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(Personne absente de la base de donnée) |
Thèmes de Recherche :
- Thèmes et objets : Volcanologie physique et géomorphologie volcanique ; volcanisme calco-alcalin explosif ; histoire et dynamismes éruptifs ; ignimbrites ; caractéristiques et dynamique des lahars ; évaluation des aléas et des risques volcaniques ; interactions volcans et glaciers.
- Outils : terrain, télédétection optique, caractérisation physique des téphras, mesures in situ des écoulements de lahar, topographie haute résolution, SIG.
Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives :
- Co-responsable des relations internationales pour le département de géologie et membre de la commission des R.I. de l’UFR ST et de l’UBP
- Responsable du réseau inter-universitaire franco-péruvien R. Porras Barrenechea pour l’UBP.
- Responsable du Programme International de Coopération Scientifique (PICS) Pérou – France (volcanisme, risques, 3 laboratoires en France, 3 institutions au Pérou), 2014-2016
- Membre de deux commissions de spécialistes et du conseil de Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans 2006 – 2012
- Rédacteur en chef de la Revue « Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement » (classée ISI Thomson en juin 2009) de 2004 à 2009.
- Responsable de la convention entre l’UBP et Massey University (Nlle Zélande, depuis 2007) et l’Université Gadjah Mada à Yogyakarta, Java, Indonésie (depuis 2012).
Conférences invitées et activités internationales :
- Keynote speaker : The international Symposium on Earth and Mars Ice Volcano Interactions, Reykjavik, Iceland, juin 2006 ;
- Congrès COST26 (UE) Urban habitat constructions under catastrophic events, Naples, Italie, septembre 2010 ;
- Congrès de géologie du Pérou, octobre 2010 ; Forum international de gestion des risques géologiques, Pérou, octobre 2015
- Invité et boursier «International Visitor Research Funding » en 2005, 2006 et 2007 à Massey University, Institute of Natural Resources, Palmerston North
- Membre enseignant (volcanologie, risques volcaniques) du Master PREFALC (France, Equateur, Pérou) de 2007 à 2010 : « Géologie, risques et gestion du territoire ».
- Hommage reçu de la part de la Société géologique du Pérou en 2010 et de l’INGEMMET en 2015 pour la coopération scientifique et technique depuis 1995.
Activités d’enseignement effectuées :
- Etablissement : Université Blaise Pascal, UFR ST, département de géologie (jusqu’en 2017)
- Discipline : Géologie historique L1 ST ; Volcanologie L2 ST ; géomorphologie volcanique et tectonique L3 ST MV ; Risques sismiques et volcaniques L3 ST GE ; Géologie des milieux naturels continentaux L1 Biologie ; Eau Energie Relief (géomorphologie) L2 Biologie ; UE libre Introduction à la volcanologie L3 toutes sciences ; Encadrement de TER du Master 1 ; Aléas et risques volcaniques Master2R
- Niveau : Niveau du 1er cycle en SN et 1er au 3è cycle, Master 1 et 2 ST ; co-responsable des travaux d’étude et de recherche Master 1 de 2007 à 2009.
Publications LMV depuis 2010 :
Rang A :
- Thouret J.C., Aisyah N., Jenkins S.F., de Bélizal E., Sulistiyani, Charbonnier S.J., Sri Sayudi D., Nandaka I.G.M.A., Mainsant G., Solikhin A. (2023). Merapi’s Lahars: Characteristics, 17 :Behaviour, Monitoring, Impact, Hazard Modelling and Risk Assessment. Merapi Volcano, Active Volcanoes of the World. R. Gertisser et al. (eds.), Springer, - DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-15040-1_17.
- Thouret J.C., Taillandier M., Arapa E., Wavelet E. (2023). Vulnerable settlements to debris flows in Arequipa, Peru: population characteristics, hazard knowledge, risk perception, and disaster risk management. Natural Hazards - DOI:10.1007/s11069-023-06167-8 -
- Thouret J.C., Taillandier M., wavelet E., Azzaoui N., Santoni O., Tjahjono B. (2023). Semeru volcano, Indonesia: measuring hazard, exposure and response of densely populated neighbourhoods facing persistent volcanic threats. Natural Hazards 10.1007/s11069-023-05910-5, - DOI:10.1007/s11069-023-05910-5 -
- Aguilar R., Thouret J.C., Samaniego P., Wörner G., Jicha B., Paquette J.L., Suana E., Finizola A. (2022). Growth and evolution of long-lived, large volcanic clusters in the Central Andes: The Chachani Volcano Cluster, southern Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.426, p.107539, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107539 -
- Constantinescu R., White J.T., Connor C.B., Hopulele-Gligo A., Charbonnier S., Thouret J.C., Lindsay J.M., Bertin D. (2022). Uncertainty Quantification of Eruption Source Parameters Estimated From Tephra Fall Deposits. Geophysical Research Letters vol.49, p.e2021GL097425, - DOI:10.1029/2021GL097425.
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Les aléas volcaniques. vol.Chap 2, p.83-158, Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 1 : approches géologiques et historiques (ISBN : 978-1-78948-043-6), Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE editions.
- Paris R., Bani P., Chevrel O., Donnadieu F., Eychenne J., Gauthier P.J., Gouhier M., Jessop D., Kelfoun K., Moune S., Roche O., Thouret J.C. (2022). Volcanic Hazards. vol.Chap 2, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Tadini A., Gurioli L., Charbonnier S., Thivet S., Thouret J.C. (2022). Monitoring of Eruptive Products: Pyroclastic Density Currents and Their Deposits. vol.Chap 3, p.167-209, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3 - Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and Methods, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Thouret J.C., Arapa E., Charbonnier S., Guerrero A., Kelfoun K., Cordoba G., Rodriguez D., Santoni O. (2022). Modeling Tephra Fall and Sediment-Water Flows to Assess Their Impacts on a Vulnerable Building Stock in the City of Arequipa, Peru. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.10, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2022.865989 -
- Thouret J.C., Charbonnier S. (2022). Assessment, Delineation of Hazard Zones and Modeling Hazards. vol.Chap 3, p.151-180, Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1 - Geological and Historic Approaches, Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE/WILEY.
