153 publication(s) trouvée(s).
  1. Abu El-Rus M.A., Chazot G., Vannucci R., Gahlan H.A., Boghdady G.Y., Paquette J.L. (2016). Softening of sub-continental lithosphere prior rifting: Evidence from clinopyroxene chemistry in peridotite xenoliths from Natash volcanic province, SE Egypt. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.327, p.84-98, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.07.004.
  2. Agangi A., Hofmann A., Eickmann B., Marin-Carbonne J., Reddy S.M. (2016). An atmospheric source of S in Mesoarchaean structurally-controlled gold mineralisation of the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Precambrian Research vol.289, p.10-20, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.09.004.
  3. Allard P., Aiuppa A., Bani P., Métrich N., Bertagnini A., Gauthier P.J., Shinohara H., Sawyer G., Parello F., Bagnato E., Pelletier B., Garaebiti E. (2016). Prodigious emission rates and magma degassing budget of major, trace and radioactive volatile species from Ambrym basaltic volcano, Vanuatu island Arc. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.304, p.378-402, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.08.022.
  4. Allard P., Burton M., Sawyer G., Bani P. (2016). Degassing dynamics of basaltic lava lake at a top-ranking volatile emitter: Ambrym volcano, Vanuatu arc. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.448, p.69-80, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.05.014.
  5. Alleon J., Bernard S., Le Guillou C., Marin-Carbonne J., Pont S., Beyssac O., McKeegan K.D., Robert F. (2016). Molecular preservation of 1.88 Ga Gunflint organic microfossils as a function of temperature and mineralogy. Nature Communications vol.7, p.11977, - DOI:10.1038/ncomms11977.
  6. Amalberti J., Burnard P., Laporte D., Tissandier L., Neuville D.R. (2016). Multidiffusion mechanisms for noble gases (He, Ne, Ar) in silicate glasses and melts in the transition temperature domain: Implications for glass polymerization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.172, p.107-126, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.09.027.
  7. Andrault D., Monteux J., LeBars M., Samuel H. (2016). The deep Earth may not be cooling down. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.443, p.195-203, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.020.
  8. Andular J., Scaillet B., Pichavant M., Druitt T. (2016). Generation Conditions of Dacite and Rhyodacite via the Crystallization of an Andesitic Magma. Implications for the Plumbing System at Santorini (Greece) and the Origin of Tholeiitic or Calc-alkaline Differentiation Trends in Arc Magmas. Journal of Petrology vol.57, p.1887-1920, 10, - DOI:10.1093/petrology/egw061.
  9. Athanassas C.D., Bourlès D.L., Braucher R., Druitt T., Nomikou P., Léanni L. (2016). Evidence from cosmic ray exposure (CRE) dating for the existence of a pre-Minoan caldera on Santorini, Greece. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.35, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1026-3.
  10. Baasner A., Médard E., Laporte D., Hoffer G. (2016). Partial melting of garnet lherzolite with water and carbon dioxide at 3 GPa using a new melt extraction technique: implications for intraplate magmatism. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.171, p.45, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-016-1233-0.
  11. Bani P., Boudon G., Balcone-Boissard H., Delmelle P., Quiniou T., Lefèvre J., Garaebiti Bule E., Hiroshi S., Lardy M. (2016). The 2009–2010 eruption of Gaua volcano (Vanuatu archipelago):Eruptive dynamics and unsuspected strong halogens source. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.06.023.
  12. Bato M., Froger J.L., Harris A., Villeneuve N. (2016). Monitoring an effusive eruption at Piton de la Fournaise using radar and thermal infrared remote sensing data: insights into the October 2010 eruption and its lava flows. p.533-552, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.30.
  13. Battaglia J., Métaxian J.-P., Garaebiti E. (2016). Short term precursors of Strombolian explosions at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu). Geophysical Research Letters vol.43, p.1960-1965, - DOI:10.1002/2016GL067823.
  14. Battaglia J., Métaxian J.P., Garaebiti E. (2016). Families of similar events and modes of oscillation of the conduit at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.322, p.196-211, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.11.003.
  15. Beaumais A., Bertrand B., Chazot G., Dosso L., Robin C. (2016). Temporal magma source changes at Gaua volcano, Vanuatu island arc. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.322, p.30-47, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.02.026.
  16. Bernard B., Battaglia J., Proaño A., Hidalgo S., Vásconez F., Hernandez S., Ruiz M. (2016). Relationship between volcanic ash fallouts and seismic tremor: quantitative assessment of the 2015 eruptive period at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.80, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1077-5.
