isotopic compositions of Ocean Island basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.532, p.116028, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.116028 -
- Bonnand P., Lalonde S.V., Boyet M., Heubeck C., Homann M., Nonotte P., Foster L., Konhauser K.O., Köhler I. (2020). Post-depositional REE mobility in a Paleoarchean iron formation revealed by La-Ce geochronology: A cautionary tale for signals of ancient oxygenation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.547, p.116452, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116452 -
- Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Manthilake G., Clesi V., Devidal J.L. (2020). Uranium and thorium partitioning in the bulk silicate Earthand the oxygen content of Earth’s core. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.275, p.83-98, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2020.02.010 -
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Frossard P., Auclair D., Bouvier A. (2020). Formation of the Ce-Nd mantle array: Crustal extraction vs. Recycling by subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.530, p.115941, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115941 -
- Lock S.J., Bermingham K.R., Parai R., Boyet M. (2020). Geochemical constraints on the origin of the Moon and preservation of ancient terrestrial heterogeneities. Space Science Reviews vol.216, p.1-46, 6, - DOI:10.1007/s11214-020-00729-z -
- Bonnand P., Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Auclair D. (2019). Radiogenic and stable Ce isotope measurements by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - DOI:10.1039/C8JA00362A.
- Boyet M., Doucelance R., Israel C., Bonnand P., Auclair D., Suchorski K., Bosq C. (2019). New Constraints on the Origin of the EM‐1 Component Revealed by the Measurement of the La‐Ce Isotope Systematics in Gough Island Lavas. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.20, - DOI:10.1029/2019GC008228.
- Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Hammouda T., Monteux J. (2019). Evidence for anorthositic crust formed on an inner solar system planetesimal. Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.11, p.28-32, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.1921.
- Guitreau M., Boyet M., Paquette J.L., Gannoun A.M., Konc Z., Benbakkar M., Suchorski K., Hénot J.M. (2019). Hadean protocrust reworking at the origin of the Archean Napier Complex (Antarctica). Geochemical Perspectives Letters vol.12, p.7-11, - DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.1927.
- Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Gaborieau M., Moine B., Vlastélic I., Bouhifd A., Devidal J.L., Mathon O., Testemale D., Hazemann J.L., Proux O. (2019). Rare earth element partitioning between sulphides and melt: Evidence for Yb2+ and Sm2+ in EH chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.265, p.182-197, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2019.08.036.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Savov I.P., Plank T., Elliott T. (2018). Origin of negative cerium anomalies in subduction-related volcanic samples: Constraints from Ce and Nd isotopes. Chemical Geology vol.500, p.46-63, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.09.006.
- Boyet M., Bouvier A., Frossard P., Hammouda T., Garçon M., Gannoun A.M. (2018). Enstatite chondrites EL3 as building blocks for the Earth: The debate over the 146Sm–142Nd systematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.488, p.68-78, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.004.
- Garçon M., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Horan M.F., Auclair D., Mock T.D. (2018). Factors influencing the precision and accuracy of Nd isotope measurements by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Chemical Geology vol.476, p.493-514, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.12.003.
- Schneider K.P., Hoffmann J.E., Boyet M., Münker C., Kröner A. (2018). Coexistence of enriched and modern-like 142Nd signatures in Archean igneous rocks of the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.487, p.54-66, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.01.022.
- Bouhifd A., Clesi V., Boujibar A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Manthilake G., Monteux J., Andrault D. (2017). Silicate melts during Earth's core formation. Chemical Geology vol.461, p.128 - 139, - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.12.035.
- El Goresy A., Lin Y., Miyahara M., Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., Ohtani E., Gillet P., Trieloff M., Simionovici A., Feng L., Lemelle L. (2017). Origin of EL3 chondrites: Evidence for variable C/O ratios during their course of formation — A state of the art scrutiny. Meteoritics & Planetary Science vol.52, p.781 - 806, 5, - DOI:10.1111/maps.12832 -
- Garcon M., Sauzéat L., Carlson R.W., Shirey S.B., Simon M., Balter V., Boyet M. (2017). Nitrile, Latex, Neoprene and Vinyl Gloves: A Primary Source of Contamination for Trace Element and Zn Isotopic Analyses in Geological and Biological Samples. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - DOI:10.1111/ggr.12161 -
- Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2016). Primitive Solar System materials and the Earth share common initial 142Nd abundance. Nature vol.537, p.399-402, 7620, - DOI:10.1038/nature19351.
- O'Neil J., Rizo A., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Rosing M.T. (2016). Geochemistry and Nd isotopic characteristics of Earth's Hadean mantle and primitive crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.442, p.194-205, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.055.
- Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul M., Horan M.F., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M.T. (2016). Early Earth differentiation investigated through 142Nd, 182W, and highly siderophile element abundances in samples from Isua, Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.175, p.319-336, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.12.007.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Auclair D. (2015). Ce isotope systematics of island arc lavas from the Lesser Antilles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.168, p.261-279, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.07.002.
- Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Hammouda T., Bolfan-Casanova N., Devidal J.L., Andrault D. (2015). Superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio of the Earth: Impact of Earth’s core formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.413, p.158-166, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.12.054.
- Bouvier A., Blichert-Toft J., Boyet M., Albarède F. (2015). 147Sm-143Nd and 176Lu-176Hf systematics of eucrite and angrite meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science vol.50, p.1896-1911, 11, - DOI:10.1111/maps.12553.
- Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Borg L.E., Horan M. (2015). Sm–Nd systematics of lunar ferroan anorthositic suite rocks: Constraints on lunar crust formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.148, p.203-218, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.021.