- Thouret J.C., Charbonnier S. (2022). Evaluation, zonage et modélisation des aléas volcaniques. vol.Chap 3, p.159-192, Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 1 : approches géologiques et historiques (ISBN 978-1-78948-043-6), Lénat Jean-François (ed.), ISTE editions.
- Thouret J.C., Wavelet E., Taillandier M., Tjahjono B., Jenkins S.F., Azzaoui N., Santoni O. (2022). Defining population socio-economic characteristics, hazard knowledge and risk perception: The adaptive capacity to persistent volcanic threats from Semeru, Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction vol.77, p.103064, - DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103064 -
- Chehade R., Chevalier B., Dedecker F., Breul P., Thouret J.C. (2021). Discrete modelling of debris flows for evaluating impacts on structures. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment vol.80, p.6629-6645, 8, - DOI:10.1007/s10064-021-02278-3f -
- Dufresne, A., Zernack, A., Bernard K., Thouret J.C., Roverato, M. (2021). Sedimentology of Volcanic Debris Avalanche Deposits. vol.8, p.1-36, Volcanic Debris Avalanches -From Collapse to Hazard. Herausgeber: Roverato, Matteo, Dufresne, Anja, Procter, Jonathan (Eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, - DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-57411-6.
- Mariño J., Cueva K., Thouret J.C., Arias C., Finizola A., Antoine R., Delcher E., Fauchard C., Donnadieu F., Labazuy P., Japura S., Gusset R., Sanchez P., Ramos D., Macedo L., Lazarte I., Thouret L., Del Carpio J., Jaime L., Saintenoy T. (2021). Multidisciplinary Study of the Impacts of the 1600 CE Huaynaputina Eruption and a Project for Geosites and Geo-touristic Attractions. Geoheritage vol.13, 64, - DOI:10.1007/s12371-021-00577-5.
- Thouret J.C., Boivin P., Miallier D., Donnadieu F., Dumoulin J.P., Labazuy P. (2021). Post-eruption evolution of maar lakes and potential instability: The LakePavin case study, French Massif Central. Geomorphology vol.382, p.107663, - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107663 -
- Calabrò L., Harris A., Thouret J.C. (2020). Media views of the Stromboli 2002–2003 eruption and evacuation: a content analysis to understand framing of risk communication during a volcanic crisis. Journal of Applied Volcanology vol.9, - DOI:10.1186/s13617-020-00094-0 -
- Charbonnier S.J., Thouret J.C., Gueugneau V., Constantinescu R. (2020). New insights into the c.2070 yr BP pyroclastic currents at El Misti volcano (Peru) from field investigations, satellite imagery and probabilistic modeling. Frontiers in Earth Science vol.8, p.557788, - DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.557788 -
- Dufresne A., Zernack A., Bernard K., Thouret J.C., Roverato M. (2020). Sedimentology of volcanic debris avalanche deposits. vol.Chap. 7, p.175-210, in Roverato M, Dufresne A. and Procter JN (eds.), Volcanic Debris Avalanches: from Collapse to Hazards, Springer Book Series ‘Advances in Volcanology’ - ISBN 978-3-030-57410-9, Springer.
- Prival J.M., Thouret J.C., Japura S., Gurioli L., Bonadonna C., Mariño J., Cueva K. (2020). New insights into eruption source parameters of the 1600 CEHuaynaputina Plinian eruption, Peru. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.82, 7, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1340-7 -
- Thouret J.C., Antoinr S., Magill C., Ollier C. (2020). Lahars and debris flows: Characteristics and impacts. Earth Sciences Reviews vol.201, p.103003, - DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.103003.
- Bernard K., Van Wyk De Vries B., Thouret J.C. (2019). Fault textures in volcanic debris-avalanche deposits and transformations into lahars: The Pichu Pichu thrust lobes in south Peru compared to worldwide avalanche deposits. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.371, p.116-136, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.01.008.
- Bromley G.R.M., Thouret J.C., Schimmelpfennig I., Mariño J., Valdivia D., Rademaker K., del Pilar Vivanco Lopez S., ASTER Team, Aumaître G., Bourlès D., Keddadouche K. (2019). In situ cosmogenic 3He and 36Cl and radiocarbon dating of volcanic deposits refine the Pleistocene and Holocene eruption chronology of SW Peru. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.81, 64, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-019-1325-6.
- Thouret J.C. (2018). Cartographie des aléas et risques volcaniques et hydrologiques. Application à la ville d’Arequipa et à d’autres villes menacées (français, anglais, espagnol). Proceedings of the International Workshop, Arequipa, Peru, 2-8 May 2017. vol.Collection Territoires, H.S. 1, p.154 p., Hazard and risk mapping The Arequipa–El Misti case study and other threatened cities, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal.
- Bernard K., Thouret J.C., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2017). Emplacement and transformations of volcanic debris avalanches-A case study at El Misti volcano, Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.04.009.
- Harris A., Belousov A., Calvari S., Delgado-Granados H., Hort M., Koga K., Tyas Wulan Mei E., Harijoko, Pacheco J., Prival J.M., Solana C., Þórðarson P., Thouret J.C., Van Wyk De Vries B. (2017). Translations of volcanological terms: cross-cultural standards for teaching, communication, and reporting. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.79, p.57, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-017-1141-9.
- Mead S.R., Magill C., Lemiale V., Thouret J.C., Prakash M. (2017). Examining the impact of lahars on buildings using numerical modelling. Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences vol.17, p.703-719, - DOI:10.5194/nhess-17-703-2017.