  17. Bernard J., Eychenne J., Le Pennec J.L., Narvaez D. (2016). Mass budget partitioning during explosive eruptions: insights from the 2006 paroxysm of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol.17, p.3224-3240, - DOI:10.1002/2016GC006431.
  18. Bernard J., Le Pennec J.L. (2016). The milling factory: Componentry-dependent fragmentation and fines production in pyroclastic flows. Geology vol.44, p.907-910, 11, - DOI:10.1130/G38198.1.
  19. Berthod C., Famin V., Bascou J., Michon L., Ildefonse B., Monié P. (2016). Evidence of sheared sills related to flank destabilization in a basaltic volcano. Tectonophysics vol.674, p.195-209, - DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.02.017.
  20. Bodart O., Cayol V., Court S., Koko J. (2016). XFEM-Based fictious domain method for linear elasticity model with crack. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) vol.38, p.B219-246, 2, - DOI:10.1137/15M1008385.
  21. Bombrun M., Spampinato L., Harris A., Barra V., Caltabiano T. (2016). On the transition from strombolian to fountaining activity: a thermal energy-based driver. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.15, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1009-4.
  22. Bonadonna C., Cioni R., Costa A., Druitt T., Phillips J., Pioli L., Andronico D., Harris A., Scollo S., Bachmann O., Bagheri G., Biass S., Brogi F., Cashman K., Dominguez L., Dürig T., Galland O., Giordano G., Gudmundsson M., Hort M., Höskuldsson A., Houghton B., Komorowski J.C., Küppers U., Lacanna G., Le Pennec J.L., Macedonio G., Manga M., Manzella I., de’ Michieli Vitturi M., Neri A., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Ripepe M., Rossi E., Scheu B., Sulpizio R., Tripoli B., Valade S., Valentine G., Vidal C., Wallenstein N. (2016). MeMoVolc report on classification and dynamics of volcanic explosive eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.84, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1071-y.
  23. Boujibar A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Andrault D., Bouhifd A., Trcera, N. (2016). Incorporation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in bridgmanite during magma ocean crystallization. American Mineralogist vol.101, p.1560-1570, - DOI:doi: 10.2138/am-2016-5561.
  24. Bourgois P., Lagabrielle Y., Martin H., Dyment J., Frutos J., Cisternas M.E. (2016). A Review on Forearc Ophiolite Obduction, Adakite-Like Generation, and Slab Window Development at the Chile Triple Junction Area: Uniformitarian Framework for Spreading-Ridge Subduction. Pure and Applied Geophysics - DOI:10.1007/s00024-016-1317-9.
  25. Bouvier A., Boyet M. (2016). Primitive Solar System materials and the Earth share common initial 142Nd abundance. Nature vol.537, p.399-402, 7620, - DOI:10.1038/nature19351.
  26. Brothelande E., Lénat J.F., Chaput M., Gailler L., Finizola A., Dumont S., Peltier A., Bachèlery P., Barde-Cabusson S., Byrdina S., Menny P., Colonge J., Douille G.A., Letort J., Letourneur L., Merle O., Di Gangi F., Nakedau D., Garaebiti E. (2016). Structure and evolution of an active resurgent dome evidenced by geophysical investigations: The Yenkahe dome-Yasur volcano system (Siwi caldera, Vanuatu). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.322, p.241-262, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.08.021.
  27. Brothelande E., Peltier A., Got J.-L., Merle O., Lardy M., Garaebiti E. (2016). Constraints on the source of resurgent doming inferred from analogue and numerical modeling — Implications on the current feeding system of the Yenkahe dome–Yasur volcano complex (Vanuatu). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.322, p.225-240, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.11.023.
  28. Bunger A., Menand T., Cruden A., Zhang X., Halls H. (2016). Swarm Theory, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the Emergence of Natural Spacing within Dyke Swarms. Acta Geologica Sinica vol.90, p.141-142, 1.
  29. Bureau H., Frost D.J., Bolfan-Casanova N., Leroy C., Esteve I., Cordier P. (2016). Diamond growth in mantle fluids. Lithos vol.265, p.4-15, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.10.004.
  30. Carpentier M., Gannoun A.M., Pin C., Sigmarsson O. (2016). New Thorium Isotope Ratio Measurements in Silicate Reference Materials: A-THO, AGV-2, BCR-2, BE-N, BHVO-2 and BIR-1. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research vol.40, p.239-256, 2, - DOI:10.1111/j.1751-908X.2015.00385.x.