- Carlson R.W., Boyet M., O'neil J., Rizo H., Walker R. (2015). Early differentiation and its long term consequences for Earth evolution. p.143-172, In : The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation, Geophysical Monograph 212, First Edition, Eds. J. Badro and M. J. Walter, Willey, AGU Books (ed.).
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Mathon O., Testemale D., Moine B. (2015). Evidence for Nb2+ and Ta3+ in silicate melts under highly reducing conditions: a XANES study. American Mineralogist vol.100, p.2152-2158, - DOI:10.2138/am-2015-5330.
- Tessalina S., Jourdan F., Nunes L., Kennedy A., Denyszyn S., Puchtel I., Touboul M., Creaser R., Boyet M., Belousova E., Trinquier A. (2015). Application of Radiogenic Isotopes in Geosciences: Overview and Perspectives. In: (ed.), K. G. (ed.) Principles and Practice of Analytical Techniques in Geosciences. Royal Society of Chemistry Detection Science Series 4, 49-93. .
- Carlson R.W., Borg L.E., Gaffney A., Boyet M. (2014). Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotope systematics of the lunar Mg-suite: the age of lunar crust and its relation to the time of Moon formation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 372, 20130246. - DOI:1098/rsta.2013.0246.
- Carlson R.W., Boyet M., O'neil J., Rizo H., Walker R. (2014). Early differentiation and its long term consequences for Earth evolution. Geophysical Monograph 212, First Edition, Eds. J. Badro and M. J. Walter, Willey, AGU Books.
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Devidal J.L. (2014). Redox control of the fractionation of niobium and tantalum during planetary accretion and core formation. Nature Geoscience 7, 573-576. - DOI:10.1038/ngeo2195.
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Doucelance R., Boyet M., Devidal J.L., Moine B. (2014). Experimental study of trace element partitioning between enstatite and melt in enstatite chondrites at low oxygen fugacities and 5 GPa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 130, 167-187. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.022.
- Doucelance R., Bellot N., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Bosq C. (2014). What coupled cerium and neodymium isotopes tell us about the deep source of oceanic carbonatites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.407, p.175-186, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.042.
- Boyet M., Gannoun A.M. (2013). Nucleosynthetic Nd isotope anomalies in primitive enstatite chondrites: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 121, p. 652-666. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2013.07.036.
- Moiroud M., Pucéat E., Donnadieu Y., Bayon G., Moriya K., Deconinck J.F., Boyet M. (2013). Evolution of the neodymium isotopic signature of neritic seawater on a northwestern Pacific margin: new constrains on possible end-members for the composition of deep-water masses in the Late Cretaceous ocean: Chemical Geology, v. 356, p. 160-170. - DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.08.008.
- OʼNeil J., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Paquette J.L. (2013). Half a billion years of reworking of Hadean mafic crust to produce the Nuvvuagittuq Eoarchean felsic crust: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 379, p. 13-25. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.07.030.
- Rizo A., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., Rosing M.T. (2013). Early mantle dynamics inferred from 142Nd variations in Archean rocks from southwest Greenland: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 377-378, p. 324-335. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.07.012.
- Rizo H., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., O'Neil J., Rosing M.T., Paquette J.L. (2012). The elusive Hadean enriched reservoir revealed by 142Nd deficits in Isua Archean rocks. Nature 491, 96-100. - DOI:10.1038/nature11565.
- Borg L.E., Connelly J.N., Boyet M., Carlson R.W. (2011). Chronological evidence that the Moon is either young or did not have a global magma ocean: Nature, 477, 70-72. - DOI:10.1038/nature10328.
- Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., El Goresy A., Devouard B. (2011). REE and actinide microdistribution in Sahara 97072 and ALHA77295 EH3 chondrites: A combined cosmochemical and petrologic investigation: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 75, p. 3269-3289. - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.017.
- Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., Rizo H., El Goresy A. (2011). 146Sm-142Nd systematics measured in enstatite chondrites reveals a heterogeneous distribution of 142Nd in the solar nebula: PNAS, p. 1-5. - DOI:10.1073/pnas.1017332108.
- Rizo H., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., Rosing M. (2011). Combined Nd and Hf isotope evidence for deep-seated source of Isua lavas: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 312, p. 267-279. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.10.014.
- Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Horan M. (2010). Old Sm-Nd ages for cumulate eucrites and redetermination of the Solar System initial 146Sm/144Sm ratio, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 291, 172-181. - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.010.
- Moynier F., Yin Q.Z., Irisawa K., Boyet M., Jacobsen B., Rosing M. (2010). A coupled 182W-142Nd constraint for early Earth differentiation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107, 10810-10814. - DOI:10.1073/pnas.0913605107.
Rang B et C :
- Duprat J., Viennet J.-C., Roskosz M., Morand M., Boccato S., Amand L., Garino Y., Doisneau B., Pont S., Verdier-Paoletti M., Bernard S., Beyssac O., Gounelle M., Aléon J., Sans-Jofre P., Zanda B., Avice G., Girault F., Moynier F., Brunetto R., Pilorget C., Poulet F., Engrand C., Delauche L., Dartois E., Gattacceca J., Maurel C., Piani L., Marrocchi Y., Barucci M.A., Bonal L., Beck P., Lemelle L., Simionovici A., Libourel G., Mangold N., Rosenblatt P., Meslin P.-Y., Quitté G., Maurice S., Cousin A., Sabot B., Chacartegui Rojo I., Pierre S., Boyet M. (2024). THE CNME PROJECT, A NATIONAL CURATION CENTER FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL SAMPLES IN France. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), The Woodlands, United States, March 2024, -
- Basu P., Garçon M., Boyet M., Bekker A. (2023). Stable Ce isotopic composition of the ca. 2.4 Ga Hotazel Formation, South Africa: A deep-water oxygenation in the marine basin at the early stage of the Great Oxidation Episode. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, juillet, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.16508 -
- Biget T., Bruand E., Pereira I., Boyet M., Gasser D., Stüwe K. (2023). Trace elements behaviour and Nd isotopic ratios in REE-bearing accessory minerals along a metamorphic gradient: new insights from the Chugach Metamorphic Complex (Alaska). Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, juillet, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.16813 -
- Boyet M., Doucelance R., Seghi, Julien, Auclair D., Williamson N.M.B., Weis D. (2023). Deep mantle chemical heterogeneities: new insight from the measurement of the 138La-138Ce and 146,147Sm-142,143Nd systematics in Hawaiian basalts. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France, Sept 2023, - DOI:10.7185/gold2023.17413 -
- Kitoga S., Marin Carbonne J., Boyet M., Moyen J.F., Stevens G., Zakharov D. (2023). Characterisation of post-burial alterations in Archean seafloorderived lava and cherts: implicationsfor the primitive terrestrial environments. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, Sept 2023.