- Rivera M., Martin H., Le Pennec J.L., Thouret J.C., Gourgaud A., Gerbe M.C. (2017). Petro-geochemical constraints on the source and evolution of magmas at El Misti volcano (Peru). Lithos vol.268-271, p.240-299, - DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.11.009 -
- Thouret J.C., Gunnell Y., Jicha B.R., Paquette J.L., Braucher R. (2017). Canyon incision chronology based on ignimbrite stratigraphy and cut-and-fill sediment sequences in SW Peru documents intermittent uplift of the western Central Andes. Geomorphology vol.298, p.1-19, - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.09.013.
- Ettinger S., Mounaud L., Magill C., Yao-Lafourcade A-F., Thouret J.C., Manville V., Negulescu C., Zuccaro G., De Gregorio D., Nardone S., Uchuchoque J.A.L., Arguedas A., Macedo L., Llerena N.M. (2016). Building vulnerability to hydro-geomorphic hazards: Estimating damage probability from qualitative vulnerability assessment using logistic regression. Journal of Hydrology vol.541, p.563-581, - DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.017.
- Lavigne F., Thouret J.C., Hadmoko D.S., Sukatja B. (2016). Lahars in Java: Initiations, Dynamics, Hazard Assessment And Deposition Processes. A définir vol.21, 1, - DOI:10.23917/forgeo.v21i1.1822 -
- Thouret J.C., Boivin P., Labazuy P., Leclerc A. (2016). Geology, Geomorphology and Slope Instability of the Maar Lake Pavin (Auvergne, French Massif Central). p.155-174, Lake Pavin, History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake. Sime-Ngando, T., Boivin, P., Chapron, E., Jezequel, D., Meybeck, M. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, - DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-39961-4_9.
- Thouret J.C., Jicha B.R., Paquette J.L., Cubukcu E.H. (2016). A 25 myr chronostratigraphy of ignimbrites in south Peru: implications for the volcanic history of the Central Andes. Journal of The Geological Society of London vol.173, p.734-756, - DOI:10.1144/jgs2015-162.
- Bakkour D., Enjolras G., Thouret J.C., Kast R., Mei E.T.W, Prihatminingtyas B. (2015). The adaptive governance of natural disaster systems: Insights from the 2010 mount Merapi eruption in Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction vol.13, p.167-188, - DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2015.05.006 -
- Ettinger S., Zeghdoudi M., Manrique Llerena N., Yao-Lafourcade A.-F., Thouret J.C. (2015). L’apport de l’imagerie Pléiades à la cartographie des enjeux et de leur vulnérabilité face aux crues torrentielles : La ville d’Arequipa, Pérou. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection vol.Pléiades Days 2014 (2ème partie), p.73-79, 1768-9791.
- Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C., Solikhin A. (2015). Identification des dépôts pyroclastiques et de lahars à partir d’images satellite THR : Application au cas de l’éruption de 2010. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection vol.209, p.109-116, « Pléiades Days ».
- Pallares C., Fabre D., Thouret J.C., Bacconnet C., Charca-Chura J.A., Martelli K., Talon A., Yanqui-Murillo C. (2015). Geological and geotechnical characteristics of recent lahar deposits from El Misti volcano in the city area of Arequipa, South Peru. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering vol.33, p.641-660, 3, - DOI:10.1007/s10706-015-9848-x.
- Solikhin A., Pinel V., Vandemeulebrouck J., Thouret J.C., Hendrasto M. (2015). Mapping the 2010 Merapi pyroclastic deposits using dual-polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Remote sensing of Environment vol.158, p.180-192, - DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2014.11.002.
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Liew S.C., Gupta A., Sayudi D.S., Oehler J-F., Kassouk Z. (2015). High-spatial-resolution imagery helps map deposits of the large (VEI 4) 2010 Merapi Volcano eruption and their impact. Bulletin of Volcanology vol.77, p.20, - DOI:10.1007/s00445-015-0908-0.
- Stuart R.M., Prakash M., Magill C., Bolger M., Thouret J.C. (2015). A Distributed Computing Workflow for Modelling Environmental Flows in Complex Terrain. vol.448, p.331-332, Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer (ed.).
- Thouret J.C., Kassouk Z., Gupta A., Liew S.C., Solikhin A. (2015). Tracing the evolution of 2010 Merapi volcanic deposits (Indonesia) based on object-oriented classification and analysis of multi-temporal, very high resolution images. Remote sensing of Environment vol.170, p.350-371, - DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2015.09.028.
- Cobeñas G., Thouret J.C., Bonadonna C., Boivin P. (2014). Discussion – Reply to comment on: “Cobeñas G., Thouret J.C., Bonadonna C., Boivin P., 2012. The c.2030 yr BP Plinian eruption of El Misti volcano, Peru: Eruption dynamics and hazard implications. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 241–242, 105. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.014.
- Gonzales K., Finizola A., Lénat J.F., Macedo O., Ramos D., Thouret J.C., Fournier N., Cruz V., Pistre K. (2014). Asymmetrical structure, hydrothermal system and edifice stability: The case of Ubinas volcano, Peru, revealed by geophysical surveys. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.276, p.132-144, - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.020.
- Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Gupta A., Liew S.C. (2014). Object-oriented classification of very high resolution panchromatic imagery for geologic mapping of an active volcano: Semeru volcano, Indonesia. Geomorphology 221, 18-33. - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.04.022.
- Rivera M., Thouret J.C., Samaniego P., Le Pennec J.L. (2014). The 2006–2009 activity of the Ubinas volcano (Peru): Petrology of the 2006 eruptive products and insights into genesis of andesite magmas, magma recharge and plumbing system. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 270, 122-114. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.11.010.
- Sandri L., Thouret J.C., Constantinescu R., Biass S., Tonini R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of Volcanology 76, 771-797. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-013-0771-9.