  31. Castruccio A., Clavero J., Segura A., Samaniego P., Roche O., Le Pennec J.L., Droguett B. (2016). Eruptive parameters and dynamics of the April 2015 sub-Plinian eruptions of Calbuco volcano (southern Chile). Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.62, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1058-8.
  32. Catry T., Villeneuve N., Froger J.L., Maggio G. (2016). InSAR monitoring using RADARSAT-2 data at Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion) and Karthala (Grande Comore) volcanoes. vol.426, Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds) Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.20.
  33. Cerqueira Pereira Cruz S., Salom~ao Figueiredo Barbosa J., Santos Pinto M., Peucat J.-J., Paquette J.L., Santos de Souza J., de Souza Martins V., Chemale Júnior F., Carneiro M.A. (2016). The Siderian-Orosirian magmatism in the Gavi~ao Paleoplate, Brazil: UePb geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences vol.69, p.43-79, - DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2016.02.007.
  34. Chanceaux L., Menand T. (2016). The effects of solidification on sill propagation dynamics and morphology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.442, p.39-50, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.044.
  35. Chantel J., Manthilake G., Andrault D., Novella D., Yu T., Wang Y. (2016). Experimental evidence supports mantle partial melting in the asthenosphere. Science Advances vol.2, p.e1600246, - DOI:10.1126/sciadv.1600246.
  36. Chantel J., Manthilake G., Frost J, Beyer C., Ballaran T. B, Jing Z, Wang Y (2016). Elastic wave velocities in polycrystalline Mg3Al2Si3O12-pyrope garnet to 24 GPa and 1300K. American Mineralogist vol.101, 4, - DOI:10.2138/am-2016-5335.
  37. Clesi V., Bouhifd A., Bolfan-Casanova N., Manthilake G., Fabbrizio A., Andrault D. (2016). Effect of H2O on metal–silicate partitioning of Ni, Co, V, Cr, Mn and Fe: Implications for the oxidation state of the Earth and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.192, p.97-121, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.07.029.
  38. Cluzel D., Ulrich M., Jourdan F., Meffre S., Paquette J.L., Audet M.A., Secchiari A., Maurizot P. (2016). Early Eocene clinoenstatite boninite and boninite-series dikes of the ophiolite of New Caledonia, a witness of slab-derived enrichment of the mantle wedge in a nascent volcanic arc. Lithos vol.260, p.429-442, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.04.031.
  39. Condamine P., Médard E., Devidal J.L. (2016). Experimental melting of phlogopite‑peridotite in the garnet stability field. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.171, p.95, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-016-1306-0.
  40. Courgeon S., Jorry S.J., Camoin G.F., BouDagher-Fadel M.K., Jouet G., Révillon S., Bachèlery P., Pelleter E., Borgomano J., Poli E., Droxler A.W. (2016). Growth and demise of Cenozoic isolated carbonate platforms: New insights from the Mozambique Channel seamounts (SW Indian Ocean). Marine Geology vol.380, p.90-105, - DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2016.07.006.
  41. Couzinié S., Laurent O., Moyen J.F., Zeh A., Bouilhol P., Villaros A. (2016). Post-collisional magmatism: Crustal growth not identified by zircon Hf–O isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.456, p.182-195, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.033.
  42. Debret B., Koga K., Cattani F., Nicollet C., Van De Bleeken G., Schwartz S. (2016). Volatile (Li, B, F and Cl) mobility during amphibole breakdown in subduction zones. Lithos vol.244, p.165-181, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2015.12.004 - lien HAL .
  43. Delcamp A., Kervyn M., Benbakkar M., Kwelwa S., Peter D. (2016). Large volcanic landslide and debris avalanche deposit at Meru, Tanzania. Landslides - DOI:10.1007/s10346-016-0757-8.
  44. Delcamp A., Roberti G., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2016). Water in volcanoes: evolution, storage and rapid release during landslides. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.78, p.87, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-016-1082-8.
  45. Demouchy S., Bolfan-Casanova N. (2016). Distribution and transport of hydrogen in the lithospheric mantle: A review. Lithos vol.240-243, p.402-425, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2015.11.012.
  46. Demouchy S., Thoraval C., Bolfan-Casanova N., Manthilake G. (2016). Diffusivity of hydrogen in iron-bearing olivine at 3 Gpa. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors vol.260, p.1-13, - DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2016.08.005.
  47. Di Genova D., Kolzenburg S., Vona A., Chevrel O., Hess K.U., Neuville D.R., Ertel-Ingrisch W., Romano C., Dingwell D.B. (2016). Raman spectra of Martian glass analogues: A tool to approximate their chemical composition. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets - DOI:10.1002/2016JE005010.