- Boyet M., Frossard P., Israel C., Bouvier A. (2022). Nucleosynthetic anomalies in chondrites and the 142Nd signature of the Earth. Rick Carlson Symposium, Washington DC, USA.
- Cartier C., Charlier B., Boyet M. (2022). A large Proto-Mercury as the Aubrite Parent Body. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, USA.
- Frossard P., Israel C., Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2022). L’érosion collisionnelle est un processus majeur lors de l’accrétion. Colloque du Programme National de Planétologie, Lyon, France.
- Hammouda T., Boyet M., Frossard P., Cartier C., Ingrao N., Vlastélic I. (2022). Les éléments des terres rares dans les sulfures des chondrites à enstatite : combinaison de l’approche expérimentale et de l’étude d’objets naturels. Colloque du Programme National de Planétologie, Lyon, France.
- Bonnand P., Bruand E., Matzen A.K., Jerram M., Wood B.J., Boyet M., Halliday A.N. (2021). Redox control on chromium isotope behaviour in silicate melts. Goldschmidt Virtual.
- Boyet M. (2021). Evolution précoce de la Terre silicatée : apport des radioactivités éteintes. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lyon, France.
- Boyet M. (2021). The nature of chemical heterogeneities preserved in the deep mantle seen from geochemistry. workshop “Global scale seismic imaging and dynamics of the Earth’s mantle, Paris, France.
- Boyet M. (2021). The terrestrial magma ocean : geochemical constraints. Conférence Nationale Exobiologie, Marseille, France.
- Boyet M., Garçon M., Arndt N., Carlson R.W., Konc Z. (2021). Residual liquid from deep magma ocean crystallization in the source of komatiites from the ICDP drill core in the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Goldschmidt Virtual.
- Doucelance R., Israel C., Boyet M., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Jackson M.G. (2021). A Ce-Nd-Hf isotope perspective on the EMI-EMII end-member distinction. Goldschmidt Virtual.
- Doucelance R., Israel C., Boyet M., Bonnand P., Jackson M., Barling J. (2021). A Ce-Nd-Hf Isotope Perspective on the EMI-EmII End-Member. p.7289, Goldschmidt Abstract, 4-9 July 2022, - DOI:10.7185/gold2021.7289.
- Frossard P., Guo Z., Spencer M., Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2021). Evidence from achondrites for a temporal change in Nd nucleosynthetic anomalies within the first 1.5 million years of the inner solar system formation. Goldschmidt Virtual.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Dhuime B., Ionov D., Jackson M. (2021). Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Data on Middle and Lower Crustal Rocks. p.7240, Goldschmidt virtual, 4-9 July 2021, - DOI:10.7185/gold2021.7240.
- Sauzéat L., Volle D., Beaudoin C., Boyet M. (2021). Volcanic ash and health: New chemical and isotopic approach. Goldschmidt Virtual.
- Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Auclair D. (2020). Deciphering Nd and Sm isotope compositionin chondrites. Goldschmidt Virtual 2020, 21-26 june.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Laporte D., Dhuime B., Ionov D. (2020). Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Measurements of Lower Crust Samples. p.607, Goldschmidt Virtual, United States, Jun 2020, - DOI:10.46427/gold2020.1151.
- Bonnand P., Boyet M., Bosq C. (2019). Ce isotope fractionation during oxidative reaction. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Boyet M., Doucelance R., Israel C., Bonnand P., Auclair D., Suchorski K., Bosq C. (2019). The La-Ce Isotope Systematics in Gough Island Lavas: New Constraints on the Origin of the EM1 Component. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 365.
- Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Manthilake G., Clesi V., Devidal J.L. (2019). Behavior of Uranium and Thorium during the Earth’s Core Formation. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Hammouda T. (2019). Sm and Nd Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in EL and EH Chondrites. Goldschmidt Abstracts.
- Frossard P., Boyet M., Bouvier A., Hammouda T., Monteux J. (2019). Magma cean-dervied anorthositc crust on early (<5 Ma) planetesimals. 50th Lunar and Planetary Conference, Houston, USA.
- Guo Z., Bouvier A., Webb L., Alexandre A., Korotev R. A., Zajacz Z., Boyet M. (2019). A new not so eucrite-like ungrouped achondrite: northwest africa 12338. 50th Lunar and Planetary Conference, Houston, USA.
- Guo Z., Liu J., Qin L., Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., Zajacz Z., Bouvier A. (2019). SM-ND, LU-HF AND MN-CR COMPOSITIONS OF EUCRITE, DIOGENITE AND UNGROUPED ACHONDRITES: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FORMATION AND SOURCES OF DIFFERENTIATED PLANETESIMALS. 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2019(LPIContrib.No.2157), Japon, 07/07/2019.
- Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Vlastélic I., Bouhifd A., Moine B., Devidal J.L., Mathon O., Testemale D., Hazemann J.-L., Proux O. (2019). Rare Earth elements partitioning between sulphides and melt: evidence for Yb2+ and Sm2+ in EH chondrites. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Israel C., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Bonnand P., Frossard P., Auclair D., Bouvier A. (2019). 138La-138Ce and 147Sm-143Nd Isotope Composition of the Main Silicate Reservoirs and Implications for the Rare Earth Elements Pattern of the Bulk Silicate Earth. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 1486.
- Lai Y.-J., Schönbächler M., Boyet M. (2019). Zirconium Isotope and Its application to Early Silicate Differentiation of Earth and Mars. GSA Earth Science Student Symposium, University of New South Wales, Australia.
- Zhang B., Reger P.M., Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., Schrader D.L., Wadhwa M., Ferrière L., Bouvier A. (2019). PB-PB CHRONOMETRY OF IMPACT MELTS FROM LUNAR METEORITE OUED AWLITIS 001. 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2019 (LPIContrib.No.2157), Sapporo, Japon, 07/07/2019.
- Boyet M. (2018). Quels types de matériaux planétaires ont formé la Terre ? Le débat autour du système 146Sm-142Nd. Congrès du Programme National de Planétologie, Nice, France.
- Boyet M. (2018). The Earth-Moon system during the first Gyr, Isotope related evidence for magma ocean, small bodies and building blocks. Invited talk. ESSI, Bern, Switzerland.
- Boyet M. (2018). The Origin of the Earth its early evolution. Royal Society meeting « Earth dynamics and the development of plate tectonics », London, England.
- Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Manthilake G. (2018). Behaviour of lithophile trace elements during the Earth’s core formation. Winter School "Volatile elements in the Solar System", Les Houches, France.
- Garçon M., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Shirey S.B., Vance D. (2018). Using Archean sedimentary rocks from the Superior Province to decipher the crustal history and composition of the Canadian Shield. EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Vlastélic I., Devidal J.L., Moine B. (2018). Role of S on Rare Earth Elements mobility in nebular Gas: Experimental Study. EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Vlastélic I., Moine B., Mathon O., Hazemann J.L., Proux O. (2018). Rare Earth Elements behavior under reducing conditions, implications in the sulfide/liquid and enstatite/liquid partitioning within Enstatite Chondrites. EMPG XVI, Clermont Ferrand.
- Lai Y.-J., Schönbächler M., Boyet M., Puchtel I., Rizo H. (2018). 92Nb-92Zr Chronometer and its application to early silicate differentiation on Earth and Mars. AOGS, Singapore, China.
- Wasilewski B., O'neil J., Rizo H., Paquette J.L., Boyet M. (2018). From early juvenile source to late crustal reworking: The evolution of the Saglek-Hebron crust. EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Bouhifd A., Boujibar A., Boyet M., Cartier C., Clesi V., Doucelance R., Hammouda T., Laubier M., Manthilake G., Marin-Carbonne J., Martin H., Moine B., Monteux J., Moyen J.F., Paquette J.L. (2017). Environnement de la Terre primitive: Comment construire une planète habitable ? Groupe de Recherche : ''Mécanismes géodynamiques de la Terre primitive''. Revue d'Auvergne vol.262-263, p.7-40.
- Bonnand P., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Schiano P. (2017). Chromium and cerium mass dependant isotopic variations during fractional crystallization in terrestrial basalts. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2017). Sm, Nd and Hf isotopic compositions of planetary materials. Workshop “Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets”, Nice, France.
- Boyet M. (2017). Comprendre l’origine et l’évolution précoce de la Terre par des mesures isotopiques de haute précision. Isotrace, Clermont-ferrand, France.
- Boyet M. (2017). Origine et évolution précoce de la Terre. Société Française des Isotopes « Isotopes et Cosmochimie ». Société Française des Isotopes « Isotopes et Cosmochimie », Paris, France.
- Boyet M., Bouvier A., Hammouda T., Garçon M. (2017). Nucleosynthetic anomalies in chondrites relative to the Earth: the debate over the 146Sm-142Nd systematics. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Manthilake G. (2017). Behaviour of Rare Elements during the Earth’s core formation. EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Manthilake G. (2017). Behaviour of lithophile trace elements during the Earth’s core formation. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Faure P., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Manthilake G. (2017). Behaviour of lithophile trace elements during the Earth’s core formation. Workshop ACCRETE2017 : “Accretion, differentiation and early evolution of the terrestrial planets”, Nice, May 29 to June 3.
- Garçon M., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Shirey S.B., Horan M.F. (2017). 142Nd anomalies in Mid-to Late Archean sedimentary Rocks: Large scale recycling of Hadean crust?. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Hammouda T., Ingrao N., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Moine B. (2017). Rare Earth Elements partitioning between sulfides and silicate melt at P<1 atmosphere and at reducing conditions. Workshop “Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets”. Workshop “Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets”, Nice, France.
- Hoffmann E., Schneider K., Boyet M., Kröner A., Münker C. (2017). Tracing crustal reworking processes within the Ancient Gneiss Complex (Swaziland) by 176Hf-142Nd isotope systematics. GeoBremen, Bremen, Germany.
- Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Vlastélic I., Devidal J.L., Bouhifd A., Moine B., Mathon O. (2017). Melt-sulfide Rare Earth Elements distribution under reduced conditions. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Radu I.B., Harris, C., Moine B., Boyet M., Costin, G., Cottin J.Y. (2017). Archean subduction relics in the cratonic root – evidence from eclogite xenoliths, Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group. University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Schneider K.P., Hoffmann J.E., Boyet M., Münker C., Kröner A. (2017). Reworking of enriched 142Nd signatures in early Archean crustal rocks from the eastern Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa). Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Wasilewski B., O'neil J., Rizo H., Paquette J.L., Boyet M. (2017). Over One Billion Years of Crustal Evolution Recorded in the Saglek-Hebron Complex (Northern Labrador). Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France, 2017.