- Thouret J.C., Ettinger S., Guitton M., Santoni O., Magill C., Martelli K., Zuccaro G., Revilla V., Charca J.A., Arguedas A. (2014). Assessing physical vulnerability in large cities exposed to flash floods and debris flows: the case of Arequipa (Peru). Natural Hazards vol.73, p.1771-1815, - DOI:10.1007/s11069-014-1172-x.
- Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A., Gupta A., Procter J. (2014). Erosion and aggradation on persistently active volcanoes: a case study from Semeru Volcano, Indonesia. Bulletin of Volcanology 76, 1-26. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0857-z.
- Thouret J.C., Enjolras G., Martelli K., Santoni O., Luque J.A., Nagata M., Arguedas A., Macedo L. (2013). Combining criteria for delineating lahar- and flash flood-prone hazard and risk zones for the city of Arequipa, Peru: Natural Hazard and Earth Science System, v. 13, p. 339-360. - DOI:10.5194/nhess-13-1-2013.
- Cobeñas G., Thouret J.C., Bonadonna C., Boivin P. (2012). The c.2030 yr BP Plinian eruption of El Misti volcano, Peru: eruption dynamics and hazard implications. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 241-242, 105-120. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.06.006.
- Kuentz A., Ledru M.P., Thouret J.C. (2012). Environmental changes in the highlands of the western Andean Cordillera, southern Peru, during the Holocene: The Holocene, p.. vol.22, p.1215-1226, 11, - DOI:10.1177/0959683611409772.
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Harris A., Liew S.C., Gupta A. (2012). Geology, tectonics, and the 2002-2003 eruption of Semeru volcano, Indonesia: interpreted from high-spatial resolution satellite imagery. Geomorphology 138, 364-372. - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.10.001.
- Thouret J.C., Németh K. (2012). Special issue on volcano geomorphology ‘Landforms, processes and hazards’: Introduction. Geomorphology vol.136, p.1-5, 1, - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.011.
- Doyle E., Cronin S.J., Thouret J.C. (2011). Cycles of bulking and debulking in lahars at Semeru, Indonesia: Geological Society America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 1234-1246. - DOI:10.1130/B30227.1.
- Doyle E.E., Cronin S.J., Thouret J.C. (2011). Defining conditions for bulking and debulking in lahars. GSA Bulletin vol.123, p.1234-1246, 8, - DOI:10.1130/B30227.1 -
- Keigler R., Thouret J.C., Hodgson K.A., Lecointre J.A., Cronin S.J., Neall V.E. (2011). Procter J.N., 2011. The Whangaehu Formation: a debris-avalanche and lahar deposits from ancestral Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand: Geomorphology, v. 133, p. 57-79. - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.06.019.
- Lube G., Cronin S.J., Thouret J.C., Surono (2011). Kinematic characteristics of pyroclastic density currents at Merapi and controls on their avulsion from natural and enginneered channels: GSA Bulletin, v. 123, p. 1127-1140. - DOI:10.1130/B30244.1.
- Thouret J.C., Liew S.C., Gupta A. (2011). Proceedings of the International Conference “Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Environmental Change”. 2011: CRISP National University of Singapore, LMV-CLERVOLC, Université Blaise Pascal. Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, Ceramac. Hors-série 3, Cler.
- Thouret J.C., Liew S.C., Gupta A. (2011). Proceedings of the International Conference: Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Environmental Change, CRISP National University of Singapore, LMV-CLERVOLC, Université Blaise Pascal. Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, Ceramac, Hors-série 3, Clermont-F.
- Thouret J.C., Nemeth K., Editors G. (2011). Special Issue on Volcanic Geomorphology: landforms, processes and hazards. Geomorphology 136, 1-5. - DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.011.
- Doyle E.E., Cronin S.J., Cole S.E., Thouret J.C. (2010). The coalescence and organization of lahars at Semeru volcano, Indonasia. Bulletin of Volcanonlogy, 72, 961-970. - DOI:10.1007/s00445-010-0381-8.
- Dumaisnil C., Thouret J.C., Chambon G., Doyle E.E., Cronin S.J. (2010). Hydraulic, physical and rheological characteristics of rain-triggered lahars at Semeru volcano, Indonesia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35, 1573-1590. - DOI:10.1002/esp.2003.
- Gunnell Y., Thouret J.C., Brichau S., Carter A., Gallagher K. (2010). Low-temperature thermochronology in the Peruvian Central Andes: implications for long-term continental denudation, timing of plateau uplift, canyon incision, and lithosphere dynamics. Journal of The Geological Society of London vol.167, p.803-815, - DOI:10.1144/0016-76492009-166.
- Rivera M., Thouret J.C., Marino J., Berolatti R., Fuentes J. (2010). Characteristics and management of the 2006-2008 volcanic crisis at the Ubinas volcano (Peru). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 198, 19-34. - DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.07.020.
- Thouret J.C. (2010). Volcanic hazards and ricks: a geomorphological perspective, in Geomorphological Hazards and Disaster Prevention, e.I.A.-A.a.A.S. Goudie, Editor. Cambridge University Press. p. 13-32. .
- Thouret J.C., Gupta A., Lube G., Cronin S.J., Surono (2010). The 2006 eruption deposits of Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia, using high-resolution IKONOS images and complementary ground based observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 1949-1967. - DOI:1016/j.rse.2010.03.016.
- Vargas Franco R., Thouret J.C., Delaite G., van Westen C., Sheridan M.F., Siebe C., Mariño J., Souriot T., Stinton A. (2010). Mapping and assessing volcanic and fl ood hazards and risks, with emphasis on lahars, in Arequipa, Peru. In G Groppelli & L. Viereck-Goette, eds.,’Stratigraphy and Geology of volcanic areas’, Geological Society of America Special Paper 464, 265-280. - DOI:10.1130/2010.2464(13).