  48. Dominguez L., Pioli L., Bonadonna C., Connor C.B., Andronico D., Harris A., Ripepe M. (2016). Quantifying unsteadiness and dynamics of pulsatory volcanic activity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.444, p.160-168, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.048.
  49. Donnadieu F., Freville P., Hervier C., Coltelli M., Scollo S., Prestifilippo M., Valade S., Rivet S., Cacault P. (2016). Near-source Doppler radar monitoring of tephra plumes at Etna. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.312, p.26-39, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.01.009.
  50. Druitt T., Mercier M., Florentin L., Deloule E., Cluzel N., Médard E., Cadoux A. (2016). Magma storage and extraction during plinian and interplinian periods at Santorini caldera (Greece). Journal of Petrology vol.57, p.461-494, - DOI:10.1093/petrology/egw015.
  51. Duran C.J., Seydoux-Guillaume A.M., Bingen B., Gouy S., de Parseval P., Ingrin J., Guillaume D. (2016). Fluid-mediated alteration of (Y,REE,U,Th)–(Nb,Ta,Ti) oxide minerals in granitic pegmatite from the Evje-Iveland district, southern Norway. Mineralogy and Petrology vol.110, p.581-599, 5, - DOI:10.1007/s00710-016-0436-4.
  52. Ettinger S., Mounaud L., Magill C., Yao-Lafourcade A-F., Thouret J.C., Manville V., Negulescu C., Zuccaro G., De Gregorio D., Nardone S., Uchuchoque J.A.L., Arguedas A., Macedo L., Llerena N.M. (2016). Building vulnerability to hydro-geomorphic hazards: Estimating damage probability from qualitative vulnerability assessment using logistic regression. Journal of Hydrology vol.541, p.563-581, - DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.017.
  53. Falvard S., Paris R. (2016). X‐ray tomography of tsunami deposits: Towards a new depositional model of tsunami deposits. Sedimentology - DOI:10.1111/sed.12310.
  54. Filgueras R., Peyrin F., Vénien A., Hénot J.M., Astruc T. (2016). Sodium Chloride Diffusion during Muscle Salting Evidenced by Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Imaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry vol.64, p.669-705, 3, - DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04058.
  55. France L., Demacon M., Gurenko A.A., Briot D. (2016). Oxygen isotopes reveal crustal contamination and a large, still partially molten magma chamber in Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central). Lithos vol.260, p.328-338, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.05.013.
  56. Gailler L., Lénat J.F., Blakely R.J. (2016). Depth to Curie temperature or bottom of the magnetic sources in the volcanic zone of la Réunion hot spot. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.324, p.169-178, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.06.005.
  57. Gannoun A.M., Burton K.W., Day J.M.D., Harvey J., Schiano P., Parkinson I. (2016). Highly Siderophile Element and Os Isotope Systematics of Volcanic Rocks at Divergent and Convergent Plate Boundaries and in Intraplate Settings. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry vol.81, p.651-724, - DOI:10.2138/rmg.2016.81.11.
  58. Gauthier P.J., Sigmarsson O., Gouhier M., Haddadi B., Moune S. (2016). Elevated gas flux and trace metal degassing from the 2014–2015 fissure eruption at the Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth vol.121, p.1610–1630, - DOI:10.1002/2015JB012111 - lien HAL .
  59. Giacomoni P.P., Coltorti M., Bryce J.G., Fahnestock M.F., Guitreau M. (2016). Mt. Etna plumbing system revealed by combined textural, compositional, and thermobarometric studies in clinopyroxenes. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology vol.171, p.34, - DOI:10.1007/s00410-016-1247-7.
  60. Gouhier M., Guéhenneux Y., Labazuy P., Cacault P., Decriem J., Rivet S. (2016). HOTVOLC: a web-based monitoring system for volcanic hot spots. p.223-242, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F. & Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.31.
  61. Gourbet L., Mahéo G., Shuster D.L., Tripathy-Lang A., Leloup P.H., Paquette J.L. (2016). River network evolution as a major control for orogenic exhumation: Case study from the western Tibetan plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.456, p.168-181, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.037.
  62. Grand'Homme A., Janots E., Bosse V., Seydoux-Guillaume A.M., De Ascenção Guedes R. (2016). Interpretation of U-Th-Pb in-situ ages of hydrothermal monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y): evidence from a large-scale regional study in clefts from the western alps. Mineralogy and Petrology - DOI:10.1007/s00710-016-0451-5.