- Williams H.M., Puchtel I.S., Rizo H., Boyet M. (2017). The iron isotope compositions of Baberton komatiites: insights into early Earth differentiation processes. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Williams H.M., Rizo H., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M. (2017). The iron isotope composition of the Earth’s lower mantle. Goldschmidt, Paris, France.
- Bouvier A., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Jourdan F. (2016). Sm-nd, lu-hf, and ar-ar investigations of enstatite achondrites. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 51, 1, A173, Berlin, Germany.
- Boyet M., Bouvier A. (2016). Signature en 142Nd et différenciation précoce de la Terre. Rencontres de la Société Française d’Exobiologie, Lyon, France.
- Boyet M., Carlson R.W. (2016). Magma oceans in the Earth-Moon system. Workhop “Before the Moon”, Tokyo, Japan.
- Carlson R., Boyet M., O'neil J., Rizo H. (2016). Pre-, Syn-, and Post Formation Controls on Earth Composition. Godlschmidt, Yokohama, Japan.
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Mathon O. (2016). Nb and Ta fractionation as a planetary differentiation fO2 tracer. EMPG XV, Zürich, June 5 – 8.
- Ingrao N., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Vlastélic I., Devidal J.L. (2016). Etude expérimentale du comportement des lanthanides dans les chondrites à enstatite et les phases vapeurs associées. Workshop Origin and Evolution of the Early Earth, Saint-Etienne, France.
- Radu I.B., Harris A., Moine B., Boyet M., Costin G., Cottin J.Y. (2016). Archean subduction relics in the cratonic root - Evidence from eclogite xenoliths. Workshop Origin and Evolution of the Early Earth, Saint-Etienne, France.
- Wasilewski B., O'neil J., Rizo H., Paquette J.L., Gannoun A.M., Boyet M. (2016). Crustal evolution of the Eoarchean Saglek-Hebron Complex, Northern Labrador. Abstract# V11D-07, AGU Fall Meeting 2016.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Savov, Plank, Elliott (2015). Cerium isotope systematics in the Mariana arc-basin system. Goldschmidt conference, Prague.
- Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2015). Sm and Nd isotopes in CAIs. Metsoc, Berkley.
- Boyet M. (2015). La-Ce systematics: new developments, first results. Workshop collaborations UBC-SFO-UPB, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- Boyet M. (2015). Mesures des isotopes du cérium. Réunion des utilisateurs Triton & Neptune organisé par Thermo Scientifc, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Boyet M., Bellot N., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Savov I., Plank T., Elliott T. (2015). Application of the 138La-138Ce systematics as tracer of recycled sediment in the mantle. AGU, San Francisco, USA.
- Boyet M., Bouvier A., Gannoun A.M., Carlson R.W. (2015). Causes of 142Nd Variation in Earth (Invited Talk). AGU, San Francisco, USA.
- Ebel D.S., Boyet M., Hammouda T., Gannoun A.M., Weisber M.K., El Goresy A. (2015). Complementary rare earth element abundances in enstatite and oldhamite in EH3 chondrites. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA.
- El Goresy A., Lin Y., Miyahara M., Gannoun A.M., Boyet M., Ohtani E., Trieloff M. (2015). Evidence for change in C/O ratio during evolution of enstatite chondrites. Goldschmidt conference, Prague, CZ.
- Lai Y.-J., Schönbächler M., Boyet M. (2015). Constraints from the 92Nb-92Zr Chronometer on the Timing of Early Terrestrial Silicate Differentiation. Goldschmidt conference, Prague, CZ.
- O'neil J., Rizo H., Boyet M., Carlson R.W. (2015). Geochemistry and Nd isotopic characteristics of Earth’s primitive crust and Hadean mantle. Goldschmidt conference, Prague, CZ.
- Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul M., Horan M., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M. (2015). Early differentiation processes recorded by 142Nd and 182W in Eoarchean rocks from Isua. AGU spring meeting, Montréal, Canada.
- Savage P.S., Moynier F., Boyet M. (2015). Zinc isotope anomalies in bulk chondrites. Goldschmidt conference, Prague, CZ.
- Simionovici A. S., David G., Lemelle L., Boyet M., Gillet P., Rivard C., El Goresy A. (2015). Dual energy nano-XRF quantification in EL-3 fragments of the Almahata Sitta TC3 asteroid. Metsoc, Berkley, USA.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Doucelance R., Pin C., Chauvel C., Plank T., Elliott T. (2014). Comparison of Ce isotopes in two oceanic arc systems: Lesser Antilles and Mariana. Goldschmidt conference, Sacramento. .
- Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Borg L.E., Horan M. (2014). Sm-Nd systematics of lunar ferroan-anorthosite: Constraints on Moon formation and its early evolution. Goldschmidt, Sacramento.
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Bouhifd A., Devidal J.L. (2014). Redox control on Nb/Ta fractionation: new constrains on the Earth-Moon system. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento 8-13 Juin 2014, Abstract N° 350. .
- Konc Z., Boyet M., Scherer E.E., Sprung P., Mezger K., Bleeker W. (2014). 142Nd/144Nd variation in Acasta Gneiss Complex (Slave Craton, Canada). Goldschmidt, Sacramento.
- Lai Y.J., Schönbächler M., Akram W., Iizuka T., Boyet M. (2014). The timing of early planetary silicate differentiation based on the Nb-Zr chronometer. Metsoc, Casablanca.
- Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul, M., Horan M., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M. (2014). Early differentiation processes recorder by 142Nd and 182W in Eoarchean rocks from Isua. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
- Rizo H., Walker R.J., Carlson R.W., Touboul, M., Horan M., Puchtel I.S., Boyet M., Rosing M. (2014). Reconciling 182W/184W variability in the Archean mantle with partition coefficients for metal-silicate differentiation. GSA Meeting, Vancouver.
- Savage P.S., Boyet M., Moynier F. (2014). Zinc isotope anomalies in bulk chondrites. Metsoc, Casablanca.
- Simionovici A.S., Lemelle L., Boyet M., Gillet P., Rivard C., El Goresy A. (2014). Nano-XRF study of earliest solar condensates in EL-3 fragments from the Almahata Sitta TC3 atseroid. Metsoc, Casablanca.
- Bellot N., Boyet M., Pin C., Chauvel C., Doucelance R., Auclair D. (2013). Development of the La-Ce systematics: application to arc magmas. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2013). Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd systematics in the earliest solids of the Solar System. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Bouvier A., Boyet M., Jourdan F. (2013). On the mysterious 176Hf excess. Goldschmidt, Sacramento.
- Boyet M., Bouvier A., Gannoun A.M., Carlson R. (2013). What are the 146Sm-142Nd reference parameters for the Earth? in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Carlson R., Borg L., Gaffney A., Boyet M. (2013). Age of the Lunar crust: Implications for the time of Moon formation. in Workshop “Origin of the Moon”, London. .
- Carlson R., Boyet M., Jackson M., O’Neil J., Rizo H. (2013). Chemical differentiation of Earth before and after Earth formation. in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. .
- Carlson R., O’Neil J., Boyet M. (2013). The use of extinct radionuclides for precise chronology of Planet formation. in GSA annual meeting, Denver Colorado, USA. .
- Carlson R.W., Borg L., Gaffney A., Boyet M. (2013). Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systematics of norite 77215: Refining the age and duration of lunar crust formation. in 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., The Woodlands, Texas, USA. .
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Devidal J.L. (2013). Nb/Ta decoupling under low fO2. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Doucelance R., Bellot N., Boyet M., Hammouda T. (2013). Cerium isotope systematics of oceanic carbonatites. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Hammouda T., Boyet M., Moine B., Cartier C., Devidal J.L. (2013). Major melting on enstatite chondrite parent body. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- O’Neil J., Carlson R., Boyet M. (2013). Building early Archean cratons from recycled Hadean crust. in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. .
- O’Neil J., Carlson R.W., Boyet M. (2013). Earth’s Hadean crust: Insights from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone belt. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Rizo H., Touboul M., Carlson R., Boyet M., Putchel I.S., Walker R.J., Rosing P.T., Horan M. (2013). Early mantle composition and evolution inferred from 142Nd and 182W variations in Isua samples. in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. .
- Rizo H., Touboul M., Carlson R.W., Boyet M., Walker R.J. (2013). Early mantle composition and evolution inferred from 142Nd and 182W variation in Isua samples. in Goldschmidt, Florence. .
- Valdes M., Moreira M., Boyet M., Moynier F. (2013). MC-ICP-MS measurement of Ca isotope ratios in meteoritic and terrestrial materials. in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. .
- Bouhifd A., Boyet M., Andrault D., Bolfan-Casanova N., Devidal J.L. (2012). No REE into the Earth’s core. Goldschmidt, Montreal. .
- Boyet M. (2012). La lune, un satellite de la Terre - Les missions passées et futures. Les cahiers du Règne Minéral - Les météorites 1/ Des météorites différenciées aux planètes, 49-52. .
- Boyet M., Carlson R., Borg L., Connelly J., Horan M. (2012). Early differentiation of the silicate Earth : new constraints from isotopic investigation of rocks from the lunar highlands. EGU, Vienna. .
- Boyet M., Gannoun A.M. (2012). Nucleosynthetic Nd isotope anomalies in primitive enstatite chondrites. Goldschmidt, Montreal. .
- Carlson R.W., Boyet M., Qin L., Jackson M., O’Neil J. (2012). Early Earth Differentiation: before and after Earth formation. Goldschmidt, Montreal (Invited talk). .
- Cartier C., Hammouda T., Boyet M., Devidal J.L., Moine B. (2012). REE and HFSE behavior during the early differentiation of the Earth under low oxygen fugacity. XII EMPG, Kiel, 4-7 mars 2012. .
- Feng L., El Goresy A., Zhang J., Hao J., Boyet M., Lin Y. (2012). Excess 36S in lawrencite and nitrogen isotopic compositions of sinoite from Almahata Sitta MS-17 EL3 chondrite fragment. 43rd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., The Woodlands, Texas, USA. LPSC.
- Hammouda T., Cartier C., Boyet M., Moine B., Devidal J.L. (2012). The role of sulfides on high field-strength element budget during enstatite chondrite melting. 22nd Goldschmidt conference, Montréal, 24-29 juin 2012. .
- O’Neil J., Boyet M., Carlson R.W., Paquette J.L. (2012). A billion years of crustal evolution recorded in the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt: Pb-Hf evidence for Eoarchean TTGs produced from melting of Hadean mafic crust. AGU San Francico (Invited talk). .
- O’Neil J., Boyet M., Rizo H., Carlson R.W., Rosing M. (2012). Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of Earth’s early mafic crust: a comparison between Nuvvuagittuq and Isua greenstone belt meta-volcanics. Goldschmidt, Montreal. .
- Rizo H., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., Rosing M., Paquette J.L. (2012). Early mantle dynamics inferred from 142Nd variations in Archean rocks from southwest Greenland. Goldschmidt, Montreal. .