Rang B et C :
- Arapa E., Rodriguez D., Thouret J.C., Belizario J, Santoni O., Guerrero A., Cordoba G., Gallardo P., Charbonnier S., Vasquez J., Arguedas A. (2019). Assessing physical vulnerability and modeling flash floods and debris flows in the city of Arequipa, Peru. 8th ISAG International Symposium of Andean Geodynamics, Quito, Equatuer, 24-26 September 2019.
- Antoine R., Macedo L., Finizola A., Delcher E., Thouret J.C., Fauchard C., Gusset R., Japura S., Lazarte I., MariÑo J., Guilbert V., Bacri C., Normier A., Ramos D., Saintenoy T., Thouret L., Del Carpio J., Puma N., Macedo O. (2018). The Huayruro Project: mapping the Calicanto Inca area buried by the A.D. 1600 Huaynaputina eruption, with geophysical imaging and remote sensing. Oral presentation. COV 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
- Calabró L., Harris A., Thouret J.C. (2018). How certain information, citations and data can influence the social perception of risk. Case study: Stromboli’s 2002-2003 eruption. COV 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
- Charbonnier S.J., Thouret J.C., Constantinescu R. (2018). Combining field-based data, remote sensing tools and numerical modeling to enhance hazard assessment of Pyroclastic Density Currents (PDCs): the case of El Misti, Peru. Invited talk. COV 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
- Chevalier B., Arenas M., Thouret J.C., Breul P. (2018). Quantification de la vulnérabilité de structures maçonnées exposées au risque de lahars par approche numérique discrète. Cas d'Arequipa au Pérou. Journées nationales de la maçonnerie, Marne la Vallée, Mars 2018.
- Cordoba G., Rodriguez D., Guerrero A., Costa A., Thouret J.C., Villota F., Patiño A., Gallardo P., Otero R. (2018). Probabilistic volcanic risk assessment at Galeras Volcano, Colombia. COV 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
- Labazuy P., Donnadieu F., Thouret J.C., Ramos D., Marino J., Sanchez N.P., Lazarte I., Japura S. (2018). Physical impacts of the AD 1600 Huaynaputina VEI 6 eruption on habitat and infrastructure, southern Peru: Geophysical insights from the Huayruro project. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, Sept.2-7, 2018.
- Mariño J., Thouret J.C., Cabrera M., Aguilar R., Bromley G., Manrrique N., Valdivia D., Edwards V., Kochtitzky W. (2018). Geology of the Nevado Coropuna volcanic complex. COV 10, Naples, 2-7 September 2018.
- Prival J.M., Thouret J.C., Gurioli L., Bonadonna C., Japura S. (2018). Insight into the CE 1600 Huaynaputina Plinian tephra, combining the re-analysis of observational datasets with recent methods for tephra dispersal modelling. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, 2-7 September.
- Thouret J.C., Jicha B., Paquette J.L. (2018). Crono-estratigrafia de depositos volcanicos desde hace 25 Ma e implicaciones para la evolucion de la los Andes centrales en el SurOeste del Peru. Conferencia magistral invitada. Libro de resumenes, INGEMMET, pp. 36-42. VIII Foro internacional : los volcanes y su impacto, Arequipa, 26 y 27 de Abril de 2018.
- Thouret J.C., Santoni O., Arapa E., Belizario J., Guerrero A., Rodriguez D., Charbonnier S., Córdoba G., Magill, C., Yao-Lafourcade A.-F. (2018). Methodology for assessing exposure, physical vulnerability and risk due to mass flows in the city of Arequipa, Peru, Session NH41D. AGU Fall meeting, Washington DC, 9-15 December.
- Thouret J.C., Santoni O., Arapa E., Belizario J., Guerrero A., Rodriguez D., Charbonnier S., Córdoba G., Yao-Lafourcade A.-F. (2018). Methodology for assessing exposure, vulnerabillity and risk due to mass flows in the city of Arequipa. COV 10, 2-7 September 2018, Naples.
- Bernard K., Van Wyk De Vries B., Thouret J.C., Roche O., Samaniego P. (2017). Sedimentary control of debris avalanche structures and transformation into lahars. Geophysical Research Abstracts - Vol. 19, EGU 2017.
- Boivin P., Besson J.C., Briot D., Deniel C., Gourgaud A., Labazuy P., Langlois E., Larouzière F.D. de, Livet M., Merciecca C., Médard E., Mergoil J., Miallier D., Morel J.M., Thouret J.C., Vernet G. (2017). Volcanologie de la Chaîne des Puys Massif Central Français. 6e édition, bilingue. Carte 1/25 000. p.200 p., Édition Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne Château de Montlosier, Randanne, 63970 Aydat..
- Charbonnier S., Macorps E., Deng F., Thouret J.C., Calder E. (2017). Integrating high resolution digital mapping and field-derived data to investigate the dynamics and hazards of volcanic mass flows. Invited Talk. IAVCEI General Assembly, Portland, USA, August 2017.
- Thouret J.C. (2017). Volcanisme récent et actuel des Andes centrales au sud du Pérou. LAVE vol.217, p.20-23.
- Aguilar R., Thouret J.C., Samaniego P., Jicha B., Paquette J.L. (2016). Eruptive Activity in Long-Lived Systems: The Chachani Volcanic Complex, South Peru. Cities on Volcanoes 9 conference, Puerto Varas, Chile, 20-25 November 2016.
- Finizola A., Macedo L., Macedo O., Chavez J.A., Thouret J.C., Antoine R., Saintenoy T., Vella M.-A., Delcher E., Gusset R., Chilo W., Japura S., Lazarte I., MariÑo J., Ramos D., Chijcheapaza R., Del Carpio J., Puma N., Torres J.L., Perea R., Fauchard C., Thouret L., Rivera M., Fidel L., Macharé J. (2016). The Andean largest disaster induced by the AD 1600 Huaynaputina eruption ̶ forgotten communities and major challenges ahead: the ‘HUAYRURO’ project. IAVCEI COV9 Cities on Volcanoes meeting Puerto Varas, Chili, 20-25 November 2016.