  63. Grand’Homme A., Janots E., Seydoux-Guillaume A.M., Guillaume D., Bosse V., Magnin V. (2016). Partial resetting of the U-Th-Pb systems in experimentally altered monazite: Nanoscale evidence of incomplete replacement. Geology vol.44, p.431-434, - DOI:10.1130/G37770.1.
  64. Grosjean A.S., Gardine V., Dubois M., Boulvais P., Martini R., Vennemann T., Pittet B. (2016). Sediment provenance during Alpine orogeny: fluid inclusions and stable isotopes on quartz-calcite veins from detritic pebbles. Swiss Journal of Geosciences vol.109, p.329-344, 3.
  65. Gudmundsson, M., Jónsdóttir K., Hooper A., Holohan E.P., Halldórsson S.A., Ófeigsson B.G., Cesca, S., Vogfjörd K.S., Sigmundsson F., Högnadóttir T., Einarsson P., Sigmarsson O., Jarosch A.H., Jónasson K., Magnússon E., Hreinsdóttir S., Bagnardi M., Parks M.M., Hjörleifsdóttir V., Pálsson F., Walter T.R., Gudfinnsson G.H., Dahm T., Roberts M.J., Hensch M., Belart J.M.C., Spaans K., Jakobsson S., Gudmundsson G.B., Fridriksdóttir H.M., Drouin V., Dürig T., Aðalgeirsdóttir G., Riishuus M.S., Pedersen G.B.M., Van Boeckel T., Oddsson B., Pfeffer M.A., Barsotti S., Bergsson B., Donovan A., Burton M.R., Aiuppa A. (2016). Gradual caldera collapse at Bárdarbunga volcano, Iceland, regulated by lateral magma outflow. Science vol.353, 6296, - DOI:10.1126/science.aaf8988.
  66. Guillaume B., Pochat S., Monteux J., Husson L., Choblet G. (2016). Can eustatic charts go beyond first order? Insights from the Permian–Triassic. Lithosphere - DOI:10.1130/L523.1.
  67. Guitreau M., Mukasa S.B., Blichert-Toft J., Fahnestock M.F. (2016). Pikes Peak batholith (Colorado, USA) revisited: A SIMS and LA-ICP-MS study of zircon U–Pb ages combined with solution Hf isotopic compositions. Precambrian Research vol.280, p.179-194, - DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.05.001.
  68. Harris A., Carn S., Dehn J., Del Negro C., Gudmundsson M.T., Cordonnier B., Barnie T., Chahi E., Calvari S., Catry T., De Groeve T., Coppola D., Davies A., Favalli M., Ferrucci F., Fujita E., Ganci G., Garel F., Huet P., Kauahikaua J., Kelfoun K., Lombardo V., Macedonio G., Pacheco J., Patrick M., Pergola N., Ramsey M., Rongo R., Sahy F., Smith K., Tarquini S., Thordarson T., Villeneuve N., Webley P., Wright R., Zaksek K. (2016). Conclusion: recommendations and findings of the RED SEED working group. p.567-648, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London (ed.), - DOI:10.1144/SP426.11.
  69. Harris A., De Groeve T., Carn S., Garel F. (2016). Risk evaluation, detection and simulation during effusive eruption disasters. p.1-22, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F.&Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.29.
  70. Harris A., Rhéty M., Gurioli L., Villeneuve N., Paris R. (2016). Simulating the thermorheological evolution of channel-contained lava: FLOWGO and its implementation in EXCEL. p.313-336, Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F. & Carn, S. A. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 426, The Geological Society of London, - DOI:10.1144/SP426.9.
  71. Herbosch A., Liégeois J.P., Pin C. (2016). Coticules of the Belgian type area (Stavelot-Venn Massif): Limy turbidites within the nascent Rheic oceanic basin. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.159, p.186-214, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.05.012.
  72. Jambon A., Sautter V., Barrat J.A., Gattacceca J., Rochette P., Boudouma O., Badia D., Devouard B. (2016). Northwest Africa 5790: Revisiting nakhlite petrogenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol.190, p.191-212, - DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.06.032.
  73. Jean-Baptiste P., Allard P., Fourré E., Bani P., Calabrese S., Aiuppa A., Gauthier P.J., Parello F., Pelletier B., Garaebiti E. (2016). Spatial distribution of helium isotopes in volcanic gases and thermal waters along the Vanuatu (New Hebrides) volcanic arc. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.322, p.20-29, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.09.026.
  74. Jessop D., Gilchrist J., Jellinek A.M., Roche O. (2016). Are eruptions from linear fissures and caldera ring dykes more likely to produce pyroclastic flows?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol.454, p.142-153, - DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.005.
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