- Rizo H., Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., Rosing M., Paquette J.L. (2012). Variation in 142Nd/144Nd of Archean rocks from southwest Greenland: Implications for early Earth mantle dynamics. EGU, Vienna. .
- Borg L.E., Connelly J., Boyet M., Carlson R.W. (2011). The age of lunar ferroan anorthosite 60025 with implications for the interpretation of lunar chronology and the magma ocean model: 42nd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. The Woodlands, Texas, USA. .
- Bouvier A., Boyet M., Vervoort J.D., Patchett P.J. (2011). The initial Hf isotopic composition of the Solar System and the Earth: AGU San Francisco.
- Boyet M., El Goresy A., Miyahara M., Gannoun A.M. (2011). A New Meteorite Type: Forsterite Chondrite with EH-3 Affinity: Sahara 97158: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Greenwich. .
- Bénard A., Olivier T., Moine B., Doucet L.S., Ionov D.A., Boyet M. (2011). Laser-induced photo-luminescence spectroscopies: probes for sulfide crystal-chemistry: Goldschmidt, Prague, Czech Republic. .
- El Goresy A., Boyet M., Miyahara M., Lin Y., Feng L. (2011). Almahata Sitta CT3-Asteroid MS-17, EL-3 chondrite fragment: contrasting oldhamite-bearing assemblages in chondrules and metal clasts and significant EL-REE patterns in oldhamite. .
- Lin Y., El Goresy A., Boyet M., Feng L., Zhang J., Hao J. (2011). Earliest solid condensates consisting of the assemblage oldhamite, sinoite, graphite and excess 36S in lawrencite from Almahata Sitta MS-17 EL3 chondrite fragment: Workshop on Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System, Hawaii. .
Publications antérieures :
14. Carlson R.W. and Boyet M., 2009. Short-lived radionuclides as monitors of early crust-mantle differentiation on the terrestrial planets. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. Frontiers, 279, 147-156.
13. Carlson R.W and Boyet M., 2008. Composition of the Earth’s interior: the importance of early events. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 366, 4077-4103.
12. Boyet M. and Carlson R.W, 2007. A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma ocean origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 202, 505-516.
11. Carlson R.W., Boyet M. and M. Horan, 2007, Chondrite barium, neodymium, and samarium isotopic heterogeneity and Early Earth Differentiation, Science, 316, 1175-1178.
10. Boyet M. and Carlson R.W., 2006, A new geochemical model for the Earth’s mantle inferred from 146Sm-142Nd systematics. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 250, 254-268.
9. Olivier N. and Boyet M., 2006, Rare earth and trace elements of microbialites in Upper Jurrasic coral- and sponge-microbialite reefs. Chem. Geol, 230, 105-123.
8. Boyet M. and Carlson R.W., 2005, 142Nd Evidence for Early (>4.53 Ga) Global Differentiation of the Silicate Earth. Science, 309, 576-581.
7. Frey F.A., Huang S., Blichert-Toft J., Regelous M. and Boyet M., 2005, Origin of depleted components in basalts related to the Hawaiian hot spot: Evidence from isotopic and incompatible element ratios. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6, Q02L07, doi:10.1029/2004GC000757.
6. Boyet M., Albarède F., Garcia M.O. and Pik R., 2005, A search for 142Nd evidence of primordial mantle heterogeneities in plume basalts. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, No 32, L04306.
5. Bedini, M.R-., Blichert-Toft J., Boyet M. and Albarède F., 2004, Isotopic constraints on the cooling of the continental lithosphere. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 223, 99-111.
4. Albarède F., Télouk P., Blichert-Toft J., Boyet M., Agranier A. and Nelson B., 2004, Precise and accurate isotopic measurements using multiple-collector ICPMS. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 68, 2725-2744.
3. Boyet M., Blichert-Toft J., Rosing M., Storey M., Télouk P. and Albarède F., 2003, 142Nd evidence for early Earth differentiation. Earth Planet. Sci Letters, 214, 447-442.
2. Blichert-Toft J., Boyet M., Télouk P. and Albarède F., 2002, 147Sm-143Nd and 176Lu-176Hf in eucrites and the differentiation of the HED parent body. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 204, 167-181.
1. Boyet M., Lapierre H., Tardy M., Bosch D. et Maury R., 2001, Sources of the andesitic components in the Taveyannaz Sandstones and Champsaur Sandstones: implications for the Paleogene geodynamic evolution of the Alps. Bull. Soc. géol. France, 172, n°4, 487-501.
- Engels T., Monteux J., Boyet M., Bouhifd A. (2024). Large impacts and their contribution to the water budget of the Early Moon. Icarus - DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116124 -
EDUCATION AND CURRENT EMPLOYMENT - 2016. Senior Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- 2014. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
- 2007. Junior Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS Research
- 2003. Ph.D. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
- 2006-2007. Teaching assistant, University of Saint-Etienne, France
- 2005-2006. Postdoctoral Fellow ENS Lyon (Initiative Postdoc), France
- 2003-2005. Carnegie Fellow, Carnegie Institution of Washington, USA
- Chronology of early Solar System processes
- Planetary differentiation during magma ocean stages
- Nucleosynthetic anomalies and Solar System formation
- Long-term evolution of the Silicate Earth
- Nature, evolution and dynamic of the Earth’s mantle
- 2022. Geochemisry Fellow (EAG-GS)
- 2021. Georges Millot Award from the Société Géologique de France
- 2020. AGU Daily Lecture
- 2013. Médaille de Bronze du CNRS
- 2011. Houtermans Award of the European Association of Geochemistry
- 2008. Etienne Roth Award of Académie des Sciences (France)
- 2008. Outstanding Young Scientist Award from the European Geosciences Union
- 2005. Boyet and Carlson, Science 2005 selected 6th Breakthrough of the Year by Science Magazine (vol. 309)
- Deputy Director of the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans since 2023
- President of the CNRS PNP program (National program of planetology) since 2022
- Member of the scientific council of the Institut of the Department Solid Earth (INSU-CNRS) since 2020
- Member of the scientific committee of the LABEX UnivEarthS (2019-2023)
- EAG Goldschmidt Officer from 2019 to 2022
- Head of the Geochemistry group in the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans from 2015 to 2019
- Member of the peer review panel of the LABEX CLERVOLC from 2016 to 2019
- Member of the organizing and scientific committees of the Goldschmidt 2021 in Lyon (France)
- EAG Goldschmidt Officer from 2019 to 2022
- AGU Bowen Award committee from 2017 to 2021
- Associate Editor of the Journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, ELSEVIER (2012-2018).
- Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) peer review panel 2013.
- Head of the ‘Early Earth’ group of LMV from 2011 to 2015 (10 researchers),
- Member of the Doctoral school council of the University of Saint Etienne (2012-2016)
- Co-ordinator of Themes for the Goldschmidt Conference (2014 and 2017)
- Co-chair in international conferences: Goldschmidt 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 ; EGU 2012 ; AGU 2015.
- Articles: Chemical Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geology, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Nature, Nature Geoscience, PNAS, Precambrian Research, Science
- Proposals: ANR (France), ERC, NSF (USA), NERC (UK), etc
- 2016. European Research Council, Program Consolidator Grant, « New insight into the origin of the Earth, its bulk composition and its early evolution », 2 M€.
- 2015. France Canada Research Fund in collaboration with Audrey Bouvier (University of Western Ontario): Understanding the formation of the Earth from meteorite isotopic studies, 15 k€.
- 2013. Région Auvergne Young Researcher program, “A search for early differentiation products preserved in Archean terranes (South Africa, Canada, Antarctica), 100 k€.
- 2011. Université Blaise Pascal, “Geochemical comparison between two early achean greenstone belts: de Nuvvuagittuq (Canada) and Isua (Greenland)”, one year of postdoc salary 50 k€.
- 2008. European Research Council, Program Starting Grant, “Early Earth evolution: chemical differentiation vs. mantle mixing”, 450 k€.
- Postdoc supervisor: Pierre Bonnand (2016-2019), Zoltan Konc (2013-2014), Jonathan O’Neil (2013-2014), Abdelmouhcine Gannoun (2009-2011)
- PhD supervisor: Claudine Israel (2017-2020), Paul Frossard (2017-2020), Pierre Faure (2016-2019), Nina Bellot (2012-2015), Camille Cartier (2011-2014), Hanika Rizo (2009-2012).
- Master supervisor: Marion De France (2019), Marilyn Imabult (2018), Claudine Israel (2016-2017), Paul Frossard (2017), Sacha Millet (2016), Morgan Chevreuil (2014), Ioana B. Radu (2014), Benjamin Wasilewski (2013), Nina Bellot (2012), Hanika Rizo (2009).
- 2021. Examinatrice et Présidente du jury de la Thèse de Doctorat de Luca Terray (LMV, Université Clermont Auvergne, France)
- 2020. Rapporteur de la Thèse de Doctorat d’Allessandro Maltese (University of Bern, Switzerland)
- 2020. Rapporteur de la Thèse de DoctoratPhD Laetitia Allibert (IPGP, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, France)
- 2019. HDR Guillaume Morard (IMPMC, Sorbonne Université, France)
- 2018. HDR Christophe Thomazo (Biogéosciences, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France)
- 2018. PhD Austin Jarl Boyd (NHMD, University of Copenhagen)
- 2017. PhD Maximilien Verdier-Paoletti (MNHN, Paris)
- 2017. PhD Mélodie-Neige Cornu (LMV, Université Clermont Auvergne)
- 2016. HDR Yves Marrocchi (CRPG, Université de Lorraine, France)
- 2016. PhD Emily Pringle (IPGP, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, France)
- 2016. PhD Ingrid Blanchard (IPGP, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, France)
- 2012. PhD Emmanuelle Albalat (ENS Lyon, France)
INVITED LECTURES (Universities and Workshops)
- 2022. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand
- 2021. Ecole Nationale d’Exobiologie, Marseille, France
- 2021. Workshop Collège de France, Paris, France
- 2021. Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
- 2019. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
- 2019. Le Temps des Sciences de l’Univers, Académie des Sciences de Paris
- 2019. Workshop “The Evolving Earth”, Paris, France
- 2018. Workshop “Reading Terrestrial Planet Evolution in Isotopes and Element Measurements”, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland
- 2018. ENS Paris, France
- 2018. Royal Society meeting “Earth dynamics and the development of plate tectonics”, London, UK
- 2017. MPMC, MNHN
- 2017. Keynote Goldschmidt Paris, France.
- 2016. Workshop “Before the Moon”, Tokyo, Japan
- 2014. Montpellier, France.
- 2012. Laboratoire de Géodynamique des Chaînes Alpines, Grenoble, France.
- 2012. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.
- 2012. Laboratoire de Géodynamique des Chaînes Alpines, Grenoble, France.
- 2009. Steinmann Institut fur Geologie, Mineralogie, Palaontologie, Bonn, Germany.
- 2007. Ecole de Physique “géodynamique interne”, Les Houches, France.
- 2007. Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Bayreuth, Germany.
- 2007. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.
- 2006. Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- 2006. Université de Saint-Etienne, France.
- 2006. Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.
- 2006. Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France
European Research Council, Program Consolidator Grant, « New insight into the origin of the Earth, its bulk composition and its early evolution », 2 M€.