- Macedo L., Thouret J.C., Cueva K., Mariño J., Isarra E. (2016). Reducing volcanic risk in the city of Arequipa: Popularization of the updated volcanic hazard map of El Misti volcano (Peru). IAVCEI COV9 Cities on Volcanoes meeting, Puerto Varas, Chili, 20-25 November 2016.
- Mariño J., Thouret J.C., Aguilar R., Cabrera M., Bromley G., Manrique N., Edwards B., Kochtitzky W. (2016). Geological study of the ice-clad Nevado Coropuna volcanic complex (Peru). Abstract and poster. IAVCEI COV9 Cities on Volcanoes meeting, Puerto Varas, Chili, 20-25 November 2016.
- Saintenoy T., Finizola A., Thouret J.C., Macedo L., Macedo O., Antoine R., Vella M.A., Delcher E., Gusset R., Japura S., Lazarte I., MariÑo J., Ramos D., Chijcheapaza R., Del Carpio J., Puma N., Torres J.-L. (2016). Archaeological insights of the social impact of the Huaynaputina explosion 1600 AD, southern Peru: a multiscale regional perspective. Abstract and poster. IAVCEI COV9 Cities on Volcanoes meeting, Puerto Varas, Chili.
- Aguilar R., Thouret J.C., Suaña E., Samaniego P., Jicha B., Rivera M. (2015). Evolution of a long-lived volcanic complex : The Chachanicase study (South Peru) - pp. 138-141. Foro Internacional sobre la Gestion del Riesgo Geológico, Arequyipa, 14-16 Octobre 2015.
- Charbonnier S.J., Connor C.B., Connor L.J., Bajo J., Solikhin A., Thouret J.C. (2015). Coupling geomorphic analyses and probabilistic modeling at Merapi volcano: implications for hazard zonation and future eruptive activity. UGG meeting (Abstract submitted 6 February 2015), Prague, August 2015.
- Chua K.M., Wan Q., Thouret J.C., Liew S.C. (2015). Persistent Scatterer InSAR for Monitoring Active Volcanoes: Measuring deformation at Merapi using ALOS PALSAR Data. APSAR meeting, Singapore, June 2015.
- Liew S.C., Thouret J.C. (2015). Satellite Remote Sensing for Risk Assessments of Volcanic and Other Natural Hazards. ITC meeting - Conference Theme: Disaster Risk Reduction., Manilla, The Philippines, May 2015.
- Pinel V., Solikhin A., Thu Trang L., Vandemeulebrouck J., Thouret J.C., Hendrasto M/, Atto A.M., Trouvé E. (2015). Mapping pyroclastic deposits using Synthetic Aperture Radar data: Application to the 2010 Merapi VEI 4 eruption (Indonesia). IUGG meeting (Abstract submitted 3 February 2015), Prague, August 2015.
- Thouret J.C., Ettinger S., Enjolras G., Sandri L., Guitton M., Santoni O., Arguedas A., Magill C., Martelli K., Vasquez J., Revilla V., Charca J.A., Luque J.A., Macedo L., Nagata M. (2015). Challenges in assessing exposure and vulnerability to natural hazards in large cities: the case study of Arequipa near the Misti volcano, south Peru. Foro Internacional: Riesgos geologicos. Libro de resumenes, Ingemmet,207-210, Arequipa, Peru, 14-16 October 2015.
- Thouret J.C., Ettinger S., Enjolras G., Sandri L., Guitton M., Santoni O., Arguedas A., Magill C., Martelli K., Vasquez J., Revilla V., Charca J.A., Luque J.A., Macedo L., Nagata M. (2015). Challenges in assessing exposure and vulnerability to natural hazards in large cities: the case study of Arequipa near the Misti volcano, south Peru. Foro Internacional: Riesgos geologicos, (invited talk). Libro de resumenes, Ingemmet, 207-210, Arequipa, Peru, 14-16 October 2015.
- Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Pinel V., Kassouk Z., Gupta A., Liew S.C., Oehler J.-F. (2015). Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS radar imagery. Abstract ID: 60759, 61468, AGU Fall meeting, Natural Hazards Division, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015.
- Ettinger S., Manrique Llerena N., Talibart C., Mounaud L., Yao-Lafourcade A.F., Thouret J.C. (2014). Using HSR imagery to downscale vulnerability assessment of buildings and local infrastructure facing hazards from floods and hyperconcentrated flows. Abstract and Poster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, EGU2014-13978, EGU General Assembly 2014. .
- Ettinger S., Talibart C., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F. (2014). L’apport de l’imagerie Pléiades à l’analyse de la vulnérabilité à grande échelle du bâti et des infrastructures urbaines liée aux écoulements. Soumis à « Pléiades Days ». CNES, Toulouse, 1-3 avril 2014, Exposé accepté. .
- Ettinger S., Talibart C., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F. (2014). The use of Pléiades imagery to downscale vulnerability assessment of buildings and local infrastructure facing hazards from dilute and hyperconcentrated floods. Pleiades Days. April 1-3 2014, CNES – Airbus Defence & Space, Toulouse, France. .
- Ettinger S., Thouret J.C., Manrique N. (2014). Using field data and HSR imagery to downscale vulnerability assessment of buildings and local infrastructure facing hazards from floods and hyperconcentrated flows. EGU meeting, Vienna, 28 April-2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstract, Vol. 16. Submitte.
- Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C. (2014). Identification des dépôts pyroclastiques et de lahar, bilan d’érosion et évaluation des risques à partir d’images satellite HRS appliquées aux volcans actifs. Soumis à « Pléiades Days ». CNES, Toulouse, 1-3 avril 2014, Exposé accepté. .
- Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A. (2014). Identifying pyroclastic and lahar deposits and assessing erosion and lahar hazards at active volcanoes using multi-temporal HSR image analysis and techniques for change detection. EGU meeting, Vienna, 27 April-2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstract, Vo.
- Kassouk Z., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A. (2014). Object-oriented approach and spectral index analysis for delineating and measuring erosion of pyroclastic and lahar deposits at Merapi, Indonesia. COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and poster. .
- Oehler J.F., Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Ettinger S. (2014). High resolution DEMs based on HSR PLEIADES images: Applications to the Merapi volcano (Indonesia) and the city of Arequipa close to the Misti volcano (Peru). COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and poster. .
- Rivera M., Samaniego P., Mariño J., Thouret J.C. (2014). Procesos petrogenéticos implicados en el desencadenamiento de la actividad eruptiva 2006-2009 y 2014 del volcán Ubinas (Moquegua). XVII Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima. .
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Gupta A., Sayudi Sri D., Oehler J.F., Kassouk Z., Liew S.C. (2014). Effects and deposits of the 2010 Merapi Volcano eruption and post-eruption lahars: tracked and analyzed from high spatial resolution optical imagery. COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and poster. .
- Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Pinel V., Kassouk Z., Gupta A., Liew S.C., Oehler J.-F. (2014). Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS-PALSAR radar imagery. AGU Fall meeting, Natural Hazards Division, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015.
- Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Pinel V., Vandemeulebrouck J., Hendfrasto M. (2014). Mapping the 2010 Merapi eruptive deposits using dual-polarization ALOS-PALSAR data. COV8 meeting 9-13 September, Yogjaklarta, Indonesia. Abstract and Talk. .
- André M.F., Boivin P., Peiry J.L., Thouret J.C. (2013). Volcanoes, Basins and Cultural Heritage of the Auvergne Region. in 2013 International Conference on Geomorphology, Field trip P5 and International Symposium in Auvergne, 1-5 September 2013. PRES Clermont Université Blaise Pascal, GEOLAB - UMR 6042 CNRS an.
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Gupta A., Sayudi S.D., Liew S.C. (2013). Effects and extent of pyroclastic and lahar deposits of the 2010 Merapi eruption in one active catchment analyzed from HSR imagery. in IAVCEI General Assembly, Kagoshima (Japan), 19-24 July 2013 (Talk accepted). .
- Thouret J.C., Ettinger S., Zuccaro G., Guitton M., Martelli K., Degregorio D., Nardone S., Santoni Magill C., Luque J.A., Arguedas A. (2013). A combined approach to physical vulnerability of large cities exposed to natural hazards - the case study of Arequipa, Peru. in Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-4884-2, EGU General Assembly.
- Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A., Kassouk Z., Gupta A., Liew S.C., Allemand P., Grangeaud P., Sri Hadmoko D., Wibowo S.B., Delacourt C. (2013). Multi-scale patterns of aggradation and degradation from PDCs and lahars following the large 2010 Merapi eruption. in IAG Meeting, Paris, 27-31 August 2013, Poster accepted. .
- Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A., Kassouk Z., Gupta A., Liew S.C., Allemand P., Grangeaud P., Sri Hadmoko D., Wibowo S.B., Delacourt C. (2013). Multi-scale patterns of aggradation and degradation from pyroclastic flows and lahars at persistently active volcanoes - the Semeru case study, Indonesia. in IAG meeting, Paris, 27-31 August 2013, oral presentation, accepted. .
- Thouret J.C., Solikhin A., Wibowo S.B., Hadmoko D.S., Grandjean P., Allemand P., Delacourt C. (2013). Lahar characteristics and erosion measurements using multiparameter recording stations and DEMs in the Gendol catchment after the 2010 Merapi eruption. in IAVCEI General Assembly, Kagoshima (Japan), 19-24 July 2013, Poster accepted. .
- Bernard K., Van Wyk De Vries B., Thouret J.C. (2012). Syn and post emplacement transformations of the Misti (Peru) volcanic debris avalanches (DAD) into lahars. AGU.
- Boivin P., Besson J.C., Ferry P., Gourgaud A., Miallier D., Thouret J.C., Vernet J. (2012). Le point sur l'éruption du Lac Pavin, il y a 7000 ans. Actes du colloque international « Lac Pavin et autres lacs méromictiques ». Besse-St-Anataise, 14-16 mai 2009. .
- Constantinescu R., Thouret J.C., Sandri L. (2012). BET_VH probabilistic assessment of pyroclastic flows hazard at El Misti volcano, South Peru, based on geological record and numerical simulations with Titan2D. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract and Poster, GMPV 4.6, 23 April 2012. .
- Cubukcu E., Gerbe M.C., Thouret J.C., Boivin P. (2012). Petrological characteristics of Plio-Quaternary ‘Sencca’ Ignimbrites,Western Cordillera of the Central Andes in Peru. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract and Poster, GMPV 1.2, 26 April. .
- De La Rupelle A., Thouret J.C., Cubukcu E., Gerbe M.C., Jicha B., Bréard E., Le Pennec J.L., Diot H., Boivin P. (2012). New stratigraphic, chronologic, and magnetic fabric constraints for Neogene and Quaternary ignimbrites in the Central Andes (South Peru). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract and Poster GMPV 1.2, 26 April 2012. .
- Enjolras G., Kast R., Thouret J.C., Nagata M., Prihatminingtyas B., Luque Uchuchoque J.A. (2012). Managing flood hazard and risk in a changing climate: The Indonesian and Peruvian experiences. Article présenté au World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, Dublin, 13-18 mai 2012. .
- Kuentz A., Thouret J.C., Ledru A.P., Forget M.E. (2012). Sociétés andines et changements environnementaux depuis 4000 ans dans la région du Nevado Coropuna, Sud du Pérou. Colloque Q8, Quaternaire, Variabilité spatiale des environnements quaternaires : contraintes, échelles et temporalités. MSH Clermont-Ferrand. .
- Lafarge N., Chambon G., Thouret J.C., Laigle D. (2012). Rheological behaviour of lahar flows. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract and Oral presentation, 27 April 2012, NH3.10. .
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Liew S.C., Harris A., Gupta A. (2012). The persistently active Semeru volcano and Merapi composite dome (Indonesia): Mapped and interpreted from high-spatial resolution imagery. AGU - AOGS Meeting, Singapore, 13-17 August 2012. Abstract accepted April 2012. .
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Liew S.C., Oehler J.F. (2012). The persistently active Semeru volcano, Indonesia: Mapped and interpreted with high-spatial resolution imagery. Colloque TOSCA, CNES, 21-22 mars 2012 Paris. Poster. .
- Talon A., Bacconnet C., Fabre D., Cespedes X., Thouret J.C. (2012). Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des constructions de la ville d’Arequipa (Pérou) face aux impacts de lahars. Journées AUGC-IBPSA, Chambéry, 6-8 juin 2012, Résumé étendu accepté 23 mars 2012. .
- Thouret J.C., Liew S.C., Gupta A. (2012). Report Meeting: Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Environmental Change. International Conference, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP), National University of Singapore, 28-29 July 2011. EOS (Amer Geophys Union Trans.), 3 April 201.
- Boivin P., Besson J.C., Ferry P., Gourgaud A., Miallier D., Thouret J.C., Vernet G. (2011). Le point sur l'éruption du lac Pavin il y a 7 000 ans. Revue des Sciences Naturelles d'Auvergne. 74-75: p. 45-55. .
- Cobeñas G., Thouret J.C., Bonadonna C., Boivin P. (2011). The c.2030 yr. BP-old Plinian eruption of El Misti volcano, Peru: characteristics of the fallout and pyroclastic flows, and eruption dynamics: IUGG meeting, Melbourne, 28 June-6 July 2011, Australia, Poster accepted. .
- Constantinescu R., Thouret J.C., Sandr i.L. (2011). Volcanic hazard assessment for El Misti (South Peru) volcano based on BET_VH (Bayesian Event Tree for Volcanic Hazard) software: EGU meeting, Vienna, 3-8 April 2011, Poster accepted. .
- Kuentz A., Thouret J.C., Ledru M.P., Forget M.E. (2011). Sociétés andines et changements climatiques : 4 000 ans d’histoire environnementale dans la région du Nevado Coropuna (sud du Pérou). Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines, 40(1): p. 1-23. .
- Pallares C., Fabre D., Bacconnet C., Thouret J.C., Talon A. (2011). Physical and mechanical characteristics of lahar deposits in the city of Arequipa near El Misti volcano, south Peru: EGU meeting, Vienna, 3-8 April 2011, Talk accepted. .
- Procter J.N., Lube G., Cronin S.J., Thouret J.C. (2011). Tracing sediment pulses in lahars using multiparameter recording stations and serialised geophones: EGU meeting, Vienna, 3-8 April 2011, Poster accepted. .
- Rivera M., Mariño J., Thouret J.C., Samaniego P. (2011). Mapa de peligros del volcan Ubinas, in INGEMMET, E. E., ed. .
- Solikhin A., Thouret J.C., Gupta A., Harris A., Liew S.C. (2011). Geology, tectonics, and the 2002-2003 eruption at Semeru Volcano, Indonesia: using high resolution satellite imagery: International Conference Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Environmental Change, Singapore, 28-29 July 2011. .
- Thouret J.C., Oehler J.F., Solikhin A. (2011). Aggradation and degradation from lahars in a catchment on the active Semeru (Indonesia): mapped and measured from DEMs, aerial photographs, and satellite imagery: International Conference Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Environmental Change, Singapore.
- Martelli K., Thouret J.C., Vargas Franco R. (2010). Physical Vulnerability and Quantitative Risk Assessment of Housing and Infrastructure from The Potential Impacts of Volcanic Mass Flows in Arequipa, Peru. in Cities on Volcanoes, COV6 Tenerife, 31 May – 4 June 2010. .
- Martelli K., Thouret J.C., Vargas Franco R., Kumar D., Sheridan M. (2010). Using Titan2D, on an Enhanced DEM, to Evaluate Lahar and Flood Hazards on El Misti Volcano, Peru. Cities on Volcanoes, COV6 Tenerife, 31 May – 4 June 2010. .
- Rivera M., Martin H., Gourgaud A., Le Pennec J.L., Gerbe M.C., Thouret J.C. (2010). Rol de la contaminacion crustal en el magmatismo de los Andes del sur peruano : ejemplo del volcan Misti. XV congreso peruano de Geologia, Cusco, oct. 2010. Extended abstract. .
- Rivera M., Thouret J.C., Le Pennec J.L., Martin H., Samaniego P., Mariño J. (2010). Condiciones pre-eruptivas de los productos eruptivos asociados con la actividad volcanica 2006-2008 del volcan Ubinas. XV congreso peruano de Geologia, Cusco, oct. 2010. Extended abstract. .
- Rivera M.,, Thouret J.C., Le Pennec J.L., Martin H., Samaniego P., Mariño J. (2010). Condiciones pre-eruptivas de los productos eruptivos asociados con la actividad volcánica 2006-2008 del volcán Ubinas. XV Congreso Peruano de Geología, Resumenes extendidos, Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Pub. Esp..
- Thouret J.C., Gunnell Y., De la Rupelle A. (2010). Canyon incision, volcanic fill, and re-incision rates in southwest Peru: proxies for quantifying uplift in the Central Andes. in EGU Vienna, poster 4 May 2010, EGU2010-7020. .
- Thouret J.C., Gupta A., Lube G., Liew S. C., Surono (2010). Analysis of the 2006 block-and-ash flow deposits of Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia, using high-spatial resolution IKONOS images and complementary ground based observations. EGU Vienna, poster 3 May 2010, EGU2010-7877. .